12.05.2024 Our First Ever MAX WIN

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It is absolutely infuriating to play it. really is oh wow okay finally something. and they're all together we've never. seen the cell before and if an extra. here would be huge just to build that. motor was that in the pinks I think it. is nice but I got greens no blue and. then yeah nice look at that setup here. time seven on that right hand side there. we just need to match the coins that's. 10 spins we need to match in here please. one time matching ear just there is all. we need oh wow this could look well here. it is just exactly that look at all. these nails I just need you to hit don't. forget the uh the magnet thing now that. would be huge huge come on please just. one in any of these areas here is that. too much to ask oh it's here here and. it's done yeah it's more. please do it please do it yeah oh my God.

he did it. surely this is absolutely mental surely. oh my God that's Max win it's Max win. we've got first ever Max away yes. when I would have been 10 grand oh. that's not 10 grand oh my God our first. ever Max went our first ever Max win I. don't even care it's not a 20p our first. ever Max win. excellent and I said before this game. this is it this is the one we can get in. Mike's wedding on oh my God that's it. that's just done that Max win our first. ever back thread I'm absolutely buzzing. foreign

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