12.05.2024 Overview of a Wireless Meter Reading System

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Foreign. Koontz the CEO of sub meter Solutions. and today we want to talk about Wireless. meter reading systems that actually has. become one of the most important. components of any good metering system. and so we wanted to just share some of. the specifics about how meter the. wireless systems work how they integrate. with meters and what you can expect so. I've got some samples today and we'll. just kind of walk through this I guess. the first thing to mention about these. Wireless meter reading systems is that. this is not new technology it's been. around 30 years in this industry it's. very mature it's extremely reliable so a. lot of times when you hear Wireless you. go we don't want anything to do with. that but no this is really quite sound. and very reliable and what I've got in. my hand here is a typical water meter.

That we use in submittering this one is. designed for like an apartment building. and you'll notice here that it's just a. standard water mirror with the register. but it has this. electronic output pulse wire in this. case that's coming out of the meter and. so with all the meters that we sell at. sub meter Solutions whether it's water. gas or electric it's going to have that. electronic output so with a wireless. meter reading system what we will do is. connect with that wire to the. transceiver which is the first component. in a wireless meter reading system so. let me tell you a little more about this. transceiver it is battery powered it's. got a lithium battery that's got a 7 to. 10 year life on it so it's not something. that's going to die and or need to be. replaced anytime soon. and the the transceiver talks both.

Directions it is a low power wireless. system according to the FCC so it it. meets all of the standards that the. government puts out for these types of. systems and a lot of times we get asked. well is it WiFi is it zigbee no it's. none of that it's a proprietary 900. megahertz wireless signal why 900. megahertz well actually is a great. um frequency to use because it's got a. good range but more than that it. penetrates walls and other objects uh. quite quite successfully so it's a. really good frequency to use it's all. proprietary it's not going to interfere. with any other Wireless Systems that you. have throughout the building or even the. neighborhood. the transceiver then is attached to. every single meter and think about that. that means that that water meter or. electric or gas meter can be installed. anywhere in the property that could be.

Under in the bay basement it could be. next to the hot water heater where the. connections are the most convenient no. one ever has to get eyeballs on the. meter itself you can bury this in the. ceiling you only need to be able to. access it if it needs to be serviced or. the battery needs to be changed in a few. years. so that signal is going to send it send. its signal back the transceiver is going. to send the signal back to the system. Gateway and this is going to be. installed one place on the property and. this Gateway is going to require just a. standard wall outlet to power it and. then it's also going to need to be. connected to the internet and that can. be connected via the an ethernet port it. can be connected via the WiFi it even. can be connected in this case on the. next Century system using their.

Integrated cellular. option so there's an extra monthly fee. for that but it's super convenient it. can be turned on and off as necessary so. that Gateway collects the data from all. of these transceivers throughout the. building it stores and then pushes that. data up to a Cloud Server now if the. building is big enough that uh it's that. those signals from each transceiver are. too far away to get to the gateway then. we can also install additional system. repeaters these repeaters are also line. powered with a plugin outlet. and they can go anywhere and they will. boost the signal from the transceiver to. the Gateway and we like to think that if. you have a building that's got roughly. 60 plus meter points you're probably. going to start needing to see a repeater. maybe it's more than three levels high. or there's multiple buildings and the.

Point there is contact sub meter. Solutions and give us some information. about yours your properties layout and. we're going to give you a really good. accurate assessment on if you need. repeaters and how many and where they. should go so those are some of the. basics about the components this. particular. device is the Outdoor version of Next. Century system so this is um. ip68 rated waterproof they can go. outdoors and it also has a replaceable. battery. a little more about the system itself. when that data gets up to the cloud that. means it's accessible by us by you the. client that means that we can see the. system Health Online with webbased. software we can read the meter reads of. course we can that stores that data so. we can see what the reading was three. weeks ago or three months ago or if it's. been online long enough three years ago.

lots of data there the system alerts. tell us very practical things like. suspected leakage if you have a toilet. flapper that's running a low battery. alert low usage there's a lot of other. really really helpful alerts that the. system offers as well so that's a little. bit about Wireless Systems for meters we. have literally installed since 2008. thousands of these and so we understand. them very well we're highlighting next. Century today but we've got other. products we are experts at looking at. your property unique situation and we're. going to build out and suggest for you. the exact right equipment that's going. to work the best for you so give us a. call contact us let some of our sales. team put together a proposal that fits. your property exactly thank you

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