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Ladies and gentlemen have you played. crossy Road well this is crossy road but. gambling so this is what so I'm going to. start this off this is the new rubet. Game mission and crossable easy mode. $250 bet we're going to try to get. across of it this is it's literally. insane that this is a. thing and I love it I love every single. second of it so every time you click you. can cash out the cash out goes up as you. go on see with the $250 bet we could. Cash Out 6,000 if I cash out 6,000 guys. we're doing a $100 giveaway on this. video just like and. comment okay one more one more one more. one. more okay we're going to do two tries on. easy mode two tries on easy mode Let's. try to make some profit. here don't hit me go blockage. block block. block okay uh 500 I cash 500 I. cash one. more no bro I wanted 600 okay medium D.

Let's do medium 125 bets what do we win. if we go medium 125. bets 276,000. 276,000 if we could lock in medium oh my. God could you guys imagine 125 to. 276,000 okay I need to get a cash out. here let's go for like 400 let's let's. try to make some money let's go for. 400 okay I'm going to go for a cash out. here for 400 let's go 400 get. there get. there okay cash okay nice nice nice it. was dead there good cash good cash you. got to clear some profit we need some we. need some space we need some ammo to get. to that 276,000. okay one more one more one more now it. gets dangerous late this is where this. is where crazy timeing is this this is. where uh crossy Road gets dangerous this. is where it gets dangerous one more oh. baby a th one more oh baby oh baby oh. baby no I'm such an addict oh no I'm. such an. addict okay just get the first one's.

Over with and then we're going Daredevil. mode no okay let's go hard mode Let's go. hard mode and then Daredevil next $125 B. we're keeping the same bet we're going. hard mode though here we go and again. and. again and. again and. again and again and. again and again. no okay if I get to 1 th000 I'm cashing. out just get to 1,000 bro get to. 1,000 okay okay wait wait wait easy mode. $481 back guys we're down bad right now. we've been getting a lot of cash outs on. these videos but let's lock it the hell. in let let's lock it the hell in right. now come on good and again and again I. It Feels So satisfying when that . hit blocks it's like actually so. satisfying what can I win here I need to. know what I'm what I'm aiming for. 11k let's. go let's go let's go let's go let's go. no okay let's test out Daredevil we get.

A $50 bet on Daredevil mode to get us. wait wait 156. million wait 156. million guys if you guys want to try. this man make sure to use code Riders. here on uh rubet holy. and again and. again okay one. more okay listen listen listen I'm going. to double the bet I'm going to go for. three hold on here hold on here one. more oh my God I just turned 50 to 450 I. should cash out I should cash out but. I'm going for one. more oh my God I'm going for one one. more and I'm cashing. out $50 to 1,700 one more and I cash out. one more I actually cash out it's in my. eyle I need to click it I need to click. it. no. bro Daredevil's insane let's go 100 hard. mode School medium. 100 oh my God D Devil's. insane let's go easy 200 easy 200 easy. mode. 200 easy mod let's go for a run here we. have two more tries I'm so greedy man. I'm so.

Greedy wheelhouse let's catch the. Wheelhouse. here no we almost had it we have two. more bats we have two more bats I'm. going for the end on crossy road I'm. going for the end on crossy road ladies. and gentlemen I appreciate you guys. watching this is what I do man I told. you guys when you guys come to my video. you're going to see big wins or big. losses I'm a gambler and I post the. realness. get there get there no three more I'm. all in I'm all in I'm all in okay okay. doom doom doom. doom. another. oh my God ladies and gentlemen why do. you guys watch the ryar Youtube videos. 250 to. $6,000 I hope you guys are enjoying my. videos all I ask for is a simple like. comment $25 giveaway every single video. 730 p.m. Easter time every single day. we're taking over YouTube. baby. yeah. B. 6,000 all in appreciate you guys what a.

bangger appreciate you guys watching and. until the next one ladies and gentlemen. peace. out

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