Sorry about this gang looks like my mic. was muted while we were starting this. this morning. so we start with a balance of. 39917 we had an epic day yesterday you. can see our chart right there it's just. that's the average daily balance right. and what we're getting every single day. um so our balance is now up to 542. that's pretty freaking amazing right so. 13,81 in the Surplus so we are way over. we are way over nice job so this morning. what I want to do is I don't want to. lose out but I want to kind of continue. on the role of um I know just playing it. again like when when we first started it. was going a little crazy you know you. know and and and just pushing it out. there and then it kind of got into a. real crazy and then pulled back to real. conservative so I kind of want to get. back to where we're playing smart but.
Also at times pushing the limit a little. bit and making some big plays um all. right look at that already up. $400 and we're only into the video what. a little over a minute so that's. definitely a record for getting to our. $300 day goal pretty amazing huh all. right we're throwing down a $2,000 beted. again to go for another. 400. so let's. go all right all right all right all. right all right all right so we grab. that one up. $800 and we're under two minutes under. two minutes $800. this is what we call a good. morning happy Tuesday everybody. hopefully it's going as well as we're. doing. here up $800 under two minutes. impressive so we're going to push the. limit a third time why not. right here we go. three. times we are up 12. hyy nice nice nice nice all. right you can see I put my my thing. really small my um selfie camera I'm.
Going to put it real small so it doesn't. get in the way all right so our goal. here right now is we want to get to an. even. $1,500 is just OCD I mean we could walk. away with 12 but let's just get up to an. even. 1500 three more wins at this level let's. see what we can. do all right there's one two more wins. and we're done two more wins and we're. done all right come on. now can go get some coffee here now I. got this done and then I like a . realized that I had my microphone muted. all right back at. it two more wins all we need actually. all we need is one we're going for it. right here there a $1,000 bet $200 each. double Street profit 200. bucks we could be done or we could be. back down to our original $300 which is. okay because that's our daily goal and. we get it 33 right next to that one I. was holding my breath for sure all right.
Up 1500 bucks in under four minutes 1500. bucks in under four minutes that's the. way uhhuh. uhhuh I like. it so let's update this add another. 1,500 bucks to that bad. boy $15,356.00. 9 daily balance uh daily average excuse. me a profit that's our average remember. when we were all the way down to like 44. bucks after losing a bunch we were down. to like 44 or 70 bucks average daily. maybe even lower maybe it was like 30. I'll have to go back and look and now. look at that our daily goal is so high. that we could literally stop right now. and let it go we're going to push this. graph out because this was a 90day. graph let's push this graph out to 120. days. add another three months to this bad boy. and this is what's. cool well I guess we didn't sorry made a. mistake I'll have to show that next time. I don't think I put it on 120 days.
Anyway what's cool about this is we. could literally stop right now and. pretty much be at our goal X number of. days away right almost another two three. months away we would still be at our. goal there cuz we're so high right now. just under $ 35,000. 32417 profit in under two months and. we're going to keep getting better and. keep getting. better all right we're back for another. session got. my coffee going. finally we're uh up nicely $1,500. it gives you a lot of security to be. able to be up 1,500 bucks I'm moving in. on this but I wanted to play around with. a couple other different ways um of. playing N Street and and Joe kruper. brought this up and I don't know if this. is the way you play it but this is the. original way I used to play it which is. it hit on this 3136 so we' bet. one uh I'll have to do it the next one.
Sorry my mind is stuck in um in uh. double streets right now all right I'll. pause you and be back okay we're back so. it last hit on 34 the idea is that you. don't bet in this case we would have. lost because it was 31 it was this. double Street um or these two streets so. what I'm going to do is I'm one two. three 4 five six and then you have to. choose a couple other ones here seven. eight S oh we didn't get it in anyway. basically you're not going to select at. least I don't that street but I pick the. double Street. that it hits in if you group The Double. Street starting from Left Right 1 2 3 4. 5 6 those go together for me um in this. case it worked out for us right. so all right so now that we hit it on 23. that would be these two double streets. here you can go one way or the other way. I'm going to go one.
Two four five six let's see what do we. got here 45 one more. so you can cover you can leave whatever. out you want and you can or you can just. go straight up from the left to the. right however you want you're leaving. out that street and you pick the. others we'll see how this plays. out so this time we're going to leave. out these two streets right the one. through six streets and we're going to. go. I this is how I do it one two 3 four. five I go six this way and then I pick. three in that in the Dozen that you um. are going and you can decide where you. think those are going to hit I'm going. to go 1 three. 4 oh yeah this is me talking too much. anyway so you get it wherever it hits. I'm normally what I normally do is if. it's available to me I will go six One. Direction I'll put them all together and. then I'll pick two in another dozen so.
Basically you're still covering three. dozens at all. times has worked out well for us not. getting that last that last number down. all right a 20 so we're going to leave. the 21 through 24. open and I'm going to go one two three. four five six and 7. 134 I'm just using 134 I you could do. whatever in that that final dozen you. can put three in that final dozen. however you like. it if it hits on the 7 through 12 I'll. cover these two on the left of it and go. four to the right of it and then cover. the other dozen with three. streets 18 W barely got off on that one. huh okay so we're going to go to the. right of it well one two three four five. six and we're going to go one stick to. our. 134 four five and six hasn't hit up. there a while so maybe it'll hit now but. let's see how this goes you notice I. missed so $10 on for those of you new.
$10 on a double street it's the same as. $5 on two streets $5 each on two. streets all right we're up 85. we are five. and0 okay there's a. win. and yeah all right so one two three four. five and again we're going to go 134. streets. here okay so it hit last time on 20. which for me blocks out these two. streets together but I think a member. also put in last time that they just. keep the street and they do an X number. this way and X number that way I think. we tried that out. um I I think these are just at the end. of the day you guys know how I feel I. think it's just a matter of whether the. casino gods like you that day or not or. they're going to give you a bad day. we're I mean we're covering 27 numbers. so. it has to be sort of a to me it has to. be an ex it's those exceptionally bad. days where we're just losing losing.
Losing because you are. covering this much of the wheel right. 73% of the. wheel there's no way we should have. those days where we just lose three four. five in a row or. whatever all right let's. go so this is just some fun addon here. at the. end 14 so that's a loss so we're just. going to stay where we're at and double. up all right we're going to double up. here see how it. goes and um since we're up 1500 and. we're up so much the other day on the. next couple of videos I think we're just. going to play different ways now that we. have that cushion I'm not so much. worried I'm not going to follow those go. into the abyss but I'd be willing to. lose you know3 four $500 trying trying. different strategies moving forward so. look forward for the next couple of. videos we may have to at the end come. back to our nine streets to pull us out.
Or the five double streets but we'll be. looking at playing some other strategies. here pretty. soon all right that's. one so that blocks off the 19 through 24. section so we'll go this way. and um. 134 again it doesn't matter if you. whatever you could pick Let's see that. fell on. 22 I mean you could pick 19221 I don't. know you can pick whatever nine you want. and you could just do it like I said. that the the other strategy is you just. pick this you try to do it even on each. side of course you have nine so you're. going to go five to one side and four to. the other side of that street. okay there's a win so we broke back. even all right so in this case we're. going to go one two. three one three four all right there we. go I was wondering why the hell is so. cold in here it's cuz I leave the. windows open sometimes for the cats to.
Look. out okay we are 9 and one nine and one I. mean we've been very very lucky the last. couple days haven't. we very lucky even with centipede uh you. know yesterday and everything all right. 16 we hit. it okay so go this side. all right we're up. 130 I was going to double up but or go. up to $135 bets it's a lot harder with. this method because you're changing all. the. time so especially if you're going to. use a base of like $15 you got to be. pretty quick about. it and by by base unit we're using fives. here for $45 bet normally I do a $15. base unit for a $135 bet $45. profit okay there's another win let's go. to the left of it we're just basically. alternating on this. inside and I could totally do double. streets here but I'm um I just want to. show you how we're doing it so you don't. get you don't get lost um and this is.
510 you know this is this is $20 you. could go in a dozen and go 20 bucks. there's once you get really good at this. and you get comfortable able I mean I. you just go double streets here right. $10 on three double streets but I just. want to keep it on the streets so that. you see actually what's happening. here I mean you could see what's. happening but you get you get what I'm. saying because we're playing nine. streets and I don't want to confuse. anybody by throwing some double streets. on there all right but I'll show you. what I mean this is what we would do. with double streets right here so I hit. the. 33 so one two one two one two one three. four right same exact thing same exact. thing we're leaving three streets open. we're covering the other. nine and here's just a little bit faster. to do double streets than it is to do.
Individuals and even faster well here. it's not but it's even faster if you. want to go to the dozens I could have. put $20 on a dozen but then you're. bouncing but on a real wheel if you're. playing this on a real table it's it's. easier cuz you have a lot more time but. I still find for the sake of keeping. things organized how however you however. you decide to do this just stay with it. all right look at. that so 26 so that's at the end so we're. going to go the two here then we're. going to. go the four there there's a six then. we're going to choose our 1 three4 in. the Dozen that's not covered 175 we are. 13 and one. folks this makes it more enjoyable to. play too sometimes if you've been oh did. I do that right I did not do this right. did I I put my double on the 25 to 27 it. should have been over here oh well 29.
Well we lost. anyway um yeah we would have lost no. matter what 29 26 yeah they're in the. same. so. okay one. two one. two and we're going to double that up. okay now we're right but it doesn't. matter 29. 26 they were in the same we would have. lost no matter what so that's okay all. right we're doubling. up if we win this one we go back down to. our base 45 bet $5. streets all right won that. one so we go down to base unit so we're. going to do the two streets here right. these are going to be. uncovered we're going to cover those. four streets and then we're going to do. 1 three four over. here I'm just breaking it up a little. bit so for those of you that are brand. new you get a a different way of see. seeing how it can be done easy easier. and like I said you could come down here. inste a 10 and 10 and just put $20 on a.
On a second dozen if you want but like I. said I it's sort of when you're playing. this way and you're moving things around. it can get a little bit confusing about. where you're covering if you're having. to look down at the outside one to one. bets versus these inside um line and. Street bets o there's a. loss okay so we got to double up again. and do it twice this. time so I'm just going to go straight up. cuz it helps with the. doubling in terms of keeping track of. what you're actually betting because you. have these over here that will be on the. streets and then you have double it can. kind of get confusing versus this one. you always look down here and you see. you have $10 straight across versus this. one would have 10 these one would have. 20 as you get really good you wanton but. hey Martin Gail love the name man love.
The name it's because we live it right. we live Martin Gale all right we got to. keep the the thing the same here so 13. hit right so. 136 two three four five. six 1 4 13 4 and we got to double it up. there we go okay now you don't like I. said you don't have to do it this way. way you can put your streets you can. either decide just to leave out this. individual Street. or um do the double streets however you. want to play it you know all right we. just barely squeaked in. there okay so we're going to. do there 10 11 12 is taken we're going. to do one two one. two one 3 4. all right we're at 185 it's 14 minutes. into this video we're a lot further than. we were. um let's see if we can get I would love. you know we might increase our bets I. was wanting to get to another 300 today. just so that was our base cuz we're up.
15 actually I'd like to get to $2,000. today so we'll see if we do it now or we. do it in multiple sessions all right we. got got that. one. okay let's start increasing a little bit. so that was 22 so we're going to come. here to this. side and let's go double we're at. 90 all right let's let's do that and. then we'll go with $15 we'll go back our. to our 145 one 14 135 bets uh here. pretty soon I only brought in originally. I only brought in a $2,000 bank roll for. this playable bank roll because to keep. me in check. right and I promise I'm not going to go. totally crazy and oh we lost this one. all right that's all. right so we just have to do. this and go double level all right we're. at 180 here let's see what we can. do see what we can. do after this one we'll have a dealer. change but because we're just chasing.
Like this I suppose it doesn't. matter okay there's one. we can go back down to our base bet so. that's and double because we were doing. $90 all right let's see how this rolls. you know I still think it's always good. best practice just to let the dealer. spin at least two you know um it's. again statistically it doesn't matter. but I don't know maybe just makes me. feel. better oh man see look at. that all. right okay that was. 90 we're back up to. 180 and we got to do this. twice got to do this twice. all right let's see 22. 21 so we'll go back next time or maybe a. little later and um play the other. method which is you just go by the exact. street so in this case if hit 21 we'd go. five to one side and four to the other. side okay. pH 27. all right so we're going to go. 36 and then. 24. double double all right we're at.
180 because we lost twice before we. recovered so we got to go to. 180 okay let's go. this would get us a $60 win here put us. back at 200 which I think was our Max. right. yeah okay there we. go okay I'm going to go back to street. so I can keep track of it a little. easier so we're going to go one two one. 2 three 4 1 three 4 I'm going to double. it. and we'll just stay on double right now. I'm afraid of getting through there with. these old shaky hands and not be able to. get an extra five across all those this. is when I wish they had a one unit up. because if you put $5 down and just go. one unit one unit you can go yeah just. up by five increments instead of. doubling I mean and you think this is. all digital I mean look at all this room. you could have buttons Galore if you. wanted to. like you know you could say do you want.
To see Advanced menu op options sure be. a piece of cake for them to. program okay so we won that one so we're. going to go six to the left to. that and we're going to double that up. all right so we're playing with 90 bucks. these are $30. wins we. need two more wins to get us to 290 so. let's see how we. do see yeah we. do man we've been I'm still amped up. from the last couple days I'm still. amped up from this morning I mean 1,500. bucks we're now up 1730 if this holds. and it doesn't but the good news is we. can just stay in place and double it up. if that's good. news lazy news so yeah I am so stoked. I'm sort of rejuvenated um having only. made making these one videos. um instead of making. four. um it's been a lot less I don't want to. say less stressful but I have been less. stressful because I've been I've been a.
Little bit better mood last couple days. but you know I suppose. yesterday I mean could have easily lost. those those big bets right um but we. didn't and we're. up okay all. right now we got to keep it at 180 for. this next one. so we're going to go ahead and just do. the street so everybody can see what I'm. doing that's 4590 180 so we're going to. leave it at 180 again although we don't. have to do we let's take it down no we. only lost once here right or did we lose. twice in a row no we lost once at the. $90 range okay okay okay okay so we bet. 180 we can come back drop that down. that's a smart thing to do we're betting. 90. again and there is a loss so we're going. to have to double this one up and play. this one twice because we haven't. recovered man it's supposed to go from. being it was frigid yesterday here in.
Oregon it wasn't bad but it was it's. been rainy on and off and it's just been. that kind of cool damp today's a little. bit chilly but it's supposed to get up. to 80s in like the 85 87 this weekend so. we're going from really cold wet to. suddenly we're going to have this. stretch of just really hot weather I. can't wait you know I love it but at the. same time I mean we've been in a there's. been drought conditions all over you. know the us so I I was very happy to see. that uh we got that taken care of okay. look at that there's. one at there's one at 180. one two one two one two one two two. three double double okay we're at 180. again so we need this to break even. again maybe go up a little right. yeah I think what was our High hair. again I wish that' be kind of cool if. they had a little here's your high.
Here's your low um 230 okay okay well. we're we're at 60 bucks here so this. will get us back. even nice look at that all right where. we at here 230 we need to still win. twice we put four there for the four. here just kind of showing you different. ways and we're going to bust it up to 90. give us a $30. win I even I don't like doing this cuz. it's just it. becomes when you have to start doubling. and and and coming back down it can kind. of be kind of funky especially when you. start moving things around but as long. as you know you're doing $90 here I mean. once you get pretty comfortable then you. know what your bets have to be no matter. where you're placing them oh oh no we. did win see this was what it gives me a. heart attack I'm like we're not. covered we are. covered all right. so that was 22 so we're on 136 1 two oop.
That was three one two three 4 one two. three and double all right just showing. you different ways just showing you. different. ways and the only reason it's I'm even. showing you this is because like on the. roulette Master sometimes people send in. strategies where they're putting one. unit on every single number all the way. down here I'm like man you can just put. 12 units on a dove and so much easier. look at. this all. right here we. go one. two one two three. 4 134 streets down there and double it. up to 90 cuz that's our base bet now oh. we don't even have to go this look at. we're at 290 we could drop it down but. let's keep rolling we're doing well 26. s almost four to one that's. outstanding yeah we've had really good. ratios the last couple days I mean. really good ratios but we know it's. coming oh. man we.
Won oh man cuz I'm like looking again we. don't I forgot that to put it on the. Dozen all right look at that. $320 you know I'm just going to keep. going I'm going to up the bets but uh. what was that. 16 I'm going to double that up we're at. 90 and then the next one I'm going to. get to. 135 so let's see if we can't get to 500. eh I'll show you the the other way I. played and I showed you guys the other. day where you're covering a complete. dozen with three units and then putting. the rest elsewhere um it it breaks even. here but you get an extra three numbers. covered um that's how I used to play. this a lot 10. okay let's double that up oh I was going. to go 135 wasn't I okay next one I got. to stop japp yapping so. much okay 12. o'clock o we won again covering that. middle still gives me a heart attack cuz. I'm not looking up there all right that.
Was. 17 all right here we go. we're leaving it all up. top or maybe. not double can I get to it I won't going. be able to get to it oh man this is all. sorts are wrong I'm going to pause you. I'll be back all screwed. up okay they hit. 20 all right so we going to left and the. right of it here we go. one two three four five six one two. three double it and come back and add a. five on top of. that there. 135 these being open okay let's. go let's see what happens s. here o yes right there on that street. okay. nice so let's see if it's faster just a. d triple click one two three two. three right that's one. two right uh that's. why oh my God gosh I'm just screwing. this all up aren't. I I'll be back god I'm an idiot. sometimes we're back one two. three at least we'll double it. up okay it hit the 16 let's go man we're. 297 we're just a little over 4 to1 ratio.
We're rocking it. okay all right all. right see if we can get this back up to. 135 uh what did it hit 26 okay. there we go there we. go. okay we're at 425 we're we're just. crushing it but it's okay expect it. accept. it here we. go. nice we're at 460. 70 excuse me. 470 okay come on little graph 470 and. where did it land. 34 okay 135 there we go this would. definitely get us over and we would call. it done done sort ofish for the day I. probably want to come back and play. another strategy I'll look up a couple. strategies I'm not going to go. headto-head we're just going to play. one strategy for a bit but with full. money and see how it. goes okay there it. is all right so we add. another. $515 to. our already. $1,500 that gives us $2,000. day not bad. eh average daily. 568. 15,32 over our that's our Surplus we got. there to play around I'm going to leave.
Our Surplus I think always at $5,000 so. I. won't I will try not to go below 5,000. out of this at a time don't hold me to. it that's just sort of a that's a let's. call it a guideline not a rule okay okay. anyway I'll try to be back this. afternoon pick another strategy and. we'll go from there. cheers okay we're back I thought we. would just play around with some other. systems I'm not a big fan of progressive. systems but I've had a couple people in. Discord contact me and ask me what I. thought about they have there's multiple. you know there's ones where you play an. entire double Street then you keep. adding all the way out I covered that. one before um I don't I mean these have. been around for ages and ages and ages. some people do them with splits some. people do them with Corners this is one. that uh Kentucky white has on is that.
The member specifically asked me um if I. would give it a try out um I've played. these before like I said I'm not a fan. that's just me and basically in this one. you you start out with two corners you. can really do any two corners you want. and you add a third Corner we had $515. profit from our last session so I'm. going to use that 515 and that's what we. started out here I only have 515. playable so if your first two corners. don't win you add a third Corner if. these don't win you add a fourth but. then you double everything so it would. be 10 10 10 10 10 then you add a fifth. and you double so for me personally I. would rather add four corners here and. oh man and double them up to begin with. and and have a better chance but that's. just me all right so we're going to just. keep adding a corner across so we're.
Going up here we got a double again $40. bet see how this goes and um we'll have. to see by the time you get to the fifth. and you. double. um it' be $20 here on the fifth. Corner um times 8 right so this is what. 10 20 * 8. $160 okay oh just Out Of. Reach. okay here we. go all right we're at a $100 bet. already this is very similar I mean I. covered it in that one where you play in. streets where you add you start with one. double Street then two double streets. three four all the way up to five um but. the progression is very very steep on. that one um and like I said rather than. start with one double Street I'd rather. start with one entire dozen because. you're still winning a two to one profit. I I'd rather have that than a five to. one oh my lordy. Lord okay I don't believe adding a six. double Street does anything but we'll do.
It. all. right if we win this these pay 8 to one. right all right let's go we start out. with. 515 let's make some profit. here and and I'm not knocking any system. what works for you works for you if you. see other people do a system and and you. play it and it resonates with you then. by all means play it oh my goodness. gracious all right. well I am going to stay here uh oh I. don't even have enough I don't even have. enough all right looks like I got to. pull some funds I'll be. back okay we're back so we lost all. those in a row I'm going to. um I'm not going to keep playing that. right now I'm going to get see if I. can't get back our lost money. first we'll see how it goes I may go N. Street I may do this and then if I'm. able to get back up there uh as you can. see we burn through $400 pretty quick on. that system but it could happen on any.
System right so I mean I don't judge a. system like I've said off of one thing. so. okay let's just get uh that was what. 13 or 17. huh she was good to us yesterday I. think I'm not going to risk too much. because I only I only have $1,000 that I. brought back in and I don't want to go. through that and be down 1,500 bucks. right so I'm going to play a little. cautiously see if I can't get up and. then I'll start going probably to nine. streets but a little bit more aggressive. and see if we can't get lucky. as much as I'd love to do $100 double. streets for 500 bucks it's not a bad. option and we may do. that okay okay. okay so let's go back to what we were. doing earlier with our streets but we're. going to play. $25 all right this would be a $75 win if. we get this. so yeah I'm not and that's one of the. reasons I'm not a big fan I mean I would.
Rather have a smaller payout but have. large coverage I don't know I just for. me playing those Progressive systems. especially Corners I mean four numbers. eight numbers I mean you could miss a. lot oh my goodness or you could do. that all right how much was that. 225. o all right this is 4. 50 now keep in mind if we' only bet $5. units or $1 units um if we wanted to try. to match that that had $10 so that $5. units times two is 10 bucks we' be at. we'd only be at $18 right now too so I'm. betting a much higher scale so don't if. we lose this we're down to 485 and. uh we'll see let's let's go let's be. positive here here huh okay oh my. goodness wow. 386 how did that. work oh we lost on three we lost on. eight. well three and. six we're going to go back to 450 I. guess we will lose this thousand. bucks oh okay let's go come on give us.
Some wins we need some wins in a row. now and that's kind of another thing I. don't like about Progressive systems is. when you get to the end of whatever your. progressions. are. um you it if and you lose that you have. a pretty steep hole to get out of. but all all. right. wait wait that was 34. so oh. man too slow. Joe all right well let's hope for a. middle number huh sweet. well we got an extra 25. bucks all right that was what on. eight let's see if we can get a good run. here on that four corner system or even. the when you play the two line systems. and people have all sorts or the splits. um some people like like roulette. rounders like playing like three splits. and then adding splits and stuff uh yeah. booya um you don't have to I just went. in a linear order right I just started. at left and moved to the right um You.
Can bounce it around any way you want. okay let's see so uh remember we were up. here at 515 not the waterline but we're. we're I'll be happy to get to. waterline. um I'll be happy to get the. waterline okay waterline almost. waterline two more to go to water line. well little over two more. okay what was that. 17 okay here we go again come on. now and you can't look at the top and go. you know like if I was looking at the. top I go well what if I was playing one. two three you know um win win win lose. win win win win win win win. lose all right there's a win so I mean I. don't know moving these around or. whatever but whatever makes you feel. good all right what was that. 30 and in this case I didn't have to do. these right next to it I could have done. covered this entire dozen and then. picked oh shoot three streets out of.
There right I could you you don't have. to necessarily go how I'm playing it you. can choose any Nine Street you want um. if you're playing like don't choose and. I'm like I said I'm playing don't choose. the double street that that one's part. of you can play just don't play the. street. okay all right up 35 bucks now up 35 imp. positive ter we got our $1,000. back um so that's good so let's see. where are we at. 22 oops. y all right we just barely got in. there. okay let's see how this rolls. all right nice. okay so now we're back up to where we. lost before we started this this uh N. Street. thing um so that's good. three all right let's see if we can get. lucky here get on a. run although I'm I'm. pretty I'm almost rather take our cuz we. were up 5:15 I'm almost rather just take. our positive territory so I can put my.
Thousand bucks back in the. bucket and um call it a day because. we're up nicely and now we're not up. nicely all. right we're just going to stay where. we're at. and see if we can do it see if we can. get out of this. again good thing we weren't playing Five. double streets look at this three 2 34. 3 so just goes a show I mean every. strategy works till it. doesn't all right let's go. amen 32 thank you. brother okay now we can go back. down we can go back down to our base 225. to break. even and. uh I'm putting some thought in this. right now whether I need if I want to go. on or not. and okay again a lesson learned every. time I try different strategies other. people strategies oh my. goodness. yeah double hit same exact street so it. wouldn't have mattered if we did double. Street or we did the exact same street. let's see we're at.
810 all. right we're at 450 and we got to keep. 450 now for two in a. row all right this would give us a 150. profit we be down $40 from. waterline okay there we go there's one. 450 a second time let's see if we can. get this I mean even this one I mean. this isn't doing great right now right. this is definitely not doing. great. so very very tough to give a a strategy. you know you got to do it a bunch. oh my. god of. course of course of. course all right here we. go oh I'm not supposed to do. that there we. go this one you got to really keep on. top of where am I at where am I at oh. we're back down again now now I got to. keep this bet large like. this oh my God yeah hey uh Joe Kuper you. said. uh it wouldn't hit it look at it's done. 32. 3255 anyway I don't blame you man man um. all right we're calling it quits we're.
$940 I'm going to subtract that from. what we did that's okay we lost. 940. um so we were. up is that today where we up. 2015 I kind of lost track of where we at. I don't think we're up yeah 1500 plus. 515. so now we have to subtract well we lost. 940 plus 515 right. yeah uh. 14. 55 all right we're still up 560 for the. day so we're okay I mean I we'll come. back tonight maybe I'll get it back. we'll see all right. cheers hey roulet fools uh Brent with. aob just back real quick I wanted to. show you this is the exact same graph. that we just left off on playing. roulette I wanted to let you know that I. made a dice video I haven't done that in. a while and dice was with me today and. we gained it all back on dice we let we. we started here with 515 we ended here. up. $62 now to be clear with everybody I'm. still taking that loss that that.
whatever we lost here and subtracted. from our spreadsheet stays that way I'm. not adding this back whatsoever into. that spreadsheet cuz this was played on. dice for fun but just wanted to show. everybody did manage to get that back in. a hurry I think I I think we got from. low to high was a little over $1,500 and. I think I got it in8 minutes it's on a. dice video so go check it out all right. talk to you