12.05.2024 Crazy time big win today, Oh My God !! Oh My God !!

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You said. it let's. see 10x on crazy time let's go. now this oh wait let's update the. multiplies for that 10x stop almost. forgot about. that this game uses money and this game. can also make money for you use your. money wisely and remember this game is. for entertainment not for your main job. to make money. house owners here the first place in ch. be taking over home bye. guys hi guys Hello. darling how you doing guys yep indeed. let's think about the good sauce for in. unicor butterflies chocolates and. cookies and yes on on her coffee number. six guys oh yeah. cash count with 7x multiplier from the. beautiful ladies and gentlemen all. right ah yes ladies and gentlemen baby. yes. please let's go and Hunt some cash I. think this is the great way how to start. the session ladies and Gentlemen let's. see what we can get here okay we have.

Our multipliers Bud. weight how about this ladies and. gentlemen. 700 eggs as the highest multiplier. ladies and gentlemen yes we do have. 700 EGS in here so same as always. multipliers are hidden under these. symbols and every single one of you. going to have one shot at this one shot. to this side where do you think the. highest 700x multiplier is hiding at all. right decisions decisions. Darlings this is the amount of money. issued €. 67,8 like they are all so massive that I. have no idea where is the 700x but it is. somewhere okay like oh yes please is. ahuh €. 21,000 is the higher win yes please. congratulations with. that 7x. cash yes yes stormy. you ladies and gentlemen I got some very. very very good news we got that cash on. to 7x oh well. all right everybody what a amazing round. this is going to be you already know.

That so here's the W 1008 multiplayers. Max multi going to be 100 eggs but hold. up wait a minute we will make every. single one of them seven times bigger. how about that so 700 is the max look at. that. 375 we have everything on this well we. hide them and we mix them up keep in. mind multipliers are not not related. with the symbols all right all. right and when the sco will stop very. soon ladies and gentlemen this is your. time to shine you got that one shot one. opportunity take your sweet time if you. don't want to choose though you don't. have to our topic will take care of you. and we'll make that choice instead of. you I want to choose together with you. so all right this is intense I this is. the amount of money issued 900. 8,868 place. congratulations 270 of you got 700x and. in total we get. 9,140 winners Buffalo.

U7 however let's see what else we can. get for. you good. luck Forex on crazy time ketchup or Mayo. Mayo yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah crazy time. BLX from the top. slot let's. go this is how we do it right hello. every. bu okay a lot of doubles we got to get. to get them though right right right. right right so now let's slap that borax. on top let's quadruple this joined up. you. guys all. right and now it is your decision time. green blue yellow flapper if you can't. piing time I hope people do it for. you can John you look like a thumb. anyways mostly one for the blue flatform. multiply 400x good. luck this is the amount of money issued. 8589 185 okay 60 for of blue but 200 exp. for a green and yellow. 6,900 full winner is here. congratulations St winner over 30,000. EUR win for you I mean green team yellow. team did. good I was hoping go for some D passing.

The games but don't worry she'll be. there she'll be there uh 4X on PR time. but I I if anything I didn't s you. anything I'm kidding um you know so just. just wait for a bit but please please. tell Vincent I'm sorry. this is this is important wait oh yes. baby woo you guys are coming with me. come on let's. go see you around Roger thank you for. being here woo and we multiply. everything with a four. and so now it's time for you to pick. your flapper is it going to be the green. one blue one yellow one you choose and. if you can't choose well let IO pick. pick it for. you st next 400 let's go baby. oh. snap that green one got the 400x but. that's a. double all right guys top m f 800x let's. go. yes sorry for the yelling guys I'm just. so excited. wo top most. 5,600 let's go. this is the amount of money issued to. million to.

59,95783 Total winners wo top winner we. got €. 74,000 let's go. uhhuh uhhuh that's how we do it 400x on. not only the green Flopper but. also ah. beautiful beautiful 25 x r let's go 5300. winners compliments everybody 4,800 maos. 4400 crew. beautiful woo and let's do it again. uh you can of course play bets on. multiple segments at the same time. right all the bets are. closed uh PA X sign crazy. time. yum let's go. oh man we got a PO crazy time here. woo wo let's go guys this is going to be. big be big come on come on in come on. gang gang all righty guys all you got to. do now choose the flapper green blue or. yellow and. enjoy okay guys here we are let's see. what's going to happen you know what I. mean bam. there's a pretty little bubble for. yellow yellow this is all about you guys. we're doing this yeah good. luck this is the amount of money issued.

1,302. 49 that was a real nice pry thing. 400x also we got 100x there I think we. the 60x nice 6500 winners compliments. everybody top winner Paulo. okay and let's do it get a chance to. enjoy the hry play I'm from Bangladesh. oo Bangladesh actually Bangladesh is. quite a common answer good luck. especially C crazy time crazy time guys. for so I do believe that uh crazy time's. really popular in Bangladesh here hi. hello feeling good today no oh guys boom. sh a crazy time indeed is popular huh. four time top let's go let's. see well well well my sweet heart just. look at that we do have a b is crazy. time the most waited right but just not. a simple one we have four signs. multiplying three SP thanks to lovely. top every single multi right s increase. four times on the web is the wheel first. choose a fluffer green blue or yellow.

Which one you like worn out huh anyways. good luck guys multiplies around BBL. around chances for to G the maximum. which appli to be to 400. this is the amount of money issued. 6636. 28 a. 400x that was really intense guys. I was I'm out of breath I'm I'm scared. to see this also welcome you cers to. Crazy H pleas your best don't forget. about the auto play. option I wanted a d. guys the P was going everywhere to some. C time from the top slot okay maybe we. can cash another crazy. time I hope. so come on. reach. it I'm about bre to here no come on come. on come on please please please crazy. time two exop. slots okay let's. go and and welcome to the world's. biggest wheel in crazy time. okay decision time pick a fler green. blue or yellow which one you think will. get the highest multiplier most of your. choosing the blue flapper.

Okay highest multiplier 200x let's get. it this is the amount of money issued. 9,938 30 for green and yellow 200x. highest for the blue fluffer. welcome back L let's go for another. round hope a good. one car fastest don't wait the result in. monitor before you spin uh what. result what kind of result would would. I what result should I see I mean no. more best now best of luck everyone. let's see what we get I'm literally I'm. literally looking at the chat while I. spin so you know blue my sister. is um. blue is everything. okay well blue here we go crazy a time. to you know if you're going to be a dad. you need some money right let's. go and MCM well here's the money so. let's go at one to the crazy time. welcome everyone take CRA. time hope it's is going to be a good one. H doubl we have a. few and ladies and gentlemen we have a.

2X stop slot so double everything. up hope we get some more doubles for the. colors so for now ladies and gentlemen. pick your path pick your fate GR green. blue or yellow which one do you think. will take the lead today in crazy. time or can use the autop. pick so maximum PL is 200 XEL good luck. everyone and blue. wow this is the amount of money issued. 88,89 would you look at that 30X for the. yellow 50x for the green and 200x for. the blue oh blue going to need to buy a. new inhaler I think 2350 winners. congratulations to. all so welcome back well that was a good. one for the blue team 200x 63 Kil arm. you know and before I was only 59 I. gained weight you know so I had to go. back to gym. when I feel stress I gain weight easily. that's the problem even though I don't. eat food I gain weight very easily if I.

If I get the stress especially ex T. stress you know PR it out with a. 3X come on flapper can you please land. on land on crazy TI woohoo that's crazy. tie 3x top Flor woohoo let's go for. it. wow. is it's crazy time and let's. go welcome everyone 3x St off a crazy. time. and we are adding 3x to the whole wheel. and let's see the multiplier. now and there we go time to choose your. flapper green yellow and. do and most of the people are going for. the blue flapper and as you can see the. highest multiply is. 3x let's get 300 oh let's go for more. dou woohoo that a double for the green. flapper and 300X for the yellow flapper. woohoo let's go for the double. and now it's 600x the highest let's go. for one more double one more. double this is the amount of money. issued €. 334,000 45 got the. 300X forgot to turn off the.

Microphone meth. hello. wow wow that was quite a sneeze sorry. about that than you but I don't like the. episode 4 when me guy you know. what sorry going play with a. twox FY we didn't like episode four. though met the guy the guy with a beard. what guy the guy with a. beard coin. flip let's. go so we have the coin two signs a blue. BL a red. one aabra focus focus rocus and I get. those. multipliers. hello. all so we have three on the. red 100 on the blue let's how the two. from the top slot that's 600 Red and2. 200 blue the difference wow so please. hold your breath breaths in and let's. go this is the amount of money issued. 14043. €1 winners. 1,870 view. congratulations let's go bestan have Mr. Burns. Hing let's go now new round begin so. let's see some sweet times shall we come. on let's go. now and well what is it going to be now.

Come on bonus game next round well one. you head. it let's. see 10x on crazy time. no let me. believe. like Aaron you see you see what what's. going on. here oh Leon Lan you said bonus round. here we go bonus round is. here but yeah let's. go well ladies and gentlemen to see you. there welcome welcome ladies and. gentlemen crazy time is with us so let's. go oh thank you thank you darling but. yeah let's go. now this oh wait let's update the. multiplies for that 10x St I almost. forgot about. that let's make this fun and let's see. decision time green blue or the LA. ladies and gentlemen choose one grab one. good luck to all of you of. course let's go now well what do we have. here 2000x is the max let's get it. this is the amount of money issued €. 3627 200 for the green 500 for the blue. and the. LA well that's that I'm back ladies and.

Gentlemen congratulations Sal Min 11,500. total min and let's go let's keep it. going oh it was so close to that THX for. the. LA what let's see what's next if this. game uses money so be wise in using your. money pay attention to the meaning of. money money is a stock of assets that. can be immediately used to carry out. transactions apart from that money is. anything that can be used or received to. make payments for goods services or. debts money has one fundamental purpose. and the economic system to facilitate. the exchange of goods and services to. shorten the time and effort requir to. execute a trade money is an object that. can be approved by all levels of society. as a means of Exchange in trade the. definition of money is an acceptable. medium. used by every economic actor or money. market player to make transactions.

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