
Partner w/ Local Breweries

Partner w/ Local Breweries

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How to Coordinate Relationships with Local Breweries

The word “local” has gained more significance in recent years as a growing segment of the population – millennials, to be specific – prefer to support businesses in their region. This includes food sourcing from farms a few miles. Events that promote local consumerism, such as farmer’s markets, are growing in popularity, too.

Brands like Beerhead Bar & Eatery that understand the importance of “local” are thriving. Beerhead features hundreds of beers, including many brewed locally. Each franchise owner customizes their beer lists to include favorite regional brands. Realizing the significance of local sourcing for its patrons, Beerhead has worked it into to its business model.

Get to Know the Brewers

Beerhead relies on receiving new beers from local breweries to include on its menus. In order to secure kegs, bottles and cans from these local breweries, it’s crucial to establish relationships with them and distributors. Building a contact list and starting a line of communication is the first step for Beerhead franchisees.

Beerhead franchise owner Krupal Patel said being hands-on is vital.

“You have to be proactive, introduce yourself to the brewer and get to know people,” he said. “For my recent grand opening in Schaumburg, Illinois, I was able to secure one of only three kegs made of a special beer. It was all possible because I knew the brewer.”

These relationships help introduce owners and Beerhead guests to new flavors that make the whole concept of “local” possible.

“These smaller brewers put their heart into their beers,” Krupal said. “They want to send their beers to people who care, so taking time to let them know about Beerhead and your guests can pay off.”

Franchise Family Makes Introductions

Krupal has been interested in beer and the beer industry for years, even dabbling in home brewing. But that doesn’t mean you have to be a beer aficionado to make these connections possible.

The Beerhead franchise is a great option for a wide range of entrepreneurs—beer-lovers, restaurateurs and even those new to business ownership. Corporate support guides franchise owners through every step of the beer sourcing, relationship-building and beer buying processes and can help introduce the owners to local brewers and distributors. The proven systems in place make owning a successful Beerhead Bar & Eatery possible even for entrepreneurs who are not familiar with the strong demand for craft beer or franchising.

Krupal said other Beerhead franchisees are a great resource, too.

“For breweries further away, you can work with other Beerhead franchisees to learn more about their products,” Krupal said. “Our franchise family is a great resource. Fellow franchise owners can recommend beers that are popular in their area and even make introductions.”

Showcasing local breweries provides new brands with exposure while building your loyal guest base. Krupal said he’s built relationships with his guests by carrying some of their favorite local beers.

Beerhead’s on-trend concept, emphasis on local influence and corporate support make the concept popular among guests and franchise candidates. To learn more about franchising opportunities with Beerhead Bar & Eatery, get started with Beerhead’s franchising information.


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