12.05.2024 How to Start Investing in Share Market? How to Make Money from Stock Market Trading?

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Well, a few days ago, I get a phone call from a relative of mine . and on the phone he asks . me that Pushkar, how do you invest in the stock market? I also . have to invest some money. . How to invest money? So my first question to him was that why . do you have to invest . money in the stock market? Well, definitely I guided him. But . my question was very important. . It is possible that you are also new today and I will guide you . in such a way that you . do not know anything about the stock market. It is very important . to guide you from the . very beginning. So I will definitely guide you. I will also tell . you how you will make . profits from the stock market continuously. So this video will . be very useful for you. . Watch the video till the end. In fact, you can also share this . video with new people..

So when I got a call from my relative and the question was why . do you have to invest . in the stock market? Because I wanted to know what did he see, . what did he hear through . which he was attracted to the stock market. Did he see that someone . bought shares of a . company from here and the shares increased a lot and he made . a profit, so he also has . to invest money. Which shares to invest next time, he is also . going to ask me. And after . that, his expectation is that if someone's money is doubled, . tripled or quadrupled, then . something like this will happen to us. It is important to know. . It is also important . to know that if you want to invest in the stock market, you want . to take a step that . your money is doubled, tripled or quadrupled. Alright, nothing . wrong. After that, it is . possible that you have seen someone trading. Now on Facebook,.

On Instagram, we see a lot . of such videos, we see such posts where we see people's profits . that someone has a profit . of 4 lakhs, someone has a profit of 40 lakhs, someone has a profit . of 50 lakhs. Now we are . suddenly attracted. Now what people want is that we will become . a millionaire overnight . from the stock market. So that's why we want to take a step in . the stock market. Or you . have told a sensible person, why am I saying sensible, now I . will tell you the reason for . it. It is not that crores of rupees do not become from the stock . market. It is not that . money is not doubled, tripled, quadrupled. It happens. I will . tell you about it. But . what I am saying is sensible, that your main objective in the . stock market, what should . it be, a sensible person has guided you in detail, like we are.

Going to do in this video . today. So that's why you are going to take a step in the stock . market. There can be different . reasons. Now here we will start with this, that if you have heard . that someone has invested . money in someone's shares and the money has multiplied, it is . true. But there is my second . question, how much time did it double, how much time did it triple? . Time is very important. . The second thing you saw someone in the trade that he earned . a lot of money. So the question . is, is he earning continuously or earning one day? And the second . thing, how much money . did you invest that you made so much profit? You saw a profit . of 50 lakhs. How much did . he invest? Did he invest 10,000 rupees and earn 50 lakhs? Is . it possible? You will say . that we did not pay attention to this. So if you did not pay.

Attention, then by being . attracted, will you also get that much profit? Now what is the . sensible way? Let's understand . from the starting. See, the stock market, people think that money . is a printing machine. . There is a lot of money in the stock market. We have heard such . dialogues that the stock . market can quench the thirst of the whole of India. How can it . quench the thirst of the . whole country? Let's understand this. See what happens when you . have money in your hand. . You have money, so money loses its purchasing power continuously. . Today if you compare, . whatever you buy, in any field, five years ago the rate would . have been different. Today . the rate has changed, whether it is fruit or vegetable, whether . you see the rate of . petrol, whether you want to buy a motorcycle, whether you want.

To buy clothes, whether you . want to buy a mobile phone, the price of everything increases . and the purchasing power of money . decreases. This concept is called inflation. Now you have to . understand one thing that . to beat inflation, you do not have to keep the money together. . So saving is not right. . Investing is right. You should invest money. Where should you . invest? You should always . invest in assets. The definition of an asset is that an asset . is something which makes . you money, which brings money. Stocks are an asset for you. When . you invest in the stock . market, you invest in assets. You must have heard that the owner . of the company was once . owned by Steve Jobs. Apple company was started by Steve Jobs . and the company's owner was . fired one day. The owner of the company, that is, someone started.

The company, was fired. . How can this happen? This can happen because the real owner is . not a director, not a founder, . but a shareholder. So whoever has shares, he is the owner. So . if you buy shares in . a company, then you buy ownership right in it. Now the more shares . you have, the more . you have the right over that company. Now what does shares mean? . If you have bought . the ownership of the company, then if the company will earn a . profit in the future, . then you will benefit from that profit. How will it happen? The . company's valuation increases, . the company's market cap increases. You must have heard about . the market cap. The more . money the company is earning, the more the company is growing, . the more its market cap . is increasing. If the market cap is increasing, then shares,.

See market cap is nothing. How . many shares of the company and how much is the value of that . share. For example, the . company has 100,000 shares and the value of those 100,000 shares . is for example, the value . of one share is 100 rupees. So if the company has 100,000 shares . and the value is 100 rupees, . then the company's market cap will be of 1 crore. Similarly, . if the share is of 1000 . rupees, then the company's value is of 10 crores. If there are . 10 lakh shares and the . share is of 1000, then the company's value is of 100 crores. . In the same way, you have . seen that the company's value increases if the company grows. . So one is that the price . of your shares increases. If the price of shares increases, then . your money doubles . in the company, but its concept is very simple. Your money will.

Double when the company doubles. . The company's growth will double, the company's profit will double, . the company's revenue . will double. So the more the company grows, the more your money . will grow. Now how do . we believe that companies will grow. You consume many products . in daily use. You eat Domino's . pizza. You use Tata salt at home. You use a lot of Tata products. . You go to Reliance . Trends and shop. You get petrol. Let's say you get petrol from . Hindustan Petroleum. . In the same way, you use Airtel's connection for daily use. You . are using the internet . of Airtel. In the same way, you use many things in daily use. . We have to see that what we . are using and if we are satisfied with the service of a product . or a company, then is . that company Ltd. Is it a limited company? Can we buy its shares?.

If you want to invest . in shares, then your main concept should be that we have to beat . inflation and our money . should grow. So here comes the topic of investment. You can invest. . In the beginning, you can . invest in those companies that are fundamentally strong. In fact, . if you want to start an investment . and you are new, then you need a Demat account for it. Demat . means paperless, demetalized . through which you will buy stocks. Earlier people used to buy . on paper. Now everything . has been demetalized. You can buy stocks online. If you want . to open a Demat account, . then you can open it on Angelone. Your account is open for free . and its link is in the description . comment box. So first of all, open your Demat account. When the . Demat account opens, then . invest in some fundamentally strong companies. Now if you are.

Saying that I will invest in . fundamentally strong companies. I don't know if I am buying more . or less. I am new. Let's . say you have identified five companies. Anything can happen. . You have done example Reliance. . You have done Asian Paints. You have seen Ultratech Cement. Cement . is very good. I invest . in this share. You have seen that I apply coconut oil. Marico . company makes coconut . oil. I invest in it. You thought Nestle is a very good company. . It is growing. I invest . in it. Now you are investing. I will tell you one thing that . you should invest. Don't . think too much. Why? Whatever you want to invest, it is not a . big amount in the starting, . but you invest a good amount. You have invested. What will happen . with this? When your money . is spent, your psychology changes. As long as you were looking.

At the stock market from . a distance, you were outside, you will not understand anything. . When your money is spent, . you will start reading about it. You will also start knowing. . You will also start watching . videos. If the price goes up, you will understand why the price . is going up. It will come down. . I am assuming right now. You don't know anything, but according . to you, I am not saying too much, . but a good amount of you has been invested in shares. You have . invested. You have paid . more, you have paid less. What is going on now, what is not going . on, you don't know . anything. You are new, I am agreeing, but still you will see . everything increasing and decreasing. . After that, your learning will start. So what is the first step? . The first step is that . if I am investing in the share market, then I understand that.

I am investing for growth. . I have not reached trading yet, I will reach. So I am investing . for growth, to grow my money . and for that, because I want to learn, so if I want to learn . swimming, then I cannot learn . swimming with money. . into the water, I have just . invested in some companies' shares for which you can open a Demat . account. I have suggested . you to open an account on Angelone. I have also given the link . in the description comment . box. So this is your first step. Now what to do after this? The . second step is learning. 231

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can't invest in it. You have to get into the water. So to get . Now some people will say that you should learn when you have . not invested and after learning . you will invest. Now the first investment I made you was because . your interest was made..

Now you will open it and see. You will see that the investment . is going up and down. . What are the candlestick patterns? Gradually you will understand . a lot. What is fundamental . analysis? I have told you before that, I have suggested you to . invest some money because . your learning will be strong. As you learn, you will invest more . money yourself because . you earn every month. When you earn every month, then do we have . to invest once? We . can do it every month. So now what does it mean to say that you . have to learn? What to . learn? It is very confusing for people that what to learn in . the stock market and where . to learn from. Don't worry, I have made a playlist. Go to the . I button. You will see . a complete learning playlist for the share market in which I . have guided you step by . step. What is Nifty? What is Bank Nifty? What is Fundamental.

Analysis? What is PE ratio? . It seems very confusing. But even a child can understand. There . is a playlist made . for you in this language. So your learning will be strong. You . can go and see that playlist. . So now as your learning will be strong, your investing will also . be good accordingly. . Okay, here some people will have a question. What are these mutual . funds? What is SIP? . Everything you will see in that playlist, but you will have to . give time. So what is . the next step along with learning? Daily time. You want to grow . your money continuously. . You want to grow only once. If you want to grow continuously, . then you have to give daily . time to your learning. Whether you take half an hour a day or . 45 minutes a day. My suggestion . is that you take out 45 minutes of daily and learn something.

New and learn to grow money. . This is a very good topic. So you have to learn and give daily . time. In the stock market, . nothing will happen in a day, two days, one week, one month. . You will see the price going . up and down a little bit. Nothing will happen. When you are investing, . it is a game of compounding. . When you are investing, compounding works. Compounding means . that even if you are investing . 5000 or 2000 per month, it can also become crores. How will it . be? You will understand . it after giving some time. How will it become crores? What is . compounding? You will understand . it, but it can happen, but nothing can happen overnight. If you . have come to the stock market, . you want to earn money. I have not talked about trading yet because . I will talk about . it later. You can earn money by trading. It is not necessary.

That we have to do only . investment. If you want, you can choose trading to earn money, . but what is important here . is learning. Now trading is also a skill. You can learn it. You . can learn trading. . No one comes from his mother's womb. Everyone comes here and . learns. So today, whether it . is Warren Buffet or Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, everyone has learned . in this world. If you also have . a start today, then you can also earn a lot of money. It can . be learned, but remember . that nothing will happen overnight. It is important to stick . in the stock market. I . do not suggest trading to people at the beginning. I say that . you should invest first. You should . learn first. After that, when you feel confident, then you can . start trading with a small amount . of money, not a lot of money. In fact, you can trade paper before.

That because there . is a trick in trading. It works like an addiction because sometimes . you earn a lot of money . even by investing very little money, but you have to trade. There . are many things in trade. . You can do intraday, you can do swing trading, you can trade . in futures and options. What . you have to do is very important and you have to learn for it, . but nothing will happen in . a day or two. In fact, I tell you that nothing will happen in . a year. You have seen videos . on the internet, you have seen my playlist, you may have taken . courses, workshops, everything . has been taken. Ultimately, how much is your experience? The . time you will give to trade . will also count. So in the first year, in fact, I will say that . the first two years should . have a motive. I have to learn. If there is a loss, then it is.

A cost because in the stock . market, you earn money, it feels good, but when you lose money, . there is no hearing. . Every mistake is a punishment and the punishment is that there . will be a loss in real. Money . will go. Every time you make a mistake, your money will go and . every time you have taken . the right trade, money will come. But when money comes, there . is a lot of happiness, but . when it goes, it does not feel good, but it will go in the beginning. . So I am telling you clearly . that it may take 1 to 2 years for you to learn and start taking . experiences. Some people . will say that there is a lot of time, but you think when you . want to make something your . profession. A person wants to become an engineer, how many years . does he study, he wants to . become a doctor, how many years does he study, he also takes.

Experience after that by going . to the field, but as soon as you come from the stock market, . you want to earn lakhs . of rupees and are not ready to give time. I am telling you first . that this stock market . is not for you. In fact, you can leave by investing, you can . forget, your money will . increase. These are the basic things, but when you want to trade . and earn money, you . have to give time and finally, now I will recommend you one thing . which is very important. . There is no hurry in the stock market. If you are thinking that . everything will be great . in the stock market, then it is not like that. The stock market . is a game of patience. If . you are investing your money, you still need patience. If you . are trading, you still need . patience. If you do not have patience, you think I am not a patient.

Person, then do not . look at the stock market. There are many such people, but due . respect, they do not trade . in stocks, they trade in crypto because they think that the movement . is very fast. In . crypto, the price increases very quickly, it falls, there is . a lot of volatility, you . can trade. In the stock market, you need patience to make money. . If you do not have . patience, then do not look at the stock market. There are many . other applications in which . you can earn money by betting. There are such apps in the market, . so you can try it. I am . telling you clearly because this is not a betting market. This . is a stock market, it . is a share market. So there is a difference between a share market . and a betting market. . Many people have made the share market a betting market, which . is not right. So your mindset.

Should be clear that money is made by taking time, but money . is not made in haste. So . if you are new, what did I guide you, I will tell you. First . of all, this is a game of . patience. If you have patience, then enter or do not enter. The . second thing I guided . you here is that it will take time in trading. If you want to . earn money by trading, then . it may take 1 to 2 years in the market. If you are taking money, . then you will understand . that this was my learning fee. You can lose some money in the . beginning and it will happen. . Until you get experience, it will happen, but you have to assume . that this is my fee . to learn. The third thing I told you is that you have to give . time, you have to learn regularly . for learning. Whether you want to trade or want to invest, you . have to learn. In fact,.

Some people say that when we are investing, then what is the . need to learn so much. What . do you think Warren Buffet invests in so many companies throughout . the year. Did he invest . without learning? Did he invest without doing his research? You . have to give time. I told . you that you should pay attention to continuous learning. You . learn the stock market. You . can invest some money first because swimming is learned when . it is in the water and for . that I have recommended a playlist. You can learn for free. So . the videos in the playlist . will be very useful to you and finally I told you that to grow . money and to beat inflation, . you have to understand the stock market first and you have to . invest. I have recommended . you to open your Demat account, with which you can make some . investment in the starting.

And you see how you invest. Your interest will be made. You will . start learning in a . better way. So these were the starting points. If you are new, . then I hope you will like . this video. Today you must have got a starting roadmap that what . you have to do. What are . the baby steps you have to take and now it is a very big journey. . It is an art to earn . money and in fact it is a continuous journey. So we will be with . you continuously on this. . For that, you have to subscribe to this channel. You have to . click on the bell icon and if . you are watching us on Facebook, then follow us. I will see you . in the next video. If you . have any questions, you can ask in the comments and you can share . this video definitely with . your friends. If they are new and interested in the stock market, . then what all they can.

do and what should they understand by listening. I hope you will . understand and they will also . understand. So share this video. I will see you in the next video. . Till the time you go . selfmade.

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