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Nice little booster. nice let's go dude let's go hey nothing. forward two guys free literally. free one we love free ones. beautiful. free is the best price. there is. mom. come on 250X. I might be asked for a little much let's. ask for a 10 here everybody say 10.. 10x. oh twelve hey you know what I'm pretty. good. come on what's going on don't die on us. come on we got a great Pace here about. us great Pace beautiful Pace here on. Gates of the misleading gentlemen boys. and girls 24 Rex multiplier here on the. gates can we get a quarter. rings they're coming in come on oh yeah. Green me now green me hey that's gonna. pay Bang. come on. keep going. purple me come on perk me up yep bro. Remy. fisted baby oh yeah. yeah. instead of twisted. that's gonna hey. bang bang oh yeah baby. holy . ladies and gentlemen we've got a.

Squirter. come on. bring me. oh come on now. keep it coming. what about this. 152k and the cold man up to 230. 000.. let's go. yeah baby let's [ __ ] go guys. wow what a hit guys oh come on keep. hitting Reds come on down nice one Reds. come on down red red me oh yeah ring me. oh yeah red media oh baby that's gonna. pay oh yeah blueberry yellow now yellow. oh baby. it's red hot ladies and. gentlemen. wow. holy what a change of Revenge. fellas. we look like we were playing Coldplay. all night and now we're sitting here. rock and rolling to some AC DC. or some we're rolling here fellas. oh another bonus get me right in. right now. oh there's no way you could do it let's. go guys what a change of events here. holy smokes going for that Million. Dollar Dream here tonight Big Red made a. made a call. big red said. big red said to me he said hey tonight's.

Gonna be the night. I love having a big balance like this. fellas it's just so much opportunity. so much opportunity for me man. it's been in such a high amount here. literally man we are just we're just. we were just so close. what could be our first million dollar. night or at a quarter right now. come on. we gotta just try to stay on top here. man. this balance can go quick. nobody wants to blow it I don't want to. blow this balance you guys don't want to. see me blow this balance. just hope we can just keep Rising a. little bit because it's very blowable. when you're sitting here spinning 625. dollars a pop okay. with 20 more out of here. 20 turbos and we're out. love to see you one more time Gates but. if you're done you're done no worries. love to see you once more. we all would. oh. holy hey that's gonna [ __ ] pay.

Oh my God I don't know Mac bro how much. is that. new. holy Gates. oh my goodness bro. what the. we gotta give him 50 more brother what's. going on with this slot machine tonight. Gates of Olympus red hot can we get into. the bonus here we go. oh. holy smokes 20 more and it does that. Gates have been acting unusual all night. for us bro we saw 250X earlier today. come on Gates. oh she milk it all back please. wow guys. crazy hits man look at this look at. this. these for a few. oh do I make the decision to say hey. Gates I think you're done or do I keep. going here. it looks good I mean it paid for its own. spins I mean let's give it 30 more let's. get out of here I think. 30 more out. it's having a tough time bonusing it is. giving us great Basics though can't. complain about it I just don't want to. go too sour in a city or try to chase.

That big win again. okay Gates seriously. I'll tell you what give me a big win. here. come on. fish dip little fish come on let's get. that wild started here. beautiful. on fist again. I don't really like to but it's all. right it's a start start come on oh yeah. come on test again one more. yep you're gonna need to do another fish. here if you go ahead. okay we got a five so far. 4 700 not bad let's go let's keep going. come on. it's all right. okay it's all right Gates it's you did. you did more than your job. you did more than your job tonight it's. all good. okay if you get fished here it'd be. pretty nice. you get fished here in Gates. yeah. okay okay if you could fish right here. that would be very nice oh yes. oh yeah. oh yeah oh yeah. oh yeah. Mr holy . dude. what is going on. it pays for it. can we continue. we literally continue bro what the.

Man. holy man with all this fisting here. I'm gonna get gaped literally bro this. is crazy dude keep it rolling here. wow. seriously. keep goddamn going here man wow. you're rolling here. come on. get another one. beautiful. okay and we give it 20 more and then we. get out of here. what a run from Gates of Olympus father. said this is the end of it. want to run that was we haven't seen big. wins on gates in a very long time that. was very overdue. the most overdue you could ever be on a. slot machine. beautiful. there it is come on. nice let's go guys. dang get the up guys this could be. come on 500 bonuses don't sit down one. bit let's go come on. follow me yep yep come on Grape me now. beautiful. we'll take it I'm bad at all come on. keep going now. yep great me. ah good multi too bro. ice ice let's go. betrayed we'll take that.

Ah come on now go yep oh yeah oh yeah oh apples it's all right beautiful let's call 30gs we'll take it no problem yep come on bananas now oh yeah come on oh beautiful beautiful we'll take it guys we lost not to playing this slot machine so far let's keep it rolling pretty good buy a bonus for 50k guys buy one brother you buy a bonus for 50k you're a idiot come on let's go ew oh imagine buying this one for 50k yeah what the out here what hey come on now big you know what that's pretty good we'll take it we'll take it we'll take it yeah ah I will take it if we would have bought it for 50k we would have been down 20.

good thing we're spinning I thought us. no rushy no rush. foreign

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