12.05.2024 SEXY LINE HIT!! NEW GAME!! Organic Gambler | Starburst xxxtreme | Pulsz

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All right what was I say now dude do you. wanna. tap tap. oh and I'll join the party I know that. was pretty late. yeah. do you want to just try to get naturally. at dollars I normally play this game out. of buck. yeah no I remember playing it before. with the Hana Buck or should we uh try. lunch. um I think this is kind of stupid but. now let's do some dollar spins then on. this let's see what it goes. all right let me turn down the sound. sounds a lot on my end. I normally can't hear myself. yeah after it goes like pew pew pew pew. yeah I think this one gets loud is it. too low or is it fine. oh I mean I can hear it and it should be. fun. it'll turn up a little bit. all right hopefully this game pays. I mean something. has anyone else played this game. I mean I like it on chumba I don't know. if the pulse version pays.

It's already looking bad normally like. starts doing stuff. not I up. I'll take that it's a little bit of. money back. okay we got one that was worth. oh they multiply wow. that didn't count oh that's not a line. down there that's weird. huh wait what that is a line. why didn't that pay. oh I guess it's the other way it's not. left to right. but something I thought it was left to. right yeah well right to left so the. only difference of this game is there's. a multiplier so if you land two do you. get time six. all right. or is it only this spin. where's the time three. what. what's times three then I don't get it. oh there's the base base value of the. hit. I feel like that just paid what I don't. think it is but. I'm done. I'm assuming if you get two Wilds you. get like. six multipliers I mean times six. maybe hopefully.

Okay come on give us number two. yeah. three dollars. so what's the max you can actually oh. man. can you only get two Wilds or can you. get three. I feel like you can get through all man. I feel like you have to get three. that's nice that was only these times. too. that's weird. oh what's up see me oh. make a hit. all right. I'm assuming if you get like. and more than one I can't only get two. or can you get three. my question. assuming it's only two. that's a good spot right. I'm saying the best spots is like one. two and three I'll get the one in the. middle oh sevens ah. okay kinda. I'm assuming the only way you really win. if you just get like a five of a kind. oh. extreme combo. Oh I thought that would pay more. yeah I think two is the max. foreign. I'll take these wins. I wonder if it's better to get like one. and three.

Even though two and two and three is a. guaranteed hit but. still. um. all right what do you want to play like. 190. uh let's do maybe yeah let's do 180. let's try 180.. something in here and you have to. seven bars right I want to say yeah I. want to see those are the best bars is. better yeah. oh he had a multiplier chance 115.. oh so you can get three. so it's random. so it's two three five ten oh . yeah oh and you can get a rent oh that's. not a random star. yeah and this game actually sounds kind. of cool. I mean a lot better from the other one. yeah. almost makes you want to play it more. I do feel like this game is probably. really fun at like five dollar bets or. something yeah. yeah I don't yeah I just I want to do. Naturals. foreign. oh really okay what did I pay. thank you thank you. thanks for the good luck. sevens nice.

We need more Starlights more Starbucks. Starburst. s. yeah let's start learning by now. it's called Pagan man I believe I'm not. I don't. know okay so you can get three. oh man damn. okay even. what's this oh oh . it's pretty sick. even though I only played. and then gave us an extra dollar. s uh like you paid for it. what bet was it on though. what's up three. what a three. I mean I definitely like this more than. original. yeah because this has some extra. features in there so it's not like all. crappy. maybe an original is pretty decent but. okay. maybe we can well. Josh almost there. 10 cents which is a dollar bid on the. active spin. okay. SG spoons. oh oh nice. oh we did get this out of him yeah oh. good hit I was about to stop. oh no . anyways if we hit the third one. oh hopefully we had bars man in the. front oh my God oh my Lord yeah if we.

Had bars in the front times to eight. million dollars so there's already a. hundred dollars holy look back. extreme win your favorite game well I. almost backed out too that was the last. two spins. oh. damn come on bars man. go get the third one oh oh No Big Win. man. all right. say about one two eight a 280. yeah you. get definitely backups. Sophia like. him. ours pay like double. sure. that was pretty Epic. that was very extreme. backstream. yeah I couldn't imagine bars would have. paid what. 160.. well and if we got at the third Wild. times 150.. pretty crazy. well I guess it's gonna be played the. new games. oh it's Jonathan. oh what's up Jonathan. made you guys mods help me out. I respect you guys. thanks for helping. yeah. if not I just get angry at Bots. always telling me to to join the adult. websites. well you don't want your options go to.

The door websites okay yeah would you. so this is my joke last time like who. really actually from a you know from. that type of spam decides to go on that. site. because you would imagine it's super. Shady like oh yeah I mean I want to. click it or I'm like I'm pretty sure. you're saying that act or something I. was taught to not to do those. yeah yeah it's just yeah for people to. miss click probably. jeez. you were taught not that's sure that's. what you said who taught you not to miss. click no because it's like don't click. like random. yeah we had the meds you know. all right I guess we're done well you. can do 80 cents man. or 50 or wanna do some Tonys yeah it's. 20s. you think so but now I think about it. I'm pretty sure it's that's just for for. spamming people. it's like when they like uh text you a. code and click it and and pack anywhere.

they're still in your email or something. wait we have two bucks damn sure. hey go to 50 go to 15.. that was pretty good hit man. hey not bad not bad. because I like don't go stay. the game yeah. I mean I do like the dollar bits on this. game. let's try the new game. all right. okay all right let's try the next. foreign

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