12.05.2024 *WOW* BIG WIN on Gates Of Olympus Slot!

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Yes profit town the link to our casino. offers will be below making sure you hit. that like button for me don't forget. subscribe if you're new go check all of. our offers links are down below we've. got some new offers for you but please. make sure you do that responsibly we've. got a big day tomorrow charity stream. we've got a special guest coming we're. not going to tell you anything about. tomorrow at all or we tell you we've got. a special guest i'm really excited about. it we're going to try and raise as much. money for charity as we can so make sure. you turn up tomorrow make sure you know. as well we don't start at 9am we're. starting at 12 tomorrow and running till. 12 midnight even if you're at work. you'll still get to come and see us in. the evening but we also do have the. highlights for the cherry stream being.

Edited up and they'll go up on saturday. night as a premiere should be good we're. going to have a lot of fun give us. twitter. oh we're in. one more. diamonds of the realm. god looks like you've rubbed gravy. granules over his chest. doesn't say maradona it says madonna. one more required thank you. they fire in on the first two levels and. then disappear. i'd let go of gravy on my chest what is. man gravy. all right so at least we've got extra. start now for the times 10.. yeah we've got nine spins at it. surely we can hit this for the first. time it looks like you've tied it in. gravy. come on. can we get there for the first time ever. be nice won't it that would be the dream. we need two more from three spins. i dare you. oh b8 man he's paid bloody nothing. oh it's just a fast as gamers. smash it there didn't he. yeah they didn't get to the top level.

Like you just can't get to the top level. it's impossible. is it though it feels it is it it feels. it three euro steak morning philippines. we got a bonus though yes let's stop. moaning that's why i'm not moaning why. should i'm speaking to the people no. because the people ask a question are. you the rock i am following mister i'm. used to having a good team. i would batter you. literally i don't care how good your. team is i would beat you at fifa and i'm. terrible. well after last start showing yeah you. wouldn't be you are crap. you won't beat me otter you can't beat. yourself. we are benji we're going after the. stream we are. hopefully we can play tennis so. apparently tennis court said. well i know apparently about it there is. that's it badass. i wouldn't happily play tennis i'm not. very good at it no same thing happens.

I'll unleash my inner radicanu. right same again look we have nine spins. we need six from nine spins come out it. gets me angry go okay. why are you shouting just chill out. the game will do what the game wants to. do. this game is still 800 times better than. mental. no it's not yeah it is i'm gonna prove. it today. four spins when he won. i don't believe in any way shape or form. if it doesn't i'm never playing it again. oh thank you. finally we hit the hundred now can we. get a win just chill at me. i'll do what it's going to do come on. just any winds straight your head again. where's the winds. where's the winds. still by the manhole good morning all. you beautiful people and gav. dave. thanks mate. means a lot. let's try it out oh joe played this last. week does it yeah i actually quite like. it. from what i saw of.

It of got a bumpers feel to it. yeah maybe. oh social levels active safety level. safety level activated. well. so one of them on the front would be. nice oh no it's just disappeared. we've got them little uh are they horses. goats. i'm not sure. not sure that looks like a hang glider. whatever that is yeah sammy that's. exactly what i do. morning paul. just chip running and jump on your bed. like it's christmas to wake up in the. morning guys i can just picture it. that's a nice bump on the mower honestly. if you jumped on my bed. i think the world would start spinning. for a. i'd be second. what's happening i don't know. oh times are 15. can we get a win then. access money mate oh we got the bells. yeah it definitely has that bombers feel. to it. yeah oh. and the blues. i mean you'd think that was was nice. morning nicole.

Dazzler. this game is great. good morning. please match up. i think that's top symbol. 1620. it's only on a 40piece day. so we need a purple on the front. all right it's all gone. daniel morning me that's ringing the. bell for four. elephants. elephants must be a big symbol mate. i've only played 12.. oh. well i was never going to put purple on. two was it. that would have been nice. obviously it cost 200.. oh he's gonna get spanked months later. as well if we're allowed on that tennis. court we're both going to be absolutely. hideous. i've played about 10 years and i'm not. i'm not just saying no i haven't played. i have genuinely not played for about 10. years maybe even longer we're going to. get back to where i was like what was. the score yesterday with like one nil. i'll let you play for four hours. yeah i can't imagine how bad i'll be.

Honestly yesterday we walked away dublin. and um. every time we did it i was just like wow. it was like oh wow. wow. he was devastated. come on then. i need one. you. 41 out of 42. yeah this is just died of. death as well it's never got a going has. it. let me our best mate just two thousand. what sucks they horrendously stopped. hope it improves oh we've got a grand on. here oh no i'm not having it. you can play this on your own no no no. no all right let's do some mental are. you forgetting last night's video we've. got a video coming out for you guys. you're gonna enjoy it on this game as. well i am wow. honestly when i go to sleep i see these. reels spinning who play it that much. i like the game all right allow me hands. up and i'll emit it. on mentor. i'd love to slot man love to but it's. not on the couple of casinos we're using.

At the moment i don't think. morning rich. oh dear i'm glad you enjoyed it jase. he's a max. razor sharp guys get that two thousand. five hundred coin be amazing dry razer. pound for pound the hardest punching. streamer on the tin to f. oh dear dear dear dear that's it. michelle yes. yeah i made some cool videos yesterday. didn't we actually yeah we had a good. day or something had a good day. there's some good stuff. coming out. even though someone told me that we. haven't got to do a lot this week. because jordan did load last week yeah i. just felt like i was uh now you got. bored and you wanted to play slots i. felt like i was in the mood to win big. yeah. on the flight over he's like we're gonna. have a nice chilled out we george helped. us out massively and done loads of. videos we can just do the stream chill.

Out. literally did our yesterday got in. come on then we're going to do some. videos i was like i'm going to kill you. what's saying that though when you got. you loved casual. no i wasn't afterwards. it was good. work until quarter past 11 at night last. night though. yes full of crap working like a camel. i hate it. hard laughing. hello. i think that's missed everything yeah. one more moving on. there we go one more. we saw a tattoo shop yesterday. we should go in and ask how much it is. for one more and wow yeah we should also. get him to tattoo some hair on your head. maybe a bit of a personality i don't. know. just thinking out loud no. i don't need a personality. one of my mates got some new hair. yesterday as well. who. oh yeah i saw the picture yeah. where did he have that done and he went. to knox and got it yeah.

It's getting a weird look scene in my. hair isn't it it is. it is morning johnny. who's the keyboard who's the. oh adam yeah there's been literally. monster wins left right and center in. the community at the moment but. we still just can't get that one can we. cheers naika. did you get a beer when you're out. yesterday i did have a few beers. yesterday yeah okay. all right please put a wild in here oh. that'd be lovely down the bottom. there we go there we go. love this game. that's gonna haunt me now isn't it. i said one thing when i'm hungover and. now i'm gonna be the guy that rips. everyone's jaw off because i'm odd. i can't rip a bag of crisps i can't. yeah you can. well i get snacky. oh dear. personality girls should get a tattoo of. a wet mop there. i love it we just sit here with people. rinses every day i enjoy it yeah.

Oh dear. i enjoyed the bonus box well well you. got a profit on that one so you know. what that means we can move on somewhere. else please god man. you gotta raise it we don't make profit. i'll leave it good to see you pal. chip check your twitter. i really wanted to say stop playing. mental. just one more every time i see chipmunks. with this headphones in i think of him. who the hell is that. that does look like you. it does. that's a lot of uh hearts. i'll tell you make out again but nature. beat me to it. i want me. that was good dave no multis at all. chip and gave love the daily vincent. keep it up chat. love to see it you're going to give us a. tour of the flat soon chip. johnny. yeah no johnny i did say before me. i don't understand johnny why you're. like just obsessed with seeing the flap. it's just a flatmate it's nothing.

Exciting. who's your lookalike uh brad pitt. he's armpit. i need to move my tv again today. like how we not got any motives. because. oh. okay start splitting all these up please. be wild just play them again keep. splitting. be the same thing get some more knives. out this should be decent. that big profit no i don't think it's. that much no there's nowhere near. how about buying a remember mission. right where's hill senior pictures of. some balcony. the chat is heaving this morning with. some new blood morning bph are you doing. bud so where is that yesterday oh yeah. he's crazy he's had a bit of a nosebleed. he's been randomly getting nosebleeds he. had some big lightweight tissue in his. mouth walking from the middle of dublin. by the way. with a big wad of tissue in his nose. oh. dirty sneaky get. dirty game. and uh.

He needed to sneeze but he didn't want. to sneeze because he oversaid this big. washi tissue and so i i can only really. describe the noises i don't even know. what it was what came out my mouth it. just fell out. i just went. that was exactly how it sounded as well. that's like you're right i didn't want. to sneeze it's the funniest thing i've. ever heard. someone stood in a squirrel it wasn't. like someone's surprised tickled me yeah. there's like 20 people now looking at us. and i'm walking around bear in mind i've. got a big wadge of tissue like stuck in. my nose and people who just look at me. like what is this guy it was weird just. eating my burger and then all of a. sudden i just looked down on my hand i. was like why am i why am i covered in. blood. i thought you ketchup on his lip i did. ask for not available.

Oh. yes. we bonus. i saw you snuck it up to five euros. yeah yeah. yeah. joanne. hello joanne. chip do you need one of the plastic beer. crates to put on. we got aces. come on then. here's a four. or we trigger. or a full screen thank you. wow tyler. wow. come on gang give us another four. or a ray trigger. was a three. wall slab money mate in the morning. are you in dublin today was lad oh you. think you said you are coming over. didn't you yeah that's where i got it. from darren. have where's your queens we're not we're. not really had a game to to play nice. balls last. show we're not in dublin today was lad. or whatever yeah we're in the church. yesterday you said hi. make sure you go to uh the living room. as well. it's just next to the um. oh next the holiday inn. it looks like a hotel from the front but. it's not charlie bowler thank you mate.

There's handsome bloke on the right oh. charlie what a beautiful human being. that guy is i mean i'm not that way. inclined but i was battering. me. that's really i'm five for eight and a. half mate. in heels. hi ben hey money mate. morning billy how you doing me. you are deceptively tall when people see. you everyone thinks you're a shortterm. everyone thinks i'm tiny i'm not. actually as short as everyone thinks. i'm not like sammy small. cheers lad enjoy me. all times twenties if that's. half an inch is important. you are sure wow michelle hi travis. how you doing mate. chip is as round as he is tall. damn thanks jace. well we've got a really nice little. one yellow of course it wasn't going to. drop in the yellow was it. that's a good start though. that's it lula. yeah we're now on a time 17 multi with. 11 spins left this is where the dead.

Spins come there. okay. keep saying it. this is where the dead spins go. the other pages will give you another. two what's the highest multi we've ever. had on this 43.. is it really funny yeah. morgan a couple of rings. oh let's drop one in as well couple of. rings i dare you. yes. this is going to be decent. the times 30 multiplier too far okay. sensational. that's it jimbo. don't do this game. that's another 11 on the multiplier. there. a couple of greens. this is really a big multi this is now. our smash that highest mortality. 33 yeah. just drop a multi oh yes. okay need a red come on drop a red in. thank you now a blue cup jolly thing. everything chalice. 441 for that this is poppin. and that's now our biggest ever. multiplier by a mile. comes 49. jesus. please match. anything. a massive win though huge massive win. profit town i got the 250x and the 500.

The base game wow did you wow. wow. starlight princess. yeah i feel about that actually i quite. like that game style like princess i do. greg he's got his usb he'll be happy now. five and. oh six. seven. oh. joe i'm going to buy a dead of a life 2. bonus next. are you. retro console repair good morning. 14 spins. mcfly. morning 14 spins okay fed all the way. over. it's beefy all the way over as well i. don't know three or four. you're so bad at reading the game aren't. you. well i'm telling you about. oh i know corndog. multi would be lovely. what happens to dublin stays in dublin. i've never boxed in my entire life i've. never even hit a punching bag. i'd probably miss. tom's stick around the end. he's already on the i know he is either. i was wanting another one oh okay. that's why yeah. yes. so much better than mental this is.

It's it's yeah i'd say it's better than. metal. what ain't the mulch though. i prefer horror though xrays hoarder i. just feel as though that game. consistently pays it seems fairer don't. tell what it's. yeah it's because it's 11 000 x max when. compared to yeah yeah the volatility of. this and the other games you could do. ones with this calf. jesus kate yeah i did stephen yeah i. sponsored it um i was one of the. sponsors for him. we'll do holder next. will we or we do dead or alive oh yes. dead or alive like i said yeah sorry. it's all right me i'll keep you in check. again. why is this 400 by. yeah. not 200 so you can start raging about. profit again oh we're a profit. there isn't a chance. yeah no. yesterday you were just like i know. that's as far as see if you took the. bait there but you did thank you but. we've got a bit of a multi going on.

There. which is nice. only changing for that dual bonus you. were playing yesterday i think that's. what he said we're gonna go next. oh. you dirty splitter. put it right on the end. no it's not time to stick to either or. anything. yeah we've got a long day tomorrow. what time we starting again 12 yeah. midday doing a 12 to 12.. never done that before. please put a time 6 on the end. where do i send my overtime. can you stay with that template for the. overtime yeah. yeah let me get these trains right. before you go down. ah the splitter ah. morning mark how you doing bud. i read that really quickly then i. thought it said taylor swift but it's. taylor smith. i guess you do sweet bananas and bonus. buy after this we're gonna do daryl live. two nights we're dead or alive too. i do like sweet bonanza if we can fit it. in we'll try and fit in.

Question is tomorrow how many times and. different meals is fabio going to. deliver. wait what's happening tomorrow tomorrow. charlie we're doing a 12hour charity. stream. from 12 to 12.. and try and raise as much money for. charity as we can. gonna be a fun. long day been such an underwhelming. bonus to say oh okay okay i've got the. doors where i guess i need your best. captain. good man charlie. good man we'll see you there. we've got an exercise bike now in the. apartment as well. i can't wait not to use that. look at it it looks like it's here. please put a time signal. never in a million a trillion years. there's a few splitters out there though. but still looking at anything. four give us four now yeah. ten megawatts no i found that ten. megaways it's all right but. yeah i played wanted uh dead or a wild. yesterday.

I like that game well do i ever go on. that again that's what you said you're. going on next not this one what's the. plan for it we've got a while i'm just. going to see what happens lulu we're. going to do a massive bonus on start. with and go from there. it's also going to be on the stream huh. hold on we'll see bless that nice chase. will we get to see band of miners. tomorrow then yeah i mean i mean i. imagine tomorrow. there will be i mean every game you can. imagine we're probably going to play a. plethora of games tomorrow see that. ether. that's a big word for you. yeah. ricardo morning me. uh on cash bonanza did we look for that. the other day look down here it's not. here sadly. yeah there's going to be lots we should. do a jackpot on tomorrow we could play. some japan games at some point. there's going to be a.

Lots of games played tomorrow. no bonus spice just all bonus hunts. well yeah the 5000 we're just gonna do. bonus uh abandon somewhere. so no mental. it's not on that side isn't it we're. gonna be down the other side. not saying that we're gonna have a bonus. by session at some point. that game will make you rich one day. i hope so. plus one earlier scott we're gonna go. through more today me. and then pick one. so i've just been told. oh yeah i four so we played they'll all. be played tomorrow. well we're gonna see what happens lulu. yeah we're only going to do one game at. a time here we've got 12 hours to get. through mate the no rush. uh yes choppa there is you'll find out. more details tomorrow. oh. okay. put a tail on kate's donkey i'm gonna. tell her i would. four to go. i mean i dare you. and now i'm disappointed.

Well nearly money back. we'll do one more and one move along. oh i'm going 5 000 you're a 1 euro. estate bonus on 65 bonuses saved i mean. that'd be nice. 60 plus would be great captain rise is. going to be an hour of mental tomorrow. they're not not while i'm starting the. chat tyler's just around this. no johnny not for a while wow tyler. thanks tyler i made my day that's me wow. yeah we could do a topless car wash. can't we. you got the tits for it. like a tugboat and a steamboat washing. washing a car it wouldn't be good nah. what about the reebok advert belly's. gone again. just been spotted boarding a plane to. dublin yeah yeah let's just buy one. just keep buying them yeah just keep. buying icebreakers super one three six. clearance and i got to the last 16 at. the wheelchair yes craig exactly that. means it was on my wow that's amazing.

Kyle. yeah i'm nowhere near that. nowhere near that. i joined the pool league for a laugh of. my mate. and just ended up winning it. what divisions turn around. same division as me. they split our league up. did he win his division he won his. division yeah he played. played ten one nine lost one. uh i played ten one ten. i only conceded 22 frames. best of 12 every year every match. so you know not best of 12. you. basically play 12 frames. yeah. so you could finish. or 12 mil purples. come on. this on a 20 20. yeah. that's letting me profit. four away. you've had enough for now you're just. going to spend an hour yeah. but guys i'll do it today we've got a. big day tomorrow don't forget we're not. live until 12 tomorrow so we'll be here. at nine o'clock sure i'll get plenty of. messages and nani i'm asking where we. are 12 o'clock tomorrow let's see how we.

get on hopefully we can do something. exciting we'll see you all then thanks. for watching thanks for watching as. always guys we'll see you tomorrow at. some point have a good day

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