12.05.2024 FULL MATCH — Rey Mysterio & Dominik Mysterio vs. Logan Paul & The Miz: WrestleMania 38

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Miz and Logan Paul are about to become the most successful crossover stars ever in this business. >> A teamwork already from Logan Paul from the outside >> A diversion, a diversion early on, Jimmy, to distract Rey Mysterio. >> Look at the million dollar smile on the face of Logan Paul. >> Yeah, tag him in, tag him in. >> Here we go. >> Yes. >> Now we'll have to see what Logan Paul can do. >> Alice gets some questions answered. >> Against a helpless Rey Mysterio, going after the ribs. >> Yeah, with the assist of The Miz. >> Think about all the things that Logan Paul has said about Rey Mysterio, making fun of him, his heritage, his size, claiming he's gonna dominate.

>> No such thing occurred, Logan Paul has a healthy respect for everything Rey Mysterio has accomplished, it's Rey's disrespectful son, Dominik, whoa! >> >> A split but at exactly the wrong time. >> Whoa, is right. >> And wisely tagging out. >> Hurricanrana into the Mysterio corner, this doesn't fare well for The Miz. >> Dominik Mysterio, the legal competitor now. >> Beautiful teamwork from The Mysterios, this is what you have to be ready for. And is The Miz ready? Cover, near fall, but a kick out right after one. >> And the tag team continuity of Rey and Dominik Mysterio are gonna play a crucial role in this matchup.

We know they have it, we don't know the same about The Miz and Logan Paul. >> And also the>> Wow! >> Moonsault, and in comes Logan Paul, big right hand, nice counter. >> Tremendous athleticism being displayed by Dominik Mysterio in the early moments of this matchup. >> Look at this, two for one special by Dominik. >> Sensational offense. >> Right now The Mysterios are absolutely rolling, courtesy of Dominik, Corey. >> A lot, Dominik not done yet. >> Taking out The Miz. >> Rough landing for Dominik as well. >> With a team like The Miz and Logan Paul, confidence so huge, they've been bragging for months.

But when things aren't going their way, can they write this >> Well, this is what happens, you see The Miz rolling out the others! >> Miz is always a step ahead of the opposition. >> Yeah, did you see Logan Paul get a cheap shot in on Dominik? >> I was watching Miz. >> I'm sure you were. >> Just like the referee, distractions like this, it's The Miz's specialty. >> Yeah, let's show you exactly what happened since you did not see Corey. Dominik Mysterio's back was turned, blade and cheap shot by the illegal competitor in this match, mind you, in Logan Paul. >> Well, Saxton, you've never been in a fight.

But number one rule is you never turn your back on the opposition, no matter how many of them there are. >> Yeah, The Miz and Logan Paul trying to get momentum back in their favor, they have Dominik right where they want him. >> Look at the power of Logan Paul. >> Bearing down Rey Mysterio. >> Wow! >> Beautiful slam. >> Bulldog esque powerslam. >> To the cover, hook to the leg, kick out by Dominik. But Logan Paul picking it up quickly. >> This is pure talent on display for the entire WWE Universe to enjoy. >> Yeah, this is where the inexperience comes in, Logan Paul is wasting time jaw jacking with Rey Mysterio.

>> Logan Paul was simply showing Rey Mysterio how fast Logan's hands are, that was a warning, that was not wasted time. >> Yeah. >> 15th state in Ohio in amateur wrestling, does have a good takedown, does have an excellent double leg, and we're seeing that. Now we're seeing the teamwork, he has learned from The Miz. >> Has to get out of the way. >> Cover by The Miz. >> One, two. >> Out before three, but a little bit slower with that kickout was Dominik. >> Dominik instinctively reaching but a long ways away from tagging in his father, Rey Mysterio. >> The Miz always trying to prove a point, twotime Grand Slam Champion.

He always says, I feel disrespected, he always wants a little bit more from the WWE Universe. >> You say disrespect, Jimmy, I say this comes down to jealousy, it was jealousy that The Miz had because of all the adulation that Rey Mysterio receives from the WWE Universe. >> Backslide all the way down, doesn't quite get him, kick out before three. >> Saxton, your nonsense is downright sickening, how many movies has Rey Mysterio starred in? How many times has Rey Mysterio spent days upon days trending on social media, how many followers does Rey Mysterio have on TikTok? >> You're right, it's shocking that The Miz would be jealous, but just because, to break it down, Rey was on a cover of 2K22, The Miz could not digest that.

>> Logan Paul learning to talk like The Miz and learning to fly like him as well. >> A blockbuster>> Wow! >> From The Megastar. >> To the cover, one, two. >> And listen>> And later with the kick out. >> I think at this point in the matchup, after we look back again at the tremendous athleticism, Dominik Mysterio knows that he's outmatched. Dominik knows that this match is basically over, Dominik's just trying to get his follower count up by being in the ring with Logan Paul. >> Dominik Mysterio couldn't care less about followers, as a tag is made to The Miz. Dominik Mysterio trying to desperately find a way, to your point, to make a tag to Rey Mysterio.

>> And once again, excellent teamwork between The Miz and Logan Paul, quick tags, hot tags, keeping Dominik in the correct corner, and moves like this. >> Yeah, cutting corners, Logan Paul has learned from the best in The Miz. >> This is brilliant, that is called being wise beyond your years, Logan Paul saw an opening, an opportunity, and capitalized. >> An opportunity to cheat. >> Who cares, Saxton? This is the grandest stage of them all, all that matters is the W at the end of the night. >> Right now, energy and momentum on the side of The Miz and Logan Paul. Good shot by Dominik Mysterio, trying to fight his way out of the corner.

>> Everything that can move right now is Dominik, Tornado DDT. And Dominik Mysterio has an opening. >> Yeah, but he has to get to his corner, he has to do it quickly, Rey Mysterio so fired up. >> >> The WWE Universe in support of Dominik Mysterio, who's almost there. >> 70,000 plus cheering, and he gets there, Rey Mysterio one on one against The Miz, flying Hurricanrana. >> This is what Miz wanted to avoid, having to interact with the greatest Luchador of all time. And right now, Rey Mysterio beginning to roll. >> It's about family, it's about his Lucha Libre heritage, Rey Mysterio has to prove a point right now against The Miz.

>> Have you steal my mask, you're gonna pay. Sunset flip rolls right through into the kick, straight to the jaw. >> No. >> This might it. >> One, two. >> Kick out by The Miz, but his eyes are not clear, gentlemen. >> Miz may be on dream street at the moment, but Miz is exponentially closer to his own corner than Rey is. >> Yeah, but this is the point of the match where, if you're The Miz, you might question whether or not it's a wise choice to tag Logan Paul back in. >> To the cover, shoulders down, just in time is Logan Paul, that might have been it. >> Take a look at the action moments ago, Miz looking for a Sunset flip, but bang, kick right on the ear.

But at the top of your screen, Logan Paul and the A Lister back in control of Rey Mysterio. >> When it's been a double team, it has been Logan Paul and The Miz working together. >> No. >> Inside Cradle. >> Shoulders down. >> Miz narrowly escaping embarrassment in the Showcase of the Immortals. >> Beautiful cradle, beautiful counter. >> Uhoh! >> Set up perfectly. >> Here we go. >> No, no. >> Counter to the 619 to the Tornado DDT, cover. >> Is that a no? >> Not quite, fight still left in The Miz. >> How much fight is left in the Miz? >> Saw a look of frustration in the eyes of Rey Mysterio. Rey slowly beginning to realize this is essentially, a 2 on 1 Handicap match, because Dominik's been basically a nonfactor, let's be honest here.

>> What match are you watching, Corey? >> Frustration, exhaustion, they're becoming the enemy right now for both teams. Beautiful suplex. >> Yeah. >> A little throw back, a little homage. >> The Three Amigos being delivered by Rey on behalf of Eddie Guerrero. But Miz out the back door. >> Miz, the veteran, knew that was coming, had the counter in mind. >> And Miz just tagged in Logan Paul. >> Smart decision bringing in the fresher athlete. Dominik, out of harm's way. >> Nasty boot delivered by Paul. >> Logan Paul has taken his time in these matches at certain points, maybe he could put it away.

>> Yeah, I said that earlier, Jimmy, crucial time being wasted again by Paul. >> Logan Paul is simply enjoying his moment in the spotlight, how can you not be impressed with Logan Paul's performance? >> Impressive suplex. >> And Logan Paul. >> Wow, wow! >> The disrespect continues. >> As to adding insult to injury. >> Logan Paul looking for Three Amigos of his own. >> And he pulls it off. >> Logan Paul with The Three Amigos, and that might have been the dagger to Rey Mysterio. >> Impressive strength, impressive athleticism from Logan Paul. >> Logan Paul looks right at home right now. The bright lights of WrestleMania, perched gracefully on the top rope.

Here comes Logan Paul, looking to end>> >> And he lands it, one, two! >> Whoa! >> Out of absolutely nowhere, Dominik Mysterio. >> We were about a 10th of a second away from Dallas, Texas chanting, viva la Logan, the Frog Splash expertly executed. And Dominik looking to take advantage of the situation. >> Not finished yet, going through the ropes, taking out The Miz. >> This match rolls on, Dominik Mysterio setting his sights on Logan Paul. >> Ready to go toe to toe, Logan Paul not having it. >> No. >> Right into the legs of Rey Mysterio. >> It was a trap. >> Logan was in this position Monday Night, this time are we gonna see it? >> 619 right to the face of Logan Paul.

>> Dominik wasting no time, gonna show him how it's done, Frog Splash from the top. >> That's just one, get ready for number two, there it is. >> But Miz tagged himself in, Miz is now legal, slamming Dominik onto Rey. >> SkullCrushing Finale, what a turn around. >> Wait, wait>> One, two, three. >> >> Here are your winners, the team of Logan Paul and The Miz. >> They did it, they did it, I knew they'd do it, we all knew Logan Paul and The Miz would do it, these two might be the next Tag Team Champions. >> I can't say we all knew it, but>> No, we didn't. >> An impressive performance by The Miz and Logan Paul, that's undeniable.

>> I am in complete disbelief right now, I cannot believe that The Miz and. Logan Paul have defeated The Mysterios.. >> Believe it, Saxon, it just happened before our very eyes,. this calls for a celebration.. >> On the biggest stage of them all, The Miz. >> . >> Wait a minute.. >> What the!. >> SkullCrushing Finale.. >> Miz, how could you?. >> What was that for?. Now I'm really confused.

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