12.05.2024 Minimalizme Giriş 101 - Gardırobunuzu Nasıl Sadeleştirmelisiniz? (Türkçe ve İngilizce altyazılı)

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Hello everyone, You are at Turkish way of minimalism. Today I want to talk about the 101 of minimalism. minimizing your wardrobe. first of all I'll talk about. why we have so much clothes. then I'll talk about how to minimize them. which steps we are going to take. what we should do when we are decluttering. and at the end I'll share a few tips on creating our style.. Let's start with:why we have so much clothes. I guess the first reason is our desire to consume. we are always getting exposed to "buy this and buy that". as you may know in the past there were 4 seasons in the stores. or you used to go shopping for summer and winter clothes. but now the products change every 2 weeks. to catch up with the changing styles , fashion. industry is producing more and more. in our to sell this big amount of products there is constant marketing activities.

To make you buy more and more as a result we sometimes find ourselves shopping just because they are at sale. so the 1st one is impulse to buy. second one is our lives are changing we go through different phases of change we graduate, start working, get married or have children we sometimes get skinny or bigger depending on the circumstances and we keep clothes of different sizes in case we lose or gain weight let alone the old clothes we sometimes buy clothes for our "dream weight" clothes wait with their tags on in our wardrobes "I'll wear this one when I lose 5 kilos" or "this Is a pretty dress but not my size, I should buy and keep it for the day I fit in it" and they accumulate in our wardrobe sometimes for years! another reason is:we don't know our bodies.

Which part of my body I should highlight. is my neck nice or is my belly thin?. or where I should cover. which colors suit me most. how to mix and match our clothes: We Don't Know. we buy on impulse . no thinking. for ex. we buy a pair of shoes. it is very nice but. we nothing in our wardrobe to wear with it.. in such situations. we should stop and define ourselves. for ex. I have a job where I should dress formally.. but I keep buying colorful, printed tshirts. I spend most of my time at work. but I shop excessively for the weekend. we all can imagine how many thirts I may need. but I keep buying them. because "I love tshirts". what happens then?. ideally, I need to have a wardrobe. where my tshirts should take. only %10 of it. but in reality half of it is tshirts! it is an exaggeration to depict the situation. there are also the clothes we keep.

Not to hurt the feelings of the people who gave them to us it may be a birthday gift without a changing card, o it indeed has a card we think "he thought of me and bought this, I should not change it and hurt him/her. but at the same time we know that we are not going to wear at all for various reasons ot we cannot say goodbye because it has a sentimental value you may have friend or relatives who knit for you sometimes, it may be a nice sweater ot shawl but it is not your style or the color doesn't suit you however you still keep it not the hurt the one who knitted or sewn it. may be your mom is a tailor (like mine she sews for you the ones you talk on it and decide together are fine but sometimes she may decide by herself and you may not like the models of it.

Sometimes she goes by her taste and diffierent results may occur. as a result these clothes also waits in your wardrobe for long time soooo, these reasons leads clothes to accumulate in your closet without getting worn. you see 3 shirts on a hanger or pants hanging down all creased then you see there is strike on your wardrobe :)) it is such a mess that you cannot even see your tshirts they are on top of each other they no longer seem neat this is the mayday call of your wardrobe it is time for you to go through a decluttering phase your closet says: detox me what do we do then? normally they say there should be 3 boxes 1. to be donated or sold 2. stays in 3. the ones so bad in shape with the inspiration I got from the book:curated closet I want to broaden it I don't want to limit it with only 3 choices.

1st one is. the clothes you keep thinking of losing weight. you should set a limit. for ex. 5 kg. ın my range. I will keep the clothes. which need minus 5 kg's. should wait here.for the rest you should decide on. say in my range of 5+ or 5kilograms. these are the clothes I'll wear. the rest of them. should go. I may donate them. there are cloth boxes. put by the municipalities. or there may be. organizations. that accept second hand. there may be people. who you know already. who might accept these clothes. or you may sell them of course. there are many. second hand platforms, apps. ebay or such. there are freecyle mail groups as well. there are also special clothes that you want to keep. personally. I don't put such emotions to clothes. but if you have kids, for example, you may want to keep. his first pair of shoes. first onesie.

If you want to keep such items you should set limits. you can pick a box. you can limit the thing by the size of the box. you may say I want to keep these valuable things. which can fit into this box. so that I can remember these good old days. or the box can be filled with personal items. like graduation cap, a journal. but limits are so important. if you go this way. you can keep you memories. if you don't set boundries. you can lost track of it. and there is also "garbage category". like underwear, they cannot be worn after you. or socks, hygienic products. also dry fit sports wear get really much worn and cannot be used as 2nd hand. you wear. and sweat and wash them so often. they get deformed. you can recycle them. also you can consider. upcycling. some of them, like socks for example. or tshirts, you can create new things out of them.

I like the idea of. making puppets from socks. or you can make bags from tshirts. or cut them. into stripes and do some crochet work. if you are into zero waste. you can make. washing clothes. from these. old tshirts. you can use them instead of kitchen sponge. you can check. other upcycle ideas. also for some of the clothes. you cannot give up easily. you look at it. you don't like the color, it doesn't suit you. but you bought it somehow for a reason in the past. so you give it a chance. you can take a box and put it there with other "may be items". you can set a time. write on the box:check It on May , lets say. you forget them. in the meantime. if you don't need these clothes in this period of time. they are good to go, you don't wear them. In reverse scenario. you may say, hmm I used to have a nice shirt. or a lovely cardigan.

And go and grab it from the box. and put it back to your closet. or you can wear the "may be" clothes immediately. that's what I do. there a tshirt. you are not sure of liking it. try to create combinations. you see then, if you wear it with other clothes. or you cannot find anything. you even hesitate to go out with it. so you know. you let It go. there are also clothes, that need to be mended. if you want to minimize your closet. you should take out all of the clothes. and try them. one by one. after a long time in the closet. you forget if any of them needs repairment. or if your body change. in a way that the clothes do not fit properly. so, you should wear them all. you should even think of combinations while you already wear them. it will give you an opinion. ask yourself:. can I give this piece of clothing, for exapmle, a tshirt.

Can I wear it at least 3 other things?. lets say; with two pair of jeans or with a skirt?. consider this as well. of course you might also have. what we call a star piece. it might be just worn with only one piece or it is may be a dress, which is very outstanding. they might be exception.. but the number of them must be limited. because if you have. too many such items. that can not be worn in more than one combination. after a point. your closet starts to be filled up again. after finishing elimination. you should start elaborating on what you have. at this point you will work on your style. after all the donating. selling, upcycling,. are you content with what you have at the end. it is now time to get to know yourself. what is your style,. what is your life style. you should think from this perspective. and decide what you really need.

2 important points:. 1st one is:you should decide on your style. after you go through all your items. looking at colors, patterns and shapes. you get a rough idea on your style. what you like and. what looks good on you. what you do more is, you can take a look at Pinterest. you can create a close or open board. you pin what you like. spend a month on it, pin stuff, open what you pinned before,. unpin if you like. pin individual pieces. or pin stylish combinations. then at the end of one month go through the pins and your closet and see how similar or different they are. try to understand yourself, do you have a certain liking?. for example, do you specificly like stripes?. or maxi dresses?. with this exercise. you will see. what you would buy. if you didn't act impulsively. you looked at your boards, then your closet.

Now it is time to make a list of what you need for instance, a pair of good jeans is essential and I don't have one now Because I eliminated all some didn't fit some was too loose some was too old so I need to buy one. Like this, you can list what you need then shop according to this list but don't act too fast but do not forget to try on what you are buying. it is too important and moreover read the tag to see the mixture of the fabric is it cotton or is it wool? may be it is 100% polyester you should train yourself a bit on the type of fabrics once you start reading tags you'll be surprised how we are surrounded by polyester.

And may be you decide not to buy some of the thing you've liked. I couldn't believe it when I checked myself. things you think it is cotton or wool. ends up being polyester. when you are aware of it, you understand how polyester make you feel. Please also check the clothes in your closet , and remember how this piece make you feel when you wear it. I found out that all the pieces which made sweat a lot turned out to be polyester. there are other types like acrylic or so. so make an evaluation on this perspective as well. some find it hard to let go the pieces. they paid lots of Money in the past. a nice pair of stilettos. you bought it, may be online. it arrived, and your feet were squeezed in them. but you didn't act on time. missed the time to change it.and you got stuck with it. or may be it fitted OK,. BUT you have nothing to wear with it.

Its color is irrelevant to your clothes. so it stays without being worn. you look at it and think. I paid so much on it. you should say:the damage is done. you should let them go as well. take a lesson from this purchase. and when you buy something , First think of your closet. what is good news is: when you have a capsule wardrobe. you can easily remember what you have, what you constantly wear. you will know the colors you have. ı have vivid colors or pastel colors. otherwise , when you have a full wardrobe. you buy a new piece, at least you think you do. you come home and see you already have one or more of those. you have 3 white tshirts. you go and buy the 4th. without realizing you already have white piled up. when you have a clear sense of your closet. you always know what you have and need. and shop more consciously and effectively.

my last advice is. the most practical way of minimizing. if you don't have the time to go through the closet. what you need to do is. Hang in a reverse way. all the hangers. as you wear things. put them back. in regular way. so after a time, like a month. you will see some hangers are straight. and some of them are still in reverse way. so you can clearly tell. what you should eliminate. it is such a simple way. to do right now. but I recommend you. to go through what you decide to keep. and may be minimize within them. this is all Ihave on closets. I hope you liked the video, if so please write a comment so I continue with more English subs. see you soon!

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