12.05.2024 Crazy Coin Flip, Crazy Time, Cash or Crash, Monopoly

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So. so. so. same high heels and i went up to her. like like. hey there i like your high heels. where did you get them. i want to like that. for example somebody sometimes like it. like everybody. daryl hi cena hello daryl hello to. everybody so nice to see you. let's see. looks like that's the one here one it is. one it is one it is. compliments to 196 minutes out there. cheers to oh calling guardia tony said. congratulations bang time so good luck. everybody so fisher i don't wear heels. anymore why. they're so cool good luck. and lola. thunder. hi. i miss you as well. the sweet the nice the sweetheart. thunder good luck everybody. 3x and i want to someone saw slime twin. can you tweak. you mean like a bird tweak tweak. funny my feet hurt well yeah it's for. everybody different. if i in long term wear flats my back. hurts.

And that is the one here oh as a. threetime multiplier yes one times. three do the math do the equation. 1819 minutes out there oh gordian usel. told us thomas okay congratulations bang. times here alpha hi. hello to you from where am i i'm from. the wonderland of the crazy time that's. where i'm from. good luck everybody from last five. rounds one five and two were the winning. segments. from the top slot the maximum multiplier. can go until even 50 x good luck. hey zz hello everyone tx and intuitive. tesla. so yeah from which country are you from. oh. lenan is from brazil hello to brazil. good luck everybody let's see what's. going to happen here so two with a two. times multiplier from top slot but it. looks like one appears to be as a. winning segment one it is. because you're my only one one thousand. eight hundred thirty eight winners out.

There call me oh zell chubbiness other. congratulations esco who's that behind. the wheel esco there's a conspiracy. theory okay. they say. behind the wheel sometimes people see. somebody. and. they say that's my imaginary husband. and. good luck. so. yes i do have an imaginary husband i. have never seen him. but some say they see him. behind the wheel. but i never saw him check santa pachinko. from this house lot good luck everybody. and um that's a conspiracy theory. and i have never seen him. imagine having a husband and you have. never seen him cash on it is ladies and. gentlemen cash on it is. enough conspiracy theories let's go. catch him whoa. good luck everybody but right now let's. see what are the multipliers are we. working on. work it work it okay looks like 100x is. the biggest one. let's get the shuffle let's get the.

Carousel started elvira already in a. chat goes like my first bet and we hit. that cash and maybe el rida because you. bet you know olson cashman king who. knows conspiracy theories there are a. lot of them okay the shuffle mishmash is. done and right now you gotta choose. which side which emoji is gonna be the. one the one that brings you that 100 x. yes hopefully you all gonna get it. hopefully we're gonna sing out loud boom. boom. but if you don't decide it will. automatically do a decision for you so. decisions are done multipliers reveal. and it looks like ooh on the right side. that 100x smile. compliments all the winners out there 3. 919 winners ralphie spread and exio tony. said they congratulations ruffy top. winner 7 600 euros goes to 75 x was the. multiplier i got. good luck everybody. good luck. and martini thank you so much sweetheart.

For the nice message. in the chat good luck. thank you so much. yes. that's how we do that's how we do two. weeks on the kitchen today from tesla. and twin i'm playing in south africa. really is it right now springtime in. south africa. looks like the winning segment is won. one it is approaching us. it's celebration time one thousand eight. hundred forty winners oh vinnie and. connie tell us that they congratulations. bang time say good luck everybody yes. four bonus rounds corn flip cash and. pachinko and the crazy time we have. auto play option if you feel like ham. some vanilla ice cream and you do not. want to miss out those bets. if you're confused on which segment to. play some bets. you can do bets on all options bets on. all numbers or bits and all bonus rounds. your choice good luck but those are the. options that are available so 3x.

Unattended is from sasslog good luck. everybody. good luck good luck. so from the last five rounds want to. cash on with the winning segments. hola. cigna say boom boom. by the way ladies and gentlemen how do. you call a really fancy dressed up smurf. two it is as a winning segment two it is. yes how do you call really fancy dress. up smurf. 2 496 winners out there zippo md oh your. tone is a great job zipper 21 thousand. 292 years ago so you change bang time so. good luck everybody take all the time. yes. that's about it. so how do you call a really fancy. dressed up smurf. you call it. smurfalicious. yeah. you call it smartfalicious. good luck everybody. mervalicious. when you see that smurf smurfalicious. all right good luck everybody. um. casey cringy yeah that's my lifestyle i. remember oh my there hey j burning dress.

What. don't burn your clothes ladies and. gentlemen one it is as a winning segment. one it is especially if you're wearing. your clothes don't burn them you will. need them you know. 118 minutes out there vinnie conley roll. you're trying to say great job anytime. so good luck everybody take out time no. need to so smelly do you uh drink grape. juice yes grape juice is really good. good luck everyone. happy juice as well is really good. and but my favorite juice is black. currant juice. good luck everybody. yeah what about you what's your favorite. juice. yeah i keep it juicy juicy i eat the. lunch. hydrate pancake waffle toast i take them. all hey g what about you what do you. choose pancake waffle toast well i would. say i choose that chocolate uh. two it is as a winning segment two it is. especially nutella on top of the.

Pancakes that's the best thing in the. world. two thousand four hundred twenty winners. out there zip over and video tonight is. that they congratulations many times so. good luck everybody what about you what. do you choose nutella on a pancakes. maple syrup on a pancakes maybe you want. that butter. maybe you want that butter maybe peanut. butter and jelly on top of the pancakes. which does not sound bad. good luck everybody. good luck. so hexa so 2x on a two days from top. slot hexa hello to you hello to all the. youtubers welcome to the crazy tab how. amazon i'm doing fabulous how about you. luisa highs i'm tired really lisa maybe. take a rest. you know a good rest equals good mindset. fresh as a daisy freshness in the world. five it is as a winning segment five it. is. compliments to 2488 winners out there. zipper one for an md your toners are the.

Great job being times here zipper top. 102 584 euros goes to chaching my money. don't jiggle it falls right i don't play. but no option don't forget. mario i love you i love you as well. mario. good luck everybody. okay mario you reminded me of this. lovely dad joe good luck. everyone so what do you think what kind. of pants does mario wear. yes. what kind of pants. does mario wear do you have any clue. ladies and gentlemen. let's see. after coin flip we'll find out the. answers about what kind of pants do. maria wear but right now all eyes on the. coin flip because we're gonna do some. flipping business here yes. we're gonna do the only flip i know is. flip the coin yes but before we do that. let me introduce this coin red side blue. side. and let's see what it offers right. looks like we got 20 x on our red 3x on. our blue ladies and gentlemen oh good.

Luck. yes 20 x on that red side it is whoa why. 20 because you were 10 i'm afraid to. give you 20. so 26 on that red. congratulations to 3 780 winners out. there addie excellent chula thomas other. great job addie taught me to two. thousand one hundred euros goes to. chaching. good luck. caboli nothing personal but when was the. last when the last time you made an. argument against something good luck. without using the term conspiracy to. make your point. i was just having fun kabuli good luck. everyone so kabuli i'm just saying. conspiracy theories because you don't. have to. my if you i say conspiracy theories you. don't have to you know believe in. everything what they say you know you. know because it's just a conspiracy. theory a theory that is not true five it. is as a winning segment five it is. compliments to two thousand six hundred.

And seventy nine winners out there zippo. addy linnie yo tennis other. congratulations bang time so good luck. everybody so what kind of pants do mario. wear. you know what kind of pants. denim denim denim. denims and him denim. denim. fair enough but do you think you've been. conditioned to do that to maintain. wish you the best of luck and to. everybody. at the end of the day i just want. everybody to have fun. but maybe i do have an imaginary. boyfriend or husband too it is as a. winning segment too it is you never know. maybe at the end of the day we're all. robots or maybe this is just a dream you. never know two thousand seven hundred. nine one is out there but jokes aside. zippo cindy i t top three when it's out. there great job zippo one thousand two. hundred ninety two years ago chat good. luck everybody. mario that's funny thank you thank you.

Very much dan you look sharp thank you. thank you now i feel like a lovely. cactus thank you good luck. the last five rounds two five coin flip. for the winning segments and the last. coin flip was 20 x 2x on a five decent. salsa good luck everybody but kuboli. thank you so much for such. smart like really kabuli you like really. when you speak when i was reading out. loud your sentences. you seem like really like educated i at. first was like what are you talking. about what it is as a winning segment. one it is. so yeah kabuli seems like you are a. really smart person. seven is out there vp sunny oh you're. telling us a good job anytime soon good. luck everybody so my apologies if i. sound really like a buffoon you know i'm. really sorry. i'm not that intelligent. yeah for me it's really tough that's why. i really i really hope one day maybe.

Sometimes my brain will gonna open up. good luck. but yeah. good luck everyone. and yes auto player option if you feel. like doing something else but you do not. want to miss out and ellie hello to you. hello to all newcomers welcome to crazy. time mario no you're wonderful thank you. mario good luck everybody let's get. started let's get it started. and turn it is as a winning segment ten. it is. ten it is. three thousand fifty two minutes out. there great job. adi lining nine six here. you're obviously a lovely smart person. thank you kabuli that is sweet. but you can be right without needing to. involve conspiracy theory okay kabuli. thank you for the knowledge really i'm. open up for new knowledges. good luck. but thank you. but is there a conspiracy theory you. might believe in xanax unattended is. from slot like yeah.

Is there a conspiracy theory you might. believe in like yeah just saying just. asking for a friend. you know when you're like not not not. you know fully like sure you're like. just asking for a friend five days as a. winning segment five it is. compliments to the winners out there. three thousand forty foreigners out. there zippo lenny and roomie telling us. that congratulations main times here. zippo tobino two thousand four hundred. eighty four years ago. so elsie hello t hello to all the. newcomers. welcome to the crazy time from last five. rounds one two five and ten were the. winning segments. good luck everybody and yes four bonus. rounds corner flip cash on pachinko and. a crazy time good luck everybody. two x and a two distance life. so. speaking of uh conspiracy theories so. tella when you start out by calling.

Something a conspiracy you're making. this call a circular argument you need. to show it. uh before traveling such no wait i. should show in like on a paper what it. is as a winning segment one it is. ah. i should show before paper and then show. two thousand eighteen minutes out there. calling x and sunny thomas i did a great. job anytime say good luck everybody wait. so tell like really educate me ladies. and gentlemen educate me. yes. educate me like before i say anything. am i even like if i say conspiracy. theory i should show it on a paper and. then say it as a conspiracy theory good. luck. yeah kabuli everyone you're welcome to. judge me three excellent crease hammers. good luck everybody. like really you're welcome to judge me. i'm really i'm not that smart that's why. i love to talk to people because from.

Every person you get a new knowledge. either it's a new recipe for food or. just a history or something or a place. five of it is as a winning segment five. it is. compliments to two thousand seven. hundred ninety nine winners out there. zip only me mercurial tennessee. congratulations vain times here four. bonus rounds cornflower cassian pachinko. or crazy time you can do bits on all. bonus rounds bits on all numbers or just. bits on all don't forget autoplay is. their fee as well. good luck everybody. let's get the part started but you know. what the one of the reasons good luck i. would never want to be. 3x and i wanted this in tesla good luck. everyone i would never want to be. like a celebrity like have you heard a. lot of theories about celebrities i'm. not going to say conspiracy theories. because unfortunately there is a term.

How to properly use it coin flip it is. yes after coin flip commercial break. we're gonna continue. all right. coin flip coin flip let's go let's go. corn flip coin flip let's go so this is. the coin a red side blue side and let's. see what it offers right. looks like we're heading off. 20x on our blue 2x on our red. let's see good luck. yes we got that 20x on that blue. second time in a row on a cornflake we. get that 20x this time 20 excellent blue. compliments of 4 thousand 400 winners. chula biggie i for your tournaments at. the great job truly talented two. thousand forty six years ago. judging good luck everybody max white's. not red because it was blue good luck. because it was. blue. i love it oh. yes. oh. yeah good luck. oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah two eggs on the. corner flipping this one's also ladies. and gentlemen good luck everybody.

Emilio being so open mind and positive. makes you smarter than most people. really does it. i just don't know i just feel like you. know you're just open for new knowledge. and that's about oh. oh oh yes card flip for the two times. multiplier oh oh. yeah that's right we got that corn flip. yeah with a two times multiplier from. the top slot oh yeah. oh yeah let's go. so this is the coin a red side a blue. side. and let's see the offers before we. multiply with the two times multiply. right so 10x on our red 2x on a blue. buff. adding that two times multiplier there. so 20x on that red forks on a blue good. luck. yes. two times in a row we get that cornflake. and again we get that swansea. on that red side four thousand two. hundred forty see what is up there alfie. chula one four tall winners out there. avital winning two thousand one hundred.

Years ago see chaching yeah that's. right two times in a row we get that. coin flip with a 20x multiplier oh yeah. oh yeah that's right let's go let's go. to the new round here good luck. everybody. whoa. all of us look so ollie. hey joe already in the chat hey sir hey. who oh. yay all right okay i hope it's coming. before mark a good luck everyone. hopefully. let's get it on. right now the winning segment is two two. it is as a winning segment two it is. but this session is an incredible three. coin flips all three of them 20x nice. 3133 winners out there tony vinnie i t. attorney said the great job tony 871. years goes to judging good luck. everybody money did you just came no. i'm all the time here. yes i'm all the time here sweetheart. good luck everyone from the last five. rounds one five two and going flying for.

The winning segments. good luck everybody. from the sassa the biggest multiplayer. can be until 50 x. money what. all right ladies and gentlemen good luck. all right good luck. 3x out of pachinko it is insane. okay. good luck everybody. so right now the winning segment is. that's a two two it is as a winning. segment ladies and gentlemen two it is. compliments to three thousand three. hundred eighty three owners out there. zipper toner vinnie a ton of such a. great job zipper top winner 1 thousand. 292 years goes to you well done so bang. time's here. good luck everybody yes this is. amazing whoa let's get it on. let's get it on. let's get it on good luck everybody. good luck. all right. good luck. okay. so from last five rounds. five two and coin flip for the winning. segments good luck everybody. vanessa did you see the extra spin wait.

What do you mean vanessa. what you see me spinning i don't do. extras if i do extras you know that. would be what it is as a winning segment. one it is. great job to 218 winners out there. cheers to vp engine and oh your channel. is a great job anytime soon good luck. everybody and pedro hello t hello. telling newcomers welcome to the crazy. time hopefully it's a sign for something. big about to happen. all the best of lucky ladies and. gentlemen yeah so we got four bonus. rounds cornflake cash and pachingo and a. crazy time. good luck everybody. that's that tick ton of pitching credits. inside. taco come on hopefully taco come on come. on turn already all on hopefully we're. gonna get those big bada boom butter. multipliers there so yeah so far coin. flip has been really nice to us but. right now for this. this one two it is for this round two it.

Is. all right ladies and gentlemen. two thousand eight hundred seventy eight. winners zip four nine six to know you're. telling us that congratulations ben and. time is here good luck everybody and. wish you all the best of luck. yes from tesla. the biggest multiplier can be up till 50. x. good luck everybody good luck. all the best luck to you. taneksana pachinko it is. 10x on that pachinko. hopefully we could get it. good luck everyone. but right now for this round it looks. like we got a 10 here 10 appears to be. as a winning segment. compliments to 3 494 winners out there. egg stuffing spread you're the toughness. out there congratulations bedding time. see you good luck everybody take all the. time no need to rush he has four bonus. rounds corn flip cash on pachinko and. crazy time good luck everybody. auto play option but total option is.

Available free as well. okay hey open the red door hello okay. hello to all the newcomers welcome to. the crazy time. open the door hopefully we could open. the door good luck everyone. good luck everybody. yeah. so 3x on a crazy time it is from topsail. let's get this party started. and it looks like for this round the. winning segment is one what it is as a. winning segment. all right so two thousand one hundred. seventy woman is out there ex ricken and. hershey autonomous other congratulations. exo 220 years goes to you top winner. chaching so bang times here good luck. everybody. from last five rounds one two and ten. were the winning segments. hello. all is fine now but can you check the. last winning number input. good luck. so good luck everybody from last five. rounds one two and ten were the winning. segments good luck everybody.

Hello. two it is as a winning segment uh can. you check the previous round uh. yeah as you see input. so two it is as a winning segment ladies. and gentlemen. can you okay thank you. all right thank you so much so can you. check it yeah thank you. two thousand eight hundred sixty. thunder's out there zippo own sunflower. eutonos did a great job zippo toner. great job so ladies and gentlemen let's. begin a new round shall we so yes four. bonus rounds cornflow cash and pachinko. in a crazy time. auto play but tunnel option is available. for you as well let's bring it on good. luck. are we hello to you hello to all the. newcomers welcome to the crazy time. jesse you need to spin the wheel later. two eggs on a crazy seven days from. tesla are you sure jesse good luck. everyone. okay what's happening what's happening. that is the one here as a winning.

Segment one it is ladies and gentlemen. one it is. great job to. 1949's out there cheers to oemd harsha. your tennessee congratulations many. times here elsie cameras are broke no. well i hope you see me. are they broken. from last five rounds one two and ten. were the winning segments. good luck everybody. yo do you spend too early really i spend. too early. by what you say. that i spend too early what do i do good. luck everyone. good luck everyone. so three excellent attentives from top. slot. and uh smelly cigna is your new name. what do you mean my new name. i have been named like that for 29 years. one it is as a winning segment what it. is ladies and gentlemen. great job to. 1949 minutes out there always roughly. casey you're thomas out there. congratulations ben times here good luck. everybody scott what happened you spin.

Earl what. what. good luck everyone. so it's. too early too late what. seven extended crazy seven days from. sasa argentina i have to wait for the. top slot to show them. then spin. but. but did i do correctly now. that is the one here as a winning. segment one it is. 1738 when is that there. zippo oh and sunflower thomas had that. great job super chat winner 1 722 years. ago see. okay argentina yes that was good thank. you you're welcome argentina thank you. for the heads up thank you. good luck everybody good luck wow. wow. wow from the top slot 3x on i wanted to. do some sauce log. love you thank you so much yuri honestly. thank you and girly it's okay you know. if you have something to say you know. criticize me you know i'm there for open. minded for that two it is as a winning. segment two it is if i'm doing something.

Wrong say hey yo girl. this is not good do this i like it. better like this when i i will try my. best two thousand one hundred twenty. five one is out there msc oh jordan your. toner such a great job well done so big. time auto play but tunnel option is. available for you as well from the last. five rounds one and two were the winning. segments. quad blue cash on pachinko and a crazy. time are the bonus rounds so river hello. to you hello to all the newcomers. welcome to the crazy time. three eggs on a case in the distance. luisa why do you do this to me cena what. do i do. i. i'm spinning the wheel taro how do you. pronounce your name cigna yes you. pronounce it cigna. and what it is as a winning segment one. it is. greater to 1580 winners out there great. job to zippo call me oh your channel. said congratulations many times so good.

Luck everybody take out town i need to. rush ray thank you so much for your. lovely emojis. good luck everybody. joshua where's mr beast i don't know. joshua. i'm only here good luck i'm only here. monica thanks for being such a great. host thank you so much monica seven. excellent i wanted us from southside. monica you can't even imagine thank you. so much sweetheart really. thank you. good luck and hopefully we're gonna get. those big winnings. and right now we gotta fight here as a. winning segment five it is. it's a celebration to all the winners. two thousand one hundred eighty eight. winners out there great job to bruno say. msd your attendance at the. congratulations spending time say good. luck sunny thank you singing i love you. you're welcome sonny enjoy. so. let's do a little bit of dad joke. so what is brown.

Hairy and has sunglasses on. yes. yes what is. brown. hairy and has sunglasses on five excited. pachinko it is from thompson money. thank you for the humor money thank you. yes what is brown hairy and. and has sunglasses on so pachinko with a. five times multiplier yeah. pacheco with the five times multiplier. ladies and gentlemen let's go whoa. let's get this party started in here. let's get it pop it in here. all right let's get this party started. okay looks like we're starting out here. seven x okay great job mmhmm 10 x 15 20. 25. 50 double and a five times multiplier. and a double cheeseburger. yay hopefully gonna get the biggest one. or a double cheeseburger first. right. good luck everybody. so 250x is the biggest one ladies and. gentlemen don't forget about the double. cheeseburger there as well so let's get.

Them all so 250x please or a double. cheeseburger please 250 or a double. cheeseburger 250 or a double. cheeseburger 250 or double cheeseburger. yes yes yes yes let's go double it. ladies and gentlemen double double. double double cheeseburger. double cheeseburger ladies and gentlemen. we got it. whoa 500x the biggest one. all the best. let's get this party continuing maybe. another double cheeseburger please. another double cheeseburger another. double cheeseburger okay another double. cheeseburger another double okay 150x. ladies and gentlemen i. congratulations it's a celebration. great job to all the winners thank you. so much for this session have a. wonderful time with janetta. whoa thank you so much wow what a. multiply congratulations guys my name is. jeanette will be giving you for the next. session. let's go.

Excuse me excuse me. let's do this. that's indeed crazy. you love me at each session you confuse. me honey. maybe you're telling the truth i don't. know. son. you jeanetta yes babe it's me me myself. and i ladies and gents cash and let's go. what a start first spin and we're here. pretty cool so let's check our main. multipliers. what a board oh my a lot of hundred x's. out there. let's mix them prepare yourself. you need to choose one of the emojis one. of the symbols. call them as you wish. just go for 100.. i think you just fall in love on the. board so i'm playing with three seven. cupcake is mine forever. well till this day soon maybe i will. change the spot we'll see so last. seconds. and. my compliments to you results are good. uh 4. 249 champions until i see now you've. shot 100 x you're the champion of the. champions in this round congratulations.

Guys there you go so anyway every day is. awesome our highest multiply 400 x. ladies and gents we did it bonus game. crazy time lucky flopper yellow. how. we catch some few doubles. good luck. we get some good levels inside catch us. with five packs we need to go back. yellow so i also picked 100x luck is on. your side my dear that's pretty cool. but apathata is like for me 10 girl. blow that out i'll play all that. autoplay. and ladies and gents number one appears. oh zippo and bruno. hey bruno you're here too so compliment. 228 winners in total i've seen my. congratulations to you ladies and gents. and of course let's try again. we'll never ever give up. so bonus is it's a one what do you mean. no. we you. i can tell you can tell what. if it's a one you have to do a star job. no. hi how are you today sweetheart. and ladies and gents number one i just.

Did it i just jumped then. that was a star jump. monique how are you today bruno your top. 2 240 champions i see you at this moment. so my congratulations to you and. newcomers welcome nice to see you next. to have you here let's see what you got. fine hi. hello hello. sweetie. good luck. we're really really close to that. passion. can you update pachinko 150x yeah but. what was top spot multiplier number two. with a forks on it. loser yes i do. gbb hello hello. hello mister like your hair marina thank. you i love top slot multipliers check. this out number two with the forks on it. yay it's eight acts in your pocket. so with summer you're the champion. two thousand eight hundred two uh. winners i see at this moment so my. congratulations and let's go marina what. else do you like. i love big. bonuses big multipliers. played all morning miss 150x well if you.

Miss 150x maybe you catch with me 400x. or you miss 400x2. crazy diamond force. get it girl. monique with sketch crazy 74x. and let's enjoy some few doubles orchard. pulse. triple double double triple oh why are. so far away okay we'll try next time. it would be so good. and ladies and gents number one appears. if you have any questions regarding the. game you can approach me in the chat. zipper bruno again you're the champions. 293 winners and social license so. congratulations to you guys and we'll. try once again. red lips. they're beautiful okay rolls thank you. the top slot are kidding today is. good we can't. complain thomas coinflip 10x yo. check this out. will be hello honor to have you here how. is going your day so far my dear did you. catch some big multipliers already. and ladies and gents. hey sunny 2 is back.

So. 2959 winners in my congratulations. beautiful so we're playing with number. one number two this session we catch. passion guys prerecession high school. for us 400 x. bonus game crazy time blocking club or. yellow. what was the top slot multiplier on. pachinko. yeah but you should go 150x top slot. please. even 5x top slot is a big multiplier yes. monique you're absolutely right you're. absolutely right. i i don't know you noticed or not but. we're just dancing around those bonus. games. what a tooth what a tease it is. zippered the champion 298 winners and. specialized these are compliments so. anyways in previous shifts here guys we. were able to catch cash on the top slot. 10x multiplier and coin slip. top slot 25x. that's decent and crazy time we got with. 3x by the way. so maybe that's why today we're just. chilling here.

Good luck. i need 100 cash out let's go five hello. nice to see you welcome welcome welcome. those cards in the chat looks so good. thank you. thank you so much sunshine thank you. no surprise guys another number one ups. and downs ups and downs. so zipper bruno your top two winners. 2218 champions in total i say so my. compliment to you guys new round new. possibilities available if you're ready. to continue let's do this. g have you ever got got what. what are you talking about. a bonus of course my previous mission. will already catch crazy time and our. highest multiplier was 400x and then. we're lucky flapper yellow going for the. trucks if we're talking about coinflip. they're my highest is 625x crazy's not. more than 2k cashman 2k pachinko 1400x. so pretty cool oh and we got all numbers. with the top 50x so.

Yeah i'm familiar with nice. and multipliers number two. and would struggle too. before and after then yeah when we catch. so 2780 winners congratulations sunny. too. double check wise let's move on. seems like pops up here on a break god. this goddess will not disturb you let's. try to catch some uh i don't know. potential crazy time and crazy time some. doubles triples and pachinko doubles. that was that was a lot of devils. that's crazy time man sunshine ah. i just started my session i can share. the information about our last crazy. time. sunny too ladies and gentlemen. good hello. anna hello nice to see you. 2786 winners my compliment and let's go. bedding time at 12 relax. impossible request to this. but you can take some break that's okay. you can wait for your lucky host. have you win a lot of money. your favorite post.

You have your favorite hosts. we have our. favorite players. dj you're surprised to see me in search. out one with 50x. hey. game one game one. game us number one stop. whoa. yay ladies and gents number one with the. 50x on it let's go you were not in a. brain baby tough thank you. this is massive mwah you say don't. forget about the numbers 2055 winners in. total that's number one pretty cool. let's move on let's catch all numbers. with 50x i'm in. it's the biggest still winning crazy. time with time lala our highest was 400. x. in previous session so two hours ago. lucky flapper yellow. and now one with nothing. we get one with 50x do not expect. anything from anyone expectations always. hurt we did not expect to see number one. in 50x bomb we catch it oh this is. cool i want more let's play with one. like we can afford number one ladies and.

Gents this is nice i was like a bit more and that would be five no it was one two thousand three hundred fifty seven champions my compliment to you ladies and gentles go betting time and hands free option guys button autoplay i dare you to give crazy tom what a 50x well you should dare top slot not me it's a random multiplier generation money so we're falling for number one and number two ladies and gents we're already catching number one 150x that's pretty cool love your love love yourself all right who is here ladies and gents number five it's a crazy time tops let me try what is your highest absolute multiplier and crazy time by the way so total winners are 3 000 spreed love wow so nice name g you deserve to win constantly i just feel a lot of positive wipes i love it so yeah my highest 25 second high is 20.

We catch with 15 10 so. everything is possible you need to. believe right good luck. look at this it's a crazy time with tedx. what do we need we need to catch. crazy 7x that's it. oh my. oh no we're super far away. but just imagine that would be just. outstanding coincidence outstanding. okay well we're super far away ladies. and gents number one. it doesn't hurt. so much. so. bruno you're the champion 2248 winners. the hotel. you didn't. you. didn't you spin hard i didn't spin hard. it was hard bro. you look amazing thank you too come on. baby coming. we. the queen flipped to us. no coin flip ah it's gonna be. a crazy time maybe. yes. it's a crazy time. let's go. what are you waiting for come on. it's crazy time. okay time all yours. max multiply ladies and gents handed x. wish you good luck. cheer yourself up five thousand five.

Hundred sixteen winners in total and. marvel is crazy timeless. this is good this one one's nice we're. struggling and now again we're back. we're back. let's move on. good luck. okay first ever lucky clapper was yellow. now blue next time will be green. abc you're more than welcome sweetheart. it was examples it feels so good ladies. and gents number one. it's back you see ups and downs we. started three fashion and then number. one bruno you're the champion two. thousand six hundred sixty four winners. and such lesson congratulations and. let's go for another one spin. oh. error my dear previous uh shift we. already catch crazy time with top slots. multiply 3x. but today we're highest for the time. multiplier 400 x. previous session. lucky flapper yellow so number two good. for us. like don monge. your nerves easy now.

I know what i need to do ladies and. gents number five. bruno you're the champion 3. 438 winners and totality congratulations. and from all my heart have mercy to it. let's go. i know what you do with your choice yeah. wash them time to time. because you know they just stand. and you don't play with toys. dust will settle down what you got with. 2x so you need to wash your choice do. you play with toys too. i'm calling for those fluffy. bunnies. bears what else something. and ladies and gents number one appears. newcomers welcome honor to have you here. so 2838 winners congratulations. congratulations to you guys pretty cool. let's try once again. decision time if you have any questions. regarding the game you can host me in. the chat guys. right it was her song. today no ordinary love no ordinary left. that's not ordinary.

Yeah are you sure about that. oh my goodness come on patrick on the. forex whoa yeah baby let's go. that's distance. can you feel something big in your. pocket. let's check our multipliers. so let's see i love this one . it's gonna be 20x good okay. seven ten fifteen twenty thirty five. four times bigger bam. okay ladies and gents. hello there my champions max multiply. 140x i wish you good luck. let's go. okay where are your sunshine where are. you come closer closer 140 140 100 okay. 20 20 20.. oh my it's easy to notice you. for me because i'm falling for positive. whites and your names but positive. let's go. you know what would be bad. 8x. oh welcome my dears enjoy your 40x so. what can i say session. marvelous. marvelous. fantastic outstanding juicy magnificent. number five. oh cheers up a little bit. so. hundred forty one winners.

Congratulations have a nice day bye bye bye bye hello hello hello spending time still available so if you wanna play our last crazy time highest multiplier was hundred x one two flat four blue one will catch five two number one okay well back to number one ladies and gentlemen drizzy indeed yeah 13. you're absolutely right 353 winners i see my congratulations ladies and gents and from all my heart wish you best of luck let's try once again guys guys we missed something ladies and gents good luck coin flip no uh let's let's let's flip the coin after crazy time let's catch crazy time now ryan's like girl what's your rate i'm old enough to be here let's go for 24 is that okay with you choose i can be 24 18.

Oh my goodness oh my goodness. so we have a chance to catch a crazy. time with additional multiplier you see. chocolate is good flapper please. behave be hey. escobar is back oh it's been a long time. so you're the champion three thousand. nine hundred two winners in touch like. this so come on so close but so far away. at the same time baby yes. heartbroken moment. but we can try again. chris is having a 4x oh my oh my you're. 23. okay perfect. perfect thank you thank you. that's cute. yesterday i was 24 now 23.. it's gonna happen tomorrow 22. and after four days i will not be able. to work here because it'll be less than. 18 oh sheesh. sunny 2 appears. escobar you're the champion here uh. 2917 winners my congratulations guys if. you just joined we already catch. pachinko today with a 4x multipliers. pretty cool yeah multiplier was 40x nice.

Nice. it was nice. what was the big win today i heard. something about 500 ducks bombs game. passion but our highest. our highest crazy time for us. 400 x. and lucky flopper. yellow in this session our lucky flapper. blue with hundred x crazy town with. three years top small hey what. hey. guys you should match. have some deal like be friends. and otherwise we're suffering ladies and. gents number five. oh welcome back number five. uh eight five three hello nice to see. you 96 years of champion here. four thousand hundred sixtyfive winners. in total i said congratulations. baby you're a star i know. i know. i know thank you. i shined right. oh boy. trying to. oh no we're slowing down. yeah it's gonna be two what do you think. yeah okay so ladies and gents number two. appears. oh by the way today we are waiting this. session and this session if you just.

Join guys we catch number one with the. 50x pretty cool so 3826 winners in total. top sled is good we're good don't forget. to place your bats if you would want. some money me many many more let's go. always excited for her to switch sides. oh. you love to see how i walk back and. forth. that's interesting that's all you need. to be happy lucky you. for you will walk here all day. all day and all night. okay so ladies and gents and now. we'll continue with number one well. it's time next time we can't skip the. most. popular segment on the wheel so 3037. winners i see congratulations ladies and. gents and let's go decision time all. year if you have any questions. you can approach me in the chat i will. be glad to assist you. give 500 x i already gave you 400 acts. today. slow down there error. okay x. do we need cash into 2x.

No we're swelling. it's down be. another number one. dad. nelly are the top one or two thousand. eight 899 winners in total st so number. one it was double check double check. yeah so we always have ups and downs pay. attention 465. baby your figure what's what what. what's going on with my figure my dear i. love you oh that's sweet thank you so. much good luck guys. number two with three. grand you're absolutely right one of my. favorite numbers is number two. come on jenny. cece what. jack statistic we can't complain about. this. session change your strategy a bit i. don't know but give me that sex. yeah yeah number two with the 3x on it. top luck thank you. open that door give me the key grand. grand prep. grandpa. two thousand three hundred thirty six in. total congratulations. you know how they say christine. then 30 no i have no idea what are you.

Talking about did you see. from the front. what what are you talking about. is that. yes girl brings no soft body with. pleasure pachinko with 3x please. we request pachinko we're running too. fast you say bye bye pachinko let's say. hello sir. maybe. oh my. that was right hey it's a coin flip for. the first time in this session we'll. flip the coin with you to get our highs. by the way in queensland uh coin flip. multiplier 25 packs today. so okay our first one let's go. oh and we're flipping constantly right. on top let's see. i don't know. uh two in blue. but i want to see red. what do you think what do you think no. it's two. again. it's not my fault. so six thousand hundred thirty six. winners in total what do you mean by. about the. juicy multiplier. yeah today in a pretty quick flip guys. one player. got 5550 apps. maybe that's why this coin flip is mad.

At me i don't know. i don't. know good luck. you're the girl that let me win. thousands with 50 cents love you love. you back sweetie hey. dirty we like juicy let's juice it up a. little bit go for it. will you marry me should i. should i. number two why should i. you should move to latvia ready to are. you ready moved to latvia number two is. here two thousand seven hundred thirty. four winners congratulations guys let's. go decision time enhance reaction guys. oh my. oh my. crazy time with 4x. 96 well he wants me that's why he. proposed me don't be jealous. i got this you need attention. but they did not propose you they. proposed me. don't be jealous it's okay someone will. love you. uh. 2699 champions and socializing my. congratulations and let's go decision. time all. yours. they're a really great host babe i know. sweetie trying to do my best well this.

Session is good we catch one with 50x. nice crazy time hustle multiply 100x. lucky flopper blue. that we catch potency for us multiply. there sportier so it's okay it's okay. oh. pretty kitty this is so sweet. oh thank you. my support and ladies and gents number. one. i i know. had i know 80 89 you're the champion two. thousand. seven hundred thirty one winners in such. lesson congratulations let's try one. skin guys. you should ban them. well top milano should ban them. good luck. but i'm not able to read completely all. your messages because you're super. active and uh. from the cold adults well pretty you. know some of the players just can. express themselves here maybe they're. too weak in real life you know and. they're super shy they're not able to. make any communication with the other. people but here they can be brave.

Because they are behind the screen. hiding. now deaf of all 2509 winners in total. congratulations and uh by the way. somewhat. really interesting video so two dogs. they were barking at each other like a. crazy pizza open. salad was just flying everywhere and. there was automatic gates. so gates were opening. and the dogs were following following. following following to the gates and. when there was no gate between them. those two just like. were shot and. split like nothing happened so they were. brave enough only then when they're. they saw those gates. gates between them same here you know. just imagine that kind of person in the. real life. he's walking around and still he's. trying to be rude towards the others. but here yeah you can be brave enough. especially if you're talking to a. are they. okay so let's focus on the result.

This topic i should sit down i should. have some coffee. nice cigar and we could jump. let's go. your words. but you know what i mean in them. they're brave enough only there. hiding their faces like hey. show me what you got there. you can see me you can hear me. i would love to see you yeah let's have. some fun with a coin flip. honored to have you here let's try once. again uh pretty good where are you from. may i ask you. i see here for the first time by the way. or maybe not. oh yeah i'm confused now i just confused. myself oh my goodness. 12 over 3x. good dear yeah nickname i know. please janetta love your lips well okay. thank you what's next. like please janetta gave me coins with. tops let's reeves multiply because i. love your lips. oh come on. jump whoa. this is awesome it's a koi flip for 3x. let's go ladies and gents.

Oh my be juicy honey bee juicy that's. all we need and danny can give us the. lowest multipliers on top all. four 4 873 champions i see at this. moment my congratulations. better than zero. yeah. you know what happened once pretty so. anyways my highest multiplier there 625. hacks so we catch a coin flip oh my gosh. my previous shift we we got uh quantum. protocol 25 x and we flipped for us. hand with 7x we needed 10 with 7x but if. we were talking about my highest imagine. i got 15x yeah it was. chopstick 15x on point flip and we look. for a 625x so highest multiplied. and. once. uh ladies and gents number five. we catch point flip with top slot. multiplier 50x. fifth the highest possible and we. flipped for us 150x. wow it was painful of course still nice. multiplier it's 150x but there was corn. flip top slots like top slot multiplier.

50x that's a lot you know what i mean. we had a chance to flip 1250. versus 150.. now you're fine. two with a 2x. someday i'll flip their 5k. someday i will someday i will. well now maybe we'll catch number 10.. what do you think yes and ladies and. gents number 10. welcome home honey. highest possible number. lancer the champion here 4. one winners congratulations let's go. oh seven thank you thank you you love me. i love each and one of you. and i'm falling for top slots. and a great time money wheel. so pay attention in our last one two. three four five spins it's time to catch. number one with you yep it's time so. ladies and gents number one. sennelier the champion two thousand. eight hundred sixteen winners in total. oh. mr p is back mr payne house hello honey. how are you today. you're nothing your mind is dirty yeah.

Oh yeah yeah relax sunshine. good luck. and topsoil is quite calm again you see. today we win where our highest was 400x. bone was getting crazy time. lucky flapper yellow. it was yellow it was yellow ooh yay. number times back. let's try once again. you can move hello please one play and. kiss. okay give me a second my hand top busy. let's go. there you go. is your computer what are you doing. there i entered the result melo. there there gr okay i can go. with all top slot multipliers you want. it. ladies and gents coin flip let's go. oh no no no no no no i'll be back i'll. be back so okay ladies and gents stop it. at the time. let's go well give us 500. 5527 winners wins big q d more your last. one top three champions yes. congratulations to the winners uh you're. in wish you good luck with that good. luck. thank you for having me back.

Darling hello guys nice to meet you right there enter the crazy time jeanette so we're going woo 10 with a 25 let's go for it here we go guys this is what i like 10 with a 25 there's a 10 there's a 10. okay baby come up come up baby but not too not too fast not too fast oh yes we did it oh my goodness everyone we did it 25 eggs on the number 10 so 250. yes this is how we're rolling 504 thousand for the top and a half of a million for wins congratulations to you that was insane oh my goodness i love it i love this game this is going to be my last session by the way i forgot to mention my name is odata so yeah yeah let's keep let's continue everyone pachingo with forex most flower half million win right insane okay guys well congratulations just got this 25 with a number 10.

Perfect spin perfect. i was not even trying right i was just. spinning whatever but like it just. happened that's gonna be number one. ladies and gentlemen so guys. congratulations to all those winners. that is a number one. two thousand four hundred and one total. winners in land with a one thousand four. hundred and forty eight university. yourself right there so guys who won. half a mile. it was um. i called out his nickname i wince. i wince. that was him. it was wins. good luck. fine with a 2x let's go guys congrats. congrats everyone. yeah just perfect timing wasn't it. it's a five with a two eggs every one. would be what could get that one as well. or maybe something a better what do you. say well what do you mean like batter or. something uh these all numbers are. depending on yourselves row where. whatever you like the most you know.

That's gonna be number two this time so. what was the multiplier of a number 10. ah that was 25.. congratulations to you right there. congratulations everyone 11 000 people. in here. yay. boom baby. okay milano can you please. just check his nickname. please. but thank you you're doing amazing job. just check this person's nickname. that's how it's by far what a present. odetta disappears jokes about entering. to crazy time you know. uh because like um. what's my colleague was saying so. jeanette was saying she was like yeah. you were going so determined to that. side uh that uh you were just so ready. to go to the crazy time you just needed. to to ask me to. to input the crazy time. segment and that is that is it right. she was like you saw like you're gonna. win this all you know. thank you milano that's perfect. thank you.

I love it. i love i love the good teamwork. thank you that's going to be number one. ladies and gentlemen so guys. congratulations to all those owners out. there um there is going to be 2. 677 total winners but there is a land as. a top and winner 1 448 euros to yourself. congratulations to you guys right there. and let's win some money for the next. round as well so hello. need a reply from you in a lovely flying. kiss aren't you asking too much. so uh what was the question can you. please uh. send it again. there's crazy time thanks to everyone so. guys good luck. oh yeah so what was the what was the. question what were you asking. okay go to pachinko baby. this is what we wanted right yay. everyone pachinko this is a this is a. session of stars okay. okay guys this is a sorry session for. sure uh let's take a puck.

And we're gonna. do some jungler as well. let's do this everyone i am ready to. rock and roll with this puck so we have. the three five seven ten. twenty and the hundred okay hundred is. the target isn't it guys. well we don't set any targets in here we. totally don't do that but whenever it. comes to pachinko uh then. i'm just always hoping for the highest. multiplier right this is how i'm rolling. so i hope you're rolling with me guys. this way as well so we have 100x as a. max multi guys 100 baby come up here. come up here come up here. okay uh 10 is also fine 10 is also fine. right congratulations to all those. winners every once in a while. apparently we have 5 830 total winners. and ralph with 1100. yours for yourself congratulations. okay is there anyone who heard my braces. story. at the beginning of uh of those previous.

Sessions. i was telling my braces story and uh and. now. i have an update. but one with the two exclusive okay so. long story short i had braces. right looks good uh but uh for for my. teeth to stay in the same place so for. for them to not move um i had this one. like a like a brace from inside right. that's gonna be number uh one ladies and. gentlemen so one uh with two x. multiplier and as i had this brace uh. from uh from uh the inside. then um i i could see that like one one. brace was coming off of one teeth i was. like okay so i called my um. orthodontist right that's gonna be. number one guess congratulations to all. of you i called them i called her and i. set an appointment and at the. appointment she said everything is. lovely you shouldn't do anything. uh i was like maybe like renewed the one. brace which was coming up she was like.

No no no not need everything is gonna be. lovely so she didn't do actually. anything i just paid for her to like. speak. speak nicely to me that's literally in. um after like few months i realized like. my um one of the teeth which was like. off the brace. it was uh it was quite moving so. basically. uh right now it is coming more to the. outside than the the rest of the teeth. right that's gonna be number two guys so. congratulations to all of you right. there uh and yeah i called my doctor not. the orthodontist but um my dentist and. she said. quickly run back to her because she. needs to fix her mistakes and i was like. why do we even have these kind of a like. doctors who doesn't know their job right. like if my dentist she's actually like. crazy about it she was like just quickly. run back you know. uh so basically that's that's the update.

Uh what i have and right now i'm just. looking for. any other specialist who could uh who. could help me out. so if there's any are to done um. or to don test or how you call them uh. if there's any just just shout out just. come to latvia and fix my teeth please. i'll pay you i'll pay you double if. you're good okay i'll pay you triple if. you're the best okay if you even like if. you know how to do your job. i'll pay you. that's number two guys congratulations. okay but that's not that's some quick. story about um. my updates in my health uh life if you. wanted to know. okay so um. get let's get back to the game we have a. crazy town with a 2x multiplier everyone. so guys good luck to all of you we had. five thousand uh previously on on. yesterday. five thousand on a cash hunt it was. it was like 22 hours ago or something.

Yeah literally it was like almost 24. hours ago so um. so that's what it was but uh that's. gonna be. 3752 total winners ng with 992 euros for. yourself right there so guys. congratulations to all of you and let's. continue guys good luck. okay guys so good luck to all of you. right there. a song you can sing for me. you are a dancing queen. young and sweet only 17.. dancing queen. feel that beat from the tambourine oh. yeah. you can dance you can drive having the. time of my life ooh who see that girl. watch that scene dig in the dancing. queen. pretend you liked it. okay that was number one previously. your favorite language english. woo. crazy time 10x multiplier. okay guys if i get this crazy time. then i will sing. how. many times i like. can we actually make it happen. oh. okay this is close this is close it's. gonna be number one.

Okay that's number one everyone. congratulations to all those winners. right there so uh okay we have. 267 total winners i didn't know that it. would go so close though but uh it did. it did. anybody could be a bad guy. okay guys so there's gonna be number one. with a 2x multiplier so good luck. let's go. that's going to be pachinko right there. so guys good luck to all of you right. there that is going to be pachinko bonus. game. here we go. so good luck to all of you right there. let's uh let's drop a puck from one of. these dropping zones everyone. and uh yeah here we go guys. that is gonna be 5x multiplier what we. started around with also uh 15 20 35 40. in the double. so good luck everyone. let's get up and we're gonna drop the. pack. let's get up and drop a pack. i love this riddle right okay here we go. guys. nine.

Or. the 40 or the other multipliers okay 40. 40 baby. close close enough that's going to be. 10x multiplier once again. uh l2 was it just asking what does the. double do. the double. gives you all the multipliers double. when the um puck. lands in that specific. zone. and then we uh drop again. ms is saying close enough well it was. close right. not well maybe close not enough. okay i'm correcting myself close not. enough. but um that was that was pretty close. though still that's going to be coin. flip with a 2x multiplier right there. that is gonna be number five ladies and. gentlemen so guys congratulations to all. those winners with there so that is. gonna be number five and we have four. thousand two hundred and thirty five. total winners lean. 3259 universe for yourself. congratulations to all those winners. right there so guys betting time.

Anybody could be that guy. music. you are a dancing queen. okay guys pachinko with three x. multiplier right there why so many house. good singers. we all learned from the best. we all had one teacher right that's. gonna be coinflip ladies and gentlemen i. think that uh is because we're just all. really expressive and we just like like. to communicate and talk and and um. we're all kind of like an actors right. kind of. so that's why like. being an actor. singing comes with it there is gonna be. 10x for the red and two eggs for the. blue everyone red whoa. here he goes that's beautiful. even though that's exactly it's still a. beautiful multiplier for you guys the. highest from those two we have. 5995 total winners right there. okay guys so good luck. that is gonna be number two ladies and. gentlemen so guys congratulations to all.

Those winners right there that is gonna. be number two. and we have a four thousand and twenty. two total winners right there so lynn. with a 2000 university yourself right. there so guys congratulations to all of. you and let's continue guys uh for the. next round as well so guys good luck. hello gerwyn hi. nice to meet you by then. whoa. jonathan was asking how i'm doing um. nothing much just got this number 10. with 256 multiplier. uh one of the players right there he got. um how much. half a million of a win. and i was just like looking out that way. and i was like. okay not so bad not so bad huh. that's gonna be number two so um overall. um life's been interesting right. uh i've been struggling with um. with that with. dentists with um. orthodontists so that's number two guys. so congratulations. so yeah i've been struggling with those.

Um. it's really hard to like find an actual. good specialist. who knows a deal. okay guys so there's time with a 3x. multiplier so guys good luck to all of. you right then. what about yourself. 10 with a 3x multiplier one so guys uh. right now that is going to be number two. congratulations to all those owners by. there that is gonna be number two for. them. and we have four thousand and ninety. nine total winners right there so lynn. as a top and winner two thousand and one. hundred and seventy three years yourself. congratulations to all those winners. everyone. anybody could be that guy. number two is the most common segment by. the way guys so welcome all those. newcomers hello. hi how is your life. okay guys so that is going to be number. two right there so congratulations. to all the winners over there we have 3.

851 total winners guys lane. 2173 versus yourself congratulations to. all and let's continue guys. okay guys so fire with 3x multiplier. good luck. and that is going to be number one. everyone so guys congratulations to all. those winners weather so guys that is. going to be number one. uh we have a. 2864 total winners guys edging with. 1489 university yourself congratulations. to you guys embedding time is here so. guys good luck. batting time everyone. there's gonna be crazy time with a 3x. multiplier everyone so. good luck. anybody could be the guy. oh. pachinko. yes that's that's great everyone so we. have a pachinko bonus game again. amazing i love it i love pachinko i love. walking up the stairs and down the. stairs that's what i do every day that's. gonna be particular bonus game everyone. so uh let's see the bonuses.

What could we get everyone we're gonna. be having some 3x multiplier then also. uh 7. 10 15 20 35 and 50 right there so guys. good luck to all of you by then. and that is uh gonna go here good luck. okay guys so that is gonna be 10x. multiplier congratulations to all those. winners were there. thank you guys very much for being here. we have six thousand one hundred and. thirty four total winners rough with one. thousand one hundred universities over. there so guys congratulations to you and. let's win some money guys for the next. round as well. good luck. okay guys so there is going to be. pachinko with 3x multiplier good luck to. all of you right there. okay baby let's go to pachinko. and that is gonna be number one right. there so guys congratulations to all. those winners that is gonna be number. one everyone and right now two thousand.

Eight hundred and twenty total winners. in here lynn edgy and the winners you. are the top three winners right there so. guys congratulations to you. and a betting time everyone good luck. anybody could be that guy. one with 5x multiplied guys so good luck. okay guys so that is going to be number. two congratulations to all those winners. by there that is gonna be number two. there's three thousand five hundred and. thirteen total winners guys and lynn. 2173 university yourself right there so. guys good luck. anybody could beat that guy. okay guys so crazy time with a 2x. multiplier. you are a dancing queen. young and sweet only 17. dancing queen. feel that be from the tambourine oh yeah. i'm gonna be singing that. for a day now yeah do it. you can dance. you can die. see that girl. watch that scene ding in the dancing.

Queen. hd no it's the lyrics. okay good luck everyone. you love this song don't you. friday night and the lights are low. looking out for a place to go. where to play the right music. oh god okay so this is. where we're playing and. kind of anybody could be that guy. okay. well actually we need to do something. right we need to get the 50x that's what. what's uh my plan now guys uh 50 on the. red four on a blue but let's hope for. the 15.. how dare you to do this it's only 4x. multiply okay next time we get the 50. okay next time everyone next time. next time next time there is gonna be. 5698 total winners right there. we still have like. 15 minutes right there in here okay. anybody could be that guy. time we had these kind of moves right. for you for this having the time of your. life oh. see that girl okay i'll show you the.

Dance moves what we had like in the. school we were like um playing theater. and. this was one of uh one of those uh. performances we did that's gonna be one. with 2x multiplier so. um there's. 2725 total winners so basically we had. like. i know it seems really bad. like. okay five where there's someone's farm. okay uh what is that song though. is it the same one. or maybe uh do you know mamma mia angel. eyes oh i don't know this song five with. a three x multiplier. that's uh that's five out of three x so. guys uh 15 to one payout okay. it's a game he likes to play. look into his in july's. one of your favorite songs. one luck. not just one looking and forget. everything. whoa whoa but that is still mama here. though. just one looking i forget everything. one more look. whoa. mamma mia. here i go again mama how can i resist.

You. that's gonna be crazy time with a 3x. multiplier. but me i'm giving number two why why. just how much i missed you. there's gonna be three thousand eight. hundred and ninety nine total winners in. jazz came with one thousand five hundred. euros for yourself. okay guys good luck. okay easy do you know this song chika. tita tell me what's wrong. uh. sos. so can you hear me darling can you hear. me sos when you're gone. how can i even try to go on right. sos. sos. you're good that's gonna be number two. guys so congratulations uh so there's. gonna be 3 830 total winners right there. it seems that you are a big fan and i. just pressed the right notes you know. and you are just just all about abba now. when you're gone. how can i even try to go on. when you're gone. and now you're safe. to carry on. you did. okay. yeah you cannot prove that to me but i.

Believe so i believe you totally. okay guys. you know. yeah i know that for some of you it. might be irritating and annoying and so. on but as long as we're getting numbers. uh yes this should lighten up a little. you know like this is this is fine this. is this should be fun you know not just. uh such a tension between the players. what's that gonna be and so on like will. we go to the bonus or not just enjoy the. game. yeah that's right that's right totally. agree that's going to be number two. right that's you guys congrats. wait a gun. how can i even try to go on. there's gonna be a cash on with a 4x. multiplier once again good luck. but it's annoying. well. loads of things annoy me too right. that's gonna be number one everyone so. guys congratulations to you. you know what what annoys me the most. doctors who doesn't know.

How to do their job properly. so they like literally they didn't fix. anything for me and now i need to go. again. to see them again. and hope for the better quality. is that okay no. players wanted me to dance right. okay guys. okay ac what about you making me give me. your love of the midnight. do you know irish folk. no i'm so sorry. are you irish yourself. no i have. really. you can give me some examples but uh but. sorry you know what we have here in. latvia we have irish pub. is that pretty much the same thing. i really hope that they play irish folk. so i could go there and listen to. yeah it's like irish dublin. pub so. yeah. i know the folk is music i know what it. is that's gonna be 10x on the red three. on a blue that's a coin and then that's. a 10x multiplier on the red side guys so. congratulations to all of you.

Beautiful. beautiful lucky multiplier for you guys. and we have uh 6006 total winners. but yeah so basically uh if you go to. like irish pub. do you hear fault music by then. black velvet band. okay what are the lyrics then. they're laughing at us. let the evil laugh at you when you reach. the hell. angel you're okay. it's cash on with a 5x multiplier. i'm actually a pretty nice woman uh to. be honest. first of all i brought you this 250. right but okay that's just uh. that's just nothing you know what i what. else i did i brought cigna. her favorite cookies i hope they're. they're uh her favorite. but i brought her cookies today. well. am i the sweetest i am the sweetest. okay i thought her the queen of the land. and her. hair hung over the shoulders tied up. with a. black velvet band. okay. you got the right tempo okay.

At least the tempo is okay right you. have a big forehead. why. actually some time ago i was so insecure. by my forehead so i was like cutting. bangs. but it made even everything even worse. so then my forehead looked. i'm awesome. that's that's number five right there. congratulations now it actually was. really terrible so that's why i am is. incredibly normal thank you. no i also think so right that's gonna be. 4082 total winners. i have seen really big foreheads if you. are calling this is a big forehead then. like. those people must must have no hair at. all in the head right. no i've seen like really huge foreheads. but like. then they cut bangs and then that's it. actually. what happened with a doctor you talked. about. well basically nothing i called her. and she couldn't tell me a thing like. she's like. she said that uh that's not her fault.

That my. two for like just moving but. it actually is her fault like i said. because uh she didn't just actually fix. anything. uh that's gonna be number one right. there so guys uh congratulations to you. easy you're funny you're a literary so i. like you that's gonna be. 2564 total winners and so yeah and um. and her closest appointment is uh on. december and my dentist. she said uh that uh i need to like go to. our. orthodontis orthodontist. as quickly as possible because like my. my teeth are moving. so the faster i'm gonna get them back. you know in one line the better it's not. as bad but like it's actually i can feel. them. that's that's what you get when you have. braces on. i don't have any braces anymore but uh. that's gonna be number one guys i used. to have them and right now this is like. four years after having braces and uh.

Yeah. i still am fighting. because my teeth they just want to go. back and i'm like no. braces are specifically made for your. teeth to stay in place but my teeth are. like nah. now girl i want to go back. it's not even funny about my braces yeah. it's not i was crying today. i was literally crying on my uh. on my break because i just couldn't. couldn't help myself. yeah no like little few tears you know. then i called my mom. i remember when i was 15 i was like. telling everyone like yeah i'm like. strong independent woman uh i can do. everything without my mom right now i'm. 24 and i'm crying in the middle of a. break and i'm calling my mom. so i can i couldn't do you too. there is going to be 12 expo to red for. example everyone so uh it is okay to cry. and call your mom okay it's okay your. mom is the closest and the 12 actually.

Closest as well that is going to be 12. on the right side and once you guys. congratulations to you. 5155 total winners always cry to my mom. and i'm a dude see. why. i love crying to my mom say. she's the best. well your mom to you and my mom to me. right but um. i don't know what i was thinking when i. was a teenager you know i was like. calling her. not like i wasn't being rude to her but. like i wasn't just um. respecting her enough as she expects. like as she needs to be respected. so i was having these like teenage years. and i was like yeah so on and right now. i'm like. how could i do this to my mom literally. there's going to be cash on with a 3x. multiplier if i would be in my mom's. place i would just like kick myself out. of the of the house totally. just like go and earn your money. all teenagers don't respect their.

Parents uh great that it's a it's normal. yeah but like still it's it's it's still. awful that's number two right there so. guys congratulations. you have nice personality thank. you thank you very much that was number. two everyone. but yeah good luck. excuse me. two and a five x multiplier. but yeah every every time when i like. need some help from my mom. i just like call her. and then i like talk about my life. problems and then i ask her. life problems never forget to ask her. life problems you know because like she. has problems too that's number one uh. and and then in your life when you. finally are are done with the combos and. you're like okay so i need your help how. to make ketchup. i was actually making uh ketchup. uh this um. this summer for for winter season. yeah we had loads of tomatoes at home. and uh.

And she told me the recipe and i made. ketchup so. yeah. what cool uh what kind of cool things. you have done. in the summer. i made ketchup i meant pickles. and uh and cucumber. mustard salad what to put on the on the. um. hot dog. did you get it ah cute. patinko wait a four eggs multiply. that's gonna be number 10 right there. you helped me out yesterday girl oh like. i would be naked in here if i would've. if there wouldn't be you okay i had. coffee and a cookie oh my god she's the. best guy she's okay the best. ladies and gentlemen. all right wow ladies and gents i love. you baby you just know how to treat me i. love you baby. good luck everybody wow ladies and. gentlemen audeta is such a sunshine oh. my dear. so she gave me chocolate cookies okay. she is my bestie okay she's the best out. of the best. really honestly like if you give me.

Chocolate chip cookies. can i marry you five days that's a. winning segment five it is yes five star. hotel for them chocolate chip cookies. compliments to the winners out there. well done four thousand eighteen minutes. out there assistant hot sauce and g. you're trying to say a great show. hot sauce lisha. hi. mama mia. is that you. good luck everybody so cigna is here s i. danny. cigna is here. graffiti what would this world be. without women. ah three extended five days some salsa. but graphi. i love everybody if you're nice to me. and especially if you. if you bring me chocolate chip cookies. i'm gonna ask your hands. and that looks like one here that's when. you segment ladies and gentlemen what it. is. compliments are the winners out there. it's a celebration two thousand four. hundred sixty three news at the same l m.

J w telling us that their good job. bringing things together young hello to. you hello tell the newcomers welcome to. the crazy toy. graphic oh honey if you give me your. waffles i give you everything graffiti. you want me to make your waffles good. luck. you want me to make your waffles okay. give me a waffle pan and some dough. so i can put the dough into the waffle. pan and be like yeah making you that. oh money what is brown and harry and. where's sunglasses money thank you so. much for reminding me on my my dad joke. i previously when you answered this. question i laughed about it because it. was more funny too it is as a winning. segment too it is but what is brown. hairy and wears sunglasses coconut on a. vacation great job two is the winning. sigma 3 450 what is out there suzanne. donna mitchell you're telling us that.

They congratulations many times so good. luck everybody auto play button option. is available for you as well good luck. lovely you so pretty cigna bring me love. lovely thank you so much for such a. sweet compliment money. good luck for money that was hilarious. that's why i was. they see like. next attitude some toss off graffiti i. like to put. really graffiti what about milk. chocolate good luck everybody lisa hello. oh so i can say hi back. all right lisa sweetie if so hi i love. you and have a wonderful time what it is. as a winning segment what it is ladies. and gentlemen. great job to the winners out there. two thousand three hundred fourteen. minutes out there mj delica. congratulations many times so good luck. everybody so spend time see you great. job all right let's get it on. friday say hi to me frito hello to you.

Good luck everybody good luck. let's move on you around you start good. luck everybody. and yes from the top slot the maximum. multiplier can be up till 50 x. good luck so from last five rounds one. two and five and ten were the winning. segments good luck everybody. all the best of luck to you and. hopefully we're going to get something. amazing so g and everybody how are you. doing so far gee how was your working. time how's the working day how's the. tuesday when it is as a winning segment. what it is is somebody going out tonight. you know got the club going up. on a tuesday compliments to 2 300 three. minutes out they changed with cliffy and. sweetie your toner said great job many. times good luck everybody wow the. previous session ladies and gentlemen we. had 100x on a coin flip. we had so many times coinflip with 20x.

And then we had pachinko with five times. the multiplier so and. uh good luck and we had pachinko. previous session with 150x good luck. everybody. 3x increase owners sometimes. mondays. stop you're the sweetie party money. she's the best host no money you're all. so nice and so kind thank you so much. and sharmini milano you're incredibly. amazing thank you so much and looks like. that is the far heroes winning segment. five it is five it is coming. three thousand sixty tuners out there. great job assistant tony lolly. good luck everybody take half time no. need to rush so yeah does everybody got. the club going up. on a tuesday. have you ever partied on a monday or. tuesday. remember ladies and gentlemen you can do. bets on all bonus rounds but all numbers. raffi what are you doing honey why are. you avoiding bonuses rafi it's not me i.

Do not choose the wheel chooses well. precisely the flapper chooses where to. stop two eggs on a coin flip from the. south slab money is there nice clubs in. latvia. hmm. that is the 10 here as the winning. segment and it is as the winning segment. out there three thousand four hundred. sixty niners demo king and donny thomas. day congratulations bang time so good. luck everybody i would say. we have more more pubs more karaoke. clubs i would say we have something like. that like. like the rock bar yes. rock cafe. it's a really nice place to party yes. you can party you can sing karaoke there. yes it is an old town riga good luck. yes it is riga is the capital city of. latvia to extend a crisis in tesla. and i really recommend uh when you go to. old town go to rock cafe you can really. have a great time there you can do.

Karaoke you can dance or you just want. to you know talk to the bartender. you can do what you want but you feel. like it what it is as a winning segment. one it is that's why i love that place. you can dance you can sing and talk to. the bartender you like yo what's up. 2281 is that they have done it all. zippo55581 you're telling us that. congratulations many times here and when. i was singing their karaoke of course. two times that i went there to sing. karaoke they turn off my microphone why. because i was too loud for them. cause i was too loud. good luck everybody. let's get the party started. uh money is first club fun. i don't know money i would say you can. go there just to enjoy. christy you being too loud could never. imagine me as well christy i was shocked. myself christy when i found out they. turned off my microphone why they're.

Like you're too loud you don't need it. two heaters that's the winning segment. two it is the audacity right christy. never imagine that compliments of three. thousand one hundred thirty six winners. out there donny lawley douglas you're. telling us at the great job johnny tell. winners 600 three euros goes to great. job banging time so good luck everybody. billy hello to you hello to all the. newcomers welcome to the crazy time. so. for the tesla the biggest multiplier. coming out till 50 x good luck everybody. so the first club. it's nice like i've heard good things. but i love rock cafe better good luck. i love raw cafe better. uh money. lucky to whom you're dating money are. you sure. are you sure because imagine you could. never go with me to a like a fancy. restaurant because we would be kicked. out that's what.

That's what happened to me once with my. friend we went to this fancy restaurant. we got kicked out two minutes as a. winning segment too it is we had so much. fun. that. yeah you know when i have fun i have fun. so cheers the winning segment three. thousand sixty seven is out there great. shout out to donnie douglas and bobby. your tennis out there congratulations. well something time so good luck. everybody so we were having fun just you. know laughing and everything and. yeah and the waitress was like. girls uh aren't you a bit too loud. good luck everybody. four eggs on the twitters from thoughts. live from last five rounds one two and. ten five were the winning segments good. luck everybody so money she's just. jealous well yeah that's what i thought. as well maybe she just you know she was. like she wanted to have fun she could.

Not get it mr beast hi hello to you mr. visa hello told the newcomers welcome to. the crazy time you know some people are. happy that some others have fun but some. don't you know what it is what it is two. days with a four times the multiplier. now that's what it is right now two. times four doesn't matter the equation. three thousand fifty two and is that. there's super johnny lolly your toenail. great job zipper two minutes three. thousand eight hundred seventy six euros. goes to you chaching good luck. everybody what about you what would you. say is your favorite dating place. to go have food. yes. what's your favorite dating place to. have food every single one of you. good luck. and from last five rounds yes one two. and ten we're the winning segments four. bonus jones quarter flip cash and. pachinko and a crazy tie.

One two five and taren are the numbers. on the wheel so. when the bidding time is there simple. you just gotta choose which segment is. going to be the one that is going to be. the next winning one so for this round. the winning segment it looks like it's a. five five it is those winning segments. are you going to the five star. restaurant are you going to the. fivestar hotel you know compliments to. 3 541 is that the super solid nine six. year told us i think we're jumping times. here money my coach netflix and chill. money and everybody i got a question for. you okay. listen. so. there's this thing okay okay. uh. with netflix good luck. the thing is. oh daddy you like sushi what kind of. sushi do you like 2x and a fabulous. inside slot. is it true that first of january netflix. will gonna be more expensive and it will.

Have advertisements like on a basic you. know cable tv and that is the one here. as many segments one it is are these. rumors true. i didn't i forgot to uh check it on. google two thousand four hundred sixty. winners out there marquis girlfriend and. pokey tony said a great job anytime so. good luck everybody take all time no. need to rush out of play but tunnel. option is available as well so danny. what is your favorite uh sushi because. there are like two like three different. types of sushi there is. hot sushi. called sushi and there is even such a. thing as sweet sushi good luck everyone. yeah which one is your favorite money no. it's rumors really five extra coin flip. it is from sausage. money thank you because i was really. afraid because. my dear i was like i started yes don't. even try to judge me i try i.

Started to watch friends okay pretend it. is as winning segment ten it is so i. started to watch friends and the last. thing i want to do is buy more human. expenses three thousand four hundred. seventy five minutes out there lolly x. and king your channel is a good job. being time to take good luck everybody. hello to hello to all the newcomers. welcome to the crazy time good luck. everybody. money you and mr beast can share an. account he'll play wait money what are. you doing. about what good luck. what kind of accounts i don't even have. instagram accounts. good luck everybody three excellent one. of those ones. richie hi hello t richie hello to all. the newcomers welcome to the crazy talk. money pay for the netflix. wait. wait i don't even know who is like i. know mr beast from you know youtube and. so on but. that's the one here with the three times.

Multiplier yes one times three to the. math equation. complements. two. two thousand three hundred centimeters. out there sammy loves me lolly and shout. out to the congratulations big time. serious semi tomatoes 600 euros go see. wonderful many times here. uh donny uh cigna i live in latia if i. see you someday can i ask you for. autograph donnie there is a big. possibility you will never gonna you. know. you know you are not gonna. be like. you will not gonna recognize me because. without makeup i'm a different person to. accent a coin flip it is from top slot. you know when you are gonna see me. please don't be scared because without. makeup i really look i really look. different i really do. i will tell you a story why it looks so. different but i was gonna continue the. story after crazy time. get crazy go up let's party get one okay.

Let's go. whoa. let's go let's go party let's go let's. go. let's go party let go oh. let's go party everybody welcome to the. crazy town where we'll go crazy go wild. party all night right now three. decisions in front of you yes three. floppers blue green yellow which one do. you feel like is going to be the one. that brings you the biggest most part by. the way in the background that castle is. mine okay so i'm tv cribs you're welcome. looks like the majority is going for. that blueberry blue first in the oven. well let's see what's it gonna be good. luck everybody picks the biggest one. let's go. get luck. you spin me right round baby right round. hopefully gonna be a double cheeseburger. ladies and gentlemen. 15 exxon able 20x on that green 25. compliments all the winners out there 5. 858 winners. 2276 euros well done it's a celebration.

Compliments and let's get it going to. the new round good luck everyone. good luck everybody. you run your start let's get this party. pump it up. good luck everyone. monica thank you. you're welcome monica for. donny it's okay we'll get you with your. voice honey are you sure so the story. goes like this so once. so some of my colleagues really have. never seen me without makeup when it is. as a winning segment one it is. and once i was at the mall. 272 minutes out there las vegas marco. you turn us out the great job anytime so. good luck everybody and once i have as. uh once i went to the mall. i was without makeup of course and i had. a bun. and one of my colleagues saw me without. makeup. and he was he ran up to me not hello not. in anything he was like are you okay. sweetie i'm like what do you mean. he's like look at you i'm like oh.

Good luck four eggs on a tutor sometimes. i'm like. yeah you're the first time seeing. without makeup it's fine you know that's. just my face. there's a reason why they call me a. panda. yes good luck everybody. and it looks like the winning segment is. won what it is is showing off. yeah that's why i'm not worried in real. life yes without make up this girl. 2 73 is out there great jobs love sweet. girlfriend inside of your toenails on. the great job bang time say good luck. for everybody take all the time let's. get it on and monica i bet even without. makeup you look good monica stuff but. at the end of the day you know the. makeup the looks is nothing. it's nothing because we all just gonna. get old and i'm sorry. i would i i'm sorry you're like i am too. poor to have plastic surgery fabrics on. pachinko from the tesla yes you know.

It's not that i'm ugly i'm just too poor. to afford uh plastic surgery because. plastic surgery i'm sorry i would love. to invest it into real estate rather on. my face caption it is ladies and. gentlemen cash hun it is. whoa. yeah let's get the party out oh let's. get the party started on occasions. let's get it on all right the. multipliers apply please thank you thank. you very much 100x looks like the. biggest one right now the shift shift. shuffle is on. right now the mishmash the potatoes you. get them together you just mash them up. just like here the shuffle is on every. day i'm shuffling and yeah this is the. noodle dance. right now ladies and gentlemen all eyes. here. you only got one shot one opportunity to. choose which emoji which side is going. to be the one if you don't decide it. will automatically do a decision for you.

So yeah one opportunity one shot palms. of sweaty mom spaghetti let's get it. going decisions are made multipliers. inhale exhale multipliers reveal wow so. many 100 x's nice hopefully you got them. all. congratulations it's a celebration six. thousand one hundred thirty four niners. up there mommy nine six and aunty. tonight's other great job mommy toe. winner four thousand nineteen years goes. to you seven x's of multiplier got. cheers good luck everybody. from last five rounds one crazy time. cassian where the winning segments. monica the next thank you you're welcome. monica. by the way. when i say monica good luck. reminds me of the beautiful character. from friends. yes do you know monica from friends. three x and a cash into this some sauce. good luck everybody and donny i'm not a. baby. well so far i think. uh money does it remind you of.

Uh well friends uh there's not a. character money one of those women's. segments one it is there is a character. of rachel monica phoebe 2824 winners out. there fatigue vicky lost feet until they. said a great job. ross chandler and joey those are the. characters that are there good luck. monica i do know friends characters yes. and when i say monica it feels like i. talk to her. good luck everybody. yes auto play by tunnel option is. available for you as well. good luck everyone five extend occasion. today sometimes. and uh oh money you feel like you are. joey. you know what i feel like. i am more like joey you know i somehow. can relate to joey like his thinking. skills and so on coin flip it is ladies. and gentlemen quan flip it is after corn. flip commercial break we're gonna speak. about friends but right now.

All lies on the cornflake bonus rounds. what do we have here well we offered to. flip this coin with a blue side red side. and let's see the offers on each side. shall we. let's see so 10x on our red. px on that blue well let's flip it good. luck. yes that is the red star there with a. 10x multiplier what can i say you 10 out. of 10 as a crowd the penis on the red. side compliments to the winners 5. thousand 970 winners out there mommy. comma and simply tell us how their good. job mommy told her 8 291 years ago see. many times. good luck on the next few two runs. and money you look like rachel stop. you know money yesterday. one of the players told me as well that. i kind of look like rachel good luck. but i don't know like rachel she's. really like jennifer aniston is. absolutely stunning who actually. pachinko it is from tesla g you do look.

Like her no. i need to lose at least 10 kilograms. i need to lose 10 kilograms and then i. maybe try to be her you know two it is. as a winning segment here it is. she has gorgeous blue eyes i don't i. have brown. four thousand ninety six winners out. there are concurring joker your tennis. at the great job being so good luck. everybody take all time. money you're stunning too thank you so. much. thank you guys really. jelly you're beautiful thank you. monica 10 out of 10 indeed yes. but jenny. good luck. but jenny i have a song for this one. so three excellent pitching coders from. salsa. ug-l-y i know i'm not angelina jolie i. know that uh. i know that. because i know i am. ugly i know i'm not angelina jolie i. know that. i know that what it is as a winning. segment one it is ladies and gentlemen. compliments of two thousand so hundred.

Ninety four winners out there joker. fight and simply your channel said a. good job being tempted but you know what. ladies and gentlemen i don't i don't. care honestly if i'm pretty or not. and. at the end of the day if you are a nice. person the looks kind of don't matter. as long as you're taking care of your. hygiene i think. good luck yes for me that is you know. if you are taking care of your hygiene. and if you're a nice person. that is a rare thing. for somebody to be nice i don't know. about you but for me i rarely meet nice. people and really when i go here as a. host from the chats i really can say i. really do believe there is such a thing. as nice people so thank you one of this. has the winning segment one it is. two thousand seven hundred thirty three. hundreds out there joker fatigue joker. you turn as i think congratulations many.

Times here pando. hipster hello to you hello to all the. youtubers welcome to the crazy time. hello to you nice to see you. from tulsa the maximum multiplier can be. until 50 x from last five rounds one two. and coin flip for the winning segment. good luck everybody. let's bring it on good luck. because you know 2x and i cash into this. since i stopped. have you ever. danny oh hi my chocolate girl. oh hello jenny. the one who knows what i love. and if you know what i love that is. already. friendship goals catch up with the two. times multiplier ladies and gentlemen. okay multipliers you can appear but. boring 2x yes slide down to the dms to. the camera. yes boom. yeah 200x the biggest one ladies and. gentlemen. let's get the party started in here. uhoh let's get it on. yeah the carousel the shuffle is on. so 200 x the biggest one ladies and.

Gentlemen. let's get it on so right now. you got to choose one shot. one opportunity and that one shot might. give you that 200x good luck everyone. hey wendy we no i want you to have those. big multipliers you know because the. size of the multiplier matters so good. luck on getting the biggest one. decisions are done inhale everybody. yoga instructor here cigna inhale and. exhale because multipliers reveal and. where's that 200 x on the bottom right. side there 200 x they're smiling. compliments all the winners great job. and let's get it going six thousand. three hundred ninety six winners mommy. joker roughy tonight i think great job. mommy twenty five thousand six hundred. twenty seven euros five chicks the top. winner whoa let's get it. party. party party party let's get the party. bedding times here auto play by tunnel.

Option is available for you as well good. luck everybody mommy absolutely amazing. good luck. absolutely amazing mommy absolutely. amazing. wow. monica 50x really monica nice celebrate. a good time. celebrate a good time. looks like ladies and gentlemen that is. the winning segment at one one it is. approaching us here what it is. great job to 2780 so winners out there. let's be marco 8 1 yotonna said they. congratulations spain times here. autoplay but tunnel option is available. for you as well four bonus terms corn. flip cash champion going to crazy time. yee. and yes remember ladies and gentlemen. here on a crazy time i totally agree the. size of the multiplier matters and. hopefully the bigger the better. good luck. because hopefully you're gonna get. simply the best five extended five. distance tesla. better than last.

Time better than yesterday. so hopefully we're gonna get it all the. best so far with the five times. multiplier from top slots but ten. appears to be as a winning segment ten. it is. four thousand four hundred seventy. winners out there mommy player nine six. your tone is at the great job big time. so good luck everybody niddy hello t. hello totally youtubers welcome to the. crazy time from last five rounds 110 and. cash and we're the winning segments. good luck everybody. hey so i have a dad joke for you good. luck. yes a little bit for entertainment. purposes. what kind of currency is on the moon yes. 2x on the one it is from south side. yes what kind of currency. is on the moon what do you think. good luck everyone. so one with the two times the multiplier. from top slot. and we get that one with a two times. multiplier nice congratulations it's.

Mathematical equation right now two. thousand nine hundred forty two and is. out there joker is so sweet and she. thomas congratulations spend time so. good luck everybody. money dutch coin. or maybe ethereum. money maybe ethereum. kid likes everyone. all right good luck get lucky like and. it looks like three x on a crazy so. ladies and gentlemen. what kind of currency is on the moon you. know what kind of currency is on the. moon. starbucks. what you encouraged ladies and gentlemen. punching car it is. let's get. so right now let's see what we're. working on with. starting out here with the 2x you can. build up more thank you 5x7x. 10x15 1t25 3540. 100. please you know you can do it puck you. know you can do it puck yes please puck. please please puck please 100x is the. biggest one so good luck puck you can do. it drop down on that 100x.

Drop down on that 100x there puck drop. it down drop it down yes 100 100. we'll show what show we shot okay 40 40.. yes 40 x ladies and gentlemen. congratulations. thousand two hundred sixty three is out. there mummy player buffy you're telling. us out there mommy told me twenty twenty. thousand six hundred two years go to chu. ching my money don't jiggle jiggle. fools yeah. you know what to do kennedy already in a. chat goes game. that's right. getting that win. getting that big butter boom bada baa. bada boom good luck. select on the crazy time it is from top. five kevin starbucks. yes. yes that's how it is on the moon so if. you ever. go if you ever go to the moon ladies and. gentlemen you know you know the currency. right now it is starbucks attend it is. as a winning segment 10 it is. compliments of the winners out there 5.

123 owners out there player king and. shake you're trying to say their great. job big time say good luck. everybody cancel hi hello team kenza. hello it's all the youtubers welcome to. the crazy time so nice to see you so. g so bad coffee has hit the moon as well. well g. the taste they say is out of this planet. good luck everyone. so the last pachinko was 40x ladies and. gentlemen. so for the last five rounds 110 and. pachinko were the winning segments good. luck everybody. what do you think. if we're speaking about astronauts moon. why did the astronaut break up with his. girlfriend. yes why the astronaut break up with his. girlfriend what it is as a winning. segment what it is. compliments to 3 548 winners marco vane. in las vegas i think congratulations. spending time say good luck everybody. take outside no need to rush.

So why did the astronaut break up with. his girlfriend do you know why. well he said to her. honey i'm sorry. i need some space. good luck everybody. 3x on attendance inside slot. that's why. the astronaut broke up with his. girlfriend because he needed some space. good luck everyone 3x unattended is from. top slots. but the winning segment looks like it's. a two two it is as a winning segment. approaching us. compliments of the winners out there. four thousand three hundred sixtythree. news arkham lolly marco yo tennis at the. congratulations bang time say good luck. everybody tony nice thank you so much. thank you for appreciating my dad joke. you're welcome. i see do i know russian language yes i. do i do understand. good luck everybody from last five. rounds one two ten and pachinko where. the winning segments. so.

Another little astronaut joke bob. extended cash in the distance hotspot. so why the astronauts. why the ass. ali you look like harry potter no. wow this is too much then i look like. rachel from friends now i'm harry potter. two it is as a winning segment two it is. so if i would be harry potter if i would. know. um. magic powers you know what i do four. thousand four hundred forty six winners. are kin nine six lolly a toners had a. great job many times here you know what. what kind of spell i would do if i would. be harry potter i would be like. infinity eating food. not being fluffier. in other words. good luck. eat a lot of cakes. good metabolism. thank you like everyone. that would be my harry potter spell. good luck everybody. ah the best of luck ladies and gentlemen. let's see what's gonna happen here. for this round looks like it's a one one.

It shows one it shows. compliments to three thousand one. hundred thirty seven is out there great. shout out to our queen sammy nine six. year tones i think congratulations bring. time to your auto play but tunnel option. is available for you as well. good hi cena hello a good hello to all. the newcomers. welcome to the crazy time. good luck everybody four bonus gems coin. flip catching pachinko and a crazy time. one two five and ten are the numbers on. the wheel good luck. hopefully sure we're going to get a lot. of big multipliers 3x unattended. sometimes lucky like everybody ally if. you get one or two you look like harry. potter why. so al you're saying that harry potter. looks like one and two. why. yeah. why harry potter looks like one and two. when it is as only segment one it is. i think he looks like harry potter.

I don't know confidence of three. thousand one hundred fifty four minutes. out there nine six vinnie last video. sentence congratulations meantime so. good luck everybody if i would be a. magician i would be so pathetic because. the only magic power i know is to how to. make chocolate disappear. no way wagner really from south park. cartman. good luck. man i wish i had the car confidence as. cartman really five extended chris. harness and social really i wish i had. confidence as cartman like look at him. he's so confident even though he does. not care how he looks you know. so five extended crease down from the. top slot looks like the winning segment. is one one it is as a winning segment. great job to the winners out there. two thousand nine hundred fifty seven. and seven nine six champ and lots of you. telling us that congratulations big time.

So good luck everybody. all the best of luck let's hit make it. happen let's go to the new round. but yeah south park is something. yeah. if you have a good sense of humor you. can only watch it good luck. be hi hello hello. welcome to the crazy time 3x on the. cruise time it is something. ally. i hope voldemort. ally i would be happy if voldemort would. take me to hogwarts. yes ali. tell him asap baltimore take me to the. hogwarts asap senators that's the. winning segment then it is ladies and. gentlemen. great job to the winners out there. four thousand six hundred sixty three is. out there lolly champion audi and tony. said great job anytime good luck. everybody i would love to be in hogwarts. right now i would you know what if i. would be a character. i would like to be hermione. i would love to be having a little bit.

Of brain cell in my head. but unfortunately life just brought me. blondness. and my love for chocolate. 2x sauna crease terminates from top. slots. that's the only thing i have blonde hair. and i love chocolate that's the two. things about me and i would say i'm. quite tall. as a person most of the time so most of. the people you know but i'm one meter. 80. so i'm quite tall as well one is a. winning signal. compliments the 299 winners out there. lolly champion las vegas sonos i think. what's up anytime so good luck everybody. and when i have see i would love to have. some biscuits good luck everyone. what about you. when you have tid would you like to have. some biscuits as well. krista. chris. is that you my brother good luck. my brother. oh dear brother two excellent credits. and tesla oh dear brother i was worried.

About you. monica i'm so happy to be spending this. session with you monica you are. absolutely a sunshine i wish i could be. like i take you with me two it is our. zoning segment two it is because i need. those people in my life sweetness. overdose thank you. confidence of. 638 winners out there arika mcd lolly. tony said a great job anytime so good. luck everybody christoph worried why i. don't know my sister senses told me. something is off. because you know your nickname is right. now kristoff. so something is off. you know. you like everybody. kelly when will you come back. kelly. voldemort took me to crazy time three. extended coin flip it is. told me today to be here on crazy time. yes kelly can you imagine that walter. mart was like crazy time two it is as. the winning segment ladies and gentlemen. two it is. and that's how i am here.

Compliments of 3740 foreigners out there. well done to our committee ronaldo you. tell us a great job anytime soon good. luck everybody so christoph i'm good. really hmm. g sounds like. g what kind of movie are you thinking. about. g. you like. jay what kind of movie are you thinking. about. civic center tudor sometimes like you. like everybody. so kristoff. i don't know as a sister i sense. something is off. christoph. if something is off hopefully. everything's going to be all good. after pawn flip we're going to have a. talk coin flip it is ladies and. gentlemen. coin flip coin flip bonus round. ladies and gentlemen let me represent. you the coin we're gonna flip so blue. side red side let's see what are the. offers on each side. looks like. the tx on the blue 4x on the red wow. good luck everybody. 4x on that red side of this compliment.

Thank you very much. great job. six thousand eight hundred sixty winners. dee estello and nine six year old tony's. out there congratulations playing time. so good luck everybody oh. chris. what. wait should i say. congratulations to you. congratulations to you. for some. for finding someone. congratulations to you. derek's on the photos and talks about. good luck everybody. kristoff. that is simply the best. best feeling all the time. the drop drop down like a hot potato. drop it down like a hot potato drop it. down okay we starting out here with 2x. not interested yes we can do more 7x 10x. 15 20 35 50.. double cheeseburger. you know what it is with me i never go. for the regular cheeseburger i always go. double cheeseburger when i go to. mcdonald's so hopefully double is gonna. be here as well if the tx is the biggest.

Multiplier hopefully we're going to. start with a double and then we grow. right so first we go double cheeseburger. and then so go to the double sweetie. double double double double double yes. yes yes yes. 7x multiplier congratulations. thank you very much and have a wonderful. time. hey hi guys my name is jeanette i'll be. getting ready for the next session. let's begin our journey so how are you. guys gonna perfect what's new with the. story of the house multiplier. let's go guys. i should let it go. let it go yeah good luck. like an elsa. castle. daily welcome what's up what's new. by the way high stop slide on number one. was 50x pretty cool heard something. about number 10 25 juicy guys. ladies and gents number one appears. all costa. it was drama for you i got this so 3744. winners in total i see so my. congratulations to you guys if you're.

Ready to play let's. have some fun a lot of fives wanna say. number five okay. as you wish. you two gonna kiss us. yes. one with three eggs. if you let me i will. as long as i'm playing for fun yes. that's the great attitude do not expect. anything from anyone expectations guys. always hurt so ladies and gents and. there you go number one with the three x. on it tops off you are back great news. nice to see you nice to have you here. my girl bambi. yay. how are you today 3076 uh winners and. total sc congratulations guys and let's. try once again. how are you sweetheart it's been long. you know what we got today our best. crazy time 400x it was just crazy time. few doubles on a yellow flopper and yeah. we catch highs. 400 x there. number two with a 3x. it was pretty cool it was pretty cool. where have you been grampy. notice me girly i see you.

I see you number 10 your fundraiser for your 21st birthday oh my goodness smart move you're so young what are you doing here 10 is here highest possible uh number oh mr fine champ is here nice to see you guys four thousand four hundred two winners in total compliments let's move on we must keep moving you can bruise hello heidi you were hiding you were hiding like come on you missed 400 eggs girl and second highest hundred on blue baby previous session cut hi nice to see you uh point for forty five packs today we catch going through with a forex outcome was quite low i don't recall and uh our pachinko guys with the jobs not multiply 4x right it was 40.

Yeah the ladies and gents will continue. it at number five so we we got some. bonus games for the top stock. multipliers. how about a big top slot on the number. well box will really get number one with. 50x what else do you want to see five is. here congratulations we're playing with. high numbers only. thanks we're back welcome. please repeat for 500x it was 600x no. it was six oh no it was five. oh my gosh i confused i'm confused. crazy sounded three x yeah guys we catch. top slot. 25 packs on a point foot previous shift. might bring a bit shipped here. oh. and we flip highest multiplier for us. so amazing ladies and gents number one. give him a crazy charm okay hops as you. wish. 2915 winners went now. wagner do not share personal information. in chat. you call my goodness janetta. bye bye bye joker. you didn't know no personal information.

No social media. stop stop yes yes yes yes we will flip. the coin together oh my awesome people. let's go. we would love to see that blue on top. oh baby thank you. i was ready to catch five you see. thank you thank you. 15 x for you 6 528 winners in socialist. wow congratulations and let's try once. again guys. we love coin flip we love bonus games we. love tops but we are just falling for a. big drizzy multipliers everywhere. gonna have a christmas genetta. i'm ready to catch crazy time hour each. crazy time just today we're awesome. first time highs 400x second time highs. why are not wearing dress chanetta. do you know that i don't wear pants. like never ever just here. that's the only place where you can see. me in pants this is quite rare moment by. the way. number one. because once. it was two years ago by the way i.

Decided it was awesome you know quite. cold like okay where's some jeans. 311 winners i surprised my colleagues. they were clapping. and some of them took some pictures like. i don't believe my eyes you did it girl. so this is quite rare moment. when you can see me in the pants you can. see me defensively here. wow. wagner well you can say it. how i wish to catch that number 10 with. 10x please stay. whoa. yay ladies and gents number 10 with a 7x. on it juicy baby come here ah. somebody asked how many players got 70x. 4. 890 of you cheer yourself up wow player. you're just one fortune hello there. champ. this is good i want to see more. wow. box is like. it's 70x this is good this is nice thank. you top you made my day. last session guys so let's cheer up. good luck. it's better than other bonuses well this. was. good bonus i would say.

Dan is on fire today that's for sure. you're extremely hot. okay zebra. thank you so much. number one. the champion three times 95 winners and. socialized same let's go. i think i'm sleeping because you look. like a dream oh frank what a pickup line. you remind me one guy he's like you. dropped something i was like what with. my heart i was like oh okay. that was good. good luck. oh my god neither does 7x on time and. there you go we got it. give me crazy time let's catch crazy. number four uh cash on cash hunt for the. top slot for us multiply. stop stop have to die for wax. oh babe. what a tease. number one give it to me no tonight the. wait wait. i'm waiting on waiting or waiting so i'm. sorry that you and champ is back your. top two winners three thousand maybe 82. winners in total i see so. congratulations. and let's try once again guys so we are.

Fantastic we already catch number 10. with the 7x so so want to see more would. you start. do you like getting teased jeanette yes. i do. well it depends but. yeah. and what about you good luck. now i just want it. please. gave us coins for the tedx. coin flip honey. we're running too fast we're running too. fast. well it's not a tease it's a drama yeah. ladies and gents number one. okay flapper i should teach you how to. tease. 387 winners congratulations to you and. let's try once again decision time all. year's enhanced free option guys button. auto play. responsibility we're playing number one. with number one. hello crazy town please yeah we need to. catch all bonus games. that's our target. we already catch uh one flip pachinko. with 7x. and then let's focus on the other games. this is crazy time not one. honey oopsy daisy.

I should say. and 99.9. i'm pretty sure they will continue with. number five. i will not move it looks like a jump it. will jump on one. i'm here. hello guys. my hands are here. it's gonna be it's a it's definitely. crazy time now. oh no. it jumped well there is no chances to. catch five if that would stay like this. we would continue with five but it's one. let's wait a bit for a voice from the. heaven. and we'll continue with that. we will continue with one. ouch. it hurts but i didn't touch it you saw. me. like are you serious yes. you think i can troll this wheel with my. powers in mind like yo no no. but yeah. so apologies for this information as. soon as possible we will we will let's. do it. like you touch it. no. i show my hands and it's just switch on. one like yo. jump on one. is like come on spin already i'm ready.

To accept number one janetta please. i know i know but we need to wait a. little bit i'm ready to spin it but. i want to hear voice from the heaven you. know what i mean. how long oh fast i think i think i hope. so. that's crazy. that's um. listen if i turn my back. this red thing gets. under my shoulder but you see. i love it that's crazy. illusion illusion illusion are you a. good kisser i don't know you should ask. between my friends i have friends. skip this topic skip this topic. spin around the wheel yay. i can spin would do whatever i want here. love your lips thank you pinky. i love them too real. you see. can move all my muscles muscles muscles. muscles. muscles. what are you doing what are you standing. talking to you. i can't i want it please talk to me. pepe is like girl this is a wreath no. it's one it is number one.

Oh head no i will not i will wear this. outfit over and over again because i. love it i like it. yeah hi. no of course i did not i would love to. turn the crazy time. yeah thanks. so ladies and gentlemen to number one we. must keep moving. so i do the champion 2096 winners in. total. they just double checked girl you didn't. touch the wheel i was like my good. i would spin for as crazy time. hello hi nice to see you okay we're back. ladies and gentlemen. that's hilarious. why just one number five don't worry. let's catch number five with some. additional multiplier don't worry be. happy 50xl number one oh yeah that would. be good i'd love to catch it once again. oh what a tease well this is good t this. is really really good please oh no no. not so bad it's 10 and i'm happy to. continue with the hardest possible. number on the wheel welcome home daddy.

Number 10 is home uh number 10 is back. hello janetta hello to g. 4792 winners. let's go. thanks for your time my heart really. okay bensky that's great what else what. do you want. ziki is like girl now bonus genetta. bonus hi janada hey daryl. it's our last session today we need to. catch something big once again our. highest 400x guys. crazy time lucky club or yellow why. because we catch some nice doubles and. we got highs multiply on yellow on the. yellow yellow yellow flapper. but there you go and your number five. appears you see i'm good. gaster the champion here 5286 winners in. total so guest fabio187 candy player. your top five winners newcomers welcome. more than one thousand hey. how are you my beautiful people. no i don't bite on five this time how. dare you i was trying to surprise you. honey. yeah yeah yeah yeah good luck.

Crazy. mine was like no i went to super tinker. pacino pachinko. let's date. everybody have a day off. are you in las vegas my dear. i can't date uh the players you know. what i mean hey we love this tent honey. we love this number. oh and who just joined guys today we. catch in this session we got number 10. with 7x candy pop you're the champion. here. 5482 winners in total candy pop nice. yeah this is good tan on fire guys let's. try once again. because they're so bad. please go only bones. let's change the wheel now. some happy hour for us just bonus games. out there with two apps. i'm staying in brother's videos really. oh my maybe i have a twin and she's. really active. adult movie star i don't know i was. ready to try but i'm not i'm afraid i'm. afraid of this industry. ladies and gentlemen. so freddie you're the champions who's.

Here for 175 winners. congratulations guys let's see what you. got hi janetta how are you fantastic. fabulous i enjoy my day this is our last. session. together bonus attack let's go. that was good. let's get something juicy here. crazy time and imagine crazy time and. outcomes 10 10 and 10x. are you sure about that well would the. 3x would be 30 30 30.. love your hair oh. you're the champion. 332 winners i see congratulations. and let's try once again guys so just. join nice to see if we'll just rejoin. nice to have you. back what if i've given you trauma. how i can heal you bensky how i can heal. you good luck. roll the wheel hard girl. nick no i used to do it when i was a. little girl not anymore. not so interesting. 8296 we have our own peaky blinder here. hello there mister ladies and gents. coinflip. let's flip the coin.

So this is red. you are amazing you just saved me thank. you honey. it's 15 acts for you beautiful people to. go five years the champion seven. thousand eight hundred five winners. let's go candy pop red yeah we got it. yeah it's red. so surprised by two colors wow. let's see ghost 801. listen. don't be jealous five of the five packs. i know i'm beautiful i can see my. reflection i can check myself in the. livestream i love what i see but you. should work on yourself. anyway don't be jealous. ladies and gentlemen. okay so again big number is back 6085. winners congratulations let's go. you're so beautiful thank you anton i. appreciate your words and i agree. you're right you're absolutely right. guys. head leave alone my outfit honey. thank you like. good luck kind of four eggs guys. or crazy time five packs you mean top.

Sweat that would be good. oh my maybe crazy time. oh that's tease that's number one. okay so number one is here. i don't know where it is wagner. you're the champion do you live there. here it's your city. 3515 winners in total how's the winner. there oh good. mother kisser mother lover. c c d oh my goodness. good luck. but didn't come with a 2x by the way we. today already catching away the top. sides multiply 4x but we want more and i. heard pachinko was good today anyway you. can check track casino biggest. multipliers. check. check check check check again oh. fine check one check two check one. check two. number five let's move on. and do my little drama no no no no no. wrong six thousand hundred twenty four x. so for example today our first crazy. time naked but still beautiful what do i. mean without any top slot multiplier.

Yellow fluffer got 400 x twice we catch. double on yellow and at the end we got. highest multiplier so 400x. it's all about the love. cash and for the 2x ruby ship to catch. cash into 10x was catch today cash end. with 2x. crazy baby crazy baby let's go crazy. i'm a barbie let's go party. candy pop. what is this korean. looks good i don't understand the. language. what is illegal. it's illegal to complain you're. absolutely right my dear positive wipes. only let's go loyola love you love you. too. lubetto you want a big multiplier. good luck. nothing on top slot what happened. like host babe i want to see. crazy tom or kashan. we will continue with one or two i think. sorry honey but let's try to catch your. two favorite bonus games of course. two. sunny two is here. uh four thousand four hundred forty. winners this is good.

This is good great results guys hands. down wish you to win let's try once. again. let's grab that pachinko. okay we have a chance we have a chance. where are you no guys look at this. super far away from us. number one. good evening. always good evening. what a star what a start lola baby and. woman your top four champions. congratulations compliments to all the. winners so guys statistic is interesting. we're not skipping once but we're not. skipping number 10. uh the best result i. would say for talking about numbers in. this session number 10 with 7x 10 on. fire today pachinko 2.. crazy time juicy. our highest was our crazy turn. it was 400 acts and flopper lucky. flipper. best host abc. honey you're absolutely right yay let's. go into cash and guys. prepare your weapons. welcome welcome welcome let's check our. main multipliers.

Um okay this is good so highest handed acts again highest 75 facts high chance for you to charge somebody five facts and some nice 50 access you can make yourself happy seven eight for you for me threesome apple is mine i was struggling there all day but i am faithful to one spot maybe you should change the spot well not today not today not ready for some big changes uh you can choose your emoji last second ladies and gents and decision time zoer let's reel the multipliers so a bit earlier later let's wait let's see so all good yeah you've got 100 and 380 something got 50x this is nice guys you are amazing eight thousand forty two winners in total congratulations yay let's try once again nicole50x thank you oh you're welcome i got 10.

But why. i knew it. that's okay oh cash and with 3x let's go. back. would be nice would be nice. you got hundred my. how. well that's great that's great news are. good. and ladies and gents now. number two. so uh. you're the champion 4035 winners in. total congratulations ladies and gents. and let's try once again if you have any. questions regarding the game guys you. can approach me in the chat i'll be glad. for sister now it's time to move until. let's go. come on. miss you and i'm back how are you all. good. please baby you pachinko so you need. crazy time pachinko cashion oh we. already catch cash and so let's focus on. potential in a. crazy time. yeah like janetta you can focus but. flapper will give you what you gave me. five okay i'll take it that's nice. number thank you five facts. 5. 329 champions congratulations ladies and.

Gents. and best of luck let's try once again. yeah hits 50x cash in top slot again. no our highest there was 25 packs my. dear. 20 were 25 bucks. but uh. ladies and gents good luck. we're talking about bonus games. only coin flip once i catch with top. sludge 50x. last coin flip is 15x. juice a 93. number 10 with 2x. no tense. then gave us five. okay i i i'll take it that's fine. i'm fine thank you. yeah. five thousand four hundred ninetyfive. winners in jojo it's gonna be pretty it. is a busy day for me. yeah i need to ladies and gents let's. move on. you need to visit some places. and i will disappear there for some. three hours. that's gonna be crazy oh two and five. packs let's go. can't say anything more. candy pop i need ten little. ah. no bonus games for you. okay candy pop. honey i think it's gonna be pachinko. maybe no come on.

It's what that's okay we all know that. that's the game go by. but we were close i want to see pachinko. you want to see number 10 and we catch. one candy pop one was in a meadow. ah 3 398 winners that's okay we can try. again right now you ready jump in. i will be here for two hours two hours. 120 minutes. decent right. lucky wings oh crazy time of the forex. larissa you want to see terrain of once. be careful what you wish for. well for example i prefer fives. thank you flapper such a sweetheart. it just makes me happy over and over. again hey. so kim's to fire your top two winners. five thousand twenty champions and. totally congratulations let's go so for. how long you'll be here player one. our highest pascal was um. 400x. oh really toshi thank you i'll take it. as a compliment he was a smart man. smart character in that current term so.

Guess you're the champion oh we have. guests back i thought about you today i. don't know why oh maybe because you both. have exactly the same name. but okay so if you're in let's focus on. some bonus games top slot more than. welcome to join let's go let's do this. cecil you're more than welcome to take. some break and come back after a few. hours and that's okay. one with 50x guys today we already catch. number one with 50x we want more. we want more. oh my goodness it's gonna be. so you or coin flip. let's flip 50 guys so quinn flip it is. but anyways here i will see way more. winners right right. three times more. that's for sure so that is. let's go let's check those main. multipliers put me on one side hundred. on another same colors ladies and. gentlemen. one you forgot to add the zeros at the. end fifteen hundred right okay let's.

Flip and let's enjoy. okay. thank you thank you thank. thousand you three hundred seventeen. champions and guests you're the top top. of the top winners here and six hundred. euros okay so we love five. we love. number ten with someone x. so yeah guys if you just join we'll. catch in the session 10 with the. seminars we need pachinko and we need. crazy time. crazy sound with forex. let's continue. that's cool or i should call you. wolverine. sweetheart. five ladies and gents 5 337 winners. that's cool congratulations uh. something like that janetta we want to. see over and over again please give me. number. five let's do this. here my dear you're more than welcome to. contact live support in a private chat. explain the information explain the. situation and they will help you. and they will help you. you know what we deserve to flip the.

Point once again right last time we. catch 5x now we need a bit. bigger multiplier we want more. we're thirsty. we're hungry please coin beat us with. something nice. so dude. it's okay thank you we'll forgive you. congratulations. i'll stay here i choose to stay here. later on i will go to the left to the. left. oh. nice. no fives there. hey. no quite ladies and gents sunny too okay. i'll take it i'll take it. so lol 96 your top two winners four. thousand five hundred eighty nine. champions in touchless and dear. newcomers. welcome nice to see you here let's go. hello jeanette oh you gave me one frozen. chocolate my knees are shaking hey stop. it. now i want chocolate. i don't know i want chocolate. cashews. what do you think. what do you think about the cash's 27x. oh my gosh we're slowing down. it's one guys. it's number one.

Hello nice to see how are you anyway. thank you so much i just right away. imagine i just felt taste. in my mouth the chocolate yum yum. let's go. pachinko with 3x anyway if you just join. guys topside is good job sled is nice. you see again we have a chance to catch. some bonus game with additional. multiplier we need to catch them so all. eyes on you flapper. pachinko maybe gave us pachinko let's go. no just yes no no we will skip it once. again please one more honey stay whoa. yes but we come with the three x ladies. and gents we did it awesome. can you feel it. in your pocket. this is nice so let's check his main. multiplier lowest will be six steps yeah. so two you can think you know no five no. seven ten okay fifty two hundred. and double. let's make everything three times bigger. oh my goodness. wow. okay ladies and gentlemen.

Max multiplier 600 x we're super far. away but. we can try let's go. let's grab some dabble let's grab some. dumbbells please go for a double double. one double and then let's uh go for it. okay. my congratulations to you guys it was. pleasure and wish you best of luck with. hello my name is acne gonna be host for. the next session. thank you bye. and that's a close. i wish you all good luck. and we got three excellent crazy time. with top slots. all right so how is everybody doing. how's your tuesday. hope your week has started off very. nicely. so far well good luck we are starting. the session with. what seems to be a number one. congratulations we have guests another. guest in eduardo in the top three. hello queen agnia hey ray how are you. queen acne oh wow. we won johnny spins. well. it's just agnia now so. it is what it is i guess good luck.

So it's in pachinko. you sing right. i do enjoy doing that yes i'm not saying. i'm good at it. um. pezza but. do like. singing it's fun. and we are going cash hunting ladies and. gentlemen. the best thing that you can hunt of. course. multipliers. welcome welcome. the one and only catch how we got a wall. as we see full of multipliers and the. biggest one there this time it seems. like a hundred x and we have a couple of. them on there so. so so you know definitely hope to see a. lot of you finding the 100x since we. have like what five of them under so. you know look very very carefully. channel that inner miss cotton is ever. seeing a girl on fire with a perfect. shot right and uh find a hundred x. where is it. where are you 100x. what am i going with oh that's a tough. choice always i don't know how you do it. imma choose.

I don't know i'm gonna choose this. pokemon okay let's go. so 100x 100 x's. where are you now when we want you. oh a bit of a build up like for any. proper game show of course ladies and. gentlemen we'll continue officer. commercial break. all right we're back. oh wow congratulations we have 630 of. you with a hundred x one thousand square. sixty nine of you with a 20x and i also. got 100x nice if i was playing but. congratulations uh 8. 4935 winners. frederica ronaldo in the top two. congratulations. that's a good start of the session. and that's a close. so we should good luck let's hopefully. next time catch one uh with a top slot. multiplayer as well. 2x a5. hello hello by the way it's everyone. joining in at the table welcome back to. rejoining us at crazy time. how's your. tuesday you hate your friend. wagner why do you hate your friend why.

Is that person your friend then if you. hate them. you know oh we got a five with that 2x. on top slot lovely. congratulations. but are you like frenemies. congratulations. um guess mustafa nine six stop winners. congratulations i mean game this is. looking pretty colorful ain't that nice. throw your soul through every open door. count your blessings to find what you. look for. turn my sorrow oh that's number two with. that 2x. congratulations. guest hskd and tim were the top wins. congratulations. how do i apply to be a host shaney do. you think you are mentally ready to be a. host. because you know it takes a lot of. mental capacity. you know you got to be very emotionally. strong as a person. to do this job it ain't for the week. good luck. fifteen actually two. lovely today thank you masseuse. left from italy hello toady how are you.

You got number one. congratulations. congratulations well let's hope we're. getting some more bonus rounds right as. well of course reminding everybody about. autoplay option if you don't want to. miss a thing. you can use. simply auto play. good luck. one speedy little shaney once again do. you think you're ready for it it's an. external cash hunt do you think that she. could handle it. well if you think you can. then you can always go apply if you have. an online casino or. where you live that attendant also it's. an important. thing to have an online casino. workplace. where you live. congratulations that's a beautiful tent. right there mustafa bali and nine six. nine six hours two thousand seven. hundred thirty you're waiting for. mustafa congratulations. hi i may make my day complete even. though i lost i will not lose.

You. venom what do you mean i mean in order. to lose something you need to have it. first. thank you true. thank you i can't become a host. i don't feel cold. i can become a host who don't feel cold. i didn't quite go with your roderiba. whoa looks like we're going for a back. to back 10. nice. oh was simply the best. congratulations mustafa xgg and 9693. stop winners. do you believe in ghosts. i don't know nick cage i don't know. i'm my opinion is still. divided on this. i did however have a dream very scary. dream tonight actually about ghosts. we were like with my friends we were in. uh some kind of uh we have this. one castle in latvia called the yamamoto. castle which apparently is hounded by. ghosts and we were staying there. overnight and we had the ghosts. all night attacking us and it was a. scary dream you know how you have these.

Kind of scary dreams. it wasn't like a nightmare i would say. it wasn't that terrifying. oh it's a close around but that's number. one without a zero this time. congratulations i just woke up during. the night and i was like oh so scared. congratulations by the way angels empty. next g top winners. he means hosts like parasites out in. here what do you mean mr good looking. i mean what's your biggest move spent. crazy time it has to be 5000 x on cash. hands. it's seriously five. we could have. had oh hello everyone joining in at the. table which is your favorite adele song. but for me definitely that has to be. rolling in the deep i was actually just. listening to it before coming to the. table uh cassian again for the second. time already let's go. we got ourselves another cash huh. and big smallest fire this time is.

What is it it is a 100x and looks like. there's only one you know. in end game only one. one. option. so. search very very carefully ladies and. gentlemen after the shuffle you're. having 14 seconds on the clock. to find 100x so wish you the best of. luck really really uh follow that inner. voice where is it leading you to which. which symbol is giving you the the best. vibes. i did get a hundred extra previous. questions let's see if i can find it. this time. i choose. i choose. that pokemon the bunny one right next to. the cactus and the club the joker's hat. and underneath those two sharp stars. that bunny i choose that one. so. let every pic everybody pick their. symbol. let's see where the 100x is in a drum. roll. can we get a drum roll in here. and soon soon we'll find out a little. commercial break as per usual before the.

Big reveal of course. all righty well 100x is up there. congratulations to the 112 of you 100x. 466 players found the 50th most part and. yeah congratulations to all the winners. thanks for the round we have 9817. winners that's a lot of winners j23 and. raffy top two. well let's keep them coming so far we. have had only cash hunt so hope to see. those other bonus around as well. that's a close black dude. oh for win win queen out of pick picked. a hundred eggs that's very nice. winter sensor i guess kind of shows us. maybe sometimes gotta go without it but. you never know. uh good luck. so. are we gonna go for the tent. or maybe crazy time. this time gonna be number two though but. we are pretty happy about the two. because there is a twenty x on it on top. slab whoa. that's nice that's very nice. congratulations. x32 with seven thousand three hundred.

Eightyyear-old to have fabio and about. top winners congratulations. well it's betting time. that was very nice i mean we have got. some already quite a few top slots i. really really hope for nice top slots on. the bonus round as well of course. good luck. isn't it lovely. made of love. five excellent would only cash on. actually there are two of them on there. but the game is one. good luck. and that is number five. congratulations. nice things after such a long time i. want something all right nice to hear. oh. nice to hear congratulations uh biting. but you played. good luck. my name is agnie chum. or more precisely would be agnia. or in english it's i guess just agnia. number one at least that's how i say it. simply number one congratulations. xggxjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjg.

Mze and bugs of dear top winners spider. ladies and gentlemen how is september. treating you so far are you excited for. autism time starting. well it has already started. i think officially though starts in like. 20th of september at least in la by. latvian calendar. good luck. it's your birthday and two days nice. dariel. will you be having a party it's gonna be. then on thursday right. so will you be having a party on your. birthday at 10x on five by the way top. slot. oh that's so close. maybe pachinko. another one. congratulations. it's xgb adding to three and fatigue top. winners. laser bets. for the next round. hello jwo how are ya. good luck to you. sing a song from abba i love abba. ah three extra five you have schools on. a party what about on the weekends arrow. i mean it's almost you know thursday's. you know friday's right after so.

Maybe you're going to go out on friday. but ava let me think oh come on stop. stop no. number one we really wanted the crazy. time uh that is the third one in a row. congratulations. the winner takes it all. the loser has to fall. behind the misery that's my destiny. i don't want to talk. about the things that make me feel sad. no another senator is laughing. money money my knees. must be funny. in a rich man's world. money money money. always sunny. number one wow that's already fourth in. a row. in a rich man's world oh whoa. oh. that's two songs already from abba. um hello. you here how are you. good luck let's see if that one trick is. gonna continue. or are we gonna go for a bonus round. good luck to you. but yeah. we're really really hoping for a top so. i'm all sparring the bone strength. that'll be really nice. all the things i could do that's number.

Two by the way ending our number one. streak for now. it's a richmond world congratulations. hcg danny and fatima. recently well yesterday actually. i only found out this. amazing thing did you know that in uk in. england in london in king. king's cross station every year on 1st. of september. they do this. announcement that the hogwarts. express is going to leave at. the platform that is recorded like. basically they do this whole. announcement. on every year on first of september at. king's cross station for harry potter. thanks to excellent suit that. is so cool why have i never. heard of that before. it's going flip. well let's go flip that queen shower. ladies and gentlemen. for the first time in the session we're. at coin flip. and the most players here are. forced on the right side and we got a. 10x on the blue side.

Well. go blue. blue it is yay nice congratulations and. 10x is yours. it's in the pockets. and we do have. 813 winners xjt demo nine six nine six. or seven is three and twenty one for xg. congratulations. well next time maybe with a top slot. let's go back to uh coin flip. good luck. yeah any harry potter fans. in the chat forex number five. which how hogwarts house are you let me. know. my name is agnie ashani or uh in latvian. it would be agnia. and looks like are we. yeah that is already third cash han in. the session wow. wowie wow wow third time's the charm so. are you ready ladies knit so we got a. waffle of multipliers the biggest one. there. hundreds. x and once again we have a few of them. seems like five. five or six a hundred x's so. looking forward to seeing a lot of. players getting that hundred x because. you know no excuses this time we have.

Plenty of. of them on there. so 14 seconds on the clock to make the. decision and find 100x i did find 100x. in the previous cash and we had so let's. see if i will manage to do it once again. well well well i choose. oh top decision. i'ma choose. this pokemon. all right are you ready for the wheel. where is the hundreds well where are the. hundred x's because plural we have a lot. of them. so. hopefully. we will find them. more than we have seen in the previous. two um cash hands of the session. so come on. reveal yourselves please. all righty well we had 772 players in a. hundred hundreds multiply 1. 488 players with a 20x i got. 10x or 20x i think congratulations by. the way to the winners thankful rounds. um demo 96966 and wastio top winners. congratulations beautiful. but yeah could be nice if we got that. crazy the pachinko as well.

Still haven't seen them. nice this guy congratulations on 100x. good luck everybody. now my usual spot was hundreds i missed. it oh no lcx well let's hope for more. cash hunting by the way 2x some crazy. time. and now we're gonna make it well don't. think we're gonna make it at the crazy. time. how about. don't you dare oh oh. no he did not that's a suit. ah i wanted that pachinko maybe the next. time for now it's gonna be number two. congratulations. my spot was hundred xj oh really was it. okay i'll congratulations maybe i should. go gambling myself today. two out of three times i found the. hundred x in cash hands of the session. i would say pretty good statistics for. myself. maybe i should go gambling today really. uh. my usual 100x. well yeah acx hopefully you'll you know. get it. on the next cache on hopefully 100x will.

Be in your usual spots. maybe once again who knows. um for this spin that is number five. everyone. congratulations. lynn congratulations betting time. everybody everybody. move your body. that's first and greetings for joining. us of course a crazy time. how is your tuesday. and i will be with. about 500 next day. we won't get a big win. you know attitude and mindset. plays a very big role in life. you know negativity. and pessimism number one. ain't gonna get you anywhere. nothing good comes from those. congratulations by the way. love me love me actually cheek lint. empty black top when it's. congratulations say that you love me. let's go for another soon maybe this one. will bring us that crazy time that we've. been waiting for. good luck. at least i've seen a lot of messages in. the chat. about the crazy. thanks to number one good luck.

Lovely host by the way thank you. steve passport. and so what are you gonna give us wheel. a bonus round maybe. maybe not. maybe. it looks like more a knot. uh well that is too. congratulations. mascot exiting my hearts happiness not. to be negative but you just want to. pick players money you mean take players. money. two two three you know i honestly. couldn't care less about your money i. would i just go to work spin the wheel. have a chat sing a little bit and go. home. you know. i would say i'm more think about my own. money than yours. in my. uh. in my workday. so it's a crazy time. it's five. congratulations. hoping to beat it oh my biggest win is. 400x hoping to beat it in your session. congratulations to the winners better in. the five well i hope so too i would love. to see a four digit multiplier. i think i haven't seen one on crazy time.

In a bit. a fourdigit one so it would be lovely. if we got it today. good luck buddy ladies and gents now let. me know in the chat. what is the last movie that you watched. 3xm2. better go home and aunt. well last time i checked nobody has. made me their child's aunt so. what do you mean that's another five. i mean nobody i know. well there are plenty of people i know. with kids but nobody i know that would. be my close friends. have any kids so. what do you mean congratulations on the. five. mustafa was the top winners. and pleasure pets. hello tdt how are you. that's the clues wish you good luck. oh. simply the best. you're better than all the rest. better than anyone. good luck. are we gonna make it to cash. wow cash hunt on fire ladies and. gentlemen this is already. fourth. cash hunt. in the session what is happening.

Welcome back we're not welcome if you're. here for the first time. well we got once again 100x is the. highest most part. but once again we only have one. 100x in there. so yeah really really. look for it very carefully. after the shuffle you will have 14. seconds on the clock. so of course. the aim shoot. and hopefully score 100. i just noticed. that those joker hats are purple. why did i always think they were red. were they always purple i'm confused. nonetheless um. i still haven't made my pick. okay where would it be going at the oh. the cupcake. between those three joker cats in the. cactus. and the bunnies. let's see where's the 100x hiding. um but yeah really were those joker hats. always purple why did i think they were. my mind is blown right now is this the. mandela effect or something. um. rex we're waiting for you 100x you know.

Fashionably does not want to appear. all right well congratulations to the. winners 883 if you got 100. got the 50x the summit was right over. here almost in the middle. congratulations by the way nine thousand. seven hundred six winners. um nami raf and polo stop winners this. time congratulations yeah are we going. like for a new record of the most cash. hunts in one session because we've had. four already. good luck. go. so it's a crazy time. you look like martha babe fresh and. beautiful. wait only one or when somebody describes. the girl you look fresh and beautiful. kind of weird. why would you describe a person as. looking. fresh number one. um yeah number one connections vic. uh 8105 and massa i wanted to look. freshmen like that is it just me or is. it just a weird way to. oh you look so fresh. you know. like but in like.

Just me i don't know. um good luck. direction cash hands. and yeah silver train shot what is the. last movie did you watch. i watched the movie yesterday on tv. what was it. what was the movie i can't remember it's. a boyfriend by the way. we are back at the coin flip ladies and. gentlemen we got the coin. and we got the power. to flip it well i have it um choice in. the reds and oh we got 50 next in the. blue sides. well. let's go blue. we want it we got it we've seen actually. asian danceman congratulations to. everybody who was playing in this round. very cool very nice. uh mommy. walter and chloe thomas we had over 16. 000 year win for our top winner. congratulations anytime i never know. when joining in at the table hi doing. how is your. tuesday. good luck. nice now i start to like you a little. bit more. so i'm gonna.

I'm gonna come to brazil let's drink. caipirinha. what is that wagner. is that a cocktail. number five. congratulations. if that is a cocktail you'll need to go. to brazil and get. and you know drink cocktails with a. complete stranger. yeah that sounds like a great idea. sure why not. fantabulous every dealer i've seen. sounds like singing while talking. what do you mean. what does that mean. goodbye to you. uh. someone got just turned down by hugging. well josh. you know you can see that on the daily. when i'm hosting. turn down all the time it's pachinko for. the first time by the way in the session. lovely let's go. and don't let us down please. we've been waiting for a long time. so. what are we seeing here it's gonna be a. 5x all righty next stop we also have a. 10 15 20 40 100 x and 200 x's actually. so. puck. you know what you got to do.

Please give us 100x. we're counting on you. honey honey can you please give us the. hundred x okay we might. we are clueless we are oh a bit more to. that side up. enjoy that ten thousand six hundred. sixty winners mommy absolutely well for. the that wins 50. year win for a top winner whoa. congratulations that was beautiful. beautiful wow you definitely did not let. us down good luck. but chinku did not disappoint. threesome 10.. well don't tell you love me tell that. you love the pachinko i really did. nothing you know it was the park. the puck was the one falling down. that's a two. congratulations. ms scott walter and andrew top winners. congratulations. hello hello everybody joining us how are. you. did you bring some luck maybe we could. always have some more right so you can. never have too much i feel like in crazy.

Time. good luck and yeah the crazy time is. still the only bonus trend we haven't. had. so hopefully we're getting it. cash hand with a 3x already had four. cash hunts. i is simply the best. we're better than all the rest. better than anyone. number one. congratulations. uh sobriet twitch roofie gold and. vicodin congratulations. it's a shame that i don't live here you. your work music. your work must be really fun. what do you mean see you are hearing me. live this is live. good luck if this was not live how could. i answer your. messages. but yeah the work is quite fun i mean of. course i would say sometimes more. sometimes less. um depends a lot on the players. actually. good luck. it's number two. congratulations. walter and c199 south winners. congratulations. come on can't we get one last boonstram. before the session is over come on crazy.

Time. don't let yourself be lowered by mean. comments now i suppose it's not. not in a sense that i personally get. like offended by the mean comment. i would say the fun part. you know because if the chat. is more active more positive more fun. more talkative then you know it will be. more interesting for me that's so it's. seven extra conflict whereas if the chat. is you know. negative angry. and not talkative it's not as fun we're. talking about. fun specifically here that's number two. and i mean. as much as i you know enjoy my own. company. it's always fun when other people. get involved in the conversations as. well congratulations by the way that's. another two um bedding time. can we stick where is that i hope we can. really really waiting for the crazy time. good luck. oh. can we get the crazy time oh. can we get it one time so extra.

Cash how many more minutes a couple a. couple minutes left and. not. much i know i know lady johnson very sad. you don't want to see me go. number one but but it is what it is you. know it is what it is. life is life. i am from latvia list congratulations. where is the reason next g invade top. winners how did you get the idea to work. in spontaneous or how did that happen um. i actually found out this in general. this workplace that i work in. it's quite known. in riga. it's not i would say not in a whole lot. but in riga definitely i would say. most of the people know what this is. what this place is or have heard of it. at least. or no has some sort of acquaintance that. works here and so it's a great time last. week and i actually heard about it. when i was i think like 17 or 16 i think. 17. and one girl i knew she worked here.

And she was telling me like that's quite. nice. number one and i was like oh and i will. be it's you know i will want to go work. here as well like that sounds really. good you know easy to combine with. studies as well. so. when i got when i turned uh i think. i started working here when i was 19. yeah so congratulations but once again. everyone pretty much knows about this. place. what's my favorite thing about the job. the salary joan. the pay day the best day about working. good luck. a day when you know that. you have not worth for nothing. creation of fire. uh. lexi. um. so i think you found your perfect job to. entertain. number two i wouldn't say this is my. perfect job or or dream job. um. i don't even know what would be my dream. job. but i don't think this. would be. my dream job definitely congratulations. i think.

After years of working for the camera. with time you kind of get. tired of it i mean i haven't worked as a. host that much for like a year so. it's not that bad like it's not feels. pretty cool still for me but i feel like. if i i couldn't work as a host for like. 10 years i think i would just. you know hate my life i would feel like. so done for exam cash i you know. um but for now hello it works it's good. for now it's really good for me so. it's a 10.. and that's a very nice ending to a very. nice session congratulations and good. luck see you later. enjoy your next session thanks. hello everyone it's nice to see you and. last continue by the man i'd see you. elevated before. cut almost all the streak over bonuses. the pachinko and a coin flip i. okay let's continue and see with what. we're getting. start our session good luck.

And jonna hey yo the metal girl nice to. see you joanna fifth and. top slot i'm curious which bonus round. going to rock in brawl today did he have. nine last night sounds like a bunny. tyler yeah i lost my voice by the way. really i lost my voice but. x may call it just x so the german is. number one. and i can't uh cure it i'm ready for it. a whole month. thousand nine hundred sixty days which. is vince you're at all twitter so it's. constantly quite brutal yeah i have a. long voice but since my vocal chords are. not fine now it sounds like that you. haven't heard me two weeks ago that was. like four ten. a years old boy you know. when it was as breaking. okay get ready and let's continue german. good luck. to the five well the five might be so. good right now peter hello. nice to see you. and lovely ciao that's what we're.

Looking for. okay actually i don't think that it's. gonna stop at a five although we have. all chances. to get number two yep. alvin was about to say about a cash fund. but nah. who's flopper it is. congratulations let them and let's. continue five thousand four hundred. seventy five victories walter you're the. top winner and axe when the voice is. breaking the heart is shaking my grandma. used to say sounds good. countdown guys. here is. for what this phrase. like when a voice is breaking the heart. is shaking cause of the terrible voice. though. for all the people around who hear it. that accident. monica hello aj. nice to see you jeffrey thinks that. better to play tomorrow maybe you never. know actually all days are so different. guys and sometimes we're rocking rolling. sometimes not. but. i really hope an opportunity right now.

And we got it beautiful that's amazing. with the 10x the diamond instead of the. two you're getting 20 more warriors. you are the best five thousand six. hundred thirty six week trades walter. 8.4k victory field. nicely done. okay now let's see if we can get. something. new. good luck. with the question. there is a question from mv how many. minutes ago you had a crazy time. and lucky man we need number five no i. don't know. seems to me that we're gonna get another. two or another one even though. back hello. okay let her diamond we continue with. the two. t of course this one doesn't look as. beautiful as the previous but still we. got it. enjoy five thousand nine hundred twenty. one which means he won your top winner. jonna do you know what happened with. mark. what happened with mark. you mean you haven't seen him already.

For a while right. i mean such a handsome. that post. was pretty much the hate as i am yeah i. used to see him. all the time perhaps maybe he has some. vacation maybe he's really resting right. now shaney hi. anastasia. in lesbian manner that's anastasia. now how does it sound. coin flip let's go. and see what coin prepared for us this. time hi everyone. okay we've got a beautiful coin two. sides a blue one and a bright one as. always. green. pink eight accented rats and three acts. in a balloon well we need to try to get. a red sign. enjoy the diamond that's a lovely bit of. smaller tree. we can do that better. getting back to the world. congratulations nine thousand eight. hundred sixty weight trains and while. her moochie you're the top winner with. 1.8k win. let's go. yay pretty kitty hi. sai hello there. nice to see you.

And gian you're amazing if you keep. getting your trees you're amazing. actually i'm placing them back in my. imagination 3x and 10 and number five. two and cashman. if i want to be a breach. at least in my imagination we need to. get a cash flow guys. the next time i will think about crazy. time i don't know why it seemed to me. that no it's supposed to pop up once. number one. yep number one okay guys we haven't seen. enough one ready for a last ball of. space and not recorded if you play. surpass tonight gorgeous if not let's. try to get something with you place to. pass four thousand seven hundred percent. victories in the figure the top winner. and jonah i guess he's in fake i hope to. see him again he was really nice and. very funny nah he's super good actually. he's a super great guy but i haven't. seen him either for a while.

So maybe really. gratification rather super long vacation. why don't you find it not a job what's. he actually saying. if i will see him i will let you know. actually now you made me curious. and then. we needed that a coin flip. he says. yeah i remember he told me he was. working a ton of hours yeah he's a hard. worker indeed. who brought a golden key to us thank you. someone joined us and straight away it. has a crazy time let's open up ready. let's go. hi everyone i jumped up and that's a. crazy time. hey. here we go green blue or yellow make a. choice guys. what a surprise the biggest tim is a. blue well my best wishes to all of you. i'm at highest multiplier right now. handed eggs good luck. what a nice swing for the yellow team. enjoy. hey everybody. oh eleven thousand people who are 950. and that was beautiful walter you're at.

A top winner by the way and then my. specialist in yellington but. congratulations. good night. no nina last city was 25 2500. wake up. girl. okay guys now the question is can we get. a coin flip or it will be number two. you're here lol i thought you would be. no no no no i told you or not. i forgot did i tell you or not yeah. today i had. photo shooting that was super odd six. thousand five hundred forty four. victories cg you gotta tell butter and i. was like near to. the building and i decided like why not. to work. now how does it works right. peter by the way says. whoever said yellow earlier thank you. nina wake up wake up nina get some. coffee. 25 2500 that's the last crazy time. we are apologies for our chat moderator. actually the morning come on what if. people are waking. don't let it be when people are waking.

Up too early but on this camera as far. as it's pretty complicated to get. concentrated right. bleak hello. nice to see you. how are you doing. i can't let it down but it's number one. congratulations you are the best four. thousand i heard three victories roofie. you're at all buena and let's get back. flick you're sick you got sick. temperature. i'm good. i'm fine. but now it's like you know september. pretty tricky month especially in the. norris countries. because it's becoming super cold and in. the daytime sometimes sun appearing. found the best timing actually for. coming in a game and gave me a. whispering. how does it work. especially choosing the yellow color now. now but so. and the last three springs we caught now. between time see you guys. uh for six thousand hundred thirty craze. and cp you're at a top water thank you.

Nina finally the coffee helps right. calm down. so and peter says oh you see after every. little bonus we get 20 numbers. no one done plays the vasana if you. really notice they climb constantly. you see such a situation. then. play sebastian. i mean really guys let's count. yeah there is a theory in the chat. but after every bonus we're getting some. 20 numbers we can check it out imagine. if this constantly works like that. well then we will be rich number five. thank you so much enjoy the diamond and. that's the seven thousand six hundred. forty seven which race call is free kfa. enjoying last competing. machine guard me either but. i i want to actually any cashman of. course now. but the same to me is going to be. sandwich the salty sandwich that's how. we call it okay let it diamond one in. between of something what we really.

Needed let's get it. hello 4. 592 retreats and danny you're ready to. talk winner. i tried my prelashed hat. and got 100 x earlier today really how. many are behind the axes that was only. one or not. stefania hello. beautiful. lady. speaking of sandwiches. sandwich what's your favorite tablet. i'm i can eat everything i'm telling you. james hello to youtube and all of your. subscribers guys nice to see you all. here. marco hi you're playing with the whole. family what is that. number one ladderman. congratulations let's go and alpha lots. of them are no steal still good santee. you're the top better the last hat great. last hat. 451. away train brother. wait a minute you're sitting all. together out of there. and flick ciao pachinko needed yeah so. see jonah the point is that i i guess. i'm not allowing myself to eat a bread.

And pasta noodles a lot of things. i don't have like super healthy stomachs. the absolute breakfast that's why. sandwiches for me is the tastiest food. in the world the same like pizzas any. preferences if you say you could choose. pork meat or a chicken i could even eat. them all together. like a mix. but maybe. number one. maybe chicken because it's a bit. healthier for sure. ladies and gentlemen beanie four. thousand three hundred nights on. victories and sunny you are the totally. not the last one but different ah. prelast one. alpha now our new strategy worked. that how does it right. and lady lady lucky lydia next will be. green do you think. next time we gonna get a crazy time and. hopefully soon the green color will give. us. the highest multiplier. then after the crazy time. and titan yeah yeah i remember you all.

No you saw that actually 20 numbers. we're going to get after bonus round for. now we get at least. seven of them right. now i hope we are not going to stuck on. them for such a long time but. that's number one okay thank you but for. now you're a kind of prediction working. okay countdown is an action but again. and that's somebody for a diamond. program we got a one let's try to get. rid of them we'll record a lot of them. right santiago you're the top winner. let's continue. and flicker between code. um do you think the next bonus problem. with machine correct cash hunt for some. reason it seemed to me that it might be. cash or maybe i just want to take it and. yeah it did so i'm just wanting cash and. now. so check it out right come on. see alpha. if. we are not going to find with a prelast. hat 100. so i will not believe.

Here we obviously need to get. uh a hundred x rate of cash time not. when we were closed but it's a bit. faster than it's gonna fly in hello nice. to see you okay let it down it's number. two. at least we've got green ones. and five thousand two hundred and eighty. three wave trees and walter great itself. with one point eight k retreat let's see. what's gonna be next. anastasia hello my fantastic diamonds. wow. i love your nickname but it's. anastasia's. for every 21 right. yeah. free accent. flying to the front door. think it's not another one. or even two number one. thanks guys but we stuck on namely. numbers how to change it any. propositions three thousand five hundred. twenty three sunday you're at a top. winner someone no way oh you haven't. been 34 of them in a birth i mean no. one's seen but one player said that he.

Did. i still didn't believe like is it even. possible to get 34 once in a very. i'm still like. surprised about that but one player said. that once. he saw it and that was the e bracket. one two three. hey nice to see you. and carrie okay i changed my name not. this one. that's gotta be coin. yep let's go guys. yo. everyone rich and yet again we're. keeping our hands with a coin it's a. blue side. grab. but it's still not enough right we could. get for example 20 foot with the top. slot. 8 570 which race walter you're talking. about the 3.1 k. uh x. the best you are. good luck. vanessa we got a 15 x. and we're kind of orbiting another coin. to make it even better. but now. i think it won't have enough of a power. to stop there. that's number one. thank you before we get back to our. number one okay calm down. uh sk is this life worth recorded.

Apparently it is right now happening in. this timeline what you're living in. titan how much you win if you bet on a. one. no that that's one that's like an axis. let's see. there was one guy either a youtuber and. once he said that. well i don't have such like i'm not. hating once yeah of course that's the. most common number but one he said that. it helped him. because he lost something. yeah and the point is um he decided to. place all in in number one yeah just the. last money what he had on all the stuff. five of the seven eggs look at that mama. everyone who plays the best out of five. amazing congratulations five thousand. eight hundred forty eight which was. mustafa here at the top winner ninja and. last companion. uh so yeah and the point is that yeah. that was a risk. because if it's not the one for example.

Two or whatever what if he would lose. but he won and he got. money back. so sometimes you can like you know take. that risk with a one because there is a. high chance you gotta pop up nikoi hello. disappeared. disappeared. maybe another number five. we got another number five with the free. eggs bloody diamonds soon we're gonna. grab all the money only from number five. uh six thousand three hundred seventeen. jamie's mustafa you're at automotive. with a three point five k win imagine. second time probably caught it with a. multiplier. you're lucky okay. let's go. precious where is my win at 160 in a. coin flip you mean the axe or that's. supposed to be your witchery refresh. your page you're like it might be delay. here's a crazy time. and if after refreshing you still don't. see your payouts the victory in your. account.

And then contact the live support. you can find them in the upper right. corner. aha. i see what do we have alfred you're. ready. kick kick kick cash. huh. hello everyone. it's nice to see you welcome to the. carousel the cash hanson you will i need. to pretend yourself as you're a hunters. i mean imagine that you are shooting. something yeah cause the hundred x is. the highest multiplier here. the one and only so this hunting. wouldn't be that easy. but i wish you all. to get the hundred thousands. okay i already see the pretty last hat. i guess. pressure is on. uh lesser pro one i don't know i gotta. hit the pre one. okay guys i also have my new strategy. let's see i'm hitting the ugliest icon. in my opinion that's a hat and let it be. the pre last hat what we have on one so. that's the second line i really hope. that you chose you.

Uh i can already as well okay. open up. knock knock who's there come on everyone. ready already except for the wall. it doesn't work. what we should do. ladies and gentlemen. is not happening. okay focus is gonna happen. yeah. this has been saying brainwash. wrong. 50x that was a 50x but 93.. the best you are hey and that's 976. book trades. walter you are the top winner enjoy. so titan you got it what did he find. our prelast hat walked that was the. 50th okay then i believe you then i. believe that previously probably you got. a hundred likes. click pick the nice awesome nice lovely. that was the same spot as handbags yeah. and by the way didn't check what was a. hundred stars. maybe we can back to number five what do. you think. yep. that's another five that lasts for. expensive we got three of them twice. with a multiplier.

Enjoy seven times 112 chris mustafa here. at the top a winner. i'm curious now i want to see another. cash hunt just to check out the gandhi. strategy but that's what we had. yeah yeah imagine today is constantly. going to give us something like 75x50x. whatever and by the way the last hat uh. was hiding 20x i checked that out. good luck. 10x and a cash count. we all assumed to get it right now. but we don't have that in a way already. an alpha well not bad either yeah. actually. so hats are giving hats are given. surprise. no but sorry now we haven't seen this. example of any for a while if you play. sebastian i'm beautiful and let's. continue six thousand six hundred twenty. nine victories make sure you're the top. winner law one name ciao guys is good or. not i cannot say that this session is. super fantastic. from the good victories we caught crazy.

Time. 25 25 and 100 so the yellow team was. rock and rolling then we had some streak. of numbers. then we got five with the 7x and 3x in a. row. and then a category. and there is that i also put the next. on a point flip. peter you have done a really good. session don't listen. i haven't seen anyone complaining. actually. but yeah i also love this stuff i mean. it's not super fantastic though yes. but maybe soon peter. we can change it. no yikes filthy raccoon already was. about to yell that we get a coin good. the top slot missed that isn't it jason. ciao nice to see it 3684 with trace max. here it's opener uh actually hmm peter. for me crazy time chat looks for example. much better than monopoly chat. yeah cause of course all the people are. getting out the emotions for example. it's giving us a lot of numbers right.

Good luck but in a crazy time the chat. is so fast. i'm focusing on the players who's saying. something interesting. like you know or something useful and. the other people just. making this drive crazy which is good. because we're playing crazy time. even if we are not getting crazy time. we're uh having a crazy chat right i. can't let it down it's another fight. thank you. enjoy. and east santos hello nice to see you. something seven thousand fifty private. freeze walter here at a teleporter uh i. don't know i'm a station you know mr. gray. iii. someone. watched the 50 shades. of mr gray. that's what they did. a crazy time. not a crazy thing. i'm moving too fast for the koi maybe. another two. see i'm nostradamus okay let's download. this library two is here and i'm. supposed to become. um. was six thousand one hundred eighty one.

With cream. fifty shades of grey in a movie yeah. yeah yeah i remember that i don't know i. mean. i didn't watch it though and i didn't. read the book i was trying i i tried to. read a first three pages as i. always do in a bookstore. and i didn't like her style. that's all my relationships. but i really enjoyed that that became a. bestseller right. no. just don't please us just go there thank. you. let's go guys come in flip. cook a queen flip. bye. nice to see you so we have what we have. we need to get it right side we're going. to get it easily i hope good luck. yep. easily loving us crazily enjoy the. diamond that was. faster especially. who said that the coin is not a bonus. we got a great. 9696 waitress feet 12k you hey mate. you're amazing. the leader of the board. enjoy guys. see so we got a cashman. and some of you caught even higher wind.

From a point down from the cache. and okay female actor named anastasia. like you so beauty oh thank you so much. i'm pretty sure that you're looking. super great today free accident. and backto-back coin click only i don't. know let's check it out. now you want a crime board right maybe. maybe cash gone please i want to check. my. yes yes yes just stop there. ah. yeah. okay that's a catch cat. let's go boys and girls we on it. finally. i can show my hunter skills again alpha. ready. yeah for it okay guys you know what is. good. we have a bunch of 100 x's there not. only one. amazing now we have a chance a bigger. chance to find a hand that acts like a. diamond so get ready prepare your guns. and bows and crossbows whatever what. you're going to shoot with and your hats. go ahead and shoot. i will check out mine yeah don't forget.

That the icons not related to the movies. where is it. oh gosh. i found it that was complicated i i mean. i've been checking out the lower lines. and yeah my hat is here. what 100x did i find 100x. yeah yeah for this hat i'm telling you. see it's like even i i don't know it's. it's visible that it's hiding something. high. because i really. want to get this strategy it works okay. let's open up come on we're. ah wait already ready. which word previously. helped us uh hawkers. focus. that's it it's not working guys i have. no idea i'm leaving. look come on i want to see my hat voice. shouting. all the people are awake i can tell you. thank you. 761 player. beautiful. you're the best and also we have my ten. thousand one hundred seventy week trades. prime hundred xp. you found it. uh also we got it 10x. didn't work this time.

I'm not getting this wait a minute uh. did he check what was the last hat. peter yeah i also found only thanks by. the way in a previous cash hunt we. together with the alpha player. i've been striking three last cats. and we get a 50x. ah that was the 10x2. no i guess we spent already all the. magic of. cats. we need to find another ugly icon. martina who is that beauty. well most likely you shall never see. okay the gentleman is lamberton no we. kept number two boys and glasses. i enjoy if you play that last. uh cavolo congratulations six thousand. eight hundred trays v. two k three from not mistaken and you're. at the top one. and you know what we haven't seen yet. now tell me bloody german. maybe someone who spent the whole time. long with us. you definitely know. two spots. from the wheel. still didn't show up in this session.

The excellent time. we haven't seen it but shrinker yeah. panda correct. and we haven't seen number 10. like 40 minutes in a verb. and. nine eight seven. you get a hundred eggs forever nice. shirt indeed you're a great hunter. number one lady gentlemen thank you if. you play sebastian and spelling time. five thousand for the sandwiches xg. you're the top winner and henry. tan yeah correct we haven't seen all the. time. so wolf says she only spins franklin. i wish we can get on the coin flip but. also we're getting some twos ones cash. times fives. whatever what we have on a wheelbase. good luck gs javelin gsw hi. see accent one i don't know uh excuse me. idk let's say you know they caught uh. john cena like yo but wait a minute they. caught the johnson who was going back. with this actress and the 50 shades i'm. not sure about her name really.

Guys indeed i guess wolf summons they go. into atlanta. give you a big coin. nice to see it look at that. point. let's try it again and add a blue just. for free let's go. yay. easily imagine so previously we're going. to poop the axe with the top slot now. we're going to do. without it. you are cool. enjoy guys congratulations ten thousand. ninety spoiler victories walter here at. the top of a 10k. have you seen it. that's what we're doing today. beautiful. thank you wolf that you summoned our. coin flip. even if you didn't place your bats on it. we are happy. well i said you only spin near or beside. ah no then i don't know. and then you're correct we get one with. the four axe. congratulations everyone and h. enjoy and let's continue uh wait a. minute wolf so you said try spinning. closer to something different for once.

Five thousand piece of fiber trees. exceed your tougher do you really think. that it depends on me. and somehow i'm i can control with my. mind power it will. so you didn't think actually that maybe. it's quite often close to the coin. because we have a lot of them more than. cash hunts pachinkos and a crazy. or it's not connected to this whatever. useless probability. actually. really 20. wait a minute. that's it. i place my bats on a toy. guys. i wish it was at least i. okay we still have a season away. pokemon. no it's not good to stop there. thank you guys another one. i'm not like. disappointed no i am actually i was. sorry about to get that now to take okay. five thousand three hundred sixty eight. increase xpg you're at a top winner i. placed my best on the time i would be so. rich in my imagination though. we prefer 20x on napatan that's right.

That would be much bigger victory isn't. it. let's see what the top slot going to. give us. and fabric my gosh when the crazy time. comes. if we would know. we could place our bats only at a crazy. time once per 30 minutes. sometimes it's coming often sometimes. and finally. we get a pachinko cry yeah. that's the piece of puzzle which we were. missing actually in this session. okay. we were hello. much more time near to this beautiful. ball now it's that welcome to pachinko. so the idea is that we will have some. maltese below and so we're going to drop. the pack you know this. game so we need to get either double. either foreign. okay um we have a chance to get a double. that would be really good. wait a minute. wait a minute so now we're going to. double every single multi and 80x looks. good but. we have still two doubles over there.

No stop. oh good luck everyone. sheesh. okay double double double up. right so. uh well you know when you're running. twice upside down. as a host. well i'm not saying that well prisoners. we will take that right we will take. that that's the victory that's lonely. but i guess we didn't name it out of a. chicken cart. that's the beanie. i love your expression but imagine just. like you're sitting right for that. double i'm running there and back. and when you're getting like when you're. running there and back for for example. 40x 80x. yeah that's fine. but for it's an axe i still want to. prove that we can do that better okay. ladies and gentlemen in the meantime we. caught nabata and finally two spots on a. wheel which we haven't seen before. pachinko and now the time and in the end. of the session we got nine thousand six.

Out of seven twenty six victories for a. year at itself. and idk not bad thanks anastasia thanks. to youtube for that one uh you know yeah. we didn't get a 7x though so at least we. doubled that. and caught 7x times. crazy time. jj where is my win in the coin flip uh. refresh your page ciao. refresh your patient might be delayed. and if it's still not in your pocket. then just uh let's get another coin. silver diamond is a very last coin in. this session. let's see what he's going to give us. yeah because in that post we're already. waiting so let's do that first. here we go with the two of these free. acts and a blue titan red obviously we. need to get their red sight. we got a red side. enjoy everyone in age 10x. let's get back to the world but already. ladies and gentlemen what's good what's. popping up all thousands of winners we.

Got mommy with a tsar where name's. luke's gonna be always good luck. ladies and gentlemen. yes as well. someone. excited why come back let me just do it. unless we got like we got a rotation you. know like we're rotating you know. anyway. i'm talking about the cash ladies and. i'll be great for the first spin. i never do. josephine i never do. simply because there is no such thing it. doesn't exist. anyway newcomers everybody welcome. welcome. yeah first spin. but he's gents we don't miss. i don't miss. i simply do not miss ladies and. gentlemen i'm saying we got forex. gashing from the top so we got cassian. coming in as well so if we get a 500. it's gonna be two thousand eggs but. we're gonna get a hundreds and fifties. as well and 25s and so on and so forth. so ladies and gents multiply that by. food sounds biggest ballpark it's gonna.

Be 400 then we've got two hundreds and. hundreds of ladies and gentlemen i wish. you the best of luck 100 segments. outside of that as well so just pick one. get a multiplier easy as that let me. sense yeah we shot the best i. i can't see your name but i see you i. see how you doing how you doing ladies. gents i'll get back to you real soon. after the bonus round i forgot to clean. my glasses. hola yeah buddy. i still haven't finished the game though. anyway 100 segments ladies we got the. big reveal coming in stronger. it's going to take some time probably. ladies and some to five business days. perhaps so i'll see you back in. what's today's i'll see on the 11th. no i'm not friends no i'm not. come on. come on love give us more parts give the. people the mona. so i just awkwardly stand here yeah. while you watch well you look at me you.

Sure. the power of the drag yeah buddy oo-l-l. exactly the power of the dragon balls. it's but it don't misunderstand it's. it's it's it's an anime. you don't care about the 400 but you. would also gladly get that 400 as well. what are we waiting for for this to wake. up come on love. come on. spamming the chat's not gonna help. settle down everybody settle down. please. it's been 7 hours and 50. here it is. ladies and gents where's the 400 i don't. know but you know it's out there. congratulations a hundred people got 100. i mean uh thousand people got the 200. and then the race is the history mystery. legends congratulations to the winners. i'll be taking. 13.2 times what is mommy with 50 times a. year to win over hundreds. congratulations i wish the best of. everybody second spin take it out. taking a taking place everybody good.

Luck. are we are we capped out oh we got 20k. people that's why we're lagging. oh. boy but not bad for the first spin. definitely not bad at all ladies. congratulations to the winners. well done. newcomer is also telling me welcome to. the game are you doing names lucas but. you already know if you don't know who i. am ladies what you what you've been up. to what you've been doing. it's number five everybody well done and. shoot with them and get that five five. figure five looking fine hopefully. paying out a fine amount of money as. well let's get it rewind so. congratulations well done everybody but. i wish you the best. i don't even know what's going on what. you're talking about ladies we got 10. tiles the one is that 4.5 thousand years. for the time when a good luck oh geez w. good to see you. excuse me. uh gsw i'm doing great i'm doing.

Fantastic you know me. well warrior welcome to crazy time in. that case what are you. what did i eat for lunch 25 eggs on a. two. hold on a second wait a minute can we. get a two for all the brothers and. sisters who are betting on it too. what do you think. no no i'm not happening. calm bros bro no thank you that's like. imagine telling me to not to not talk. bro that's kind of i don't know anyway. ladies and gentlemen. uh ladies and gents just going for the. walk. betting time everybody like other one is. well done. now i haven't had a two in a long long. time this too would have been. kind of fantastic actually 25 but what. they have for lunch i had buckwheat with. a chicken sauce bravia and a bit of. salad as well. and then and then what you call it um. um. a dessert. looks i saw you on youtube bro yeah i'm. on youtube yeah why did my balance.

Update could be that it's taking some. time refresh your page for example one. refresher page could be that it's it's. it's gonna update then. but uh you can always also contact sport. if it's not updating ladies and. gentlemen about the issue uh but there's. a lot of people in the lobby right now. that that could you know legends lead to. some some some some delay he's both in. the game both and everything anyway. right so ladies and so we should do the. best on the next we got two to one good. good good one everybody i wish you a. great. prosperity in life and everything uh. you think you're funny. it's not funny good luck everybody. always feels like. somebody's watching me. johnny's a brother come on take it easy. my heart aches because no cannon on my. screen. that sounds deep i was very emotional. ladies and gentlemen.

Uh that is the one enjoyed the whoa. last time you told me about food place. you recommend it. uh it was inside of riga it was inside. of riga i probably told you oak burger. if you want a nice juicy fat burger or. agave which is the second name of the. second largest. river in latvia. or just like you know a long. river in general. those two places they're inside riga in. the se in the city center. oh. master yo lorenzo long time no see one. second my hey yo you can't see me right. now one second. long it's been a long time definitely. i've been up in. good to see you my guy how you doing. oh bro as well. of course i had a man but of course i. remember. winning welcome ladies and gents hey. glad to hear that i'm glad to hear that. how you doing how you been i suppose you. just took a break from gambling probably. busy with work and stuff like that right.

Usually that's what people tell me uh. brilliant ladies gents. oh the one that's coming out i just. didn't see how many of you look so what. are you doing bro darryl i'm doing i'm. doing pretty good i'm doing pretty good. what's good brother you wash your hands. i wash my hands definitely yeah good. work and enjoying the summer man. you lost weight yes i didn't. yes i did. but kind of same i was either working. during during a summer time i was doing. something. relaxing you know having fun just being. out there you know. but yeah i have officially lost 18.1. kilogram regions. since the last year october well i've. actually lost more because i i while i. was losing weight i. gained weight am i single yes i am two. by the four x eight is one player. i am not plural i am single that is true. uh two to one times four eights one.

Player congratulations well done. constantly esport if you didn't receive. your winnings everybody congratulations. good luck. this chat could legitimately be one of. the wildest places in the world. i'm not even kidding. thank you anton thank you thank you i. feel nice as well full time can i see my. abs as well slightly. go sleepless say let's say less. night night. no. no no no i'm not doing that anyway. ladies galaxy. we got a cash and ladies and gentlemen. we're going in hunting we're going and. shooting yeah. arm your cannons ladies and gentlemen. are you ready to receive money. because when you look at it you will you. are winning you are going to choose you. are going to click and you will win. money best case scenario 100 times which. is the biggest small part. ladies and gentlemen if your winnings. did not get credited for the 15th 50th.

Time this session already you are more. than welcome to cancel live support. above the love live chat yeah. something like that something like that. right so yeah take care take it easy. take it steady. is hundreds of the same picture no. warrior uh the pictures change the. pictures change yeah all the multipliers. get shuffled the icons get shuffled as. well because if that was the case then. we legitimately would not have no need. for different uh characters because if. the hundred was behind the bunny. everyone would just shoot bunnies you. know and then all the other you know. characters would just be useless. nobody's worried no worries that's why. i'm here if you have any questions that. asians feel free to ask them i will do. my absolute best to answer every. questions that i can in the chat but the. chat goes by super fast so i could be a.

Chance that i'll miss some of the. questions more to repeat your questions. as well uh but yeah anyway 100 segments. the decision i'm gonna i'm gonna what am. i taking y'all already shot i will take. i'm going for this one right here yeah. the jasper hat legends everyone who. chose that jasper had oh the host took. it as well gotta be hundred x. i don't know where the hundred x is it. could be a five x as well but i'll i. know. pull it i'm not gonna pull it now. ladies there's just a lot of people. playing so you know. has to take in a lot of information yeah. it's registering your clicks probably or. whatever. hello to you as well haram how are you. doing how you doing newcomers everyone. welcome to the game by the way yeah. no thank you. why why i haven't even done anything. i've been standing here for the past.

Minute. some people just some people just want. to like and he gone this part of the. game who's oh nina hi nina hi nina i. wish you good luck legitimately i i wish. you like twenty thousand players in. crazy time only one shot right there. stay strong nina if you need assistance. i'm here as well i can't really assist. you but i can maybe tell you some. motivational rewards or something like. that but. stay strong oh ladies and gentlemen look. who decided to wake up we got a hundreds. right here i got a 10x uh 200 people. hundreds we got a few thousand people. with the 50s congratulations well done. and i will shoot the best on the next. i've got sixteen thousand players. thirteen point six thousand winners. mommy but it's almond eight thousand. fifteen x enjoyed the win. everybody good luck to you. how can you work for the company you.

Supply and then i just come to work. what do you mean. how can you work for your company. no worries nobody's enough let's let's. let's both have a fantastic day. my soviet lag. ladies gents. just enjoy. the moment enjoy the process three eggs. on the one aka the cursed. top slot yeah. it's number two ladies who everyone. who's experiencing some issues some. minor or major inconveniences ladies. live support is that probably going to. take some time but definitely do contact. them if you want to go through the. hassle and so on and so forth bro go. home please bro i wouldn't if i could. good luck to you. we'll take anyway i can. but i need that money you know what i'm. saying. i gotta i gotta feed my family. i got a kid on the way gonna be a dad in. a few months you know. i gotta i gotta provide i gotta provide. you i'm saying.

How much you getting paid. at least five euros at least five every. month. congrats thank you thank you ladies. thank you thank you everyone. it's such a surreal feeling it's such a. surreal feeling. don't look don't let it just murder the. scene there's nothing to see here. reasons my whole son mohammed god ruined. by the black but that's someone enjoyed. the win no worries no worries it's my. first it's my first one i don't know yet. i don't know i don't know the gender i. don't know. oh boy. oh boy other one is like congratulating. newcomers won the game let's continue. with the game as well what. expose thank you so much thank you so. much but no no no. i'm the most positive that it can be i'm. so positive negativity i i reflect. negativity. you know. i direct it to stud it just jumps up you. know. falls down. seven excursion we're going in big time.

It's going to be 3.5 x thousand x. multiplied legions slow down for the. love of god plea. for the love of all that's good i mean. close your ears. i i don't think we're getting cashion. i don't i don't think it's cash. it's a. one. wants come on man. i thought you're single. ladies gents. maybe i am single maybe i'm not single i. don't know uh but no i can be single and. have a kid in a few months now. good luck everybody. do i eat chicken necks. no. maybe i am single maybe i'm not. maybe i'm engaged maybe i'm married. now go later i didn't i didn't i said. good. said good. my name. is. oh that's oh man thank you. suev dm01 thank you so much for that i. ah that does make me feel. happy thank you good luck everybody. ah that's that's i would say that's the. compliment i i i appreciate the most. mangal i don't know what it means i'm.

Not going to say it but it's my win. content live sport representative page. should be fine. ladies gents and we keep pumping pumping. pumping. look at that spin everybody fast spin. okay say can attempt 25 exhausted two we. did not get it the first time nothing. legions we try again and the second. sound we shall succeed is gonna be this. two next to the coin for this one right. there. we try again later. that's one. i don't know why all of you find this. very funny. in the chat i don't think that's funny. congratulations. good luck everybody. excuse me. sorry. newcomers by the way. welcome how you doing your hand is poor. which one. it's not like i got a forex cash on. first spin off the day nah didn't did. that happen. never happened. you know i think i think a lot of people. definitely what i just said resonated. with a lot of people you know don't you.

Just sometimes feel like abu dhabi daba. da you know. i don't know. bro go home elamas don't be don't be. threatening me with a good time yeah do. not be threatening me with a good time. ladies let me tell you one thing some of. y'all ladies and some of y'all make a. scene. if i legitimately delay the game for. like two seconds y'all telling me to go. home who's gonna spin the wheel who's. gonna spin the wheel no one it's gonna. be a long delay you don't want that. anyway good luck everybody. oh could that that could be pretty. massive we got 15x on the fire let me do. the math real quick 75 ton peyon. alisa thank you thank you. i don't think it's going to be a five i. don't think so no. fortunato don't thank you isa one. he's a number one. right so anyhow ladies and gentlemen we. got sixteen point three thousand players.

And five thousand pound and fifty three. one is xgg xjg. everybody. it's small i can go faster as well. you know can we change the hose no. ladies you've been saying. change holes do this do this never has. it happen never but i respect the fact. that you don't give up ladies and that's. some. motivational stuff right there two times. crazy time. if i wouldn't have to deal with the chat. you don't have to you don't have to you. don't have to i can ignore all of you as. well if i want to. you don't have to i just i just i just i. just choose to interact with you because. i i like i find it funny i find it. entertaining i like talking to you. just ignore the few messages and you'll. be fine. eight thousand a hundred and fifty one. as well that enjoy the win. good luck everyone. and you'll get used to it as well you. know.

Crazy only please you get used to as. well. don't mind me exactly just don't mind. them like it's whatever take it easy you. know. you know be great like we're having. pretty decent top slots yeah it would be. it would be great if we could actually. hit them. you'll be hey thank you bahan hari thank. you so much i hope so i hope so come on. give us coin coin coin coin slippery. galleries and slippery guy i'm not a fan. of slippery guys you know. they will betray you. fast yeah fast. seven point six thousand twelve windows. x gg xjg sahin sheppard gabriel nandito. thomas 1.4 thousand forty euros. you are kidding no. what's wrong with your spins today. nothing good. as you can see ladies and gentlemen by. looking at the wheel that the wheel is. spinning. implying that everything's happy with. the wheel. you want to sleep with a guy now i'm dry.

Like bro i'm dry. i need to moisturize like look dry skin. it's one. you're ready for crazy me too me too. emotionally physically and mentally i am. prepared for a crazy time bonus round. it's someone everybody well done we. should do the best on the next let's see. what you do with the b with it it it is. a 267 i wanted to get gunny . retirement ggx aj. relax. take it easy yeah uh third time when i'm. all done good luck. okay legions this is how you spin a. bonus round you do this you do this then. you let go and then you do this again. and then you let go again and then your. lady just do this twice three times four. times. five times and then. and that's i get a bonus round. forex ten. how old are you looks i'm 24. that's a one. it would have been cool if you actually. did get a bomb. i remember. like. 5 000 when it's gonna show with someone.

Come on like take it easy good luck. everybody. but yeah newcomers everybody welcome. welcome hopefully having a lovely. tuesday in it yeah. yeah hobie on the lovely uh tuesday. is that your favorite what exactly. hello thank you thank you for that one. lovely yeah. give me milk. oh i am ready please. uh ladies and gentlemen we got crazy. time coming in it better be a good one. better be a nice one it better be a. crazy one now let's go let's go good. luck. someone said i figured a lot bro this is. crazy time yeah i got i got a i gotta. make myself a little mental so you know. that's just like they're just like a. yeah what is it called. a side effect to hosting the session. anyway ladies crazy time it is we got. three floppers the green the blue the. yellow one we got a lot of segments a. lot of shinies i like these amount of.

Shinies but uh the odds are what they. are legends yeah pick your color pick. your poison literally of course and uh. let's see what it do everybody right. have we got we got okay what have we got. i don't know. no come on. any moment now 100 times everybody take. it easy good luck. on the green and the blue one but a. double one on the yellow one ladies and. gentlemen that is gonna be 200 times on. the line is the yellow one they gotta. come and clutch for themselves ladies. gents and they will be victorious for a. 200 small bar yes and i will say. everybody good luck i think i popped. away in as well so if i faint it's been. real it's been great ladies and gents. but anyway before i leave at least 200. come on come on 1770 okay we take a 70. we take a 70. congratulations everybody. well done 70 x on the yellow 50 on the.

Green 25.. twelve thousand winners well done enjoy. the win everybody i wish. congratulations everybody all the. winners yeah 12k winners. excuse me. and i keep spinning spinning. blue always terrible that's not true. legitimate that is not true that is. legitimate the least truest thing i have. read all day. carla thank you so much you know some of. y'all very sweet today show what i mean. with compliments thank you thank you i. will get a narcissistic like that i. won't. i really won't but thank you. is this much or maybe this much this. much this much yeah we gotta want. everybody well done you were the winner. we got one time for the one time. give me more meal bro what do you mean. milk is a milk like bonus round that's. weird five thousand five hundred thirty. three one is well done x g g g x j g. relax nandito j twenty three top five.

Enjoy the whoa wins good. relax. take it easy. seven eggs pachinko are you excited. ladies because you're not 100 we're. getting pachinka. so it's going to be pretty cool. i will be going already i'll i'll be. it's not pachinko it would have been. cool though would have been cool. one of these days i'm gonna i'm gonna. i'm gonna i'm gonna uh. never mind one. i wasted not haven't wasted anything. though. five towers. twenty six minutes expedited sound we're. all done with 960 euros relax with 300. euros congratulations. good luck everybody. has anyone seen that tick tock about. that one guy who sneezes in different. languages. yeah hello how you doing. you saw me on tik tok what do you mean. what do you mean i don't make tick tocks. what do you mean 5x coinville what do. you mean you saw me on tick tock. no. some post a video bro.

But let's be at least be happy this does. not happen but already had seven ex. pachinko tops out seven towers at 571 is. okay okay good luck. so you mean tick tock bro. can i ask them like are they using me. if he's getting paid. by posting videos like that on ticktock. i can technically. strike that and claim the money right. three times square foot can i do that. you're recording that i'm sure go for it. we're recording this as well you're. gonna have to be on ticket to be on tick. tock that is facts i now understand that. thing. but it kind of makes sense like i'm on. youtube as well. but i'm not a youtuber that's the one. but i like like i want to see myself on. tik tok as well. it's very clear somebody moved it. yesterday just poltergeist his name is i. don't it's a lot to name the harvard. right now it's fire tower 2015 it's an.

Old lantern name. yeah yeah youtube yeah i've seen myself. on youtube plenty of times but i want to. see myself on ticktock you know i'm. saying. what. how can i find myself on tiki taking. yo is every is everything all right with. a live stream. whatever. hello. isa number one. my once you're. nice. five thousand two hundred twenty six. minutes congratulations good luck with. everybody you're welcome. hey yo how you doing. watch your profanity please. good luck. 7x crazy time ladies and gents. but but no but like my question i didn't. see no answer has have you seen like the. tic tac video. of the guy who. sneezes in different languages. everybody first 10 of the session i'm. not mistaken. the only thing we're missing is pachinko. and cointel truthfully respectfully. no you haven't you haven't seen it. can't he pass guys in different.

Languages too that'll be cut. i don't know haven't seen that video k1. ah the one is coming out good luck. everybody. now but definitely ladies go check out. the video we haven't seen obviously. in different languages. two times crazy time. you're breaking my heart. my heart's already broken. did i cut my head by myself you're going. to insult my hairstyle. not someone everybody no i don't i i. know i i you shouldn't really trust me. with scissors religions. you really shouldn't trust me with. scissors. five thousand is everybody. aces j23. bj for me. good luck. tom loves kids told me i spin like a. sister you know what time i'll tell you. something these spins yeah this. the guy who spins spins. biggest record winner on this game first. spin you have four excursion bro i have. so many thousand obama smallpot wins you.

Don't even know you don't even know like. how big that number is you know what i'm. saying. that many all right so these spins. bring in luck right. from time to time so. i'll spend like a all day every. day if i have to. thank you. six thousand six hundred foods you wanna. you can always bet on one or two as well. well there's nothing over that last time. i checked it's not illegal you're not. gonna go to prison if you bet on one and. two you're not. you shouldn't. what am i always looking at while i'm. looking at the chat what you mean. good luck everybody. 2x on a one. this has been faster. chase what's up how you doing how you. doing triple a. triple h. you excited stay we got 100x at side. coming in good luck everybody. you best believe. i haven't been wrong yet. haven't been drawn yet. so it's going to be andre's red side.

Just gotta get ready. i'm wrong 10 red five blue glocks here. but if we got the red if that was a. hundred x that would've been great but. it's 10x it's a little it's it's a. hundred x's cousin. anyway because like a 10 eventual. becomes a hundred uh. elements winners. i wish you the best on the next. still missing pachinko though the only. missing piece. b. uh. that's a ten everybody well done enjoy. the win. mississippi queen everybody 2003 winners. mustafa with someone what you like be. happy about it. elon you're this close from losing your. chat village bro i'm telling you. good luck everybody. nah nah bitoy i i just i just like to. use my power. i just like to new people. like i hold the power over your. privilege. five thousand why so quiet i'm chilling. i'm chilling i've been listening i've. been yelling the whole session.

I gotta i gotta save some energy for the. next exciting fantastic session that i. will have. soon. francesca no no no i know ladies just. don't mind me as well i'm just missing. i'm just messing around i just i just i. just like muting people. you know. uh it's great trust me when you when you. when you have a slight power over you. know then you can control something. you want to abuse it a little bit five. thousand four hundred one is good. that time. i don't have power like that though. don't got power like that though. but francesca lovely to hear that you're. winning you know it's like two people. right now just spamming the chat upset. about the issue uh you know your head is. like a ball. is that even like offensive i don't even. know that's just funny in it. like that's just funny ladies and. gentlemen. for your safety i must start what's.

Safety like how are you in danger right. now is that someone attacking you. because of the ones and twos i'm. spinning uh some from time to time. uh ready to see someone enjoy the one. ladies newcomer has also won the game. hopefully all is good hopefully all is. great seven thousand only forty five. winners we got escobar went up 600 euros. sorry good luck. no not gonna say that. then why are you even like talking about. the situation like. ah anyway good luck with the money. five times cash on my last spin we got. first spin cash on 4x can we get last. spin cash and 5x. nice too fast lady just never mind we're. gonna end with something else. yeah interesting anyway that is just one. two one two one two one two one two. that's the one to enjoy the wind well i. know we should be the best on the next. but. with a twist.

I'm gone everybody take care byebye. hello. castle's back. tagnia. back again. how are you. how you been without me. since i've been gone did you get some. big wins. and hello. tr8 hello hello everybody. good. luck. looks like we're starting the session. with. the one and only coin flip. let's go lady johnson we got the coin. we got the most parts well which are. this time actually 2x on the blue side. and 9x on the red. wow go red. very good very nice next it is so. congratulations all the winners. good start good start let's go back to. the wheel and come back with a top slide. most of our next time 10. 745 winners nicki minaj mustafa nandito. top winners congratulations let's keep. those bone stones coming shall we. are you ready that's close by the way. hello hello everyone joining me nuts. crazy time hope you're having a crazy.

Tuesday. but like in a good way crazy. good luck to you. what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. turn a little taller doesn't mean i'm. lonely when i'm alone. number two. congratulations bye ladies and gentlemen. when you're spending time alone. what do you like to do when you're. let's say. alone at home like what what do you. enjoy doing in your own company you know. what is what do you do. with when you have me time. let's say do you enjoy watching netflix. reading books maybe some hobbies. that's it good luck to you. let's go. give me your cat why would i give you my. cat. my chance i love my cat i will never. give rufus to anyone else and yes his. name is rufus. rufus. rufus well rufus and latvian i guess. will be rufus. uh two not ten by the way. good luck. number one. congratulations. gotta share we have seen and take the.

Top winners. dreaming of meme paradise what are you. talking about. that's a lie i highly doubt that in your. free time you're dreaming about this. random crazy time host. i i don't know i kind of don't want to. believe that. glad to you. three extreme crazy time good luck. whoa can we make it though. are we gonna make it come on come on. come on whoa crazy time let's go with a. 3x as well on top slots. well. let's go. all right ladies and gentlemen we made. it. so which team are you gonna be on. the green. on the right the blue and window or the. i'll use the green on the left the. yellow. and let's do this come on. here we. second the go. will be the charm. there is 45 x for yellow and the green. and blue ones you got. whoa that was very nice congratulations. to the winners. this time the blue ones got the biggest. one 300.

Very good very nice. and uh yeah good luck to you. three extra number five ladies and. gentlemen. i had a guy feeling for blue. i hope you used it. my silly hope you picked blue if your. god told you to do that you know cuz. gotta follow your intuition number one. congratulations. and we have ganesha v1c and j23 top. winners congratulations. betting time is back autoplay option. late asian dance and also it's available. if you don't wanna miss a thing. don't wanna close your eyes you don't. wanna fall asleep. or you know go grab some snacks. cause you don't wanna miss the thing. absolutely last crazy time we had 45x on. green and yellow and the 300x on the. blue flapper flapper flapper. fluffer. glock. sing some justin bieber. that's the one. congratulations oh. whoa. oh. whoa. i'll be messed up if you can't be right. here i'll do the same thing i told you.

That i never who told you i changed even. no one. even though i knew i never could. running away. i know what's as good as you i need you. to stay i need you to stay. hey. that's not i guess technically just me. but that's kid leroy but i do like that. song. i mean just neighborhood that's a really. nice 25 there's a lot of good stuff but. i need you to hold on heaven is a place. not too far. away need someone to stay we'll make. mistakes. whoo cash on. let's do this. now. wear your bows and arrows ladies because. you are gonna need them right now we're. going hunting the best. so. so. so. hello. so channel your inner. miss katniss ever seen the grill on fire. hawk hi mr top guy i guess you just say. hawkeye you know and have that perfect. shot. which will. get you 100. and hopefully previously we had what. over. i think it was over 600 of you who got.

100x so looking for more looking forward. to seeing more of you get the 100x this. time. you know. so. look very carefully i'll be choosing. i will be choosing that apple. under the cactus next to the present and. the sheet at the target. well you get you get which apple i mean. haven't picked an apple in a long time. so. let's go. alrighty so. a little bit of dancing while we wait of. course i can teach you some dances my. mind is on jiggle jiggle it folds i know. i can teach you that one if you want. like but yeah we really just want to see. where 100x is right. so please. show yourself. we want to know we've had enough of the. build up tension right. we just want to know. just let us know please. or not you know. okay here we go. all righty congratulations eight nine. players got 100x. 50 actually it was right there well i.

Got the wrong. line. not the wrong side eleven thousand two. hundred twentyfive winners wow. tommy swatt and jake two three top. winners congratulations since vetting. time. can you sing paranoid. effie i'm not sure. if i know that song. good luck. forex on number two. good luck. can you see the wheels on the bus the. wheels on the bus go round and round. round and round round and round the. wheels on the bus go round and round. nice. i don't know the full loops for that. song. thank you strengthening co tommy winner. and demo that was over eleven thousand. euro for tommy that's a big one. congratulations. hello. ply blue cat. a blue cat is flying. never singing a blue cat let alone a. blue cat who would be flying that's. interesting good luck to you. do you like camila cabello's songs she. has some good ones i like the havana.

Unanna so extra five i of course like. senorita. i love it when you call me senorita. i wish it was uncertain. already. multipliers. 15x and blue73x and red side well well. well. go blue. well we got the red 3x is yours let's. aim for the higher side. now let's bring ourselves in from the 3x. enjoy and we'll. back we go. 12 824 winners tommy timon. so many of you here that's crazy. uh so so many of you here hope. everyone's having a wonderful and crazy. in a good way tuesday. but yeah i'm not sure if i like camila. cabello. as a person at least i have heard that. she's not so nice. so. but she does have some nice songs who's. your favorite artist oh. daryl that's a tough question i like a. lot of artists glad to. there are a lot of artists that really. like like harry styles i really like. miley cyrus as well. adele. um lady gaga has a lot of good songs i.

Also like them all as like people i. would say not that i know that. personally at least. number one judging from interviews and. how they treat fans and stuff. um. that's one thing i mentioned who else i. mean i enjoy a lot of artists. why does everyone want me to sing justin. bieber. why is everyone like justin bieber so. much. how about you daryl who's your favorite. one yeah i really like miley cyrus. i mean she's so cool i actually. yesterday no. yesterday was sunday on sunday i was. listening to um hair on joe rogan's. podcast and she is just so cool as a. person lucky and so down there willow. and jaden smith are my favorites. oh willow has that song. she had a song this spring that was. really popular good luck to you. i let my conscience on your nah nah nah. my name is agnia or in uh latvian it. would be more agniya congratulations.

Welcome joining us by the way how are. you how are we can you sing the climb. i can't but i don't know how good it. will sound. um how did it start. let's see i can almost. see it. that dream i'm dreaming but there's a. voice inside my head you'll never. reaches. feels like loss with no direction. my fate is shaking but i number two we. the top slots two. do you like one piece. one piece watts fb player what do you. mean congratulations. do you play any games like league of. legends or wow rants right i used to. play league of legends for like seven. years actually or more even and i. haven't now played in more than a year. i do play fall guys. i'm really really excited for the new. season i'm very angry they should have. released fall guys season two on xbox on. september on august 30th already and. then they postpone it till september.

13th directs on external coin club i was. i was waiting for the new season so. badly because i already had finished you. know all the levels in season one i was. really excited for a new season number. two but now i still have to wait. congratulations. what about you. and yeah i'm also really really really. excited for the new hogwarts legacies. game which they also postponed was. supposed to come out. during this christmas and they postponed. it till 10th of february like why did i. do that. you know i was i really wanted to buy it. for myself for christmas. but. now let's wait until february good luck. to you. um. who are you playing in league as i said. i haven't played league in like. more than a year like year and a half. but i um. i all the time kind of switched up my. champions and the last ones i was. playing the most would be gin.

Uh senna i really liked cena as well. i feel like more towards. the end i always played senna most of. the time number one. and teemo top was also my favorite. what about you congratulations by the. way. uh yeah i'm excited for hogwarts legacy. right right. i can't wait it's gonna be so good. it's gonna be so good i don't care even. how much it costs like i don't care i. will buy it it looks too good not to buy. i'm good luck to you. i'm katrina maine with a million points. nice i kind of i used to play. when i started playing league threesome. five. in my first years of playing it i really. loved the kali like i was playing akali. all the time. i even bought like the head hunter's. skin and everything i really loved her. number two and then they did the rework. on her and i hated the new cali and i. was so mad like why did they rework her.

Congratulations. congratulations so far we have managed. to get. um some suede coin flips and a crazy. time right we also had a crazy time 3x. uh 300x from blue flapper right that was. nice. and yeah welcome to joining us don't. forget about autoplay option ladies and. so many of you don't want to miss out. and they never know when those big ones. might stop by right good luck to you. and now ladies and gentlemen any. upcoming um video games or computer. games you're excited about felix nutsu. by the way. it's about it single player uh kane. winston what do you mean league of. legends. or crazy time good luck. and that's number five. congratulations. it's woody j three and three gabriel. breton and dinosaur top winners. congratulations well. we still haven't had a pachinko. come on pachinko don't be shy we all. love you.

Good luck to you. let's go. go go multipliers. can you say ara. so it's like crazy time actually. that means out. like outside in latvian like. ara. which is spelled with like a a r a but. like with the a's that have like the the. kind of the line on the top which are. like the longer a's number one like ah. which means ara means outside in latvian. kind of sure v1c and j23 top winners. congratulations. buddy ladies and gentlemen is there. something that you would like love to. learn how to do. or like you wish that you knew how to do. good luck. bye aquila. good luck everybody. everybody. good luck. come on. raise the most friends it's been way too. long without them right. it's way too long. it looks like that is gonna be yet. another cash hunt cash hunt today is on. fire we we're getting a lot of them as. well in the previous session we have.

Four. this is already. the third yeah the third cash hand. welcome welcome back welcome for the. first time if you haven't been here yet. weird cash and well full of multipliers. the biggest one is 100x and there's only. 100 eggs there so once again gotta put. all the focus. on finding the symbol that has the right. energy that is hiding the 100x. underneath it so. after shuffle 14 seconds on the clock. for you to. you know really. really find it truly hopefully everyone. will. will get the 100x whereas as many of you. as possible will get it so. i have not been yet successful in. finding the 100x in this session. but i will try again i will try again. you gotta get up and try try try. i'm gonna choose the birdie. the birdie that's next to the cupcake. entered the sheriff's badge. that birdie. let's see if the party will be the right.

Decision for me um or not good luck to you i hope a lot of you found the hundred expo so we need a little bit of build up of course as usually meanwhile we can do a little dance don't be shy don't be shy we want to see you please baby shark no i'm not gonna say make sure well hundreds there congratulations 76 so you got the hundred x 1155 60 x i got what 50 or 10x i think congratulations to the winners thank you for another successful cash on one thousand one hundred thirty one and now eleven thousand three hundred nineteen as well enjoy now i'm not gonna sing baby shark no no no that's not going to happen ah good luck to you basically lose and so 25 10.

If we want a 10 then this is now this is. when we want it good luck to you hello. souza how are you where's the tent oh. we're not as close to 10.. come on can we make it to the pachinko. well this time we're stopping on the zoo. compliment. and yeah congratulations my stomach. what's wrong with your stomach the wing. you spin me right round baby right round. beds are close. good luck they needed already 25 i'm. saying guys well mr burns that doesn't. mean that that can't happen again good. luck. hello five how are you. good luck hello from grace hello vila. greetings from latvia what's popping. ingress how's it going there. i'm doing quite good as well souza. number one. congratulations. you want ariana arena grande i don't. think you're gonna get ariana grande. here. i think she has other more important. places to be in i know i know what could.

Possibly be more important crazy time. right but. but you know ariana grande finds places. good luck. she is a worldwide superstar. so it's number one buddy good luck. my day only big wins nice. let's hope it is one here. i got a feeling. that tonight's gonna be a good night. number one that's tonight's gotta be a. good night with a 2x on top slot. that tonight's gonna be a good good. night congratulations got a feeling. getting sure eight nine men and gr top. owners. got a feeling for another number one. well henry let's see if your feeling. will be you know correct. don't know black pink i do know black. fin daryl. can you do it like da da da da da da. do we like that. i mean i don't know much though of their. songs that's i think the only one i know. so it's a great time i don't listen too. much kpop. black to you.

Thank you shaney. now. cow congratulations. you're beautiful it's true. congratulations gabriel what's up. workshop winners. pleasure vets. and let me know in the chat what is. uh what is the last movie that you watch. ladies and gentlemen it wasn't good i. wanted to go to the movie theater but. that wasn't there wasn't really anything. interesting to see. but i've heard that in october there. will be a new marvel movie coming out. right. flat two two weeks on ten. good luck. you're beautiful it's true. when i saw your face in a crowded place. and i don't know what to do. oh so close to vengeance number one. jingle still is the only bonus trend we. haven't had. so come on chinco don't be shy. guys sure xjt and g23 top winners. congratulations. betting time welcome we're joining us by. the way did you bring some luck for.

Yourselves because you know we are we. could do a refill of luck in here so. hope you brought some with yourselves. good luck. yeah pachinko is missing jc i don't know. i don't know where it is you are the. very best like no one ever has. the world. searching far and wide. the power that's inside pokemon number. one. congratulations. hdt juicy three eight nine men top lunge. congratulations. can you stop singing pokemon. i literally just sang pokemon for like. five seconds. as somebody doesn't like pokemons. that's a close clock. voice not good well jessica did i ever. say it was good i never said that it was. good to make some intense but has it. ever stopped anybody for singing. no. so. now if people want to sing let them sing. you know livestream short natsu singing. is awesome. number five not everyone can be born as.

Talented singers not everyone can be. born. as adele. congratulations. just let her be happy thank you. exactly congratulations. thank you dfx here. betting time. honey hope you're having a good day. thank you pretty kitty i'm having a. pretty good one how's yours. that's a close good luck. i thought what else inside. pokemon. great thank you good to hear it's so. exciting. really good house thank you monique huh. hello bobby how was your tuesday. good luck. where are all the bonus giants hiding. come on. number one we had so many individuals. what happened where did they all go. did they go on like a lunch break or. something. congratulations. we have a seto eight nine man and j2p. top punch congratulations well blaze the. best for free to use autoplay option. ladies and gentlemen as well. if you want to get some nice pokemons.

Good luck. yeah we could definitely use some more. colors in our game history right. like the red one the pink one will be. nice chingo does have a two wax. hello rhodesian how are you good luck. the power that's inside. pokemon. ah i can't stop singing it's stuck in my. head. in your head. that's my favorite game to play. number three just. with every word try to make a song. i love that game so fun congratulations. uh yuri. and gabriel top winners congratulations. some uh samaritan with. silly stallone is the brilliant movie. i don't think i've seen it taylor. or heard of it. maybe i've heard of it. good luck. five excellent. five. that's what we have on top so glad dude. yeah i really like these movies it's. like the detective movies. called midsummer murders i thought. they're every week you're showing them. number two.

On one of the channels we have here. everybody i think saturday evening. is it or sunday evening congratulations. and i love them so much they have like. this series that has. over 20 seasons i started in like the. 90s and they're still going. congratulations they're showing like the. older seasons on the tv and i love them. so much i watch them every week they're. so good. ah. i just love the text in movies you know. which beauty genres do you enjoy the. most. good luck. and can we get that patching crew. finally would be really nice. are we going for it. and oh that's what glue is number two. what a tease oh my congratulations. uh sorry xgg and gabriel top winners. connections. wow. that is something you do not wish upon. anybody unless you want to get like. really bad karma. you know just saying something like that.

In the chats that's already i don't know. even how. many minus karma points. that's horrible things play something i. know right. since you're like you never said that to. anybody. um good luck. so. it's number one. same plate number one congratulations. popcorn i love popcorn. eight nine manchester's what is your. favorite snack at the movie theater. mine's definitely popcorn salsa one with. those flavored powders on the top like. cheddar cheese ranch butter. ah parmesan. for all of them so good good luck with. the slushie gotta go for the slushie as. well. but yeah good luck. i do not know where the bonus trams went. when they're gonna be back i hope soon. because we miss them right we miss them. very much. and number five. well congratulations. so freaked sdg and jason three top. winners congratulations place your bets.

Where's pachinko we haven't had a bonus. challenge in like. 14 rounds what is going on. what is going on in here who took all. our luck. good luck. your hand is not good should you should. i replace my hands will you press. fix one like. i don't think the technologies are. advanced nowadays that you could replace. your hands with a new hand that would be. just like the old one but better i don't. think that technologies are that. advanced yet. number one also what my hands why would. i want to replace them. my hands are good. number one but we also had a 3x on top. slot on it so congratulations on that. yeah place your bed so everyone joining. us how are you. today how is your week so far. it's a lovely tuesday isn't it. and bye too close good. everybody. oh steve. oh steve such a charmer. good luck to you. and. looks like we are about to finish the.

Session just the way we started it with. a coin flip. on the blue well go red. that's blue. well three x in your pockets. congratulations well hopefully this. one's coming for the five minutes. enjoy actually. i'll. time for a change good luck with my. carly have a good time. thanks hello everyone it's nice to see. you but the time is in action that's. going to give a spin okay how it was. going tell me a. alpha are you here did you check out the. cash challenge you had before hey. okay guys i came here to check the new. strategy. on a cash card. i am and i did not did not. from the first i thought that you're. gonna say i am and i did and then i. noticed more. not though. okay let german i think it's gonna be. number two. was not on hurry session i got. to get you. it was 10 hour session with the team. nothing special yet let's see what's.

Going to be next me cheetah hello four. thousand five hundred seventy seven. three you're the top winner um. what do you think little german. what will be the first bonus round what. we're going to catch. i guess. that will be pachinko i don't know why. but it seemed to me interesting. but let's see how good i am in the. predictions good luck. steve ciao nice to see you from canada. far away pretty quietly wait a minute. what time is it in canada right now it's. supposed to be like morning isn't it. it's a good morning sleep. all right guys maybe i was wrong it is. going to be cash flowing but it seemed. to me that it's spinning a little bit. faster than it's not. okay that's gonna be number one thank. you. in the last four spins he caught number. one twice. how many more are we gonna get them try. to guess three thousand four hundred.

Eighty four victories eighty nine nine. you're at the top winner. get ready. pedro welcome to the crazy time. guys what what's wrong with the camera. i saw already three. people said something with the camera. guys. let me know if something is not working. flickering sometimes right. blinking okay guys i'm gonna before that. don't worry. now it's fine now it's good. okay for hello nice to see you. g4 number 10 we got beautiful. enjoy. ladies and gentlemen and i'll say 40 950. nightwing trades the rounder you are the. best. now the time finally we caught it. oops. please talk goodbye litto thank you for. spending. so much more time with us. um lisa have a nice baby. goodbye. marvin good luck to you seven ice on a. pachinko. and g4. i'm good what about yay. and winwin are the moderators from. latvia no. they are not. you can try from what country they are.

Actually no what is the next door is number one thanks guys but still we're looking for something special three thousand foreign well i still believe that the first bonus round which we're going to catch will be potential but maybe you have your own thoughts guys let's play the little game guys the camera is still you have some issues with the camera it's still blinking flashing or someone said that it was flashing they're like and super you feel this city next day or maybe number two two guys and we have some of them on the way but well yay oh instead of a two we got a 50 for you amazing actually that could be even much better than any coin what we will get so 4 423 which is gabriel 5 000.

You're awesome you're a bridge yeah i. placed my best by the way number two in. my imagination though. that that's beautiful so okay we don't. need even a bonuses to get a high mixed. race guys here. yay okay one you gotta say right. get alive. yeah i placed my bats on a two on a five. and i made cashman but for some reason. it still seems to me that it's gonna be. pitching. yeah thanks to you maybe only your. fortune summoned this beautiful number. two with a multiplier. and back to back to number two or. that's a coin flip okay let's go for it. good that we caught a coin now but not. before right hello diamond glasses. welcome to the queen flip here we go. with the coin. 25 eggs in a birth three action blue we. need to get it right side and we gonna. get it easily hopefully get back to you. yeah easily. tell the german enjoy if you place your.

Boss at a point. apparently. nicely done let's get back. okay. 7. 530. flame on the other side over the 6.5 k1. let's continue. perhaps ridge become rich only give us. one two. so you didn't catch that number two. well at least those who caught number. two are happy. let's continue guys. so. green's still blinking. it goes right sometimes do you have some. crazy time. so flickering right again. i already told them that. ganzo hello. come on. hi. kristin ronaldo for sure finale i'm not. sure about it the next one not one. four thousand hundred four which race. xgg at guys i'm such a fan of a football. but i i know christian ronaldo i know. messi for sure i know a few of the. people whose names actually i can't. remember no and that's that's it. oh my god. ricardo hello nice to see you and gonzi. what is your favorite soccer team let's.

See if i'm not witch incredible i'm not. sure that i'm watching either soccer but. it's it's not popular in our country. actually. i don't know anyone who's watching. soccer in our country but i've heard a. lot of players are saying that. enjoy. and come on either football not soccer i. didn't realize that either i understand. it too five thousand i had a 64. victories must have fought here and it's. helpful. see in my opinion it's better to do. sports not to watch sport right. and super saiyan hello. the only thing that i'm kind of. following conor mcgregor and especially. i i started out from. when they had a fight. conor mcgregor and. because that was absolutely. beautiful. hopefully my my best wishes here. to win there so join us. okay pachinko. come on baby. nah. that's number one thank you enjoy. alpha congratulations.

Habit 4 370 freeway trees like a fighter. of course happy because he is unbeatable. yet again but like a showman mcgregor. tv series that's a great question for a. crazy time. that's a white house that's a game of. thrones all of them i guess it was in my. life but so many of them really. what is your favorite guns. may call you guns if you don't mind okay. ladies and gentlemen we were so close of. gaming another time but that's another. number one down time to start it. if you play sebastian i've enjoyed this. four thousand thirty eight victories. eighty nine man you're ready to talk oh. winner. nine six for a big win today 500x. that was the highest rate to die. and mcgregor come by evolution industry. included the boss maybe i don't know. really. i kind of. not getting in out of people's penances. but perhaps you're a correct.

And. doxy boy. ciao nice to see it. and gonzo my favorite maybe breaking bad. see. so. like interesting fact i really love tv. shows. absolutely. but. i haven't seen. the breaking bad. all right guys okay let's number one. thank you enjoy and let's continue. hey common heather what you are doing. over there. four thousand two hundred fifty six. winters eighty nine which trades. don difference without another players. be careful. you might lose your chat for alleges. mano ciao nice to see you. and good luck everyone and h. ciao nice to see you today. i have no idea really why i watched. every single public tv show except that. one. and common hitler he told you to jump up. and spin the wheel well but he's like a. key door. why are you paying attention on that. type of people. i'm not four thousand eightysix which. is ncg or tower see the problem is that.

You guys see all the chat right and of. course it's exploding when we are. getting numbers it happens every day. every day in a crazy time i don't have a. time to read all of the messages so for. me chat in the crazy time looks super. beautiful because i'm reading all the. messages from the people and not always. i have actually time for that only from. interesting people like for example you. come on hitler all gonzo perhaps in one. so yeah i know already players who's. constantly good interesting and just. educated let's say. but other people are just bringing. making our chat crazy and that's also. fine. but i cannot follow their messages so. for me crazy time. is something like quite. cute time. thank you so much that's the 5985. express tarmani here at developer 22k. for you beautiful let's continue. countdown.

But still come on heather thank you for. defending my honor. so bobby hello where are you from we're. from latvia. that's the baltic country in eastern. europe. and charlie did the last tx. have a 50x randomly. got. do you have some issues with your. uh account then contact the life support. and come on it's lucky it's nice country. there's a small country. i mean imagine like. um. in our country is only two million of. the people the population of our country. and that's it well if you're enjoying. the films like you are the nature small. buildings yeah you will love us number. two legendary five thousand five hundred. eighty six for three st money ready. winner let's go and ganzo what language. does this speak wait a minute we've. already discussed that before and you. know what i remember. ye no french. italian and spanish isn't it.

And bono hi nice to see you so shammy. hello. try to remember minds good luck once. that's what we're waiting for. so. this. do. so. good. so. do. cool. team money you still keep rocket rolling. now you get a 22k and it's a 6983 trees. and bruno hello nice to see it. okay let's make an out of gas. which bonus round going to be the next. matias you think it will be quite fun. jamie machine. okay wait a minute i think five accident. five for some reason but it might be. crazy time moneycom yeah i agree with. you i don't know why. no at least maybe not with my hopes you. know. gave me that my hopes. let's see who's going to win this little. bat. number one player you think it's cash. hunt right that's it well we have four. people who plays the bats. uh so four thousand six hundred. sixtyfive victories eighty-nine men. you're the top winner and in daily life.

People uh also call you anna or just. just ask you because daily life people. are calling me anastasia since just see. i i have seen a lot of the messages from. the players that wow wow girl you have. such a long name make alyanna and i'm. like well you can call me even borders. and well they're like being close. absolutely yes. if i wouldn't that wouldn't be here. actually you also think that it's a. pachinko okay that's number. two. again. oh yeah we'll be cutting number two. towards the last five split but diamond. if you post about something beautiful. for six thousand one hundred forty nine. the money you're at the top why not. and barry hello. thanks i'm pretty sure that you're. looking super good today as well join us. and idk hi again. how are you doing. i guess i didn't know to see you before. right. or you've been here.

Or you just came here. good night. and shannon what's the purpose of the. night perhaps at a crazy time because in. latvian manor. we're saying anastasia and this yeah. sound is this j. that's why but it's written in latin. because just anastasia might be also. pronounced in english and that's like. anastasia stacy what is more common and. a bit more familiar to people whose. first language is english. crazy money you're 5988 itself better. and better time. we cut the net an opportunity either two. strikes or not. trying to guess what's gonna be next. and player machine gun. and axis gave us. marcus now you think he's gonna be only. ones and twos well mostly we have them. at will yep. you can't even imagine sometimes. five bags of pachinko we're getting like. 30 of them in a row. i still i'm telling this story like some.

Fairy though. once later german there was a session. when someone caught 34 ones in a row. and i. a little i think you're very friendly. and fun i wish you excuse me that's. number one. banking. number one is here marcus maybe you. weren't correct perhaps right now we're. gonna get on with all of them four. thousand two hundred people experience. bg you're the top winner thank you and. that's containing. idk i know why you spin after screen oh. you mean the top slot i think we have. some delays. the players already been reporting it. because i asked them actually but. perhaps a lot of people and a game a bit. delayed. obviously i cannot spin just. without nothing right. and in latvia there's snowfall during. winter absolutely yeah that's enormous. country you have a lot of snow sometimes. i see yeah but i kind of speed just.

Without any let's say permission because. you still might keep replacing your. battery some of that yeah so we need to. make a spin and when you already. placed all of your events otherwise. imagine how many complaints it will be. four thousand twenty three weeks race bb. you're at its opener and of course i. need to know. when the batting time is already over. and then i may make a spin and it game. delaying a bit. it shows me after like let's say one. second maybe that's why. and player 5 has become a physic number. by the way yeah we caught much more of a. tense and we haven't seen number five. we're ready for a long time yeah. overall i can tell you this session. quite dry. because. we get a pachinko with the 15x okay we. caught a 25 within 25 bags but nothing. more special because really in a. previous session at least we had a.

Hundred likes beat the axes and all the. stuff right. so this session was a bit more drawing. okay look down that's number one thank. you enjoy and let's go that's the three. times three thousand eight hundred fifty. four which means bb united are gonzi. very out of topic the rd moderators real. people. so you're a little excuse me even. oh i have a dangerous job right. so your list of questions. just finished right. vanished okay guys let's continue. kim you can do that we can do that wait. a minute we need to do that together. i'm not sure three years of the fight. some of them are definitely not because. some of the chat moderators are super. active right answering other people's. questions all the stuff and some of the. chat moderators just probably watching. the movies. and that's number two. yep okay let's number two we kind of got.

Rid of once but we still haven't seen. anything super special and we still. haven't seen you know what crazy time. and a cashman four thousand eight. hundred and eight weeks the money you're. in the top winner so let's hope the next. bonus roll will be cashman because i. still need to check my new strategy. abby hi nice to see you. join us join us. maybe you brought the golden key. pretty accident type. do you have a nickname where. like here. no no but it's over the free x. congratulations live diamond instead of. two you're getting six and well that. somebody looks better than a previous. day but last pink thing. uh 4967 waitress p money you're at the. top of winner. albino hi. simon hello. badar again abracadabra for me. ah okay you cut it right. so various when the more members win on. the bonus then in bad last anybody.

Excuse me your message already. disappeared okay good luck. here. we're still believing us right. it's fast the highest retreat today was. five products. no no hello. yes hi. and gonzi by the way that's a great. question how many spins ago. i'm not sure of course with moderator. gains the answer today because that's. one of those who doesn't exist in a chat. sometimes 3690 victories in the theme. that you're the top leader. but guys that's a good question how many. spins ago that was like 58 spins thank. you nina you surprised me. 58 minutes ago. so technically in the last session you. caught it. so maybe half an hour ago i guess. thanks nina. good luck. five accidental one. and ago hi nice to see you too. basically you think the next one we're. going to be kind of the first of all we. need to finish the numbers straight.

And then we're going to get some. pressure. now at least if now it will be number. one it will be. with a 5x thank you not one with the 5x. enjoy and let's go three thousand six. out of nine victories none though you're. the top winner bad in time okay stop. floating in the chat i do realize that. you love any low numbers. but it's not a point to float so much in. the shot. hi marlo ciao nice to see you. yeah he had a crazy game to crazy chat. okay guys. one of my backstage. that would be such a great comeback. front of a shanghai. we don't have that on the way anymore. okay guys easy peasy lemon squeezy we. got enough but so that's a selfish. sandwich in between. time do you know other hosts from the. love games from the love games for those. of you 7286 excuse me guns maybe i. missed some of your messages because.

Well we're just flying. and all the messages are flying away but. what i love games. revealer hello. so i mean i mean like guys. i don't wanna. get lost. i thought we were already talking about. crazy time about some specific. games. yeah of course i mean with all my. colleagues. there are actually all the games what. you're playing guys located pretty much. in the same spot yeah in latvia of. course there are some of them which are. in the 20th. number one in america either but most of. them are here so number one little. diamond three thousand five hundred. family trees and then these are the top. one and let's go that's pale guys the. same the same streak of numbers and. gonzi hey that's great. so you're creating me my new questions. right but they're like. let me ask about chad moderators let me. ask about another house hey anna station.

You're talking to your colleagues you're. so cool. hey i'm not ignoring them. sound work. together. i'm gonna say blue angel ciao. yeah we're right now on a numbers button. but you know what. blue angel i think you brought the. golden keeper gates oh let's go. thank you all the ecommerce. someone. help to open the doors let's check the. penguins first let's go. and yay finally legendary has happened. we deserve that after so many numbers we. get a crazy time it has to find. okay guys here we go. choose one of the eggs of what you see. on top. could mommy cream. what a surprise the blue team is always. the biggest one thirty seven percent. right 100 x the highest multiplier. oh yeah. so. so. cool. so. so. okay. knock knock. yeah as always we're going to wait a bit. longer than always guys i don't know why. but maybe because oh well.

I hope because i chose that star the. last one right because from somewhere. this hunter deck's moving on my star. yeah yeah that's why this. takes a bit of a time. okay guys. three. two. one. excuse me i just didn't fix my voice. that's fine okay we open up. i get a 10x. guys enjoy you are the best. 911. who actually found a handbags guys. uh jamie hello from australia ciao. and ganza yay i got a bad movie this. time thanks sandra thanks to you i could. only thanks what did you get. zoe you you found a hat. a lot of people did it and you're one of. them three x at a time it's a full. silver on the right side. is it full or silver by the way. and our star was exactly there okay. then that's also good. let it be. not like i'm disappointed. of course not that's a good one. whatever win it is it's a good one okay. number five here a little bit twice the.

Last four spends. congratulations and good bye. ladies it's good to see you i'm back. over to 6.5 thousand won assuming that's. everybody names lucas and joy and let's. go ladies and gentlemen let's see what. it do would it be what it is. i'm just a teenager. oh sylvie good to see you. how you doing silly. so. ladies we got our ford exhaust pachinko. oh. you're a black cat brother as you can. literally see nothing black about me and. i'm a human so i don't know what you. what you're talking about good night oh. bit of luck well hopefully it's going to. be lucky hopefully it's going to be. lucky but even since she was. okay it was all right we had our ups and. downs hopefully this session is going to. be up up up and up and more up right so. two two one are going to sign up for the. two we got six point no four thousand.

What is danny with the town at t forget. what have you gotta go get jerry. oh buddy boy ladies and gentlemen good. luck newcomers welcome everybody welcome. man. whoops. anyway ladies and gentlemen good luck. anyway let's face down. uh come on give us coin flip or not. that's gonna be ladies number one. congratulations to you well done well. player we should do the best on the next. what is that. oh. anyway four thousand four hundred ninety. one is everybody going out together x g. x j g for itself and everybody good luck. don't make me say it say what. but let me tell you just because you're. gonna say something's not gonna change. anything ladies. good luck everybody. up top two times to the five could be. attention better if we do land on that. five yeah double the value let's see. what we got a bonus game dude which one.

Jenna which one. we got it soon i feel very drained. i feel very drained yeah. i need to get i need to. wait. seven thousand fifteen winners. congratulations stop over the tower with. a three thousand thirty three year old. and fifty two cents down here with one. point five k enjoy the win everybody ten. to one jewel like along everybody. i'm just a teenager. baby. how's your day been locus my day has. been pretty okay pretty alright. didn't do any didn't do anything much. honestly. i woke up i laid in bed for some time. then i. that i went to the shop by myself. breakfast i ate breakfast and i. did absolutely nothing then i played one. round of pub g. smack people uh i smell people with uh. smack people wait what what one. i smacked some people with a pan. got the chickens in there. and then i had to get ready for the work.

Four thousand four hundred eight one as. well done with the win ladies and. gentlemen rmz and then with the top. second one enjoyed the win good luck. but yeah. my thing that's my thing. i like to r my r's you know good luck. everybody. but yeah we do we do. that is that it's a good thing that it's. a good thing still mean. but yeah lots of languages to put like. plenty of emphasis on the error. uh that's someone enjoyed the win a. ladies and gentlemen i want to do one. yes sylvie yes. at the moment yes. we'll see what happens in life four. thousand other nights you want us go. home question mark question yes. good luck everybody. what am i doing wrong. nothing really. like i'm in no rush to begin with like. i've been only single for a few months. like everybody got like a lot. i know i know i'm just it's fine it's. fine no but maybe i am doing something.

Wrong i don't know. who knows. you mean like how did it be oh i don't. know i don't know i don't know we got. one with a two x two two one. four thousand seventy four one is rmzn. would it sound weird maybe maybe in the. beginning. can i spin stronger no i don't want to i. can't physically i'm very weak person. i'm very weak person i like everybody. very strong. i hope i have some strength left on the. next bit 15 x on a two. um that's a one. i'm just a teenager. that would have been very nice you are. okay. i hope so. hola. you will sleep now well. pierce. sweet dream. okay okay we got 15 ice cream flame. too. strong yeah that's the five everybody. well done enjoy the win i wish you the. best on the. next. five twenty good good good good one. ladies and gentlemen moving on we got. five thousand five hundred winners not. two for the time it all done mustafa.

Gabrielle pablo six and xgg uh xgg. top five is 1.8 thousand years for the. top top security power winner well done. i am starting to recover my strength. up fears good luck everybody. do i have money how much do you need. i got a little bit. like i'm not completely broke broke. let's split it you want you want me to. split my the mind and the mind the only. money i have left with you two to one. i don't know about that i don't know. about that. five thousand forty forty eight one as. well then you're going to get one a one. five six nine one but it's up down win. well done good luck to you the thing. with me is that agents you see like. i'm very responsible. very irresponsible. i have this thing oh it's only 20 euros. you know i tell myself it's only 20. euros. i got money it's only 20 euros then i. say that like 10 times.

In a week and all of a sudden 20 euros. turn into 200 euros. and then another week you know. and and then. and then i'm broke. i i ladies just love being myself i love. it i love it big pachinko ladies and. gentlemen this. is the time for money tonight we dine in. glory ladies and gentlemen open up your. wallets let the money flow in because we. about to receive a lot of money triple. digit mobile where you have we don't. need this we don't we ignored that two. weeks no five weeks no 7x no nasty. tunics without 15 20 no 25. what is the triple digit multipliers 35. sounds biggest one. bro. good luck everybody. might as well give the 35 you know. what you mean. well. it's gonna be. i'm scared i'm scared 25 x everybody. well done enjoyed the win. no no no. everything's fine 25 x congratulations. well done everybody knights out on the.

95 when it's raffled. as well amigo. what do you think yes or no. wowzers ladies gents wowzers. that is what it is. good luck everybody. i might be a smelly rabb by your rewards. but at least i have my chat privilege. 7x pachinko. long time no scene. long time no scene i suppose you had a. you had a busy summer didn't have time. to play i suppose yeah it was humming. fun and stuff like that yeah four point. three thousand winners ladies gents. ladies gents come spin the wheel. come spin the wheel spinning better than. me come on. how you doing i'm doing great i'm doing. great boss rocky i'm doing fantastic. what about yourself good luck. you know what i'm doing better than grey. good to see you definitely good to see. you definitely good to see you. good luck good luck good luck. i'm just a teenager. ladies and gentlemen.

Are we going back. we're going back. we're going back yeah insert the same. thing what i said in the previous. pachinko. and hopefully this time we actually. gonna make it. oops. sorry about. that so 3x oh it's bright it's shining. my eyes 5 x 7 x 15 20 25 35 40 100. the. only multiplayer we actually care about. 100x ladies and gentlemen so might as. well get it you know it's not there just. for like decoration you know might as. well get it good luck with everybody 100. sounds biggest one and way down it goes. i'm a little lightheaded i'm a little. dizzy. no no no no no no no no no no. congratulations thank you. uh nine thousand two hundred seven and. one is everybody good luck on the next. one. so we got two x two top slide everybody. we can see the weight in. inside the puke. oh you mean the puck. what wait. what are you talking about.

Isawan. congratulations everybody well done. enjoyed the win i wish you the best on. the next step uh four thousand six. hundred forty eight one is or coming to. town. it's welcome and then we got ladies and. gh jh as well on the fifth. what wait. what wait what do you mean by weight. masterpiece. what do you mean weights you can see the. weight inside the what wait. what are you talking about it's a. computer. what is. ladies and gentlemen what are you. talking about. ten excursion ladies okay i'm already. going to cash on y'all like. i'm gonna wait for you over here legions. what is the flapper oh where's the flap. but sorry about that brain part uh. but it's not it's not it's not it's not. it's not it ain't it no that's it too. yup enjoy the win two two one. so. three. so. so. do. all right so anyway anyway anyway we got.

Five towers the same ones we got lk but. it's on the record we got uh gabriel. we've got physical woody top five three. point eight thousand for the timer lk. that's you enjoyed the win winning top. final seconds good luck everybody let's. go final bits of everybody final best. don't forget about out i'll play the. pizza option that stuff everybody right. good luck. any moment now. to open the red door you first must spin. give pachinko please please please. please please that's it too enjoy the. windows you're betting on it too. congratulations to you. anyway. well done well we should do the best on. the next year again once again let's see. how many wins we got up five thousand. what does guess what it's over the fifa. mario we got porcelain you know hey c4. on five as well congratulations ladies. and gents. spin the wheel.

Obviously. wowzers good luck. are you serious. with me right now bro yeah bro love the. earrings you are oh pockets thank you so. much. huh. thank you even if that's sarcasm i don't. care thank you. we got a 10 everybody well done enjoyed. the winner we should do the best on the. next once again yet again if we get. another time ladies just moving on let's. see how many wins we got overall we got. a ten to one payout right here right now. five thousand six hundred twenty six. winners mustafa 3033 to 1 000 for mb we. got a porcelain thousand hundred as well. i'll give it a 180x i mean uh when glock. everybody let's continue. how do i speak so fast just move your. mouth very fastly. our pockets thank you. you did. thanks thanks a lot. thank you. uh ladies just halfway through the. session by the way as well. so hoping that the second part of the.

Session is gonna be a little bit more. you know. bonus full a little bit more. generous i don't know what this exactly. means but i'm hoping fingers crossed. everybody fingers crossed cross your. fingers we got uh we got a one. can i sing well everyone can sing that's. what i always say but uh if you ask me a. question how good i sing. no one has actually rated me. but i got a feeling not a good singer. 3.8. that i have seen myself. singing in there. the next morning after i. after the karaoke bar. not a good singer. good luck everybody. do i see myself very unlucky. when it comes to spinning the wheel. weight. what do you mean like life in general or. like just spinning the wheel. can i sing something i want. you don't want it. wow that's a one. you can feel my bones okay okay pockets. let's do that i want that as well i won.

That as well three point seven thousand. what is rmz you know. when well done 220 congratulations good. luck. got. it's a little bit of jjk just a little. bit just. you know. not not too much that's not not not too. little. macho man slow down what you mean. brother. do i see myself very unlucky i already. answer your question i mean like when it. comes to spinning the wheel or like in. general where's the old deal it's bro. yeah one of the old ones what do you. mean. i've been working for more than two. years. how you doing i'm doing okay doing all. right lucky girl long time no scene what. about yourself how are you doing. love the creeping whistling. uh great one to one usually people don't. like it. people usually tell me oh you stop. whistling you won't have any money you. know what i tell them. elon musk probably did with so look at.

Him he has all the money in the world. anyway three thousand three hundred. thirty three one is good luck. you you want someone to predict the. outcome mr money i can do that. i'm confused. i'm getting dizzy it's got a 2x cash and. it's going to be. coin flint. i don't think it's going to be clinton. it was a good guess though it's good. guys got five. ladies and. gentlemen. five. oh that's great lucky girl that's great. that's great definitely great 40 hours. for the 19 minutes breaks are good. ladies i always say that uh breaks even. from good things are good you know too. much of good stuff is not good you know. uh but ladies gents. but uh that's why you know we tell you. ladies we advise you when the fun stops. moving on take a break you can come back. at any other given point in the day in. the 24 hours of the day as you know the.

Game is live 24 7. everybody we got. forex cash and stuff breaks are good. sometimes you take a little break yeah. come back later if you if you think. that's best for you. not selling to leave no no no don't. misunderstand. but if you want to only then. we. uh what is that someone. 2.8 hours what is rmz and what it's what. good luck everybody. newcomers welcome. so far we're sitting on two um. multiplier bonus rounds. two pachinko's 25 and three x good luck. hollow because i see you chicks are nice. to you as well definitely how you doing. three five extra agents some of you are. very very opinionated but um. i also don't care. i'm sorry. actually no i'm not i'm not sorry we got. our 3x on a 5 15. swap out and show out. the win. you know. that is true lucky girl that is. definitely true i do agree with that you. know since like the majority of the.

Wheel is made out of numbers four. thousand twenty nine winners ladies. congratulations good luck. when am i leaving you see you see every. single time someone's gonna ask me when. i'm leaving i'm gonna add one more. minute to the session right now i'm. looking at two more hours of this. session thank you can i dance no. you see i'm not a dancer no no way it's. like that killer song are we human or. are we dancers my sign is wide open my. hands are cold but i'm on my knees. looking. for the answer the answer is number 10. congratulations well done enjoy the win. looks give me a number. bro you're trying to start in my dms. my my dms are full and there's only once. one one slot per dm. and and that dm is full. four points. up sir. my glass side sleeve. that's a good one i got billy beedle is. it okay if i you know steal that from.

You and use it in my daily life. ladies and gentlemen i i like i know. this one like g three exxon i want three. to one enjoy the win. i have this one in salt i i can tell you. the unsolved but it's not gonna be meant. directly to anyone it's going to be like. in general religions i got this one. insult luke's do i have a no i don't. bensky three thousand hundred forty five. what does good luck everybody who wants. to hear the insults. it's nothing like rudra. no there's no rude words in it but uh. it's not meant you know to anyone. directly in case i do say it let me just. very gents. be clear with that in case someone wants. me to say it. five expedition call regions. you should have one you should have one. working progress bins. i like how. one of my favorite things is that. i love the fact that people. they go out their way.

To tell me that they muted me. i've seen legitimate people copy paste. the same message because i ignored them. which leads me to think that they. actually didn't mute me good luck three. point three thousand is i love it. they want my attention so badly ladies. don't lie to yourselves ladies and. gentlemen good luck everybody. anyway let's see what we got it's like. sauna five everybody. is that a good thing bensky is that a. good thing. newcomer is welcome. oh my hands so i don't know bro i don't. know. had a tough life i don't know. uh we got a one everybody. oh you misclicked. your name is maximilia my broski. it's not funny. three thousand twenty thirteen when is. well done everybody good luck. i wish you the best last one i gave you. one lovely good luck. everybody welcome. it's fine. maxine. it's okay. good luck everybody.

So let's get this we got seven is crazy. time let's go. three three. give us a hundred please please please. please please please please. three. that's what i actually truthfully meant. no worries molly and joe i enjoy. visualize. just apologize that i couldn't do. anything about. it it's it's so funny just from time to. time just see like a random latching. comment pop up uh two to one. four tiles you want to see what it sound. when gabriel chilipa joseph. okay no okay visually i can't promise. you anything but. i hope i hope so. i will. kill you wow. wow wowzers. you know what come at me. i'm right here vegan. come at me. you think i'm scared. you think i'm scared. you don't know me. stop stop stop stop stop these jokes by. the way yeah ladies and gents i think. lately i have to i just have to like you. know announce. the fact that i'm joking sometimes.

Otherwise you know some people tend to. misunderstand me. looks wash your hands. latia ran out of all the water. he's doing a fighting sport you know. yeah bro. crazy. please just like wipe your ladies. for the bluetooth good luck everybody. yes nice. billy flop all that's well great good. stuff everybody congratulations. well done moving on everyone. was like this good enough probably not. it was better good luck everybody. newcomer is welcome we've got like six. more minutes biggest win of my life. thanks and y'all know woodies. i'm just a teenage what's your problem. man where should i start three times ten. support. truthfully respectfully you can do that. good sir. or lady. good good good good good good ladies can. i get uh can i get a let me think of. something can i get a good good good in. the chat please because we got a 10 over.

The 3x so three goods in the chat good. good good come on. good good good johnny i love that five. thousand thirty five what is good john i. love dallas thank you thank you. i feel the connection. good luck everybody. man i love crazy time i love this game. so much and i love the chat so much. everybody. can i guess. good luck everybody. sorry if i punctured your eardrums as. well good good good ladies good luck. wait for when we get a 56 stops that's. going to be 50 goods in a row ladies and. gents it's gonna be good good good good. anyway three times crazy on top slot. everybody. but. a man of culture. hey yo you missed your target. like straight up missed the target we. got a one everybody. uh three thousand five hundred seven one. is everybody sievert salmon doubt. anyway good luck. why do people put money on one why not.

How hey yo jack will i don't have any. money as well how can i help you like. you broke mom broke as well we broke. together like. maybe maybe you can give me some i don't. know three times pachinko i don't know. like. don't stop. don't stop. just more squeeze so we got a one. everybody well done. i'm just a teenager. three thousand four hundred forty two. one is uh lady since we got my i will go. home don't worry ladies but later yeah. you can settle down you can relax take. it easy breathe in breathe out go this. session. no if it's gonna end it's gonna end in. like the next four minutes if it doesn't. it will never end endless loop endless. cycle reasons. never mind. like i wonder how many spins have been. like like actually made. if it's always one then just better. always on one or what's like. you're saying it yourself.

If always. yeah every single day always and two. o'clock in the same place same time. there will be a person giving you. good luck. saying euros. you would be there always every single. day to receive 10 euros. if you're telling me. it's always one. then just always better on the one and. you'll be always winning. but if you're not doing that. then that just means that you don't. believe your own words so what you're. saying is not true we gotta won though. enjoy the win. you do realize you profit off of a one. you put five euros you win five euros. you get the five euros back as well yeah. it's like it's like blackjack one two. one payout okay. are you from russia now i've never been. to russia three point five thousand. winners. in case someone did not understand that. from the beginning. good luck everybody. your math is perfect thank you.

Everything i do is perfect for regions. everything. i'm never wrong. i've never lost in my life. is the same one like legit like a legit. immediately one. okay let's let's oh never mind nina. sorry sorry so sorry i didn't notice you. in the. chat renash asked me do i care. three thousand three only twenty six. months ask me do i care about what you. said. if you're not gonna ask i'm gonna tell. you anyway i don't. you like everyone neo. hello. ladies and gentlemen five times machine. gun last spin with i need the girl. you know what i'm going to stay here. do you want another break. sure oh don't worry go have fun. wow really really bro wow. next to the pachinko with a five egg. stops like wow that's a one thing for. the session i'll be back later bye bye. you know make up your minds ladies and. gentlemen. my name is agne by the way gonna be your.

Host for the next session. wow that is a lot of ones and that is a. lot of ones bats are close. good. luck everybody. hello. jacquelo. our name is nick i'm from latvia. which is. the neighbor of lithuania. oh we are starting with a pachinko noise. what do we got here. three x already. can we get something bigger five seven. ten okay twenty oh two hundred and a. double. oh my most found of all the excitement. of the 200x and the double. well you know what you got to do good. luck we are counting on you. come on 200 or the double. okay. okay come come here. come here come here come here oh. that is. a double trouble ladies and gentlemen. can we get another double here. come on you can do it. let's do another example i don't think. i've ever seen two doubles. all right quite far away well let's go. for the 40x how about that 40 would be.

Good. yeah take that 40x congratulations. very good very nice let's go back to the. wheel now. rocky mustafa and anja top winners. is close. good luck to you. not bad i mean for a first round session. very good. seriously number one let's see. so ladies and gentlemen how's your. tuesday. and what do you like to do in your free. time well you know besides gambling. what other hobbies do you have. looks like we're going for number one. wait actually it still works on top slot. congratulations. yhj ttc and nonnato top win. congratulations. ymca no. angry i bet you're good on the dance. floor oh yeah button i got some nice. moves. good luck. that was such a big song i remember i. remember it was like top one for weeks. and. number two. congratulations. yeah hello everyone joining in at the. table welcome back to every joining.

Crazy time. how's it going. did you bring some luck with yourselves. we could always use it. that's most. okay we got another bone strong come on. there haven't been many. in the last 18 rounds so chance to start. getting them right good luck crazy time. 3x. oh hey nina how are you. good luck. and by the way ladies and gentlemen what. is the tv series. that you are. waiting for the most this uh autumn. number one. or maybe they already were released like. house targaryen for example i still have. not watched it do but not hello who are. you congratulations that's another or. quadcopters. i'm waiting for a few more episodes to. come out for house of targaryen then i'm. gonna watch it. anybody already have seen it. anybody has seen it already let me know. was it good. good luck. crazy 10. forex looks like the top slot wants us.

To get that crazy time good luck. on the floor. can't wait for champions like isn't that. football. um. cash got five. isn't champions league football. congratulations. see tommy and gabriel toughness one 1200. win for c congratulations. hi lazy lady hello. hello how do you know i'm lazy which i. actually am i am quite a lazy person. especially when it comes to things that. i don't like doing. but actually i'm not lazy and things. that i like to do. is that lazy good luck. better bet on champions league games. but champions league is football right. right. or do i have my facts wrong good luck to. you. oh come on oh close that's number two. congratulations and of course ladies and. gentlemen don't forget about the one and. only. auction. if you don't wanna miss a thing. do about cnyh stop winning. congratulations. don't want to close your eyes.

You don't want to fall asleep or go grab. some snacks cause you don't want to miss. a thing. good luck. hello beth uh how are you. 25 to 1 i mean if we want to get a one. then this is now good luck to you. one will be good would be good in. australia if we get a one good luck. oh. oh we actually are number one with a. beautiful 25 x on top slot. congratulations. we have prime with twenty thousand eight. hundred year win wow congratulations. that's a big one i have any time. so how about some more bonus rounds that. would be nice. i've had crazy time only once a day in. our session so it'll be real nice to get. it back to you. forex number one. there's a fire starting in my heart. reaching my feet the kitchen is bringing. me out the dark. finally i can see you crystal clear. number one with a 4x one is getting all. the most parts.

Congratulations. they'll say fire. starting in my heart once to marry you. jess why do you want to marry a complete. stranger. don't you usually kind of want to get. married somebody that you know. you have been with for. some time at least. would you want to get married to a. stranger good luck to you. um good luck to you by the way. hello how are you. crystal clear. hang on. tommy tiemann g02 top winners. congratulations it is. the one and only betting time ladies and. gentlemen. time is up. hello hello andre how are you doing. good luck and by the way if you had any. superpowers ladies and gentlemen do you. think that she would be the villain or. the superhero if you had superpowers. good luck to you. that's my love right anton i i really. like adele as well she's so great. what a tease number one. we could have had it all.

Rolling in the deep congratulations. which is your favorite adele song. that smells you. stop word dom lady. what do you mean point. lucky so what's some crazy time. nothing is new for ours well then let's. get some big wins in here let's you know. spice it up in crazy time. uh good luck. so. so. so. so. so. which is your favorite adele song. uh good luck crazy time. uh. big wins in here let's you know. spice it up in crazy time. uh good. you luck. spice it up in crazy time. uh good luck. congratulations. 12 13 14 years old 5x95 by my top slot. and i used to read a lot of one. direction fan fiction on tumblr there. was this one girl she actually wrote. such a good stories i really loved. reading her stories it was like each. week she we publish a new chapter it was. like a tv show and yeah and one of the. stories there was this song mentioned.

10.. and uh yeah i started listening to that. song after this one direction fanfiction. you ever read any fang fiction by the. way ladies and gentlemen of any. story. hello everyone joining us how are you. like. it was awesome. it was like. foreign. i was protecting that ticket like it was. my child. oh. yes. oh. do. wow. yes. haha. yes. yes. could use it uh alrighty so here we are. starting with a three explanation. danceman then we have a 5x7 10 as well. 15 x20 x40 well. 40 we are coming for you. all right pog good luck. go for the 40. 40 x 40 x. okay 20 egg that sounds koopie. 20. 10 x this time congratulations to. all the winners. let's go back to the wheel and see if we. get a third one in a row. 9130 winners drafting mustafa and jenny. top winners. yeah i also really like taylor swift's. music. by the way so ubanski i think was the.

One who wrote it in the chat right. good luck. they have actually only had pachinko and. pointless. it is three examples so. are we going for the third in a row good. luck to you. oh no we're a bit too fast bye pachinko. this time it is gonna be number one. oh simply number one. congratulations. harsha engine and nandito top winners. congratulations. hello cece how are you place your best. still waiting for a crazy time on the. cash huts. bats are close. are you ready take your pleasure back. good luck. pachingo two eggs. it's like the top thought wants us to. get another pachinko goodbye to you. could we could we get another one. oh. maybe coin flip. yeah yeah yeah it's coin flip. well hello again ladies and gentlemen. third time's the charm right. uh because we are here for the third. time already. starting with a twoweek.

In the blue well go blue we are team. blue. well that's the red this time 2x is. yours though congratulations to all the. winners and thank you for another round. of coin flip. meet you at the wheel. eight thousand five hundred three. winners prime six mustafa and tommy are. our top winners congratulations. spinning time. betting time buddy. brett like your shoes. yeah that's true ben scream that's close. glock. i mean my pants are also well i guess i. guess more bordeaux. i feel like dude. crazy time 3x what's wrong with you. punk what is not wrong with me that. would be a better question. pencils right well they are bored though. like dark red. i would say red wine right oh oh oh that. was number one. congratulations and the jacket as well. it's like dark red like red wine red. color you know. my favorite of the reds congratulations.

Mmm hits on empty top winners um anytime. i ready. jump speed. let's go. hello. how are you. good luck. but ladies and gentlemen what is. something that you would like to learn. how to do that you don't know how to do. or like is there something that you. would like to learn how to do. good luck. it's five. congratulations. do you believe the wheel has a remote. control yes cause the remote control is. actually in my shoes. so. yes. so. yes. oh. hey. do. hahaha. yes. foreign. pop up. oh. depends if there were two multipliers. one is. lower than 15x another one is 15x and. higher. and it lands on the lower side then only. it will uh arrest you if it might get. triggered. martha is not my sister. good luck. it's two. congratulations. i'm an only child so i don't have any. sibling. uh tommy toxie on state top winners. congratulations pleasure come on crazy.

Time where are you stop hiding from us. please. that's the clues good luck. and. good luck to you. it's a heartbreak what is a heartbreak. job. nothing breaks like a heart. nothing breaks like a heart. nothing breaks like a heart number one. that is a good song i mean love. she's also another icon congratulations. by the way. and um hilton and data and talk so top. winners congratulations. name is agnia. autoplay by the way always there for you. if you want to use it. good luck. nothing breaks like the wheels. that's a good one. three examples. my name is agni you're with the j. aj. ag-n-i-j-a is how you spell it. um the last year which are my number one. oh thanks jamie. number five oh simply the best. say hi to twitch hello twitch. hello are we talking about the league of. legends character or the streaming. platform. jay.

Razor blue i know js mayas are not blue. they're like hazel. like green slash brown. or green. so i guess i guess hazel that's hazel. don't get me started on blue eyes. in latvia everyone has blue eyes i'm. telling you like like 19 of people have. blue eyes here i know that in other. places of the world like blue eyes seem. so unique. number one and something rare right. because i know that most of people in. the world have brown eyes that's the. most common eye color congratulations. well let me tell you it does not feel. like it when you leave in latvia like. everyone has blue eyes so for me blue. eyes seem so basic like everyone has. blue eyes. green eyes though. or like green blue eyes. basically hazel as well good luck. for green i like green swell so. something chico well i like a lot of. colors i mean blue eyes of course also.

Are very beautiful i mean eyes in. general just are beautiful thing right. as i say eyes are the window to this. hole no but i don't know there's. something uh number one there's always. something magical about eyes about. people's eyes just not just peoples like. everyone's like eyes are just beautiful. things. i don't know how did they become so. so beautiful lots of one congratulations. hello mom and joining us how are you. what eye color do you have. you have to go to here. you're telling me as milsa you sure. how do you know good luck. thenx are number one. yeah actually people have like purple. eyes is that a thing. can people in real life have like purple. eye color. or is that just. you know with contact lenses or is that. possible actually number two anybody has. purple eyes in the track. like naturally purple.

Congratulations. samuel and anja top winners. congratulations. well it's been so that actually only was. the second two in the last 18 spins. and time's up. good luck you. 3x and number 10. good luck. bye. knoxway have a good one. when cash hands i don't know but i said. in both previous sessions we had four of. them in each i don't know where cash hat. went. i don't know i think he got tired of us. like once on a break or something i. don't know really where cash hung went. please. let's go. so. the question is what are we finishing. the session off with. will it be. a one a two a five a ten. or a boonstrap. we shall find out shortly good luck 5x. on the one. here's what we have in the top slot good. luck tiki we did get a beautiful 25. extra one in the session on top so that. was quite nice. good luck. nothing breaks like.

And looks like we actually are going for. that five axle number one on top slot. and best of luck with my colleagues. enjoy your next session. okay writing times in action as always. please the best and let's rock and roll. hopefully. so did he get something great before a. bad already missing the cash and i see. you're a message there's like cash on. women. guys apparently you were getting like a. lot of coins looking forward right. and what do you think which bonus round. is going to pop up more in this session. maybe coin flip is again where it's not. going to be quite flipped this time. it's gonna move another one okay. legitimate number one as far as i see. already had a straightforward one it is. what it is try to predict if you're. another one in common three thousand two. hundred twenty four flip throughs and.

Four six four you have to tell twitter. zhc hi nice to see you. and lady john there is a question from. the player. what was the last pachinko you mean how. many spins ago or what was the. multiplying because in my history i. don't see the pachenko. and brother cash can't i miss me either. actually. especially now it's gonna be great come. back from the cashmere wait a minute. actually we have it on the way this one. but it's spinning too fast uh. no until that one is already not going. to get. all right let's get. number five maybe this time eh. thank you. that's another five. enjoy. are you sword of britney's parries with. brown hair. and i don't know why three thousand six. hundred centimetres four six four you're. on the top winner i think i'm far far. away from the britain spirits. even if written experience would have.

Actually the grown hair. sorry uh. nazuka says i don't like a cash height i. don't trust my decisions. navani can get an out to pick the. accident. you know what i'm doing usually i'm. participating together with the players. playing the cash man and uh we with some. of particular players in a chat having a. strategy for example we keep hitting. only the last duck. as the let's give a spin does yeah do. you know the streamer let's give his pen. yeah he was hitting in a cash flow and. the last duck look kinda for me it. worked for a while then it didn't give. anything to goods number five guys. paula's here at somewhere three thousand. eight hundred seventy five and crazy. enjoy today we were trying to hit the. prelast hat do you know that there's a. purple hat first it gave fifty eggs but. then panax and seven eggs we decided.

That it's also a bad strategy so just. think of yours. maybe we'll possibly hit one in the same. spot and it will be lucky. that's why we need to get a cash can. first. to try out some lucky strategies. for a while how are you. in the millennium years we haven't seen. each other already for such a long time. alpha i missed it how are you i'm fine. number one. if a hero would be cash and would be. even better. angela is here to tell butter for 3964. by trace a bad time. millennium europe's past. from the last moment. alpha when we were talking. the last time. all right. i'll be your favorites. you think my energy effects on a wheel. and it's topping. maybe. know what. number one again. guys i'm super i'm super far away from. it. number one thank you. we still keep getting a lot of ones i. mean okay in this session we caught only.

Two of them but we already had them. before so let's see what's gonna pass. three thousand eleven victories four six. four you're the top winner back in time. and kate open the red door. why actually we can't just answer it. because i don't know you don't see it i. said. we've missed you a lot and yes it's been. ages good to know you're fine. yeah i'm praying. this is a long day for me. i realized that my money already thinks. no maybe number two. no that's good for number two at least. uh kaz says hello macarena there was a. song actually with this name what does. it mean by the way number two three. thousand ninety freeman trees tommy. you're the top winner. las contini. ah jen any beak with emma. i you're asking shout out modern eight. or five pound x was the highest picture. oh that is a cash fan guys maybe that.

Was even without a top slot. yeah. 5x. crazy crazy. let's try to summon it crazy time. it's not going together right. i am. number. so. thank you guys that was the closest. point when we moved to crazy time let's. hope it is a good sign. thanks enjoy if you place the bassinet. to you three thousand two hundred fifty. pictures four six four here at the top. winner you have your milk and pee yes. i'm drinking them right now constantly. i'm such a. milky lover. and because like you see i realized that. probably it's a waste made even better. than a coffee and drinking like hundreds. of the coffee per day. but it's even the milk is better and. especially if cure is my vocal chords. they are still like not perfect for sure. kid i have the key to open the red door. wait a minute why you didn't say that. before. let's give it a coin flip and then we'll.

Try to open the red doors with your key. is it big there's a huge. there's supposed to be a huge kid okay. let it down hello nice to see you. and we're on it that's it. a free. we need to try to get a right side and. we're gonna get it good. yeah easily. we're gonna tan axe good beginning. enjoy this win but now one guy promised. me a golden key five thousand i have. ladies. for six more years old it's like an hour. when you're passing the escape robes. when you're going through the escape. rooms you need to find a key to finally. get outside from this room that's what. we're doing actually in a crazy time. dreamy hi. well i wouldn't mind actually i'm. getting safe. and i was like no more using that now i. have them still i need to take them. already i realized that after. yesterday's. no please stop there no it's not going.

To stop right. no guys that was a good try right that. was a good try because we were super. duper close although that's a salty. sandwich because rather too for the. crazy time that when it could be better. so let's focus two thousand i have a six. seven three side sign and you're the top. winner. that that's like he's it's teasing us. it's playing with us but as one of the. players sat once in a crazy time chat. they said that without those things the. game wouldn't be interesting right. and. hi nice to see you and that was a. practice not a good role roommate that's. the spirit. good luck. so yeah. i thought like if i completely already. feel that i'm losing my voice then i. will take them again because they're. really like helping in that case. for now i'm just trying to survive with. the voice. okay maybe it will be the color which we.

Haven't seen already for a while maybe. not that's the number two in the last. five spins you'll be caught number two. three times why would you even get it. before. 3566 464 you're at the top winner. uh items why do you switch sides to make. a total random because imagine if we're. going to spin from one of the same site. yeah so that's kind of the rule which. used. uh to be in all of the money worlds. because imagine every person going to. spain from one to the same side. in the same way. but it will be freedomize the same. result. for action of a chain card. and when you're doing that from the both. sides it makes exactly this like total. run. cash can't pop that bird. hello hello everyone asian finally. welcome to. cash hunt beautiful carousel. uh you know what. we have a lot of 75 axes the highest. multiplier it's a hundred acts the one.

And only though and soon you will try to. find it. you're aiming here to leave the place. with some breath multiplier or the. golden one yeah i wish you all the best. did this. and. yes. previously we didn't hit it if i'm not. mistaken so now. let's go for it. i'm not sure that it's going to give. something guys shoot it shoot it choose. your power. choose your icon use your power. i will choose mine. i believe the last star actually nearer. to me so. this time i will use the strategy of the. last storm it's an amazing strategy so. it's going to be this one. 25x cool but a 95 much better they found. 100 bucks 90 people six thousand i have. twenty five eight trades enjoy nice here. at the top of the twenty x and two point. eight win that's better already also. maybe really star is going to give us. the best results. so you guys enjoy your wins and if you.

Didn't get anything special as i see a. big winner you got a 7x right uh. unlimited let's go for another catchment. good luck. we're asking fine. these facts speak the acts on the. auditors good. say sometimes it's really better if you. don't believe that you're going to find. something you can just wait until. decision time will be offered. yeah how to be gonna help. him maybe the same way as. that player who found 850 x or maybe. even 100 i can't let it down it's number. one. thanks and trying to guess right now. which bonus round will be nice. three thousand thirty nine a week trays. four six four units. harley i lost my wife now i have to find. a new one. what she's a backpack or what. oh well i wish you all the best to find. a new one. but i think you're a super handsome boy. you gotta do that fast. good luck. timi hi and one two three four five six.

Free exercise what a beautiful nickname. creative one you have hello. lovely we need to bring the crazy time. we're trying mate. that's number 10. if you're enjoying number 10 you know. you play super awesomeness or you just. love the purple color nicely. congratulations live down and we caught. nabata 3500 world jammies who plays the. batsman for f64 you're the top winner. with the 6.5 cable tray thank you and by. the way emma updated us how long we. already haven't set a crazy time well. this is 106 pins. so definitely two sessions guys. we need it badly. where is the guy with the key. we still haven't seen a key though. free asset. so how are you you think the next one. again i think even number will be fine i. don't know what. look. maybe my prediction power again worked. yes yes. see god what i'm doing here hosting the.

Game i need to play together with you. number five gentlemen thank you. congratulations if you play sebastian it. has a 40 760 wild victory 46 for a year. that's all winner. now. we just need actually to say that now. it's gonna be crazy time. get right allowed. and then it's gonna pop up. enjoy guys number five right we haven't. seen already for a while. i mean not even a while time spent. props. have a blast. reaction fight i changed my mind i want. to see another pie you're getting better. now. now just memory proud of you oh thank. you girl. yeah i always was super good at. predicting whatever what. especially numbers and coin flips let's. go guys that's a good coin. can we get something like super. disappointments. super decent from the point. what. that's a beautiful question. and. that was a magic which gave us actually.

Twelve lives who is that a. wizard out of a hogwarts thank you 12x. case congratulations six thousand eight. hundred eighty seven week trades four. six four you tell better even if that. wizard helped us yeah have you seen how. it just like flipped back. um we are not going to. tell anyone that you used a bit of. these spells. what was that like then got to be. awesome. right now let it be all the way to coin. clubs whether the top slot multiplies. no it's not going to be a point but this. or maybe number five again. i'm nostradamus. number five and halfway players right. now i've been. predicting either i guess okay three. thousand i have a five victories four. six four you are the champion again with. a 5.3 k win we got another number five. and our history already looks better. much more colorful. and roy joy for brain my biggest swing.

In the fashion for a long time somebody. fly back well that's a decent one. actually ray joy. enjoy your win. so usually cashman's not giving you. some something like 75 bucks right but. actually i'm playing every time when. we're getting cash cans i'm choosing my. icon too and only once i guess if i'm. not mistaken i found a hundred x and i. never had a 75x either. like exactly 75x. now between usually it's like dynamics. for me. the most common multis four thousand six. hundred fifty with three four six four. years it's all better enjoy. and sue. me always thanks well yeah well quite. often really i'm getting 10x either. that's why the cash had really great. cash with a top slot multiply. i usually get. 5x7x10x for example look at that that's. your hunt the day of the countries. maybe finally you improved your power.

And the skills of. hunting we proper movies and a catchment. that's why we needed that to catch them. to check it out. ah there's gonna be another one guys i. think. right. yeah that's that one okay we haven't. seen it for the last five spins we can't. run away from number one forever three. thousand five hundred seventy eight. victories four six four euro top winner. countdown is an action. i mostly go go for the first line says. flash boys flash rose excuse me. well. i'm going for some particular icon and. the last one. but actually last time i got 25 apps. and i went for the last. um. start yummy spin the wheel less hard. spin a little less hard spend once dummy. less or a hard skill. i didn't get actually. oh. go. go. oh. uh. yes. go. so. do. so. free spence i love that diamond. predictions let's counted it. and which one let's place our little.

Bats out of which one bone is gonna be. next. then usually we're getting something. good i think it will be cash time guys i. don't know why free accidental chain. card. that shot you think it is gonna go in. the key right we haven't seen it yet. already for a long time. maybe right now i'm going to win my. little butt or not nah that will be. not everything thank you legend we. haven't seen that already for eternity. check out our history. how long. how many spins ago we caught the last. two three thousand two hundred forty. four three jeff you're at the top winner. and chef pony flip i suppose so that's. kinda the easiest guess but we'll see. and finny hi nice to see you sorry. well i'm not sure. but the last question either because in. the beginning. and guys. guys. so. so. so. so. so. do. foreign. so. so. this should be really fantastic yeah.

Hello the players are telling me that. the live stream is turning off and on. like black and then back black and back. thank you. well that was a close attempt that was a. good attempt looks like we can continue. with number one everybody. congratulations to you. yeah i wish you all the best on the next. please don't be so loud because the. sloth man basically who is the sloth man. all the winning congratulations good. luck. did you get it gsw did you get it as. well you told me don't play anything. else besides this. good luck everyone. oh you got it gsw congrats man congrats. that's fantastic. enjoy the one. that. and that's great is that is fantastic. happy very happy for you. ladies it's winning alcohol is going to. be 10 or 2 10 2 10 2 10 10 10 10 21 good. i can enjoy the next one as well. right so everybody four point three.

Thousand what is your tower paulo's. tommy a y h j h and manifests as well it. is exactly on that knowledge as. everybody manifests the big big win. coming up good luck everybody. yeah just manifest everyone together. you have to like you know manifest the. same thing. like a big big big one you know. like a big win. something like that everybody good luck. yeah. easy time that definitely can be big. lady gents if you get lucky enough you. get some double triples as well then if. you get a triple then it's 800 initially. you get a double 1.6 but i don't think. we're going to get crazy i'm not enough. momentum. welcome ladies and gentlemen is number. two congratulations to you you. speak i don't speak portuguese now three. thousand founded. it it's how we're all done tommy b b w q. w y h j h one two one zero top five what.

Does enjoy the win everybody good luck. newcomer welcome to the game. one i know guys i know ladies i already. informed them about the uh black screen. issue. uh it's probably not gonna be fixed like. on the spot just like that but hopefully. it's gonna get better but talking about. better ladies we got ourselves a cash. hunt. so let's go hunting for some cash you. know what i'm saying everybody. so under eight segments hundred. different parts let's see what is the. biggest small part on top of that as. well. oh we're gonna have a lot of hundreds. everybody got a lot of hundreds on the. line i wish you the best. come on. anyway decision time ladies and gents. good luck to you. wait we have a new check moderator yeah. hello new chat moderator how are you. doing anyway everybody good luck good. luck good luck final seconds okay.

Decision is over let's see the big. reveal hopefully it's not going to take. too much. too. long what's gonna happen. okay i was good yeah the hundreds. everybody welcome a player we should do. the best on the next we got 600 people. with 100 4.3 000 uh people with a single. biggest small part uh 2050 don't know. but 6.8 out of 10 congratulations uh. that is hundreds for uh. but it's over five thousand fifty years. everybody good luck. yeah if you're having any issues ladies. and gentlemen live support with you know. your balance and so on and so. good to see you good luck. so up top we got coin flip with a 5x. stop stop multiplier. sorry about that i had to readjust my. socksicles. uh close call no cigar that's a one. yeah two towers today only 25 winners we. got bw at the time it all done 350 euros. we've got ac 158 as well done in july.

Take it easy everybody. max that's fantastic enjoy i'm happy for. you. all right first hundred eggs from kashim. yeah or like hundreds first time ever. ever it's exxon. welcome first time ever well max in that. case um i'm honored that it happened. with me congratulations enjoy your. hundreds multiplier we got a two to one. payout coming up right here right now. ladies and gents congratulations yeah we. should do the best on the next yeah so. what else we got going on three thousand. six hundred twenty two hundred jeopardy. better pie we got qw trying again. congratulations everyone else. who is pencil uncle mikhail who is. banson. spice good luck everybody. three times coinflame. i broke my noses today please big win to. cheer me up ha ha. hilary how did that happen how did you. break your nose. how did that happen.

We gotta send everybody well done enjoy. the winner we should do the best on the. next. double check sent. hello zach how are you doing we got 4.9. thousand when as we get geo over the top. of the 5.5 thousand qw 2.6 2.2 for. batman tommy 1.4 third with 1.4000 as. well congratulations good luck. i'm good what about you i'm doing great. as well but lovely to hear this actually. this you're doing good and that's what i. like to hear. good luck. oh. hillary that sounds super mega. painful. ah three times. hopefully it's gonna heal well hope it's. not gonna remain straight. hopefully it's not like a major major. like you know. that is that is that is that is. like i have had a almost broken nose and. it was already super painful. anyway ladies we got a cash hunt again. let's go. until we go for it yeah i hope you will. get a nice one we got again a lot of.

Hundreds more parts that asian's biggest. mobile andres good luck to you wow. let's see what we got. no. shoot up ladies. no remorse no don't feel bad after. but you got to shoot them up. in cold blood. cold cold blood. hello luca hello how you doing luka. hello luca hi what's good what's poppin. ladies and good luck yeah decision time. is over in one two three we're gonna. reveal it one. two. three oh a point guys to the winners. well done we got uh half a thousand. people with a hundred small part uh. second biggest small part. congratulations i like bts you mean like. the kpop band they're like split up. yeah seven thousand when it start with a. hundred x crazy time is a lovely game. with a tower winner 14 000. we stand for. the thirteen thousand as well. congratulations good luck. newcomers everybody okay you know 50 and.

X is three times better than five x. sylvia so i see that as a week today i. hope you agree with me backto-back no. let's see good luck. where is swansea are you from south. africa ladies and gentlemen are you. ready to say. good good good 50 times because we got a. 50 x on a 10 we got a 10 coming up. please give us a 10 give us a 10 give us. a 10.. please please please please please. please maybe pachinko maybe okay okay. okay okay okay okay okay okay okay i i i. guess this is. good luck everybody. it's not a one. it's not a one it's not a one it's not. in between for chingo and aten verizens. that 10 would have been huge. but let's get 100 200 we got a 7x that's. already good. 10. good 15 huh 20 35 a huh 40 more bigger. bigger bigger hundred okay we gotta we. got two we got two hundreds religions. let's get a 100x i think if we get 100x.

Right now it's. can still get it. it's not over till it's over ladies and. gentlemen. you know what i'm saying i think it's. over give us a 40 give us a 40. give us. a 40. okay okay. okay you see you see let's let's do the. math not everybody bets on a ten but a. lot more people bet on pachinko so a lot. more people win yesterday's out 209. winners i would fancy above two 2.5 k. more people won now so you know the. reasons it's great it's good you know. good luck more people won. more people wanted us and i think that's. a beautiful thing 4x is definitely not. bad. definitely not bad i congratulate you. but uh ladies let's see what we got. twotime. cash hunts on the top stop. i don't know about that one gsw i don't. know about my sessions but uh. but yeah but there was a back to back. bonuses on top that as well looks like.

That's gonna be five or one. is this much. number one. but we don't have technical issues. we're not experiencing technical issues. 3381 is good luck. but uh why should the game be paused. and if you think we are having technical. issues and still you're the main to play. the game then. you know i don't. i don't get it. you know. anyway. oh looks like we're in for a flippity. floppity flip flip coin flip. reason no. okay there's no point even explaining. anything it doesn't matter anyway. uh flip ladies and gentlemen. hundreds bro and then we'll see the. regions we'll see let me feel what do i. feel. 50 x on the blue side yeah that's what i. feel. i was wrong. i was wrong it's 4x blue 15x today. okay 15 extra congrats. just don't just don't look there's. nothing to see here congrats forex. everybody well done. 7.8 000. but it's our winner five thousand years.

Enjoyed the win good luck you nicolas. welcome. ladies and gentlemen there's. legitimately maybe 50 out of 20 000. players having issues with getting bits. rejected you can contact life support. there is no need to pause the game. chances are the regions those who are. getting their best rejected it's. something to do with your provider and. now with us. thank you for your attention. yeah the. discipline that life's politicians. simple as that yeah tell them what. you're telling me. it's gonna be a lot more useful i'm. telling you i can't help you they can. thousand four hundred fifty one is. everybody all done i can just yell at. you if you want me to ah you know that's. it nothing else anyway ladies and. gentlemen newcomers everybody welcome to. the game huh good luck. mr lin. living in a gangster's paradise. living in a gangster's paradise i'm 23.

Now but will i live to see 24 i did it. five to one. issa five two one the ladies and. gentlemen it's not gangster paradise you. know is that. as i walk through the valley with a. heart miss mcgregor and i take a look at. my wife in her life she's already played. but that's just perfect for her like me. you know we've. shot a fancy things like electricity and. 4 30 in the morning i'm. milking cows jebediah fees the chickens. and chicken plows but i've been. what was the lyrics but i've been. but i've been that i've been. then i will make a screenshot of the. chat. and i will get your information and i. will go to the police with what you just. said and they will storm your house. they will bring you in for. three times one. like i don't get it i don't get it like. how can you blame me and tell me you're. gonna kill me.

For your own actions i don't get it i. don't get it ladies please someone. enlightened me as i don't get it. explain it to me like i'm five years old. that i'm silly in the head please. oh look it's missed it on my days dad. it's amazing how you doing four thousand. eight hundred wins enjoy the win. sustainable. good luck everybody. it's mindblowing i don't get it i don't. get it it is mindblowing to me it is. jen's you know going to paris tomorrow. oh okay okay okay okay luca can you. please ban then russian letter is dne. he's being mad at me for his own uh you. know actions ladies and gents i don't. get it. wakes up logs in the game blames me i. don't get it. looks like what. i don't get it does it look like a one. or crazy time what should i do should i. give you crazy time maybe or do or is it. i don't get it do you want crazy time i.

Can do it i can i can give you crazy. donations. it's a joke obviously i will never do. that. only if we actually did land on it uh. 3388. it was a joke good luck everyone. do it please not like nah i'm just it's. just uh it's just a joke. no lemonade not really no i'm not if you. understand it that way no. sorry. you know some people need to understand. jokes. you know. anyway good luck. dinner you can cut some live sports all. about the issue. what do you mean. two two one. yhjh as well. good luck. i was just drawing a light in the mood. i'm just trying to lighten the mood. that's all i wanted to do. remember this game actually played like. you mean like yesterday when there was. 50 x cash in 5000 x multiplier. or the other countless thousand ex small. parts that have happened recently yeah. like five people got it not sure.

Two two one. so four thousand five winners. congratulations password winner oh yee. daya tommy junkin1815691. good luck everyone. that fits. the camera and the name fits. funny stuff ah three times crazy time on. the other hand ladies maybe gonna hit. this one. that is number one everybody. congratulations. three thousand winners well done that's. awesome. well ladies gents i will tell you. something yeah the only there is no such. thing as breaks that you have in your. mind we don't have them yeah. many many times here told you it's a. fair game there's nothing influencing. the outcomes random outcomes nothing. else you have to understand that luck. and nothing else is working here the. regions. it's gambling. right we do advice gamble responsible in. the fun stops your advice they could. break nothing all the dollars if you.

Believe you must take a break we have. five times per chain going you can come. back in any given time the games are 24. 7. huh. but i'm just a little longer and i will. uh we got a five ladies congratulations. well done. uh joanna you can cancel live support. you can maybe try refreshing your your. page f5 on your keyboard if you're on. your. computer at least we have five point. seven thousand what is going on. everybody. money come okay let's do that let's do. that nothing over down we can do that. easy. four times on it soon. anyway good luck everybody. number five is the winning i'll come. back to back if i'm not mistaken. congratulations yep that's a. backto-back congratulations everybody. well done. four thousand one hundred twenty four. minutes match for the time and thomas. well me had we got santiago tower on.

Betting time is available you can place. your bets i think we needed redemption. we definitely do good luck everybody. that 15x thanks to that crazy. kind of did hurt you so once again i do. apologize for the insensitive joke if it. was an insensitive joke that was not my. intention. i guess i i do have to own up to when i. actually do mess up. so this time would actually like to. apologize. gsw let's have a good last bit for you. in that case yeah good night good night. well that's a one actually. joke away lucas joke away. okay 2.8 hours and 18 winners are you. happy. i wouldn't be cool it would be better. than cool good luck everyone. trust me you're not the only ones in. pain. i like understand your pain is a lot. different a lot. more. bigger and so on and so forth two times. crazy. stuff like that to a certain extent in a.

Way affects me as well trust me. people telling me they're gonna find me. and kill me that's like doesn't sound. like a good night like a good a good. what a tuesday evening you know what i'm. saying. anyway ladies and gents let's see what. we got we got uh we got it soon. please believe i do run faster asians. and i don't even pass it when there's. people chasing me. uh two to one enjoy no i'm just i'm just. messing around monica i'm just messing. around um. uh three thousands. three thousand six hundred twenty one is. good. i said it wasn't like a insensitive joke. was it like was it okay. two times cash. thank you moneycom thank you for that. one. right now lemony that is i don't know i. don't know who to listen to this more. people tell me it was okay. yes okay chances are ladies listen to me. listen to me listen to me listen to me.

Yeah we get doubles in 200 and then we. get like five doubles. how much. that'd be 400 800 4.6 3.2 x. and then we land on three point two k. what do you think. now jump to fifteen. five seven ten fifteen twenty more. please please 24 35 bigger bigger okay. good double okay so we just. no. made the arts been your favorite. religions. hundreds biggest one. oh wait we can get it please double. double double double double double. double double double. 50 okay. 50 is also good second biggest. multiplier second. you also got his daddy's life that was. just how lucky we got with that but we. got 50 which is second second best you. know second best everybody i said second. best yeah 50x oh what's going on. oh anderson. what. good luck everybody sorry about that. sorry about that eyes closed what's. going on that was weird anyway i wish.

You the best sona. might get it i don't think so. it's me. can you shoot second places again. uh no uh we gotta have a bit of a bit of. a bit of a. break. we're gonna chill out. for a little bit we got it too enjoy the. win. and uh see you see you later alligator. 367 winners. i don't know if you actually see me or. not. wait i need to wait okay i'll wait. so ladies and gentlemen have you watched. the movie five clubhouse first rule. farca we don't talk about fight club. minus okay. second base again but it's it's it's. it's it's. it's too late already it's gonna be. silly i'm gonna go stand here otherwise. maybe it's a little weird if i stand in. front of the camera like that let me. just lean. no tension no attention. you just gave out no no it is what is. that. do pushups. i could. but i'm not gonna. get are you getting fired.

I hope not. they're loading the mass small parts for. us fingers crossed. can you give us a look with the camera. what's behind the wheel. like you do realize you see what's. behind the wheel every single time you. get caution. please do pushups what do you want to. what do you want me to do pushups. yo what are you lucas. can i continue. i guess. i continue. thank you thank you thank you good luck. everybody. no more time for pushups everybody i. don't get why you want me to do pushups. but i have to tell you super strong guy. over here yeah. good luck everybody. not my peak strength anymore but super. strong three times crazy time. like situations like these scare me you. know like i don't know something happens. why why did i do that did i do something. was it me i don't know. i got two. but nah nah nah. what do you mean i never lied about.

Crazy. three thousand four twenty three one is. well done we gotta look how but it's our. win enjoy the win or we should the best. don't you think when i say something. absurd like completely absurd out of. this world. like out of the order you know. like no zero chance zero chance don't. you think i'm joking. if you land on double what does it mean. i'm going on pachinko. lemony but i'll like. do you hear me can i can i ask you for. something emma. three thousand hundred fifty three one. is everybody. jjj at this point. it is what it is you know. newcomers welcome we got ten more. minutes of the session we got two exxon. at sun. chow crevs. like some of the other things you're. saying you just mind blowing them i. don't i don't get it where is this. coming from. that's to everybody well done enjoy. the win. i messed up.

Jj do tell me what exactly did i say in. that case. four thousand forty one is well done j j. ew n well done i wish you the best on. the next. okay okay okay chris one second here you. go. five times crazy. oh you mean. nah nah nah lucas no luke is not there's. a player with nine cribs. i know that's funny not just comedy. that's just comedy anyway 2941 player. winning congratulations. good luck everyone. 160 spins again it's been a while it's. been a while. then we got like seven more minutes. everybody let's see what we can okay now. we got four times. oh we actually did legion's crazy time. wowzers good luck everyone. so 100 160 spins or what we got ladies. good luck to you. ladies and gents we got three flappers. coming in strong one one big big big. wheel. green blue and yellow flappers pick your. one pick the one that you want and.

Ladies and gentlemen we should the best. on the. i don't know we got a doubles it's. probably going to handle the biggest one. we got a few shinies as well if we get. lucky enough to get lucky enough. you know what i'm saying right so final. few seconds of decision time and uh yeah. take care. all the best. and we'll see what we got legends yeah. slowly but surely it's making a little. bit of a stop. and. we got 15 green 25. blue and 56 on yellow congratulations. always here and now as well guru tawan. is well done everybody good luck. no i can't man you can cancel life. support though. good luck everybody. three times crazy time that i would have. been lovely that was like one spin. earlier today's but it is unless we get. a back to back ladies and gents are we. looks like it just might. not so strong. but then yeah enjoy the wins nonetheless.

Everybody. how many problems we i think we had did. it have three pachinkos no. what if we have this session i think we. have had like a decent amount of bonuses. this session two to one is your other. one. uh two three questions don't remember. i'm gonna come take it easy enjoy. right so we got four thousand hundred. sixty three. everybody once again welcome welcome. three times for lookup good luck. i don't remember. oh. let's end with a bang. you can do that look if you hit the big. one you'll be the best. probably. uh coinfield ladies just congratulations. let's see the outcome. haven't had a hundred x in ages on this. one would be great if that could change. right now anyway good luck everybody. 5x 10x blue red good luck to you ladies. gents. we got 10x well done them whenever we. shoot based on the next yeah. they good oh bad bunny good to see you i.

Haven't seen you in some time. but yeah 10x everybody congratulations. baldana we should invest in the next 7. hours and 750 winners. yeah people leave you but it's over the. local mustafa top 3 enjoy the wins good. luck. you guys not even apologizing for what. why do we have to apologize. how you doing look at doing great bad. bunny you know me you know me what about. yourself how you doing have you been i. haven't seen a long long time. you're busy work a lot of work. hello to you welcome. ladies and. gentlemen let's go for another flippity. floppity flip flip maybe 100 this time. maybe 50 i don't know like 20 above. would be fantastic so oh you open your. hotel okay bad bunny congratulations. that's great that's good news. nice. 10 red. so it's legitimately the same because. the colors are different like 10 red. okay five blue good luck.

But at least we got another ten so it's. back to back two coins 10x more parts. 20x and two rounds well done enjoy the. win oh. everybody that's gonna be. seven thousand seven hundred thirty one. is people leave here the time and look. up as well we got nice we got people we. got more stuff what's up when is. everybody good luck to you but now we. have had like a lot of bonuses these. sessions everybody this session now we. had a three four. and then i think we had five. seven i think we have had seven bonus. rounds this session correct me if i'm. wrong good luck everybody. let's go. uh winning outcome 501 ladies and. gentlemen number one congratulations to. you. 3.8 hours when these people leave it. solve it in between starts this time a. little bit yeah a little bit uh two. times for the top two winners. congratulations look of people levy.

Good luck. um okay. good luck last spin with me this session. take care everyone. wasn't all that bad. well mars thank you for that one as well. looks like we're gonna end it on maybe. yes maybe not okay we're gonna end it. with a bonus analysis pachinko coming in. scenario but if we did have decent. amount of multipliers uh good. multipliers on pachinkos the ones that. we have three five seven. ten fifteen twenty thirty five fifty and. a hundred okay hundred in the middle. more or less that is just now we just. gotta be super duper mega lucky. okay every 100 times yes. so what do you think. okay. 15x everybody thank you for the session. enjoy the 50x. hello my name is my name is agne and we. host for the next session. we meet again ladies and gentlemen hello. sibek. one last time we're meeting today. so let's hopefully have an amazing.

Last session together. good luck to you thank you nico. and how's everyone doing i hope you're. having a crazy good tuesday ladies and. gentlemen good luck to you. one last time we got a celebrate. oh yeah all right number one. let's start the dancing. are those lyrics. congratulations hello jb. um hippo live look up and play with the. three times congratulations. it's yours. don't forget of course about the one and. only autoplay option. i made the whole thing i'm. see i sing if you have not met me hello. my name is acme and i sing all the time. director too. you know that's pretty much all i do. sing. glad you. and the energy. when you hold me. it's so powerful number two. that three. a solid six well i don't remember asking. you know to rate me from one till ten. don't recall asking you that question. interesting. who disrespects to my trader host well.

Fletcher have you heard of this tactic. you know men who know that they. are um. what's the word they're not in the girls. league. they try to make that girl insecure by. telling her that she's like fat or ugly. et cetera so that she would lower her. standards low enough to be interested in. them but that's a pachinko. guess we'll change it afterwards we got. 5x over here and a 7 10 15 20 x 20 x is. the highest all right well. let's see let's see. how can you park you can do it. 20x. we trust you. come on park you can do it. alrighty a bit a bit of wind okay okay. a bit more wind we need that we are in. need of some wind. all right that was a 10x this time. congratulations. back to the wheel enjoy the victories. 9480 winners we have. let's go. that's it lewis good luck to you. let's go. i'm ready. hello i changed the pocket was not.

Working. in. pachinko good luck. and we. got. cash hut could it be. could it be. oh yes i will be cash huh nice. a backto-back bonus round noise. hello. we've been here quite a lot today gotta. say the biggest multiplier seems like. he's. a hundred x ladies and gentlemen and we. have quite a few of them on there so. you know. i hope to see lots of you finding the. 100x since we have so many of them and. there was like six right like 600 x's so. after the shuffle you are. you have 14 seconds on the clock to find. one of the hundred x's. where are they hiding you know which. which symbols are giving the right. energy to you. uh good luck to you what am i choosing i. got actually 100x twice already today. let's see if i can make it a third time. i don't know these kind of these three. joker hats kind of look suspicious i. don't know.

I don't know i feel like 100x is behind. one of them. let's choose. which one this one okay let's go for. this one. oh so exciting good luck to you. and now. reveal yourself please the most part. review you're looking for yourselves a. little bit of a drum roll in here right. and also commercial break we'll be back. soon. after the commercial break to find out. the result ladies and gentlemen. oh yeah i was right congratulations by. the way 839 we got a hundred x one. thousand three. the twenty x congratulations and i got. hundreds for third time today nice ten. thousand three hundred thirteen winners. congratulations. and uh robbie j23 top winners enjoy. maybe i should go gambling. hopefully i should go gambling today. i hit that 100x nice steve enjoy. that's a close good luck. and here we go. back to back back to back to back.

Bachingo 5x all right. let's see if we can get. it i think we're a bit too fast though. good luck. and. that is number two. congratulations. oh nearly six thousand winners kids up. with your keynesian three nights and. pacco top five screenings but everyone. joining in that the table how's it going. um good luck to you by the way. what a nice top slot this has been a. while oh yeah. see choice i would love that as well. good luck. it would be nice 3x plus 10 by the way. good luck. i haven't seen that many top class. atmospheres we did get a crazy time a. couple of sessions ago with a 3x. i think that's about it it's actually in. the bonus round so. i need to step up for our gaming here. get some more top thoughts on those. drags oh number one it's up close. congratulations. bwj23 and cdq tap winners. i'm from brazil how are you my friend.

Hello diego. diaco lima i am good how are you. the flock. can't we do a jump spin. one random jump spin on the way. good luck ladies and gentlemen. four on coinflip. can we go down blood no we are too fast. maybe cash hunts. could it be. oh oh oh. oh not gonna be a number one ladies and. gentlemen. congratulations. come on hug me smash it. smash what pops you guys don't have my. hat. i would love though to go to these um. i don't know how you call them but need. to know these special places uh where. you just go in there and they give you a. hammer or i think whatever you choose. and you can just go and smash things. like an anger room or. i don't know how you call that gosh i'm. five bucks lucky so. i would love going to a place like that. because sometimes you know you just want. to smash something you know. there's something to smash something.

Come on give it to us we're worth it. number one. we will get that crazy time ladies and. gentlemen we will get it. okay. miguel and vw top winners place your. bags. for the next challenge. oh that was actually third one in a row. good luck. hello player 100 winners quaintly with a. 2x multiplied to you. but yeah uh let me know in the chat if. you had super powers do you think that. you would be a villain or a superhero. another one wow ones are on fire. this is already fourth one in a row. congratulations. hello from camorres island where is that. physique i've never heard. of that i think congratulations to the. winners i'm a villain. i think that i would be. kind of willing kind of superhero. like i would definitely be superhero for. animals but maybe not for humans because. humans are not that nice. animals under their hands are the best.

Three eggs on cash on glass dude. you'd be a villain who becomes a hero or. a vice versa oh that's an interesting. storyline bob. can we get that crazy time please come. on. number one. now the wheel is just straight up. teasing us. number one congratulations. another one feels like am i dj khaled or. something what's going on. congratulations. betting time. dj khaled a big name dj khaled. another one. um. good luck to you. but. that would be dj kyle you tell me i need. to get a big win. number one i i'm sorry to think that i. am dj khaled. agony it by day dj khaled by night. congratulations. between south africa and australia. like in the indian ocean you mean. no is it called the indian ocean. in latvia and it's called indian ocean. it's called indian ocean in english as. well right. or is it not. good luck to you. so it's the fight by the way with top.

Sock left. and yeah. quite a wants three quite a one streak. we've had um six in a row already. let's see if we're getting something. else for change. might there be another one. that's the another one. wow been a while since i've had so many. ones in a row congratulations. paco simply me and j through three top. winners on your pro for paco. congratulations and place your bets. ladies and gentlemen for the next round. come on. i mean i feel like the big wins always. do happen when you least expect them to. so. would not be surprised if we got a nice. win right now a big win. you know as many things in life the big. ones always tend to surprise us we're. not expecting them at all but it's a. crazy time but at least without a play. you can always be prepared for them even. when you're at least expecting them. right. good luck.

And that is number one. how many ones can we get that is the. question. congratulations. so keen. uh play once three top winners. congratulations. place your bets. i had a little song i wrote. a nah. the question is only one. what is the question mark two with a 10x. on top slot. number. one latvia is full of full of people. like her. i love how you're just dissing latvia. because you're not winning in crazy time. that is a great reason to this a whole. country yeah. wow. amazing. yeah the ones still is going on i don't. think i've ever had so many ones in a. row of gray sense to be honest. well beef seen extra five okay. how to feel shame for what exactly. string gun for spinning the wheel and we. landed on one and i have absolutely no. control over it yeah i feel so ashamed. we're not having no con for having no. control over the wheel and where it.

Lands on yeah. pachinko. well we got a bonus round. so we have here. and starting with a 5x then we have 7 10. also 15 20 35 x 35 is the highest well. we are. trying to get that 35 x of course. good luck to you. good luck everybody may the hearts be in. your favor. okay 20 x let's go for the 20. yeah. that's where we're landing and 20x. ladies and gentlemen congratulations. nice. and 8. 278. winner. pacman j3 mustafa top win. congratulations actually it was already. third for chinco in the last eighteen. rooms. that's a clue. good luck. can we go for a back to back. i did want to get four pachinkos and. rosso. also in the last session we got like two. pachinos in a row so let's see. let's see. it ain't gonna keep pachinko. we are. landing on. number two haven't seen that in a while. congratulations. guyon light and kizuna that means you're.

Wearing the ruby slippers. what do you mean unlucky man the ruby. slippers. what are those. um bats are close. good luck. number two. tabby is how can you get money back i. mean for replacing your bed there's no. refund for placing a bed um but if you. if some if. it was something else you didn't get a. refund when your butt was. you know. declined or something like that number. one anything like that you can contact. life support. and liaosport will assist you. on anything you need assistance on uh. congratulations. these ever games like crazy time can be. played in latvia uh no congratulations. no you can't access these tables from. any latvian. online casino website. good luck to you you would uh. yeah. good luck. well of course there's always vpn and. etc but technically no you cannot. good luck. okay so that would not be i feel like it.

Is mostly for safety reasons for us. because. imagine if people from latvia could uh. come and play and then. not get the wins they want and be very. upset i mean you have seen the messages. in the chat we get number five and you. know if how bad it would be if people. would actually be able to go to the. place we work and wait for us at the end. of our shift you know. wouldn't be safe really wouldn't be safe. it's a five congratulations. um but yeah i haven't seen five in a. while as well. still waiting for coin flip and crazy. time those ones we haven't had yet and. yeah good luck. hello hello to newcomers did you bring. some love for yourselves did you bring. some crazy with yourselves because. that's what we are in search for right. now so it's number one. good luck oh. and it is. it is. number. what actually with a 2x on top slot.

Congratulations and by the way ladies. and gentlemen what is the last movie. that you watched let me know in the chat. and was it good did you like it okay. make straight to three and danny our top. winners. place your pants. autoplay option as well is available. fire this woman now agent for what. exactly he always find his message. stephanie fire her for not spinning the. results you want to get yeah that is a. valid reason. yeah. but i think we all would be fired at. this point. because. yeah number one to x. by that logic. nobody would uh be able to work here. anymore congratulations. kmx uh jade rodriguez mr skip in the top. wins congratulations by the way and yeah. place your bets. it's crazy happening this morning yeah. dumb as i know we really need a crazy. time. good luck to you. it's always insults until you give them.

Top slots. then they love you you can't get those. next every spin oh yeah. oh crazy 10 15 x outside that is true. you know there's a very fine line but we. love and hate. and in gambling that line. you know it's pretty much nonexistent. it's just. not even a line i don't know a strand of. hair more like that's a tooth. oh we had such a nice stop sign on. praise time day well number two. congratulations. i have lost but never have i ever. insulted a host for that time stop then. yeah that's i appreciate players like. you really. um fletch rose i mean i would be the. same if i was gambling you know i would. never go think to insult the host like. how it how is it their fault really good. luck. you know it's not like we choose what we. get we are awesome we're spinning the. wheel and hoping for the best outcome. three extra crazy time.

Good luck to you. that was funny. upside down what's upside down. the top side i didn't even notice. quietly maybe the demogorgon got to that. 15x before we did but that's not quite. actually first one in this. session. it's the first time in the session. where we are getting pointless. and the most parts are from i'm sure. well go blue. red. 2x congratulations to the winners thank. you let's aim for the harmony and also. let's come back with a top slot that. would be quite nice um seven thousand. twenty six nine winners queen says giant. and hot minor top winners. congratulations. good luck to you. and. three x out of five that we have on top. slots. good luck. wow our gameplays are looking very blue. everyone told the host too it's. pointless i decided the gambling as well. oops so black they are just from. series well yes for michelle i'm always.

Glad to see some reasonable uh players. in the chat as well number one you know. some nice ones it's always highly. appreciated. thank you for existing. congratulations. i'm always defending you but i don't. care. ah. oh. i mean i would also defend if i was a. player and i would see congratulations. i was a player i think that i would also. go and defend the host like in the chat. because. also if i was the player i could. actually talk the way i want in the chat. you know without restrictions well. tracer pachinko. could get banned for using rude words. but. that would be a price i would be willing. to pay to be honest to defend the host. good luck to you. it's kind of the same thing i had a. friend who used to work as a waitress. that's a 10 by the way. and now because she used to work as a. waitress she always leaves like really.

Big tips to waiters because she knows uh. how difficult it is to be a waiter. congratulations by the way vincent's. pain and danny top winners. don't lie to yourself liz when you love. me. you know you can lie but. lying for yourself is like the worst. thing you can do so just don't lie to. yourself you'll actually love me we all. know it. lucky so it's gonna won. oh thank you spoiled michelle i wish you. the best leg as well you seem like a. nice person. all the best. good luck. and. oh. that was a tease number one. two eggs on number one on top slot. congratulations. know the saying what goes around comes. around uh kmx fish balca and danny top. ones congratulations over 6000 report. our top winner um. where is our chalk moderator actually. 3x10 haven't seen the chat mod at all. good luck oh no we have emma's here okay.

Hey emma how are you. emily's here yeah. oh. come on come on. number one. the ones really love us in this session. congratulations. hello jeff jeff how are you uh kmx sunny. and 91 to 3 top winners. welcome to those joining in hope you. brought some love. give us the luck. we need it. give us it all we want it. give us the luck. oh oh yeah. we really could use some luck. number one. we don't even give guys like that. responsibility for energy. that's right cece good luck. come on come on. number one. still works on top stock imagination. should i like leave now or 30 minutes. ago. lady that's what i truly. hoped. with all the hope i have in me that it. stopped in the crazy time you have no. idea how much i hope for that galaxy. really need a refill on that luck. really needed a refuel on that luck here. asap good luck to you asap.

Um. it's a two. congratulations. danny fiza and fishbowl cat that's an. interesting fishbowl cat congratulations. does the cat live inside a fishbowl like. is it. like. like it'd. be very. not no space at all for the cat in a. fishbowl that's close that's you. let's go. until minutes only 11 months left. dexter you think we're gonna go for 11. months in a row. again. good luck to you. i don't know i i don't know if we're. gonna go for eleven once in a row again. um. oh yeah good luck. quiet flip noise. i hope we are aiming for the higher most. fire this time because we could use it. definitely a bell come back at the cool. coin flip. the multipliers are. red side 2x blue sides 10x well. go blue. blue you did it congratulations the next. lady johnson is yours. very nice. and i'll meet you back at the wheel. stick something so what is it daddy.

People live and mustafa thousand. thousand seven hundred fifty win for. adani congratulations. let's go. and i say that we're getting some more. colors in our game history really. missing the red one though uh good luck. dj kyle it's still not happy. asking why is this like salad not. happy sorry it's not quite flip what. could we do to make him more happy. thank you honey. honey honey how you drool. honey honey. honey honey. again this is already what third. pachenko i think right. we are back. starting with a beautiful 5x then we. have a 10 15 20 25 35x. well 35x. there are actually three i think we are. coming for you. well that's right we're coming for you. good luck you can do it. but we believe you can hit the 35x. easy peasy lemon squeezy. almost there almost there okay 20x. i'll take that. your guys. 7063 players gotta win mustafa danny.

People live jt and mr xxx stop on it. where's that crazy time though. good luck to you. let's go. how about a top slot. thank you to joker. the whole club is looking at her. she hit the floor number two she hit the. floor. oh. as a kid i really wanted this song on my. phone and i. wanted it so badly i had no idea how to. get it from the computer on the phone i. recorded it. and it sounded bad. and then. i remember finally my dad managed to get. it on my phone and i was so happy. i blew through sent it to all my friends. because they also loved that song. good luck to you. ryan has some bangers that's for sure. rick's number one by the way. i'm glad to. big win will be in the middle of the. night in the middle of the night in the. middle of the night well we'll see. i hope in this session though. that would be nice that would be better.

Number two. congratulations. uh do i know the game by james blunter. beautiful of course anton. congratulations but it's the winners. we have been playing for hours now and. nada. yeah so you know we could we could. definitely use a big bonus in here. that's for sure. i bet your clothes glock. you're beautiful it's true. in a crowded place 3x number two. and i don't know what to do. good luck. where's crazy time i don't know. i think it went on like a vacation or. something hopefully it will return from. the bahamas soon. because now we missed it that's a five. bottom boom. danny 4 500 year win mr skip and big. worlds as well in the top three. congratulations you can place your bets. autoplay. is also available. if you don't wanna miss a thing. last one. so it's number one glassy. hello honey how are you. do i know smoon boy uh don't think so.

Rosie who's that. is that like an artist. rapper number one with that 2x like. we've had a lot of two x's on a one. in the session congratulations. dani fishbach sdq mr skip enjoy the. three top one is congratulations. but ladies and gentlemen do you have any. pets. and let me know. what's name of your pet. or pets if you have multiple good luck. i'm doing quite all right lewis how are. you. last year my i have a cat his name is. rufus but i have trained him like go. fetch things like a dog well he not. always does it but most of times he does. and then he like brings it up brings it. to me in his mouth and like puts it down. so i can show it again it's so cute. number one by the way so cute. then he also when it's hot like. sometimes breeds with his mouth open and. tongue out and that makes me wonder do. we have like a cat or a dog or is it a.

Cat dog who remembers that cartoon with. a cat dog i used to like it a lot as a. kid that was a funny one never. never answered how biologically that. would ever be possible. um. but yeah that was a fun card soon. good luck. three eggs on complete by the way good. luck. we still haven't had the crazy time. that's nicer cinco for a pack. but you go for a pet. you're like that would be a large pet. oh cash. ladies and gentlemen we got a wall as we. can see with many many multipliers. highest one there 100x this time 100x. but there are a couple of 75x's as well. after the shuffle you will have 14. seconds on the clock as always to find a. 100x and this time since there's only. one you gotta search very very carefully. ladies and gentlemen. very very carefully you know where is. that inner voice leading you to. which symbol.

Is it leading you too i actually managed. to find 100x three times a day. so will this be the fourth time i'm. wondering. let me choose it's much harder when. there's only 100x. but. i don't know. i'm gonna go for this bunny no the. person i wanna buddy. well that was wrong. uh we have 37 players at 100 337 players. with a 17.. congratulations focus on oh it was a. bottom congratulations to the winners. enjoy we have 7140 winners. donnie oj keaney top winners. pleasures. so. that's a close yeah a lot of people got. 75x. good luck to you. oh good to hear i guess steve good luck. to you. oh almost back to back that's number one. well congratulations and good luck with. my colleague have a good time hi guys. nice to see you burning time connection. and we had a 2981 victory raid oh. hopefully next time i'm going to get. more.

Let's continue. hello vicky hi. okay let's go for the spin three two one. that's the last session it's supposed to. be good hey. reaction acquaintance ziggy trying to. say don't tell like me hey. that wasn't nice did she say something. badly. that's why. she was super rude. little monkey. maybe that's why you consider. that super super bad okay we've moved so. close a lot of time at a crazy time the. leftover next time we're going to strike. that that's number one countdown to. start it uh rashi can you say hello to. your friend yoi hello 3180 before. victory is let's continue. sleep oh no i was planning to go back to. work but i can't oh steve hello. nice to see you. don't miss your work. good luck. of course actually you're not going to. have so much fun as we will do here but. don't think about that twice. you have a beautiful nickname what is.

Your favorite color uh on a wheel or. overall. blue and pinkish. solar diameter we cut number one we. still keep dancing and brown they crazy. time but it's much better than like you. know it'll be really far away from it. three thousand footage race beanie your. top winner and let's try again brahma. bravo hello nice to see you. and z and station you are a girl next. door yeah that's me i'm i'm your. neighbor. call me the neighborhood guys. i'm telling you. and i'm. can you say hi to me please alpha hello. i'm not going to read your nickname. full even you know i can call you that. candy this time the axe on the bracelet. see you have human names. alpha. also buddy also kanye sk hello. i already was about actually to say that. in a row though. but i decided that not that's a bad idea. okay. one not ready for a diamond very weird.

Shot. before some no. sunshine ask a hello three thousand. winners danny you're at itself one. nobody catch a lot of the ones let's try. at least to hit it for the 50 x multiply. and someone here still shows that when i. say hi. all i. okay guys let's go. i wish to see actually crazy time. because. we haven't said it for a long time i. don't know though if she noticed what i. mean what it means. i'm guessing with my today's. power of understanding people i guess. they didn't get you but we got a coin. and i will think about it go like. hi i will think about it hearing we're. gonna flip a coin right. hi guys. welcome to queen. let's try to get a red side good luck. too. then we get a blue. one thank you queen but we're gonna get. in that one right. thank you congratulations. that was only beginning let's believe in. the best six thousand three hundred feet.

Which is five years old you know what. we're getting from bonus round pretty. much the same what we can get from a. wheel. well that's asks for the revenge. let's continue. fini hi exactly. we needed that 20x. now we're gonna get something higher. or the same with the number i mean when. she calls it i lied she doesn't realize. what it means ah yeah the x on a coin. flip ah you mean someone from the hosts. got i did the same and then only. when i said that i realized actually. wait a minute that's that's uzi or hood. that's number. five look at that finally the new color. and our history but we need another pink. right 3579 victoria's j23 you're the top. top winner and enjoy let's continue. not be using not joining her session. someone in the morning ah i got you. no yeah be careful you're joining her. and imagine she still.

Doesn't realize what she's saying and. then is she gonna get in trouble. somehow. i'm even ready to be your favorite. actually to get a crazy time with the. 20x list. but this time my warriors it seemed to. me that we're gonna get back to the. pinkish color which is good back to back. to the other fight. if we will have the same straight or not. the times as we had once which is a bit. more complicated together still. three thousand seven hundred and eighty. success lg topic it could be cool right. let's continue. dexter. you look like you could be from these. seven days wall what about charles. masters followers well i didn't want to. say that aloud. oh that's. also three right five i might look like. a marilyn manson follower and i am so. maybe that's why right. no welcome to the crazy world. um are we going to get another number.

Five ladder diamond yes yes yes and. we're gonna get money only from another. fight because this fight uh with with. the tx multiplier back to back to back. can we get another one just cure it. three thousand eight hundred ninety. three is a uk unit kms hello nice to see. you. getting richer now. yeah. yeah and actually just getting along no. faster than it no no that was a good one. i mean that really was a good one i see. myself in a mirror in this outfit and. with my hairstyle right there. come now and actually the type sort of. events really came from somebody's 80s. well no offense for sure. and i'm really fan of a marilyn. mansonville. see so so many things fit. i think it's going to be number one. militia not knock knock the doors can. you i can just knock it but we still. need a camillation we're waiting for it.

Number one. 2734 victories enjoy hats cashman. because you have to choose correct oh. like you don't like a cash right that's. fine. but even with a multiply. i mean with a multiply every single. bonus round is good but. i really think i'm i'm enjoying for some. reason with the cash shop for the. multiple posts. really good in that restaurant thank you. good luck max and pachenko. like. charles manson follower. that's right blast my eyes right. ladies and gentlemen let it be cash hunt. please no that's a piece it's teasing us. number one. already bird's about to yell at you and. make you deaf. uh two thousand eight hundred six. victories goes to your top a winner. count down just turn gary. johnson it wasn't easy it was spitting. up how. do you think we have some engine. digno you're into all this conspiracy. theories.

Good luck. and. baby. i know that you're waiting for that. for some reason i'm think that at first. bonus round might be coin flip but we're. gonna get. what a nostradamus i am i can't live. down with that i'm going to let's go. kick a coin flip. but we. the main point to believe in it good. luck. now. like 4x and 20x so we're going to get a. 4x what is that let's go. pretty ciao nice to see you. jamallah hi. we need a tour spin. from what i saw. but they can check it out sit on that. hole. oh yeah come on my hunters i knew that. is gonna be cash hunts. yeah yeah i can see the future. i can see that all of you gonna get a. hundred x's oh you're right okay i. really hope so guys. and we have a hundred x the only one so. it will be challenging to find it but. you my warriors my crusaders. will shoot soon one of the icons and try.

To find it of course it will be sharper. so it's not located on the same place. right now what do you never know first. for shooting. alpha what we're doing. the same right previously that was good. yeah yeah i saw it guys i gotta play. together. and i just. i have a new strategy it will be the. last start that's like straight away in. the corner. and also. six thousand four hundred thirty two. weeks for his little german and not on. the eye apparently you did a great job. you must have five with the 25 bucks 3.5. kv3 for you you are the best imagine. that's it that's going to be our. constant strategy. and cut it yeah that was a corner. the. lowest. corner. on the right side. that was a start what was the hundred x. that was a star at a corner on the right. side i was waiting for the handbags on. the board and there it was imagine.

How lucky we are alpha. good that's it we're great hunters no. but so ladies and gentlemen we haven't. seen that with nobody for a millennium. millennium three thousand three hundred. forty seven which is j twenty three year. older it actually does the first time i. guess no okay we're not considering all. the cash funds we had with a top slot. multiplier but that was the first time. when there was only 100x. like once in a while. that we found it i mean for you that's. already the second time although for me. that's the first time. an average bowl i guess my highest is. prefix reaction. maybe we can play a gun. alicia you play coin flip not a crazy. time. you mean we're playing crazy pointless. not a crazy crazy guy. sometimes it's trying something. perhaps we're gonna play you guys crazy. number two that's now we're gonna call.

This game crazy number two okay. again. you're at the top winner i thought we. got 100 before too but it was only once. no maybe you. but i don't remember that. well that would be that wasn't me maybe. we beat that. because i guess my heart. and maybe you remember that day because. we found their 125x. militia. wait a minute next time we will try. imagine him straight away we're going to. get it so let me know what time it's. like 30 times. enjoy. and i'll go oh yeah maybe that was it. yes yes for sure okay three thousand six. hundred and eighty nine weeks crazy die. here at the top. and magic hands oh exactly here in your. crazy time by the way. and danish broken why do you think so. it's just a bit loose. on the chain. lala today have been quite bad. actually i could agree with you because. nothing high. super high we still haven't seen because.

High switchery still was in the morning. 500 knives good for the cash time. so not like super dry though but. now. first time ever i'm gonna be. number two we changed all the ones on. number two. three thousand four hundred fifty six. weeks raised you die you're the top. player and sheila hi nice to see you i. missed your messages. i'm already like you know already crazy. time chat too fast i'm just not reading. or something. hello. come on that's rejected check your. network can't quite. fight off. the landing hi. by the way guys you're too from the same. platform maybe you need to continue. your life separate exactly of your. platform. and rydal please crazy guys with the vpx. makes our green tray well when the last. time it happened recently by the way. isn't it. i think yeah okay let's go to flip the. queen we still keep playing a crazy coin.

Hi everyone alex welcome to the queen. okay here we go with a lovely. piece of plastic and we'll try to get. the bench but if i back to the front two. three x in the blue we're gonna get a. bet size for sure let's go for it so. yeah that's how we're gonna do that okay. now the coin kind of better with us 25. bucks. 76. someone joined us and brought us this. easy beautiful win. who was that. naomi that was you. that's continuing. williams hello maybe i was here good. luck. cece the highest switch. we need to spin harder. for what. well okay since we caught nub one maybe. you are correct by the way we haven't. seen number one liberty for the last. seven spins. so yep it's back two thousand eight how. to play somewhere cg you're gonna tell. better our favorite number isn't it. koshy hi nice to see you today. okay guys let's spin super duper fast.

Because someone in a chat asked for that. well definitely he asked. that means that he believes that we're. gonna get some crazy win. good luck. anna marie where'd it go. one of the baltic countries eastern. eastern europe. what about you it is a secret. the power country definitely another. secret sense. it's written in a site. okay it seems to me that it's gonna be. number. two the uniform we can't love it even. for axe instead of two that's eight. enjoy three thousand two hundred sixty. nine which phrase and yandere you're the. top winner. well at least we caught number two but. the top slot multiplier right. good luck dude he's gonna be back by the. way after 20 minutes approximately so if. you have time if you don't believe that. you're gonna get something in this in. this session you have time to prepare. some food some snacks whatever what only.

20 minutes is like not a lot of the time. okay ladama we got another two with the. top plus multiply but for now we're. gonna rock and roll with all the people. who can play so that's on number two. 3962 jammies there you're at the top. letter enjoy. and jacob where is the crazy time by the. way how long you haven't seen a crazy. time guys. did you catch that in last session. no i can make big money yes because we. got already six of them at last i spent. and alpha thank you so much for updating. 61 spins since the last crazy time guys. and we got another 10. thank you so much. and let's continue this number 10. they enjoy. donations 4 754 people made a very chase. and plays the best number 10. fine with. cards we haven't seen it already for a. while man you're at the top a winner. so gustav 500x was the highest victory.

For today. 500 x. that was just my question. at least we got another time like you. know not an accident and a one. i mean i have nothing against the other. one guys if you're placing faster. but now perhaps. no it's fine that's not a five okay. cellular diamond will be caught much. more of the fives and twos. you're missing number one apparently. right. well. and happily you're either missing number. one guys what wrong. so when we're getting a lot of ones. you're not happy when we're not getting. them someone like no. what is that. merely 70 spins ago approximately hello. maybe. the seven piece spins ago approximately. that was a last crazy. now since we have some unhappy people. who've apparently been missing number. one okay lady gentlemen it's not one i. wish it was number two actually that. would be better three thousand forty.

Eight so chris happy you're at itself. when a countdown is an action let's try. to summon the same really crazy time not. like another one or something. and melee yeah that's where we're trying. to get right join us so immediately. you're waiting for the crazy time in a. pachinko any cash run. okay i got it. everything oh wait a minute. the accident. why hi. apparently we got a pinkish color isn't. it yeah that's number five. guys in the last three spins we would. have caught number five twice if you. could play somebody. beautiful four thousand one hundred. nineteen victories agc you're at the top. winner if something using a pretty much. the same strategies i do like keep. placing the best only and two swipes and. a cash gun. but that's already calculating my. imaginary money in a hat. guys i'm keep rocking rolling.

Okay the highest rate for dday was a 500 x who's millionaire guys it's even up here right okay come on will it make another turn oh i love it well like you know usually we see how it's sliding from the borders but now welcome back everyone and you already know i guess what we're going to do we're going to drop it down but wait try to focus only on a golden multis yeah that's the 15 x 20 x 25 40 and 50 and double and don't forget about double let's go 50x is a highest malty flying mind switches and lucky shoes what do we have there actually we have their okay 50x we maybe 20 yards then yeah he has no choice to give us 20.

But it's not enough right let's try to. get another queen. wearing out of a chain coat or another. cash gun and especially golden keep. that's going. ciao hi how are you thank you for asking. i'm good. what am i here. there we. go yeah. maybe now he's gonna be greenfield by. the way. yep. are you ready to flip the claim maybe. we're gonna grab all this setup of. bonuses kick a kick a queen. let's try to get a 9x that's the right. side yeah good luck. that's the blue side okay the difference. wasn't that high let's take this blue. side let's take this y backside. only back it will in order. not a bonus congratulations everyone on. age seven thousand two two hundred one. week three mustafa you're the top winner. you know what sometimes when you have. like 20x for example and three x and. you're getting free apps well that's a.

Bit frustrating but with that choice not. bad honey hello beauty hi beauty back. how are you today. big reader can you show us what's behind. the door. i'm trying to get that key. no one giving us that key yet. but the door is closed. although there is not even a keyhole but. oh. it is what it is. okay it seems to me that in my vein. number five what do you think. i think yep that's number five well that. caught free if that would last to say. expense. not bad. let's try to get it for the. top slot next time 5155 victories. top goliath. laurie try to refresh your page if you. didn't get the pachinko win try to. refresh your page. and maybe just a little delay but if you. still don't have. witchery hello. contact the live support. that's the heavy for you what exactly. my jacket. and die ciao. thank you so much. that's another one thank you so much.

We'll get caught in twice the last six. things if you guys about tonight why not. we were not having done a lot before. three thousand three hundred seventy. eight experience probably the best and. tight have an amazing and wonderful day. either and enjoy your evening. let's continue. and dima the wheel. actually do you know guys the. interesting fact that the. weight of the wheel is 340 kilos. approximately. of course when you're spinning it it's. not hard it's pretty much the same as. super heavy doors. yeah the huge doors but you're opening. that amazing. it's the same about the wheel but the. weight of the wheel is 348 kilos. across. okay. this is number five again. five man's alive back to back but we've. been asking with the top slot multiply. let's continue. congratulations 3751 victory and jay you. are the top winner.

What a purplish a strength we have look. at that. the last seven spins not the last i. spent because we caught number five four. times in a pachayanka. i wish we will uh continue with the same. way. we need it. to complete it he has on a fashion. and keema hello. hi we haven't seen a crazy time yet i. guess it was like. already 70 or 80 is going to go. props lately. and not addicted. the last anchor gave us. 20x. let's go and flip some crane. my coin flippers. hi everyone it's nice to see okay that's. the lovely crane. square accident. we gotta get the blue side let's go for. it good luck. now we got a red one. you know what i really noticed that. brick flips. perhaps let's take that but let's try to. get another bonus straight away as we. did before seven thousand thirty seven. victories four six four you're the top. winner calm down.

Emma how the wheel can go faster. by itself what do you mean exactly. i mean the only thing with slowing down. the. wheel that's a flapper right so it's. keeping those strips the sound when you. hear. a flop for hitting those ribs and that's. how it's kind of slowly. slowing me down yeah. i mean it's not like becoming faster or. not. oh come on. yay some of the ecommerce brought a. golden key an hour ago right. guys thank you for the golden key. finally we can check out how the. penguins are living there. yay welcome to the crazy time. finally ladies and gentlemen. all are here skipper. all the penguins and whatever what we. have around the world and also we have. free flappers which you see right now in. front of you it might be green blue or. yellow try to guess which color going to. give us a great gang. and choose it.

41 percent. good luck today. apparently the green team did a great. job. hey everyone in nature 8. here at the 44 winner from the yellow. team guys we had a top winner for me on. the team and either mystery account was. to the green team guys he did a great. job apparently he got a high school. deploy also. congratulations to all of you but still. you know what. we need to find about a golden key come. on. nicely done nicely done. well in my imagination i chose yellow. but i still happy about a green bean a. lot. i can't let it down the best number so. thank you. a bit of salty sandwiches today. so four thousand two hundred forty two. which raised matt dukey you're at the. top winner. amit host my observation every time you. have a cd bonus with you blue is always. the least by the way today yes amit. you observe that well.

Because really uh and not like the blue was the longest oh no wait a minute once we get a hundred extra blue today and for the rest of them 25 no no no but i almost agree with you that's a one rate yeah that's a piece of one but one with a five x okay let's take that let's take that and still we keep changing for something a bit two more special nine victories four six four year old it's all better at least this one we can't win the 5x which is already good but we haven't seen a cash count already for a while and money and eight pieces is otherwise the game would be interesting and without those peasy moments good luck and also we haven't seen actually now the town already for a long time because literally in the last 10 spins we caught everything almost except cash finds and number 10.

Okay guys number two. thank you. and amit i mean whenever i play and you. got a crazy time blue is always lowest. ah four thousand six hundred six. workshops and four six four you're on. the topic. gotcha so you already know that with me. maybe next time you need to choose the. green or yellow. choose yellow with me you never know how. does it work but. you know. and imagine by the murphy's law you're. gonna choose some other color but it. will be blue gunk. i'm telling it. constantly following the people preamps. at a crazy time. no matter what i will always go for. blood no you're devoted why not i always. go for the yellow jar. i don't know if i would play probably i. would not. there is one player actually who's. choosing the colors in the crazy time. according to the numbers and the bonuses. which he caught before.

For example if there will a lot of batus. he gonna go for the yellow four thousand. i have a day is eighty six six three. four five six two at the top. if there were a lot of ones and playing. flips you're gonna go for the blur. if rest of the something i don't. remember his theory and strategy he goes. for the green. i'll probably somehow connect with the. cashman. my personal. coffee so i sell it really badly to get. super fast say 75 bucks right. but guys explain to me actually why most. of the people constantly. choosing the blue color. like i saw probably. in a crazy time existence while i'm. working here three thousand one hundred. forty nine twenty four six one year to. top winner. i saw uh. the biggest theme is green and yellow. only maybe three times. and in the last. half of a year. i guess constantly the blue team is the.

Biggest one. so for example i go over the shots i. check the start nothing on my 50x it. last 20 crazy times then the green went. green ah okay. i language so i chose by the way you. didn't know. that there is a statistic over world. statistic the blue color is the most. favorite color of. humanity. it's already down to the number five. maybe else it does. thanks. 380 so increase four six four you gotta. talk better. thank you our little child motivator. alfred. oh emma woke up. let's go. and say janie hello nice to see you. look at this strength of the pipes we. just keep getting them again and again. and again and again. maybe another pipe okay. the accident time. vina boy cash kind of with a stock slot. we have last four minutes to get it in. this session but you will have a whole. session. next time to get it. with a lucas it seems to me that we're.

Gonna get our. yellow color back but why not. so the last five spins we can't have a. five double two twice. three thousand one hundred ninety three. zombies four six four you're the top. winner. and elky no no no no no could be cookie. tap tap. he says we don't need number two he says. why not. only with the 50x right. let's continue. son hello nice to see you. and i ran last crazy time was hundred x. 15x and. no it happens but see it's not appearing. often for example during this session we. haven't seen just opportunity of hitting. 50x yet right kenny hello nice to see. you. oh hi. now it won't be guys it's already. slowing down it's barely could hit that. number one but we badly needed that. crazy time last day. 27550 you're the top winner at least it. wasn't like that that it actually landed. yeah stopped on a crazy time and then.

Right. that would be a bit more frustrating. except for mirror i saw the sparks. in my eyes. that's all peas and love. good luck. today absolutely i could tell you about. it i'm absolutely fine today maybe even. fun. but like longer than i thought. what do we have number five or number. two this time. i guess number two thank you. if you place your bats in number two. get in the last pretty expensive woman. twice are we going to get another two or. not three thousand five hundred five to. five percent uh brazil why uh show a top. slot in a crazy time when it's never hit. ah you mean rattle. but it's better than we see it actually. the crazy time with the top slot. because if we want. there would be no okay that was odd. question. good luck. so you thought that every time when you. have a crazy time with a 4x as this time.

One guys. i feel you rudolph better to not see. that. freaky top slot right. okay two thousand five hundred six week. stream is four six four year old it's. like an ice like when the kids. uh are getting disappointed in a toy and. they're like. don't give me that toy anymore i don't. want to see it. now guys better we will see crazy time. with the top slot multiplier then at. least we will have any chances to get it. what is boring it keeps on rejecting us. while we're losing. or how does it work for you. number five. thanks enjoy and love the cat number. five toys at last six spins if you got. it you're cool. sorry about in time to start it that's. like three thousand seven hundred twenty. two trace aegis here it's all better. but yet again guys uh every single. player in a chat i saw. with a bass rejection issue. you're coming from the same platform.

So it might be. maybe you need to contact exactly your. platform life supports. already during the last 10 minutes. everybody saw at least. seven people from the same platform. who were actually saying something about. bats rejection. oh let's go and flip some coin with a. little present from the top slotty. hi. hey. look at this. five exit please on a coin flip let's go. doesn't really like it i'm personal for. me. now we're gonna get only coin clips. until we won't hit 100 x on it. my hands so cold because my i'm dead. inside two thousand. two thousand three hundred sixty what is. everybody names lucas. gonna be a host for another session. maybe the last maybe now we'll see. shout out to lucas thank you thank you. ladies thank you thank you good luck. everybody let's see what it do with it. be what it is what time you're leaving.

Please i just got here bro. but how many times have you told you. it's 40 minute session do the math come. on come on three times be chinko top. slalom. what what can i do a nice silicon carta. live sport tell them about the situation. you know that is the one enjoyed the win. ladies this is the first spin of the. seventh out on seven i mean second uh. two thousand three hundred fifty six. minutes later with the time of all time. lcbbb. dhcld ub 232 as well leave. no no i don't think so. i don't think so please not again again. ladies. you can always beat anyone man ladies. don't don't don't like you know. make. a bigger deal out of ones than you know. which. what am i even trying to say forget. about it we got three times. we got uh we got uh we got a ham we got. a big fan in the chat my you're. misty ladies and ladies just listen to.

Me listen to me listen open up your ears. let the sound flow into your ears. if you're having any issues with. something that should not be you know. the way it is contact life support we. got pachinko. ladies and gentlemen. ladies and gentlemen. why don't you go on a holiday sorry now. no i want to i want to i want to but i. can't five x everybody. seven x we got xanax we got 15 we got 20. we got 25 we got 50. we got a double in. the middle ladies and gentlemen let's. see what it do with it be what it is. i'm afraid of heights. so high up super high up yeah bro 50. times biggest one. come on bro come on. never seen a double in pachinko like you. never have had a double or you. legitimately have never seen it on the. board anyway ladies and gentlemen. double double come on bro nah bro okay. 15 x congratulations to the winners well.

Done well played that we should have. never had it. from time to time. you know you get hired on weekends. like what do you mean higher more powers. uh six thousand two hundred seventeen. when it's four six four over the top top. scribbity barwin say my name. no. you didn't even say please. you asked for something you don't even. mention the word you know don't don't. even say please. what you mean good luck everybody. don't play either of them oh no that's a. lie i i have played a little bit of. uh mobile pop g great fun. but yeah no no if i had to choose from. both of them i would go with pub g but. if i had to choose i would go with apex. legends ladies and gents he's someone. but you don't have a no you do actually. have apex legends on your mobile now i. think i even have it on my phone two. point six thousand one is part of the.

Southern lcb as well we've got el miguel. two three two three two we got top fifty. one well done enjoy the win july. netherlands that's great happy for you. good luck everybody. where are my arch nemesis where are my. what are my enemies. ladies. where is the. good luck beef. what do you do pachinko never mind. ding ding what is that heisenberg what. what is it. i know what a bing bong. you know bing bong love your life. you see these dogs in your front yard. and i can't say the other parts can i. know probably not a little inappropriate. anyway two two one is you are the winner. we got three point four zero zeros how. you doing are you low he's doing good. doing great doing fantastic what about. yourself louis how you doing what's good. and good luck everybody. yeah d pockets you already know bro. you know i'm upstairs going hard best.

Believe two times ten. give us some big big maltese. if we get them we get them remember. religions big mole pies bonus rounds in. general they're happy accidents the same. way i was a happy accident ladies we can. have a happy accident here as well two. to one. anyway. you love me. no no i love the fact that you love me. you know three point four thousand one. as well done enjoyed the video again lg. gs wp don as well top skirmity pop. winners everybody good luck to you. we all know you can give something now. that is still religions. but not intentionally. i don't have the ability to. intentionally give you something. in the galaxy wow 10x10 everybody. remember if we get 10x10 you will have. to say good good good good good good 10. times in the chat remember that. we almost got 50x on a 10 today that. would have been wild the chat would have.

Been exploded anyway it just looks like. we're gonna have number. almost going flip it's almost going for. ladies but that is the one. double check triple check. yeah ladies i have come to a conclusion. the people who are getting their bits. rejected i have noticed that you all. share the same provider. yeah. should be 10.. what. what ah because of the top slot i can. guarantee. well think of that as a very positive. way on how to look at things. anyway. coin flip flip of the coin first of its. kind ladies and gentlemen let's see what. to do with it be what it is. how you doing everybody what's good. what's popping what's crackle like can. happen i think we need a new coin this. one looks old and dirty we've got four. 15 blue ladies and so congrats on the. 15x multiplier. no ladies that would have been cool that. was 15x you know i kinda yeah it's good.

Four fingers up enjoy the win can you. shut your mouth no no i can't certainly. know i got a yapaya. you know five thousand eight hundred. seven winners but you can mute me though. everybody good luck good luck good luck. yeah four weeks everybody. tman are you listening to me t-man. tman 95 team man naughty frog from. south africa i'm not mistaken tman 95. the one and only can you hear my waist. crazy time. t man 95 you look like turkey boy no i'm. not. i've been to turkey once. listen to me listen to me do you copy. lucas to tman naughty-five do you hear. my voice you ask questions and then you. legitimately don't even listen to me. what's the point two thousand four. hundred twentyone player winning. photography song well done. oppa never mind. twinkle twinkle little jump. little star. how i wish. thank you keema thank you so much.

Ladies and gentlemen winning outcome is. number one congratulations to the. winners. how many winners how many give me. numbers two thousand three hundred fifty. seven winners over now we got four six. four five nine zero three one with a. dominant el miguel don two three two. three two three and uh we got scales as. well tower winners ladies and gentlemen. what about that now. good luck. everybody anyway. bro ladies i'm getting in a feisty mood. i'm getting an advice they moved. 4x2. i got i got a huge nose at least i can. smell. something when it's coming my way i can. smell the danger at least you know. you know so big that i can't see the. spin or maybe you just have bad eyesight. i don't know could be one of the two one. someone enjoy the win i don't know i. don't know you know. uh. congrats two thousand three hundred.

Eight two one is everybody all right so. we've got four six four five zero donna. el miguel and y'all. i kind of went a little overboard with. this one sorry i got spaced out regions. i forgot to control my insane strength. so lame. number one everybody well done with the. perfect stop stop five times. congratulations. anyway we got two point two k winners. everyone four six uh four but it's. almond el miguel as well. good luck. it is me lucas do you hear my voice can. i ask for a favor. multiple favors perhaps. with who's money who's money. look who said my name i don't think so. exactly dopamine exactly that's what. i've been saying that's what i've been. saying but nobody listens to me they. don't even hear me probably they just. talk to me. but they've muted me or something i. don't know i i don't get it two thousand.

Eight hundred eighty five hours while. they're enjoying the 464 every time i'm. all done anyway uh it's a five congrats. good luck everyone. so me sorry man. sorry about dong sorry. if that's something rude i'm coming for. you. oh dope open thank you oh. they don't know they don't know what. i've done you know. they. they don't respect you know they don't. respect me. supremacy let's go ladies it is. do i have a wife no two and you're the. winner two two one good good good good. good good one. i got two towers 640 one played a. winning game four six four of a time and. four of his wild goddamn we got oscar. with ac 405 top five enjoy the wins. everybody newcomers everybody welcome to. the game as well let's continue with the. game. they don't plan on getting bonuses. clown in the red sewer. let's go. that's all i have to say yeah four.

Expired by the way yeah. but looks like the winning outcome is. going to be is a number ten everybody. yeah congratulations to the winners it. stands one good good one please work. thank you so much. lovely lovely lovely right so uh. congrats we got three point two k. winners we got four six four five sevens. uh winky face. yeah as well uh since. the day one on one top five look at. somebody today x good to see you i'm. doing i'm doing okay. i have seen better days in my life. truthfully respectfully. but i'm okay. why you attack fast time goes by faster. try it three times five. nights no i didn't. we got pachinko so let's see what it do. right bonus time everybody are you ready. to receive. yeah money. hard cash everybody right let's see the. mo parts what we got going on it's 3x we. don't care about that that's slow that's.

We don't care about that five no seven. no no don't get maybe maybe maybe. yes. 40x biggest one everybody good luck to. you whoa wow that is just extreme. what is the 40. i can't see it anyway good luck. everybody 40 times biggest one. please be golden please be golden please. be golden golden golden. it's not the lowest one remember you can. always look at things from two. perspectives. it's. how you choose to view things i'm gonna. add seven exits. five thousand three hundred forty. winners. beautiful good luck everybody. congratulations. i don't think i will. anyway ladies and gentlemen shoot the. best of luck and let's see what it do. would it be what it is. three times pachinko how does that make. any sense. sorry ladies and gents had the flights. had to flex on them you know what i'm. saying. what. we got a five everybody well done.

Yeah but the session's not over yet. thinker. thank you i will buy a red suit like you. and i will spin the wheel in my home go. for it go for it. three thousand 431 is good if you want. we can like arrange it and i can sign. the red suit that you're gonna buy. everybody. oh sorry was a little too close because. of the timing. so sorry. got a little bit of a closeup shot. see all my imperfections. wowzers hold on a second wait a minute. slippery guys slippery guy ladies and. gentlemen we got a three x on a two. though that's 60 to one player. congratulations well done wow quick math. bro quick maths yeah. a question is it possible to win by. getting one yes. lucas can you please speak to life. support so somebody nay the thing is nah. yeah the thing is it's probably. something to do with your provider and. it's not with us because i have noticed.

The people who are complaining about the. abyss getting rejected you all share the. same provider so it's not you know. our situation you can count on life. support that will probably tell you to. contact your casino support i know i. know let's just contact your casino. support and tell them about the issue. that your bets are getting rejected. right but first you can also contact our. live support right above the chat you. can do that. please do listen to me actually this. time because i've said it like 100. million 50 trillion times already but. don't you don't listen to me you ask. questions i give you answer but you. don't listen to me you know i'm saying. we gotta fight do i have to yell i don't. think i have to yell i don't i still do. it but i don't think i have to i give. you fifty percent because you're awkward.

Thank you so much the thing is but you. can you can't give it to. me anyway three point five thousand. winners everyone yeah four six four over. the top and five thousand well done i. wish you the best. the best yeah please give brother please. give me some money bro i'm broke i am. broke myself. for breakfast i had oxygen. for lunch i had a little bit more oxygen. because i was hungry. 305 ladies and gentlemen lucas you need. money i give you kimono thank you so. much but no i can't take money from. other people i refuse to do so and if i. do i give it back as fast as i can two. thousand 431 is well done. any home good luck. you need help how can i help you ella. i have a little bit of ptsd now had this. incident when. when a player legitimately was urgently. in a need of help so i urgently tried. help and he bamboozled me he hit me with.

Those logos i need you to help me do. this and i was something atrocious. everybody. that is number two to one good one we. got 10 out of 10 landing gold olympic. medalist this number two i'm telling you. i'm telling you. anyway we got 20 more minutes of the. session something like that then i'm. gone there's a bit of the gun i'm not. coming back of it again. jokes 2.87. i love it here i'll be back. when i don't know. whenever fate decides. for me to return i probably should not. lean on that that's not professional. i'm getting a little too comfortable. during the sessions ladies and gents. next time i'll bring a tent something. like that you know i'm saying three. times crazy time everybody. give us something to be excited about. please. want someone like like like russian. speaking russian speaking players that. have tried to like trick me to saying.

Something in russian language. them not knowing that actually speak the. language well enough like i know that. swear words because i do use it myself. from time to time very gents good luck. everybody right 2038 winners and then. and then they tried. at south star where are you from bro i. was born and raised in south dakota. california but i'm from latvia. when i was three years old my family. came back from usa zlatan and i've been. living then i lived in. the north of the country then south of. country now i live in the capital city. yo yo yo stop it stop stop stop. very chance. remember remember remember remember. these words remember. remember these words. tough times never last. tough people like you last come on let's. go 132 winners up let's see what it do. what'd it be good luck. do you ever cry after the sessions.

Religions. five times cash have you ever like shed. a tear after the session. i haven't. yet. please cash in please please please. please please it's a two everybody. plot twist it's a 10. never the regions believe me never. congratulations to you well done. oh plot whistle regions well done 2.9. thousand when it's four six four over. the top winner. i don't even know it's a time what do. you mean. bro like don't like legitimately 95. percent of the things that i say. don't take them seriously. largest clown at least i'm the largest. one. for excussion please please please. please please please please. this one right here is too fast probably. look at it go very gents you know. you know. if i if i were to flex anymore i would. break the jacket give us a bonus round. bro i'm desperate. look is the 3k times you already know kd.

You already know what's good what's good. how are you doing we gotta two legends. bob you got a great name ly honestly bro. good luck everybody. good luck everyone. two times squiffling. it's number five. welcome. i am starting a new youtube channel. great man great good luck with that next. pewdiepie we got the next pewdiepie in. the chat ladies and subscribe quickly. right we got but a seven x seven times. two that's fifth teeth won't be it if. you get it are you happy bro yes. like in general yes. am i happy every single day. sometimes for the more days you know. sometimes less days you know but in. general yes i would say i'm happy. happier at least than i was. why do you ask which country are you in. uh. all of a sudden i forgot once you want. to enjoy the regions. of finland right now finland. congratulations. four six four zero one.

Anyway ladies. so yeah. long story short it is what it oh we got. a 20x on a one. lucas reply a big win. if i'd applied to you we got a big win. i think i'd apply it already three times. i'm still replying who's that pachinko i. hope it is stop stop stop stop stop stop. nice ladies and gentlemen we going in. for the we're going for the kill we're. going in for the kill bro yeah we're. going in for the kill. you look sad bro what happened. i'm not sad don't use what makes you say. that. i may be a little tired. maybe a little bit inside but if you're. dead inside it only means one thing you. have the possibility to beat a board and. we got five exercises. you don't know five seven ten fifteen. twenty five thirty five the the double. don't you dare to give the low twenty. say less katie say less now that you. said it got no other option to get you.

We got 35x biggest but let's get 500. ladies and gents. like a shooting start. so athletic ladies and so athletic my. knees do not hurt even a little bit. right now not even double double 35. ladies and gents we got 35 i think that. was the biggest one could have been. wrong but i don't know. screenshot everybody. nice this going the family album five. thousand thirty five winners four six. four but it sound wouldn't enjoy the. world what what what what when good luck. okay my knees do hurt a little bit. not the same man i used to be. reedra oh mystery is good to see you but. no. ladies and gents neo. up top eb2 exam one. same what's the same got something. common uh ladies and gentlemen that is. the number two take off your pants bro i. don't know i don't know let me think. about it. bro should i or should i not take my.

Pants off. do you want pushups. easy bro easy one second let me make the. spin i'll do a pushup. i'll entertain you is this job worth it. bro. what. it pays the bills. it pays the bills so yeah. send my names and my names. tell me that you love me. let me let me just warm up a little bit. i'm not i'm not 16 anymore seven eggs on. the center buddy yeah you wanna push up. i'll give you a pushup. look at me i'm so red. lightheaded that's someone enjoy the. win. impressive i know. a bit more hard it's of course it is. could i used to i used to be able to do. 40 one arm pullups push-ups i mean. sorry everybody good luck yeah that's. someone. great thing is i did not pop away in. absolute victory who counted by the way. actually we're the same age. two times crazy time. are you from a sports academy lucas no. no. i do 50 pushups on a bar this morning.

That's also nice that's also nice. well i i was planning to work out after. work but i already did it right now so. i'm good. i should do the other harm as well so i. don't have like body dysmorphia. dysfunction whatever it's called do you. do push of using one finger like the. pinky to be specific. maybe later. i basically tried to do like two days i. work out one day not two days workout. one day not. can you say rabbit rabbit seven eggs on. one but lately i've been a little lazy. i've been a little lazy lately i haven't. really been doing anything. like maybe i do it something every you. know every three days. but it's still something still something. you know. son but one with a seven x that was. seven two one good good good good good. good good good good good good good good. good. good one 2016. one is president once at.

Least i'm a president. what now. what now i'm a president are you. president i don't think so. like ladies yeah you have to understand. just because you're not betting on one. doesn't mean that other people don't bet. on one and let me tell you other people. do like the ones so you can say whatever. you want about the ones i don't care. what extent everybody. do you lie that you want to start on. youtube what do you mean. oh you mean like from the winds and. everything. you're the only dealer to talk to oh. young views i respect that nice nice. nice nice. let's let's keep this let's keep this. tradition going on next time you see me. as well i like to talk. we got a five ladies and gents. three thousand twenty forty seven. winners la men's but it's i'm gonna go. to as well dom gold and egg ladies today. i was eating eggs in the bread for.

Breakfast and i take one of the egg out. and legitimately there's half of the. chicken left on the egg i'm not even. kidding not inside that is like you know. that you're famous on youtube i have a. lot of views you mean like from the. crazy town wins good luck. emma emma do you hear me can i ask for a. favor. it sounds pink i don't think emma hears. but i'm still going to try. maybe she just straight up ignoring me. i would ignore myself as well. exactly exactly that princess diana. that's the one so princess enjoy the win. lovely lovely lovely here comes the. money money money money money money. is the prison you can ignore yourself. heck is everything right heck we can. talk about it i see you have a little. bit of. negative energy. probably due to you know frustration. that comes from the game i completely. understand that so i'm not taking your.

Reward seriously. but. we can talk about it we can talk about. it. if you want to talk if you want to. express your emotions right now. if you want no pressure. five. no nothing what no no. wait. what do you mean. that that was a little aggressive. i don't want to take it seriously. there's no need for me to take it. seriously three thousand twenty two. hours i'm just i'm just trying to talk. to you right now heck we can like talk. it out cuz i see you have some bit of. like you know pins up aggression or. something i don't know some frustrations. there is something. bothering you right now. i know that perfect. so i'm willing to talk it through. because i see you have some you know. anger towards me. the game is perfect. that is your opinion i respect your. opinion but the game is fair. you know 4x5. now you have the opportunity to bet what.

You want if you don't like that many. ones at the end of the day you can. always bet on a one same payout as. blackjack wants one you get your money. back plus you get the win as well same. amount as you bet. yeah. not mine but everyone's here agreeing by. everyone you mean the ten percent of the. overall player base that actually use. the chat and the rest of the sound. players that don't speak and quite. probably don't even know that you're. typing good luck right. trust me when i say the majority. disagree with you. okay majority probably stays neutral. because they can't be bothered they. don't care. but he just out of ten thousand players. right now i would say only maybe hundred. people actually use the chat yeah i keep. that in mind as well okay let's make it. 200 people three times pachinko all. right. now i'm just i'm just talking i'm just.

Talking mysteries i'm just talking three. times pachinko i'm just i'm just trying. to i'm just trying to you know like. i don't know what this means i don't. know what this means but i'm just trying. you know. isaten. i just want one you see like people like. the ones people play the ones if other. people play the ones that the xenos the. one means something the one isn't just. there for decorations three point three. thousand one is enjoyed when you come as. well. you know i'm saying. so much. negativity. ladies and gentlemen that is true that. is true there is a lot of that. but if you yourself are you know. positive enough it doesn't matter what. kind of negative surrounds you. you'll just reflect get away. who wants to have some beef. tootsie one very gents go in the chat. look for the name gunyan see what he. wrote.

What do you think what do you think. tell me your opinion about his comment. thousand similar to twenty one is good. luck everybody. good. luck. hello. sorry. huh. yes. ladies and gentlemen. no no no no it's fine don't worry about. it it's one but okay no anyway uh i. don't have time to say what i wanted to. say maybe that's also for the better. anyway uh everybody bye. thank you honey and take care hello dear. boys and girls how are we doing tonight. i am back after a while my name is. simone and for those of you that don't. know who i am i'll be speeding for you. for the next 40 minutes so ladies and. gents let's begin go crazy. tommy how was your day what did you do. today that's a close good luck. hey glenn what's up how are we doing. lucky greetings forex some crazy time. according to the top for the start and. lovely offer there let's take a look.

Where we begin oh come on. come on you flapper flapper you can do. it flapper you can do it yes 4x crazy. time with the first spin ladies and. gentlemen what about that uhhuh. so here we are we are. we're at carpet time ladies and. gentlemen. welcome welcome to the best party in the. world. i guess you know what to do how it works. in here you go to three flappers green. blue and. one of yellow. but first of all let's take a look at. the quantico power on the wheel four. times multiplied so hot smokin. so here it goes guys use your intuition. follow your heart pick the color pick. the flower and let it be a lucky one for. you. also don't forget about the other pink. if you cannot be bothered yourself i'll. let's do a first pushy pushy pushy. good luck. ladies and gentlemen. my huge compliments what a start what a. beginning.

100x on two flappers who got it who got. the blue and yellow tell me he was so. lucky hello maurice greetings team good. luck in the new spin over here right. thank you sweetie love you back. two x and cash on right now ladies and. gentlemen. cristiano ronaldo hello captain. ladies and gentlemen we're going to. continue. with. i'm number one okay then. my government's going to over 2 000. people winning this round bravo between. time i started out to play east provided. let's go again mario's sounding fabulous. especially now after this first spin of. the session hey my motivation and my. morals raised up 100x. so that's a close now guys prepare. yourself brace yourself and let's go for. another dance with a crazy wheel. tap slot gives us five packs on two in. this round. okay last crazy time well that was 60 x. 100 100.

I do not remember the first flapper the. other two were more impressive guys we. are landing on the number. one again okay. double uno. my cotton's going to 2 300 people in. their 46 paneling wrap made it to the. top i continue spinning. hi. utopia greetings nothing fabulous what. about you how are you. what you mean that's not my last not the. only one and not the last one for sure. i'll be back on a long sweetie after. this kind of starts. no way i'm not gonna be back to work. sometime. oh the wheels in the club guys behave. yourself how are you doing tonight. princess. ladies and gents our next result is the. nonbritish and it's the number two. my compliments over three thousand. people someone goes to player one. fifteen hundred euros forty six forty. five and felt an eleven got the second. and third place just now almost well.

Were you looking for the factor or. something. oh ancient sweetie what you mean you. missed the crazy time. well let's hope that we're gonna catch. some more for you because everybody. deserves a crazy time i like your shoes. and feet thank you utopia a nice red. shoes attracting some red segments. thank you money. i appreciate the compliment. so let's take a look at what we get this. time it's going to be. stay in there stay in flapper you be. naughty right now we got the one again. that's 2200 people winning this round my. congrats but you know we can do much. better than this let's try once more. fashion time is open welcome to the. newcomers hey girl what was the last. crazy time hi fez it was 60x 100x and. another 100x. saturn the green was the only one that. kind of failed it. but still we continue spinning hopefully.

Next time will be even a bigger record. for you. five like some crazy time in this round. can we do this again. i'm always kind lucky sweetie let's see. if the lady luck will be kind to us well. this time you know crazy time for my. themes. looking like the number in the horizons. and we are landing on the number one yet. again this time two thousand three. hundred and thirty three players have. managed for this round we continue. moving on to the next side. uh. looks like granny and scary movie you. reckon demo are you so easily to be. scared by a little lady here. am i looking this horrifying to you well. sweetie. i'm glad i am making your nerves. stronger making them made of steel. good. if they're made of luck there is no fear. two eggs on two right now. what 1990 what's up what happened. ladies and gents. at this round we are going to see some.

Coin flipped oh oh oh. well let's go let's go and get it. started right now now. i guess priorities are pretty clear so. let's go. this time the red side wins two x's the. chuckle of this bonus. ladies and gentlemen that's in time is. almost over oh. and so. get ready. grab onto your lucky charms. and until this time we're gonna get. something real exciting. good luck. i had some one according to the top. slots. hi sarah do you haven't seen you for a. while how are you doing there sweetie i. haven't been here for a while but now. i'm back. resurrected. ladies and gents at this round we are. having number one again but three times. multiplied so a bit more spicy than. normally. over twenty two hundred players are. winning my congratulations stop one's on. four thousand years going to forty six. forty five and alien relax got the.

Second and third place relax i love your. name. do you like to relax guys how do you. normally relax after playing this game. thousand times ending now. so get ready. foxy welcome whatever it was for. two eggs and one you had to gain the top. slot slowing once. you can remain spicy because i like the. spicy food you know sweetie they say. what we eat is what we are isn't it. ladies and gentlemen uh we are looking. at the number five over here lovely our. first five in this session pink and. pretty and that one works out real well. for over 3100 people with the top one on. 5k for 46.45 and we've got another round. starting real soon but we haven't. started the autoplay is provided. what chinese what you mean. do you like nuts. do you like cashew nuts or peanuts or. walnuts or chestnuts. or maybe some crazy nuts because we are.

The nuts. good luck. direction crazy time. oh bar is very good question i'm. wondering too actually guys what was the. biggest multiplier tonight today in the. last 24 hours. ah no cdf i don't know what that game is. how do you play that. hey guys we've got star. number one again. in this case 2200 people are winning my. compliments. i want johnny deppy no no no i did not. mean to make that kind of impression. that's the voice i go installed when i. was a kid. oh mother nature why did you give me. such a naughty voice now johnny will. think i'm a naughty girl. good luck you know like with my voice. when i call to the banks they asked to. call the dad over to the phone. free x on crazy time right now ladies. and gentlemen. last crazy time guys he had to gain 60x. 100x and 100x. and this gandito will be having defenito.

On the coin flippito let's give her. another chance of this segment at the. previous time we did not have that great. result let's see maybe this time will be. some improvement. blue side looking pretty though right. the two eggs in the blue and 15 x in the. red okay 15 x kinda kinda juicy. okay the 711 direct side 15 eggs all. yours voila. by the way my compliments are down to 4. 500 people 46.45 delta holding in player. one got the top free ones. rock monster hey. haven't seen you for a long time. how are you doing. shadys you said that like few minutes. ago so you're still nothing what's that. whatever it means i don't know. good luck. oh hello. what's up bring up some cashons ladies. and gentlemen they are not princess. sweetie how's the royal life. oh okay. well i wish i wouldn't know i guess. sometimes it's better not to know than.

No. at this round we are seeing the number. number one. my compliments over the escort with this. segment over 2300 players and so yet. again we are trying to pull out. something juicy out of this wheel. she has a good personality thank you cdf. for talking about me there. well. i'll keep up to date. don't like her once though well no one's. perfect no one's perfect sweetie even me. guys i wish you the best of luck let the. crazy lady like do with us. last flip was 15 x yeah. hey yeah. oh nickname we're still trying to find. out that looks like the chat moderator's. a bit busy to respond child moderator. wake up honey i need you over here maybe. later cause now we have something to do. pachinko. lala. we've got the free x of the starter pack. and let's see how far we can go 7x10x. 40x 200x and doubles yummy. are you ready boys and girls.

200x right here right on the course. three to come on no why did you do that. now well we can do better right look at. the cornflake first one was two eggs and. 15x maybe pachinko gets the same thing. right sometimes alone. good luck. hey lbk sweetie talk to the casino. support they might help you out with the. issue. we've got to number five this time. something there's ours of pink. my cat wants to 3 400 players player 1. brahma and emma made the most. good job. batting time is open tick tock tick tock. what's this 265 no no no honey you. cannot share your personal contact. information it's a phone number clearly. it's forbidden illegal in this chat the. chat police will come woo woo. two eggs and crazy time hi maxine. greetings to you the biggest one today. was 500 eggs oh my guns are better. so. can we make it to the cash under.

can we make it here come on baby real. close we got the number one. you

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