12.05.2024 Negan & Carl Talk At The Wall Of Alexandria ~ The Walking Dead 8x08

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Joke brought this on yourself Rick see I. was willing to work with you all you had. to do was follow a few very simple rules. now well now I see that you've got to go. scorched earth you dead he's not home. oh holy everybody hold your fire. it's calm look at you answering the door. like a big boy I am so proud daddy's not. home huh yeah I guess he's gonna get. back to a big old smokey surprise. family's Indian kids my little sister. that just breaks my heart there's. kids at the sanctuary you must have seen. him even had a little baby at one of the. outposts I wonder what happened to her. none of this shit's fair kid. hell you know that you had to kill your. own mom that is screwed up there go we. need someone in charge he's willing to. do whatever it takes to make sure that. doesn't happen oh wait that's me.

That stuff does happen well we can. figure this out we can stop this oh now. you want to talk see your dad had it. that I died no matter what they gave him. a people a choice not me. so now we're gonna need a new. understanding apologies. wanna kill me. what did you say if you have to kill. someone. there has to be punishment then kill me. I'm serious you want to die. no I don't. but I will it's good enough. myth if me dying could stop this we can. make things different for us for you. brothers are the kid to be worth mean. was this the plan. was it supposed to be this woman. is this who you want it to be. cars aren't gonna be enough tea we. should have the trucks Idaho just get. ready for cleanup. all began whoa let's get him got a calm. way out we're on them. little is that just a play I. thought we were having a movie you.

little move the word. you

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