12.05.2024 ASUS TUF Gaming GT502 Build - Step by Step Guide

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Hello and welcome back to another video. and today I'm showing you how to build a. PC and the latest case from Asus it's. the tough gaming gt502 it's available in. both black and white and currently on. sale in the UK for just under 160 pounds. so let's take a look at the other parts. I'm going to be building with today for. the motherboard I'm going to be using. the Asus Rog strix z790e gaming WiFi. for the CPU I'm going to be using. Intel's 13th gen i7 the 13700k for the. CPU killer Azusa sent me out their. latest IO it's the Rog Rio 3 argb and. they've sent me out two versions of it. so we've got the 360 millimeter version. in White and the 240 millimeter version. in Black so this case can actually. accommodate up to three 360 millimeter. radiators so in my book it would be a. crime to use the 240 millimeter IO given.

That we've got the 360 millimeter. version setting here this does mean. using a white IO and a black case which. I've done before and I can work fairly. well as long as we're very careful about. the other components that we use for Ram. I've got 33 gigabytes of Kingston Fury. based RGB ddr5 at 5600 Mega transfers. per second for storage I'm going with a. single Gen 4 nvme drive for this build. it's from severant RS7 rocket 4 plus and. two terabyte capacity pouring the whole. build I've got an 850 watt affiliate. modular gold power supply from. clearmaster it's the v850 gold eye multi. for the graphics card I'm going to be. using the Asus Rog strikes RTX 3080 and. I'm planning to mount it vertically in. the case the case does come with a. vertical GPU bracket although it doesn't. come with the Riser cable so I'm going.

To be using the Gen 4 Riser cable from. Leon Lee for case fans there's just a. matter triple pack of their tough gaming. tf120 argb fans and also three of their. Rog strix xf120 fans as well so this is. where I think we've had a slight problem. we're going with a white IO with white. argb fans on it and a black case and the. only way I think I can make this work is. to use white fans with argb on them if. we were to use the fans as this have. sent out we were a white argb fans at. the top we would have black argb fans on. the side we would then have some black. fans without any RGB at the bottom and. we would still wouldn't have enough fans. to put a fan at the rear of the case so. I'd be adding in a fourth fan and I. think a combination of four different. fans and different colors some with some. without argb would not look good at all.

And this wouldn't be something I would. recommend you doing so I'm not going to. be doing this today the only way I think. I can get this build to work is to use. white argb fans that will go well with. the white argb fans on the radiator so. I'm not going to be using the fans as. this Ascent I'm going to be using Leon. Lee Yuri fans the ones I'm using are the. sl120 V2 fans and I think these are. going to work very well with their AIU. at the top there's absolutely nothing. wrong with the fans that exists have. sent out but have they sent me a black. 360 millimeter IO and all tough day RGB. fans I think that would have worked very. well or if I had a black AIO with. identity argb on it then I think the. black nonargb strix fans they've sent. out would look really well and we could. do a blackout build in this case but I.

Just think the combination of four. different fans some width and some. without RGB would not look good at all. and then the final part for today's. build is some white cable extensions. from cable mod okay let's get building. as usual I'm going to make a start by. preparing the case and as we go I'll. point out the cases I mean features so. to remove our side tempered glass panel. there's a little button on the back of. the case that we need to press and when. we press that the panel will pop out. from the top to remove it all we need to. do then is simply Lift It Up and Away. our other side panel is removed in. exactly the same way we've got a button. on the back to press. the panel will then pop out from the top. and we can simply Lift It Up and Away. take a look at the back of the panel. we've just removed you'll notice we've.

Got dust filters over all the perforated. areas these are magnetically attached so. they're simple enough just to pull away. for cleaning taking a look at our cases. from dial we've got a power and reset. button we've got two USB type A ports an. LED control button a single type c port. and a combined headphone and microphone. Jack at the bottom of the front panel. we've got a tough gaming logo which does. light up and to remove our front. tempered glass panel it's just a matter. of pulling it out from the top at the. top of the case we've got these two. straps they're not only for design they. actually serve a function and as they. allow you to be able to lift the case up. easily and they do seem to do a great. job of that to remove the top panel we. are going to need to remove these straps. they're attached with some Velcro.

Foreign. straps are removed we're now able to. remove the top panel it's magnetically. attached at the front so we just pulled. up from the front to free it up and then. we can slide the panel forward and lift. away at the top of the case we've got a. fan stroke radiator bracket which can. accommodate up to three 120 millimeter. fans or two 140 millimeter fans are up. to 360 or 280 millimeter radiator it's. held on with two screws over to the. front. and with the two screws removed the. bracket can be lifted off from the top. we've got little Clips here which slide. into slots at the back of the case. securing it in place the other thing. you'll notice about this bracket it is. elongated up at the top so it is going. to help hide your fans and radiator at. the top of the case and give you. improved clearance at the top it is.

However reversible should you prefer to. do that so we can simply turn it round. Slide the slots into place at the back. again. and then lower the bracket down and then. you'll notice that it's protruding into. the case rather than up at the top and. obviously installed here you're going to. bring your radiator and fans down where. they're going to be more on display in. the main body but obviously you're going. to have less clearance at the rear the. case you can find either 120 millimeter. fan or radiator and down at the bottom. of the case we can mount up to three 120. millimeter fans we do have a removable. bracket at the bottom it's held on with. two screws. and then with the screws removed you can. simply lift the bracket up pull it. forward to remove at the side of the. case we've got two options we've got.

These three removable brackets and on. each of these brackets you can mount. either a two and a half inch or three. and a half inch Drive although if you do. want to remove these you can install a. fan or Radiator on the side and that's. going to be my preferred option so I'm. going to remove these little brackets. they're each held on with four screws. with the four screw is removed the. Morocco can simply be slid backwards and. then removed from the rear compartment. so we'll get our other two brackets. removed they're removed in exactly the. same way. so with the three brackets removed at. the side you are going to be able to fit. fans and radiators on the side of the. case so it's up to 360 millimeter. radiator importantly a 280 won't fit or. up to three 120 millimeter fans at the. side so in terms of motherboard support.

It's up to ATX and if you do want to go. with an air killer the maximum height. for CPU Killers is up to 163 millimeters. in height in terms of mounting your. graphics card we've got eight horizontal. PCI expansion slots and you're going to. be able to fit really large graphics. cards in this case with a maximum length. of up to 400 millimeters have been. supported in the case accessory box we. get this vertical GPU bracket although. it's important to mention no Riser cable. is included so I'll show you how to. install it so to install the vertical. GPU bracket we're going to need to. remove the middle six slot covers. leaving just the one at the bottom and. the one at the top to access these we. need to listen the two thumb screws at. the side and then we're going to get. access to the screws. and then we can remove all the brackets.

To install the bracket I think it's. probably easier to remove this sample. cover it just Clips off and then we can. slide our vertical GPU bracket into. place. there we go that's it lined up at the. back and then simply push it into place. at the front in terms of securing the. bracket you see we've got tools on the. side to secure it with the same screws. we've just removed. and there's also two screws we need to. put it on the back to secure it as well. and then I'm just going to reattach the. soccer cover. so you can see now we've got three. vertical slots and these look to be in a. great position hopefully far enough away. from the tempered glass panel to avoid. any throttling and just before we leave. the front of the case it's great to see. that we've got rubber grommets over the. four main cutouts to the mark of the.

Case at the bottom of the case we've got. a foam length nylon dust filter which. can simply be pulled out from the front. for cleaning. moving into your case there's a rare. compartment and probably the most. striking thing is this fan stroke. radiator bracket and this will. accommodate up to your 360 or 380. millimeter radiator are up to three 120. or two 140 millimeter fans the bracket. is held on with two screws on each side. so with all four screws removed it's. great to see the bracket isn't falling. down and that's because it's hinges at. the top which is going to make. installing but if you want to go with a. radiator here at the back much easier to. remove it you simply need to lift the. bracket upwards to free it from the. hinges and then it can be pulled out and. before we remove it the other thing to.

Mention is if you do want additional. mounting space for a two and a half or. three and a half inch drives and you. don't want to have fans and radiators at. the back you can mount either two and a. half inch or three and a half inch. drives in this bracket as well. we've got a dedicated hard drive cage. done at the bottom to remove it there's. a thumb screw here and a thumb screw. here. and the two thumb screws removed we can. simply lift the drive cage Up and Away. and in this drive cage you're going to. be able to mount either a two and a half. inch or three and a half inch Drive our. power supply is going to go down at the. bottom and the maximum length of. supported power supplies is up to 200. millimeters in length so you might be. wondering how the side bracket is going. to work with my dnaio I'm planning to.

Install mine at the top so I will show. you how to mount it at the side briefly. here so here AIO mounted to the radiator. you're going to pass your tubes through. to the front compartment you can then. slide your radiator into place line it. up with the brackets at the top and then. lower it down and secure it with the. four screws so you'll notice at the. front we have this little cutout here. designed to allow your chips to pass I. think one of the really cool things is. you are still going to be able to mount. your fans on the side with your radiator. here so we can set the fans onto here. and screw them into place. and then we're going to be able to bring. our tubes around in front of the fans. and have the installation here so this. is going to look pretty clean we're not. ready to start working on the. motherboard and we're going to install.

The CPU the bracket for our CPU killer. our RAM and our m.tssd all before we put. the motherboard into the case to install. our CPU we're going to need to open the. socket cover so we need to push this. lever dye night and all the way to the. top and then we can open the cover up we. can then set our CPU into the socket. line it up with The Notches at the top. and at the bottom and making sure the. tax is the correct way up once we're. happy our CPU is sitting correctly in. the socket we can close the cover down. then what we want to do is apply a. little bit of pressure here and the. black bit of plastic will pop off and. then we can close the lever down to. secure our CPU into place next we've got. a ram.2 SSD and this motherboard. actually has five slots we've got one. behind here one behind here one behind.

Here and two behind the bottom heat sink. now this top slot is a Gen 5 slot and if. we put any drive into this slot it's. going to reduce the PCI aliens for our. graphics card from 16 to 8. we've only. got a Gen 4 drive so we're going to want. to stay away from this slot the other. four slots are Gen 4 but they're not. created equally this one at the bottom. left goes directly to the CPU while the. other three go via the chipset so it. makes sense for us to install our drive. into this one at the bottom left so this. heatsink is held on with two screws. we can then set our drive into the. socket at a slight angle wiggling it. into place and then flatten it down. you'll notice we've got this little clip. here and it's going to hold our Drive in. place so we just need to push it up and. you'll notice a little bit of plastic.

Then pops over the drive holding it in. place. before you turn the heatsink we've got. some plastic protection on the back. we're going to need to remove. next we've got a round to install the. circuit with the clips on the second and. fourth slot along from the CPU. then we can line our Ram up with the. slot once we're happy everything's lined. up it's just some firm pressure to the. top and the ram will click into place. and then same thing with our second. stick. next thing to do is install the bracket. for our CPU killer because we've got an. LJ 1700 socket we want to have all these. little pins pulled towards their outer. space even on each corner and then it's. just a matter of lining the bracket up. with the motherboard then we've got one. of these standoffs to screw onto Each. corner. next we can set the motherboard into the.

Case line that open the stand loss. beneath and then we're going to use none. of these screws with the little lip. around the outside to secure the. motherboard into place. next thing to do is get our case cables. plugged in our HD audio cable is going. to go into this header down the bottom. left hand side so we'll bring it through. the cutout line it up with the header. and push into place and then pull the. excess cable through to the back next. we've got our front panel connectors now. we're going to go into this header down. the bottom right hand side of the. motherboard so we'll bring the cable. through the cutout and then we're going. to start off with our reset switch it's. going to go into the bottom row pens. three and four from the left hand side. and then directly above that is going to. be for our power button so we'll push it.

Into place and then again we're going to. pull all the access cable through to the. back next are USB 3.0 cable is going to. go into here so bring it through the. cutout line things up with the header. and push into place. and again pull the access cable through. to the back just above that we've got. our type c cable so we're going to bring. the cable through the cutout line it up. with the header and push into place and. again pull all the excess cable through. to the back. we've got an RGB header here at the top. of the motherboard so we can bring the. RGB cable come in from our ks3 and push. it into place and then again pull the. access cable through to the back so the. only case cable that we haven't plugged. in is this one here and it seems that if. you have a version of the case that is. an RGB controller it's going to plug.

Into here and the case accessory box you. get this little cable that plugs into. here. and then this must plug into the argb. controller on the case we're obviously. don't have that version of the case that. comes with the RGB controller so I'm. just going to leave this not plugged in. at all we're not ready to install our. power supply and I've gone ahead and. plugged in the cables that we're going. to need so I've plugged in a 24pin. cable two yet Penny PS cables and three. pin pcie cables and plugged our white. cable extensions into the end of the. cables I've also plugged in a SATA cable. because early on the unifans are going. to need Sarah par. the only cable that I haven't been able. to plug in is this USB cable that. connects the power supply up to the. motherboard and line you to use cooler. Master's Master Plus software to control.

The power supply and the reason I. haven't done this is our motherboard. only has two USB 2.0 headers our AIO is. going to need one of them and our Leon. Lee uni Fan Hub is going to need the. other so I'm left this cable out the. power supply will still work well but we. won't be able to use killer Masters. Master Plus with it so we can lift our. power supply up in the place and slide. it all the way to the back and then. we're going to use for the larger screws. to secure the power supply into place. next we can plug in our power supply. cables on our input EPS cables are going. to go into these headers at the top of. the motherboard so we can bring the. cable through the cutout at the top line. it up with the header and push into. place. and then you'll notice we've got some. cable Combs on the cables to help.

Organize them. our 24 pin cable is going to go into. this header here so we'll bring it. through the cutout. line it up with a header. and push in the place. and then again we've got some cable. Combs on the cable to help organize the. cable. we're now ready to start working the i o. so I'm going to set the fans onto the. radiator now importantly this is going. to be the back and this is why the. cables are coming out this end. then I'm going to use these long. radiator screws to secure the fans to. the radiator. coming from each of our fans we've got. two cables the first is this four pin. pwm connector and as this include this. three to one triple splitter cable with. the io so all we need to do is plug one. of the fans into each port on this. triple splitter cable. and that's just going to leave us one. four pin pwm connector to plug into your.

CPU fan header the other cable coming. from each of the fans is a three pin 5. volt argb connector and is just simply. this four to one argb splitter cable so. all we need to do is line each of the. cables up with the spinner cable and. plug them in. and then we're going to plug this into. the cable into one of the RGB headers on. our motherboard and if we look at the. cable we've got one spur air HB header. on it if we want to plug an additional. device into it looking at the cables. coming from our pump we've got this four. pin pwm connector which we're going to. plug into our pump header on the. motherboard and we've got this USB cable. which we're going to plug into USB 2.0. header on the motherboard so we can set. our case's top fan bracket onto the AIO. and then we're going to use the shorter. radiator screws to secure the radiator.

To the fan bracket. we can then set our IO into place at the. top of the case so I'm just going to. pass the chibs into the case and I'm. going to set the air Loosely up at the. top here and feed all the cables coming. from the fans through to the back and. then it's going to flatten down our 8. Pin EPS cable because they may well. catch on the radiator coming in and then. I'm just going to lower the radiator. down on this side here pulling the. cables through as I go. and try and get the notches in on the. side. and once I'm happy The Notches are in we. could then flatten the radiator down. into place then we can reattach the. radiator bracket with the two screws we. removed earlier on and we can replace. our cases a top panel. we're now ready to install our AIO so we. need to remove the plastic retraction. from the pump.

And you'll notice we've got thermal. paste preapplied now what is important. do we turn the air around you'll notice. the tubes here are down at the bottom. and all the standard effects that come. up in the AIO start with the tubes at. the bottom and when I installed this in. my last build I had real trouble trying. to actually invert the display on the. screen I'm sure there is a way of doing. it and hopefully we'll have more luck. with it today but the easiest thing is. to have the chips at the bottom so all. the standard effects are going to be the. right way up without needing to turn the. screen round so just before I run this. up to the top I do want these cables. running up to the top of the motherboard. so I'm just going to put them around the. side of the bracket here where the. cables are going to keep them nice and.

Tidy and out off the way and then all. I'm going to do is line this up with the. bracket we installed earlier on. then we need to put a thumb screw onto. Each corner and importantly it is the. thumb screws with a little lip in the. middle. and then I'm just checking my cables are. nice and free which they aren't. our pump header is this header at the. top of the motherboard so I'm going to. plug it into place. and then we'll push the access cable. through to the back and as well I'm just. going to put our USB cable straight to. the back as well our CPU fan header is. this one next to the pump header so I'm. going to bring the cable coming from the. fans on the radiator through the cutout. line it up with a header push into place. and then pull the access cable through. to the back our AIO has some plastic. protection we can remove we've got a USB.

2.2 header down here so I'm going to. bring the USB cable coming from our pump. down to the bottom. line it up and push into place and then. pull the access cable through to the. back we've got two RGB headers down at. the bottom of the motherboard so I'm. going to bring the RGB cable coming from. the fans on the radiator through line it. up with the header and push into place. and again pull the access cable through. to the back so the next thing I want to. do is get our Leon Lee unifan controller. plugged in and I'm doing this before we. install the fans at the bottom because. we've got better access to the bottom of. the motherboard once the fans go at the. bottom it's going to be more difficult. to plug things in so take a look at what. we've got to plug in we have got a USB. cable which is going to go into the USB.

2.0 header at the bottom of the. motherboard we've got this splitter. cable one is a three pin 5 volt argb. connector the other is a 4 pin pwm. connector and again we've got headers. down the bottom of the motherboard to. plug these into and then we've also got. two SATA cables which we're going to. plug into the SATA power cable coming. from our power supply so I'm just going. to pass the cables through from the back. okay so we've got another USB 2.0 header. here so we can get our cable plugged. into here. next to that we've got a four pin pwm. fan header so we'll plug the fan header. into it. and then the next header along is. another three pin 5 volt argb connector. so we'll plug the cable into there. and then we can pull all the access. cable through to the back we're now. ready to start working our Leon Lee.

Unifan so the first thing to do is join. them together so we just need to push. them together like this. and importantly we're going to want the. fans at the bottom of the case set to. intake so they're going to be this way. around which is going to give them as. intake if the round this way it would be. exhaust at the bottom so this is the way. we're going to want them a nice. advantage of these fans is there's only. one power connector to plug in for each. group of fans so it's a single cable. that we just need to push in at the side. here. just like that. so this is our farm stroke radiator. bracket at the bottom so we can set the. fans on them the way we want them to be. which is going to be this way around. here so I'm just going to turn it upside. down and then get it screwed into place. next we can set our fan bracket back.

Into place at the bottom and then we'll. secure things back into place with the. two screws we removed earlier on. and then we'll just pass the cable. coming from our fans through to the back. we can add in another fan at the rear of. the case. we can then set our final group of Leon. Lee unifans and at the side and because. space is quite tight I'm going to set. them in in two different parts so we'll. slide the fans up to the top and then we. can slide the bottom fan into place. before connecting them up again. and then I'm just going to pass the. cable through to the back and then we. can screw the fans into place with the. included screws. next thing to do is get all our cables. plugged into our unifan controller and. it's really straightforward there's four. channels one two three and four so we're. just gonna need to plug one cable into.

Channels one two and three so we're. going to take our bottom fans and plug. them into channel number one. we've got the cable coming from our rear. fan I'm going to plug that into channel. number two. and then our side fans I'm going to plug. into channel number three. if we want there is some doublesided. adhesive on the back of the controller. we can stick to the case this is really. a temporary build for me so I'm going to. not stick it on and the last thing for. us to connect up is we've got two SATA. cables coming from the controller which. we just need to plug into the Sata cable. coming from our power supply. because I don't want any RGB in the rear. compartment I'm going to install are. black strix fans here so all I need to. do is set them onto a bracket and at the. bottom of the bracket we've got a cutout.

So I'm going to bring the fan cables. through the cutout. and then we can screw the fans to the. bracket using the included screws so. coming from each of these fans I've got. a four pin pwm connector and I've got. two spur fan headers at the bottom of. the motherboard where I think these are. going to be easiest to plug in in each. of the packs we get a double splitter. cable so I'm going to root two of these. together so there's one and the next fan. along I'm gonna plug into here. so that's just going to leave me a two. four pin pwm connectors to plug in at. the bottom of the motherboard I'm not. planning on installing the rear fans at. this stage until I've done the cable. management but I do want to get the. cables plugged into the motherboard. because once we put our Riser cable then. it's going to block the ports at the.

Bottom of the motherboard so I'm just. going to pass the fan cables through to. the front of the case then at the bottom. of the case we've got two pwm fan. headers I'm just going to get plugged. into. and then pull the access cable through. to the back we are now ready to install. our graphics card and I've sized it up. and I think I wanted to have it in the. two slots closest to the tempered glass. panel so it's going to be swell away. from the motherboard I'm well away from. the tempered glass panel so what I'm. going to do I'm going to put one of the. bracket covers in at the back. next we need to open the clip on the top. slot on the motherboard and there's a. little button on the motherboard that. will do it for us so we just need to. press here. but then we can line our Riser cable up. with the slot and once we're happy it's.

Lined up push it into place and the clip. will close then I'm going to take our. graphics card and plug it into the other. end of the Riser cable pushing it into. place and again there's a little clip on. it that will close. and then all I'm going to do is flatten. the cable down at the back of the. motherboard and align the graphics card. up with the slots on the vertical. bracket and once we're happy it's lined. up lower it down into place. and then we can bring our pcie cables. through the connect and we'll get them. plugged into the graphics card and then. we've got some cable Combs on the cables. to help organize them. okay final thing to do is some cable. management and then we're going to be. able to get the fans installed on the. side. foreign. foreign. next thing I'm going to do is show you. how to set everything up now there is.

Timestamps in the description so if you. want any sketch some chapters right and. there's this particular thing you're. interested in you can jump straight. through it rather than sitting through. everything so the first thing I'm going. to do is show you how to install Windows. 11. I've loaded a Windows 11 bootable. USB drive into the back of the PC if you. don't know how to make one of those I've. made a video on it and you'll find a. link to that video in the description so. I've got everything connected up to the. monitor I've got the USB drive in the. back of the PC so what we need to do now. is flip the power switch and see what. happens. so that's a good sign the fans are. spinning we've got lights on the PC so. what we're going to need to do now is. keep an eye on the Monitor and see what. happens so that's the sort of the.

Windows 11 installer screen what I'm. going to do now is show you how to. install Windows 11 but to make things a. little bit easier I'm going to flip over. to the screen mode so for the next lot. of screens I'm going to pick the options. that are relevant to me if different. options apply to you pick the ones that. are appropriate for you I'm from the. United Kingdom I'm going to click on. next I'm going to click install now if. you've got a Windows 11 product key go. ahead and put it in here if you don't. click idle to the product key select the. version of Windows you're going to get a. product key for in the future I'll pick. Windows 11 Pro and click next we're. going to accept the terms click next. we're going to go for custom install. we've only got one drive here if you've. got more than one drive you're going to.

Pick the drive you want to put Windows. on and click next. and this is going to take a little bit. of time so I'll skip through it okay so. I'm from the United Kingdom I'm going to. click yes and yes again I'm going to. skip it's going to want us to connect to. WiFi so I'm going to go ahead and do. this we need to name the device. I'm going to set up for personal use. click next we're gonna have to sign in. so we'll click on sign in and then. you're going to need to put your. Microsoft Account Details In if you. don't have one you can create one it's. asked somebody would restore from. another PC on my account I'm going to. click on a view more options and I'm. going to go set up as a new device and. click next it's going to ask me to. create a pin and click ok I'm going to. let apps use my location accept yes to.

Find my device except just the required. except no. no. I know again. I'm gonna skip this for now again I'm. going to skip this and I'm going to only. save files to this PC and I'm going to. decline this and decline again and Skip. for now okay so that's just through to. Windows 11 and we're getting a popup. about downloading the Armory create and. the Lan driver we're going to need both. of these and so I'm going to go ahead. and click on yes. we're going to click on I understand. click yes so that's the Army create. install we just need to click reopen up. we're going to scan down to the bottom. and click on I agree click next. and same again. and I agree. I'm going to skip this for an eye. and click on cancel so one of the nice. things about the Armory Creator is you. can get all your drivers from it so. we'll click on the tools section and.

We're in the drivers Tab and you can see. all the different drivers that are. available here. so we're just going to select them all. we've already got the land driver. installed it and that at the start first. and so all we need to do is Click. download and install and that's as. simple as it is to install all the. drivers we're going to need okay so. that's all our drivers installed we're. going to need to restart the system so. we can click on OK the only other driver. we're going to need is for our graphics. card so we head over to nvidia's web. page I've already populated this for our. RTX 3080 and I'm going to click on. search. or click on download and download again. we can then click on open file. click yes. ok so we've got a choice here we can. just install the driver or the GeForce. experience I like the GeForce experience.

Because it's useful to be able to keep. your drivers up to date so I'm going to. install both click agree and continue. we're going to go for an Express. installation click next. okay so that's our driver launched I'll. click on close and then you're just. going to assign a mirror and video. account if you don't have one you can. create one okay I'm just going to skip. the tour. um and if we head over to the drivers. tab. um you can see we've already got the. latest game ready driver installed and. if you want to use your computer mostly. for Content creation what you can do is. click here and select the studio drivers. and download the latest Studio driver. I'm going to be testing games on this PC. so I'm going to go with the game ready. driver so we'll close this down and all. our drivers installed the next thing I.

Like to do is get Windows fully updated. so I click on the Windows icon click on. the settings head down to Windows update. and click on check for updates what's. going to happen is Windows is going to. find a whole lot of updates it's going. to try installing them it may need to. restart a number of times but we're. going to keep coming back here and. checking for updates and only proceeding. when there's no more updates available. okay that's Windows 3 up to date. whenever I click on check for updates. there's no further updates available to. control the lighting on our Leon Lee. uniforms we're going to need to download. L connect 3 so we'll click on download. and then we can head over to our. downloads folder. and we'll right click on the L connect. and click extract all extract and then. we can double click on the file and.

We're going to say it's just for me. click next click install and then we. click on run. click yes okay the next thing I want to. do issue how to set up the Lian Lee. unifans in L connect so we head over to. the settings and click on device we're. going to be able to set up the fans that. we have plugged into each Port so into. port number one they were our bottom. fans and we had three of them so I'm. just going to call that bottom and into. port number two we had plugged our rear. fan and there was only one fan so I'm. just going to select one fan. into Port 3 it was our fans on the side. so I'm going to call it side and we. don't have anything plugged in to number. four. so we can just leave it empty and then. we'll click on apply okay and then the. next thing I want to do is get our. lighting set up so click on the lighting.

Tab and what we can see if you look in. at the system at the moment everything. is set to Rainbow it's labeled our fan. so we've got bottom rear side and we've. nothing plugged in to port number four. and you can see that we've got fan. speeds here but no fan speeds here. because we don't have anything plugged. into it. so in terms of lighting effects is the. first thing to go for I just want to go. for a static white on all the fans so. click on where it says rainbow I'm going. to click on static color. what we need to do then is Select White. and you can have up to six fans in any. group and the easiest thing to do is. just select all six in white if that's. all that I want. and if I want to apply it just to this. group I can do that I want to apply it. to everything so I'm just going to click. on apply to you all.

And then if you look in the system. you'll notice that all our leonie. unifans have now turned to a solid white. we can also adjust the brightness of. them if we want to and we can set the. quantity of fans as well which we've. already done so we'll go back to the. lighting tab the other thing is in terms. of the fan profile we could adjust this. as well so at the moment all the fans. are running on quiet and I'm fairly. happy with the noise coming in from the. PC and we'll do a bit of thermal testing. later on and may need to adjust this we. do have more options in the fan and pump. profile tab. so what we can do is we can actually. adjust the fan curves or change what um. each of the fans is reacting to so our. bottom fans are currently set to quiet. their 120 millimeter fans which is where. we need to leave them at.

Um and they're currently reacting off. the CPU what we could do is have them. running off the GPU if we wanted to by. clicking on GPU and then they're going. to react to the GPU and the other thing. that we can do they're currently on the. quad profile but if we want to make a. custom fan profile by dragging these up. and down we can do that as well and. we've also got a start stop button here. that we can turn on if we want the fans. to stop whenever things are under low. load so I'm just going to click on apply. and you'll notice now that our bottom. fans are reacting to the GPU temperature. rather than the CPU temperature and. they're going to ramp up when the GPU. temperature goes up the rest of our fans. I'm just happy to leave on the quad. profile running off the CPU temperature. so I think that's our Leon Lee unifans.

Running just the way I want them and. looking just the way I want them as well. so it includes Leon Leo connect 3. so. the next thing I want to do is adjust. the lighting on our Asus devices so. we'll click on the Armory create. uh we go to here and type it in and. click on the app and we'll skip here. and cancel so you'll see here it's taken. us back into the driver Tab and we've. already installed all our drivers but we. can also use this for controlling at the. RGB of all the devices that we have. plugged in so we want to go over to Aura. sync and you can see here we've got our. motherboard we've got the graphics card. we've got the memory and we've got the. addressable strip and remember the logo. on the front of the case is plugged into. the adjustable strip and we can control. these individually or just link them all.

Together I'm just going to link them all. together. and then we can click on the aura effect. and again I just want everything to go. to your static white so I'm going to. click on static. I'm going to go down to the color. and to get white we need to type 255. into each of these boxes. and click on OK and if you're looking at. the PC now you'll notice that the. lighting on the motherboard the lighting. on our Ram the lighting on our graphics. card and the lighting at the front of. the case has all turned to White you'll. notice that the logo on our AIO hasn't. changed and I want to make some. adjustments to it so we'll go up to here. and click on device. we're able to select our AIO from here. and we'll click on cancel and you can. see the effect that it is being applied. on the io at the moment so we've got a. range of different effects that we can.

Choose and I've already used this before. and the ice one I think is going to look. well in this all white device so we're. just going to click on apply. and you'll notice the display in the AIO. has now changed the one that's going to. work very well for our all white theme. the other thing that you can do is show. the hardware info so we can click here. so what we can do is pick up the three. of these that we want to display so. let's go for the CPU frequency the CPU. temperature will have the GPU. temperature and then we'll click on. apply and then if you take a look at our. AIO you'll notice the frequency of the. CPUs currently being displayed. it's now going to cycle over to the CPU. temperature. and then over to the GPU temperature as. well. I think for me I much prefer the. animation so I'm going to click on the.

Animation again and just go back to the. ice one and click on apply there's more. options if we go into the anime Matrix. I'm just going to skip here and click on. OK so again in here we have the option. to add effects to our device. and there's also the options to rotate. them now I struggle to get this router. to work um during my last install then I. hadn't installed it with the tubes at. the bottom the tube is around the side. of the io so for example let's drag. something else onto the device. so we drag this effect on and you'll. notice now whenever you click on the. rotate it doesn't actually work it's. sort of it's off at the moment. um I can click apply effect. and it's going to come up on the AIO at. the moment it's correct because we've. got the i o installed in the correct. orientation but if you didn't have your.

Tubes in the right place there doesn't. seem to be any way to rotate it at the. moment and hopefully this is something. that will be fixed in a future software. update you can also add your own images. by clicking on insert image and drag. something onto the computer so if you do. want to adjust the effects than any. other devices just click on the device. you want and for example if we want to. do something with the motherboard we can. click on the motherboard and then you've. got the options to adjust the RGB. effects on each of the individual. devices so you've got your headers and. you can make further adjustments I've. got everything working just the way I. wanted so I'm not going to go into any. more detail here and we can just go back. to our dashboard and it's going to give. us information everything to do with our.

PC. so I'm going to close down out of here. the last thing I want to do is head over. to the bias but before we do I want to. download the latest version in case we. need to update it and I can show you how. to do this so we head over to our. motherboards page over on as this is. website we'll click on the support Tab. and then we're going to click on drivers. and utility. we're going to click on bias and. firmware. we're going to select our motherboard. and you can see here the latest version. is zero seven zero three so we'll click. on download and then we can head to the. downloads folder. right click on the file click extract. all and extract. and then this is our bios file so we'll. copy it. and I've plugged an external USB drive. into the PC and we'll paste it onto here. okay so we can head over to the bias now.

To do that we're going to restart our PC. so we'll click on the power button and. click on restart and whenever the screen. goes blank we're going to start pressing. the delete key and that will take us. into the BIOS okay that's the screen's. gone black so I'm going to start. pressing the delete key and normally. whenever this logo appears that's where. I'm pressing delete will take the end of. the mass. there we go same press and delete. okay so let's just enter the bias and. the first thing I'm noting is that the. version of the bias that we have. installed is currently the latest and I. have done a build with this Muppet World. recently and I updated the bias for that. build so the next thing we can do is get. our Ram running at its fastest speed to. do that we need to enable the XMP. profile so we click here and click on.

Enabled. and there you go that's going to run our. Ram at 5600 megahertz the next thing I. want to do is take a look at our fans so. we'll click on Q fan control so you can. see here our CPU fans which are the fans. on the radiator are running on the. standard fan curves and they're running. on the auto detects I'm just going to. make them pwm mode rarely on the unifans. on fan header number two and again. they're four pin connectors so we can. run them in pwm mode and again I'm happy. we're to run them on the silent Farm. curve or Asus fans are plugged into. headers three and five so we'll click on. three. um it's currently running on the. standard fan curve let's just make it. silent and there are four pin connectors. they can run in pwm mode. um I'll go to five as well. and make it pwm mode on silent on our. AIO pump is currently running at full.

Speed which is the way I would normally. run the pump so that's the fans all. running just the way I would like them. and we head back to the home screen we. can see the speed each of the fans are. running at. so you can see there's our CPU fan our. AIO pump and our Leon Lee uni fans and. our resist fans we've installed at the. side the last thing I want to do before. leaving the bias is check the resize bar. has been enabled so we'll click on it. and we'll click on on okay so that's. everything set up in the bias just the. way I want it so I'm going to click on. save and exit and click on OK and the PC. will boot back into Windows okay last. thing for us to do is check our Ram is. running at the crack speed so we right. click on the Windows icon click on task. manager and then we're going to click on. the performance Tab and then click on.

Memory and we can see our Ram is running. at 5600 megahertz so includes this dine. and if you want to check resize bar has. been enabled we'll click on the Nvidia. settings we're going to agree and. continue and then if we click on the. system information and we can see. resizable bar has been enabled so it. enclose this down. and that's the PC up and running and. just the way I want it so that's the. build complete and I'm absolutely. delighted with how it turned out I think. this Black and White theme that I've. gone with looks so good and the only. issue I told during the build would be. to make sure you keep these tubes at the. bottom I couldn't work out any way to. rotate the effects that appear on the. AIO I certainly couldn't find an option. to do in the software it was a grayed. out as you seen during the setup process.

it may change in the future but I could. see if it's better to just keep these. tubes at the bottom and really that was. the only issue in this case a building. in it as you've seen was really. straightforward what I'm planning on. doing now is a field case review I'm. going to do quite a bit of thermal. testing and then I'm going to be showing. my thoughts on this case and sharing my. thoughts on how to set up the fans and. radiators they get the most from it so. we aren't they going to build in this. case you're definitely going to want to. check that out and I'll paint a link to. that video in the description if you. have enjoyed this video please remember. to give it a thumbs up and if you're not. currently subscribed to the Channel. please hit the Subscribe Button as well. thanks for watching

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