12.05.2024 WHAT A SUGAR RUSH! 82x Line Win

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What's up guys so a couple days ago we. played another uh sweet Bonanza game and. today we're playing sugar rush because I. knew there was another one out there too. uh so let's see how how well we do today. we're starting with 4,800 on chumba. let's go uh 20 a. spin 20 sweep staks coins a spin these. need to be in groups whereas the one a. couple days ago was like. scatter all right so you can see we're. like filling up our candy jar over here. on the left ins. side o multipliers in play yes we love. multipliers. okay big multipliers up there too 198. 195 there was an 8X there so the more. you win in the same spot the bet uh so. hot uh in the bonus watch out it's like. the best thing that ever happened to you. so we're starting at 20th spin it goes. up pretty high after. that. rude so after you get one look behind.

Those six Bears right you can see an an. invisible wrapper that's where the. multipliers will appear the next time. man the next time something goes off I. think we need four scatter symbols for. the. bonus one of those games so. rude like who decided four everyone. knows it's always three why would you do. that to us that's. rude all right got to get five of a kind. or more not diagonal left or right uh. top and bottom that's. it come on a lot of. fours a lot of. twos there you go. beautiful H oh wow wrap it up baby come. on. dar. so if you if you fill this whole thing. up I don't know what that means do you. get something what else you get. something's got to happen do you just. get the bonus automatically maybe cuz. that'll be. hot one more and we filled it up that's. all I know actually we must have filled. it up last time right probably nothing.

Happens. L of Buttercup me me. no those hearts remind me there used to. be a heart candy that was like a gummy. candy when I was a kid I love that one. so. good I do have that sweet. tooth come. on. not hitting much right now in for about. 300. nope haven't seen one of those in a. while come. on all right I'm going to raise it up to. 50 150 % up let's do. better yes more purples. please. rude got to take advantage of all those. beautiful. multipliers and get that scatter. bonus a lot of Duds a lot of Duds there. we. go. rappers okay rappers get it mother could. have been good there could have been. good I didn't even see what we won in a. total hope he was a win I don't know you. never know you never. know good we got our 50 back oh and we. made a profit look at. that R all. right can you rapid. fire hear little squeak. noise.

20 oh yeah. and we're in for a th000 already. here here's another one. yep and give me more of those pink. things. a oh pink pink pink pink man I saw his. pink things lining up very close 102 we. got a. win. sinqua hard to get that bonus. huh okay. and still not getting. them one of our first spins out all. those multipliers right let's do that. again again ooh that's pretty here's. some multipliers coming in now line it. up yeah good ooh that's hot and darn it. 250 okay finally got a good. one sexy multiplayers huh just got to. get to that bonus that is where the. multipliers are hot to. trot. okay. rib good give me a red gummy right there. red oh that works too now give me a red. gummy right there oh that works too oo. 375 red gumy right there oh it's right. there darn it all right 587 there that. was. hot now what's the what's the spin.

Amount above that it's 100 200 and 500. I'm going to do a couple out of 100 just. cuz oh my gosh just drop three more. scatters come on give me. one. that's it down. there all right one more at. 100 rude. 50 do it I'm going to double check I'm. pretty sure it's four maybe it's three. cuz we've never seen three before that. is not the button I. wanted where I me this is the one I want. scatter symbol yeah we know that. thanks hit three four five 6 or seven so. you only need three damn a lot of close. calls then I guess it's cuz the sweet. banan we played the other day was. four multipliers are. active doesn't matter 85. though and. for500 drop it in drop it. in it's no wonder I'm not sitting here. eating candy right. now let's try some turbo spins here it. goes ah. oh that's. pretty o ants. ah 75 ooh 50 come on do it multipliers.

Hit. It N. 175 this this feel good music you just. want to curl up and eat. candy. oh that's that's going to be a hit. yep more. stars yeah multipliers on the board. that's a good one more oh so close keep. me alive all right. 487 love those when they go like crazy. like that that's the. best more jelly beans no. okay we're going to get the red ones now. there we go multipliers but nothing's. lining up. R turbo. again this goes so fast come on one off. of the. Bonus Goes way too fast nice line it. up yeah okay line it up some more darn. you 250 that's where it counts man I. think the biggest number we've hit is 8x. I don't even know if we hit it we just. saw it. though. pretty. it always looks like I'm going to hit. something but just. off come on scatter we got to get one. bonus right let's try a turbo again I. got to get.

There this goes too. fast H. painful two more scattered. Bam. Bam all right we're down 2500 now. scha. I don't like going below 2,000 here come. on. scatter it only. takes three. scatters there's. one haven't had a hit in a long time or. at least a. win there's. five and. no. n okay. 10. well oh boy too more. scatters I'm being oh my mother I'm. being so patient here too like a good. boy now give me a. candy scatter candy. please what we got. Reds yes we do. now. well you know what I might. do I might do nothing cuz we're winning. now all of a. sudden yes bring all your. friends chaa. chaa and yes. and we got it. and we got it again 40 go go go go go go. we got it. again 128 there oh my. gosh. wo guys are you for. real oh my mother that was. legitimately my last spin at 50 I was. dropping. it what just happened oh my my. gosh I would call that Sensational that.

was you. know. wow are you kidding me do you realize. we're back at even now we're like down. 100 or. whatever what the heck would. happen guys they went up to 130. something where right was it 120. something. that was. Heaven now imagine that in the bonus cuz. those numbers keep growing in the. bonus oh just give it to me right. now we just we're going to do a couple. backup spins now and we are out baby we. are out damn that was. hot all right we'll. do. all right we'll do three more spins. one. yes. two and last spin on sugar Raj chumba. Casino good luck to you guys uh if you. haven't signed up yet get on and get. those freeze Hoops coins and gold coins. and have some fun we'll see you next. time. bye

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