12.05.2024 DROPPING 1,000 BALLS ON STAKE PLINKO.. profit

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9 months ago we took $1,000 we dropped. 1,000 plink bbls we made profit I did. the same thing 5 months ago I took. $2,500 and again we made profit ladies. and gentlemen welcome back we're taking. $5,000 to stake Plinko we're going to. see what we can turn this into by. dropping 1,000 Bulls let's go real quick. before we start if you want to check out. steak and get access to the VIP system. click on this guy over here go to. settings go down to offers and type the. code quick timing within the first 24. hours after signing up you'll get. instant access to the rback system which. will give you money back on every single. bet you place okay let's get into the. video boys we're just coming off the. back of that $10,000 deposit I've now. got 5K in the balance so I'm hoping this. video goes well we're going to start out.

By dropping some $15 balls we've. obviously got a lot more than usual in. today's video because I want to see how. much we can make with this balance. dropping 1,000 plinker balls on high. risk 16 rows however if this starts to. go really bad and we lose a lot of money. guys we are going to change this to 14. rows let's start this up in three 2 1. the first couple of bulls are now in. we're just going to spam a bunch of. these that one on the left actually has. some potential 26x is in right away. ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness that. is the dream star. $399 profit thank you very much one. thing we're going to have to do is. enable space bar because we've got a lot. of balls to drop today hot Keys hot Keys. enabled let's go we're going to be using. the stats over here to keep an eye on. how many we've dropped we've dropped a.

Total of six so far okay let's really. get this going now what a fantastic. start to the video a 26x which was. looking like a 130x momentarily couple. of 4xs there not too bad wow look how. fast it goes down when you drop that. many at once we're down to. $5,100 now this one on the left oh it. was going it was going out for a second. maybe a 9x we'll take the 2x man high. risk 16 rows is unbelievably risky guys. look at that we were in a decent amount. of profit we're still in profit but uh. definitely not as much as we were in a. couple of seconds ago okay we've dropped. the next 20 30 plink Ables if we somehow. see a 1,000x in this YouTube video we're. stopping the YouTube video we're not. doing no oh oh man just keeps scaring me. we're not doing the 1,000 uh Plinko. challenge we're just going to get the. 1,000x get out of here cash it out that.

Way we can recover the 10K we just lost. about 2 days ago $5,000 in the balance. we're doing fairly well so far but I. don't think we've even done 150 Plinko. Let's uh let's find out we've done oh. we've actually done 200 that's way more. than I expected considering we start. with 5.5 I would say we're doing fairly. well and because of that guys I'm going. to increase re this once we reach 300. plinker balls 26x I missed it I wasn't. even paying attention hopefully you guys. saw it 9x is in two 9xs yo boys that's. $6,000 we've dropped about 250 a little. bit less at this state so let's make it. official let's get to 300 and then we're. going to X to this increase it to. $30 this one left 26. again what guys I'm telling you I've. played PL so much you have probably seen. it on the channel this is not normal you.

Don't normally get this many 26 axes I'm. starting to wonder if there's a 1,000x. around the corner we're at 300 Bulls now. so I'm up to $30 per plinker. bll so uh we have to definitely keep an. eye on the balance here as there's a. good chance it's going to go down very. fast unless we keep hitting 26 x's in. which case we're going to be fine this. one on the left 4X okay we're going to. drop another. 25ish any of these have potential maybe. this one on the left maybe this one on. the left maybe on the left 9x we'll take. that 6.2k in the balance here comes the. next 50 again on the left maybe no the. right has more. potential we're doing okay so far on the. right please give me that 1,000x it's. about time as you guys know if you oh on. the. right bro wait on the right maybe a 26. 9x is in. if you guys saw the $10,000 YouTube.

Video you would know Plinko is not my. game we lost most of our money playing. Plinko maybe it wants to redeem itself. as things stand we're doing fairly well. maybe on the left a little 26 here. couple of 4x's we're somehow still at 6K. which is absolutely insane for highrisk. 16 rows this is not normal 9x is in good. 6.4k in the balance once these finish. dropping we're going to check how many. we have dropped we must be close to 1K. at this stage not oh man I was hoping to. hit the nine there let's check the stats. we've dropped guys we've dropped 500. plinker BS we're officially over the. halfway line and we're currently up. $1,000 wow I can't say I expected that. let me try something for the next 100. and only for the next 100 we're going to. drop $60 plinker BBL so once this. reaches 750 plinker we have to stop here.

We go baby the next 100 potential. potential of hitting $60,000 here never. say never even a3x would uh would be. crazy all right we're risking The Profit. doing this we're risking all the profit. doing this please please say that's a. 26 okay we are going down fairly fast. okay come on yes on the left guys if. you're enjoying the video and you want. to check out stake and get access to the. VIP rewards click on the guy in the top. right go over to settings go go to. offers and then in the top box if you. guys use the code quick timing within. the first 24 hours you guys will get. access to the VIP system you get money. back on every single bet you plays and. if it wasn't for you guys I would not be. able to do these videos with that being. said let's get back to it 26 we'll take. the nine we're still at $6,000 we must.

Be close to 100 at this stage we've. dropped quite a few 126x baby and we're. going to be at$ 7,000 here comes the. final few this will make it official 100. plinka ah Maybe 9 we'll take the four. where does that put us. 5,858 okay we're not quite at 750 yet so. we've got another 25 balls to drop and. then we are going back down we don't. want to risk all the profit here. dropping these 60s oh man that's looking. horrendous we got the 4ex but wow we. lost a lot doing that right back to 30s. we go obviously if we hit it with a 30. that's still huge $30,000 win on the. right 9x is in I'll happily take that. let's get this back to 6,000. call the YouTube video there we're not. far away the stage on the right 26 oh we. just missed the 26 after these are are. done we're going to see how many we're. at we must be close to 1K on the left.

Yes 26 is in not quite the 130 but that. gets us up to 6.7k guys 658 profit this. is not right we're not in 600 there's no. way this this is broken we started with. 5,300 5,400 we're definitely up over. $1,000 that's for sure and it looks like. this counter here is broken let's drop a. few more and hopefully it fixes itself. and hopefully it updates maybe. 658 no okay well it's it's still broken. clearly guys I did not think this video. would go so well high risk 16 rows. normally Burns a hole in your wallet 175. 51 we're almost there I'm going to drop. a few more 60s please give me that. 1,000x biggest win ever if it. happens oh man that was that was brutal. we lost a lot doing that we'll drop a. few more and we'll go back down to $30. since it seems like $30 pays the most as. of right. now okay little 4X okay let's go back.

Down to 30 and let's finish this off. once and for all with hopefully a. 130x or a 1,000x that would also be. great but regardless as things stand. we're doing really really really well. come on little. 13x make this the most profitable. 1,000 video we've done so far Lee some. of these balls have. potential they're going absolutely. nowhere good thing we're not doing 60s. uh still otherwise we'd be down a lot. more wow these are all really bad we. haven't seen a 26 for a while or a 9x. maybe it's on the way hopefully it is. because we've just gone down a serious. amount the last few minutes here maybe. this oh 26 is in Just What We Needed can. we get one more we'll take the 4X we're. back to 5.5. now on the left this one on the left has. huge potential but uh it's letting us. down on the right on the right look at.

This one on the right please. 4X once these finish dropping we're. going to check how many plinker balls. we're at we're definitely very close to. finishing. this okay the last view we in we may. have already done it we're going to find. out here in a. moment for Rex okay oh well well we. still have another 170 180 to go I guess. well let's just hope this picks up I'm. getting a little bit concerned with how. many misses we're getting we're going to. need to hit quite a few 26s we peaked at. 6.7k in this YouTube video I would love. to get back there but in order to do. that we're going to have to get quite a. few 26 XS or a. 130x 9x is in fantastic $44,000 in the. balance let me go up to 60 for a few. going to take a huge risk doing this all. it takes is 2 26 x's on 60 and we are. back okay a few more 60s coming in right.

Now these are all looking rough maybe no. 4X we'll go up to 60 for a couple more. unless we get something huge it's. looking like we're going to lose a huge. amount in this YouTube video this one on. the left that's a 9x on a 60 okay we're. down to 3 what 3.4k please one of these. one of these surely it's going to do. something man it has gotten so dry all. of a sudden we were absolutely killing. it oh my goodness on the. right. okay we're just going crazy we must be. over 1,000 at this point we only had oh. 9x is in two 9xs is this the recovery. we've been chasing the whole video the. left the left yo 26x I a 9x getting us. back to 6.8k and that's it it's. official we went down 2.8k and then bang. all the way back up to plus 700 there's. no way man we started with 5.5 we're at. 6.8 6.9 is let's make this official.

let's make this $7,000 we're going to go. to dice real quick $25 on. dice okay go up to 50 that's a bit risky. o oh okay 100 good back down to 5050 up. to 100 again missing that okay 100 again. bro we're missing all the 100s right. down to 50 50 again up to 100 200 200. again back down to one bro we just can't. seem to win two in a row 200 nice 50 one. more done. $7,000 ladies and gentlemen thank you so. much for watching the YouTube video. we're walking away with the most we've. ever made recording uh one of these. YouTube challenges hopefully you guys. did enjoy it it was quite a crazy one. I'll catch you in the very next one have. a great rest of your day your boy is out. thank you for 30k boys what a crazy. number peace

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