12.05.2024 How to download 7z files

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hi guys it's King Workshop here today. I'll be showing you how to download 7z. files it's in two days sorry for the. sorry for the delay of Sky candle. 6 so let me see 7. Z so here's here are 7z. files. so so here's how you do here's how you. do. this so. so so hold on it remain and then remove. the 7even Z and change it to this 2.zip. and click U. zip and there we go here's another way. well you can just press it and then you. can share to. isip and then it can. download and then it can download a text. earlier so so just click. share and. then and then click to M own playround. or whatever here you go guys that's how. you download 7z files bye I'll see you. soon I'll see you. soon

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