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What's up guys how you guys doing today. what's going on my figure huh get ready. these caterpillars are you. looking at tutorial videos yeah. oh we got Church pizza where are. you going. of course to get beats at the. battleground I know it's like how do you. not eat it it's not a healthy breakfast. well it's actually not even preferences. one o'clock this is breakfast for me cuz. I just woke up. yeah the crust is like the best part so. I'm gonna steal the cross do I feel like. I'm really not eating as much let's see. if that works for me oh my god 500. pounds do not weigh 500 pounds well. let's play this or you feel like it I. feel like I'm fat so I don't know if you. guys remember but we found an actress. that looks like exactly like my mom it's. crazy and she found all these pictures. of her yeah she's like the darker.

Version of my mom I'm gonna show you. guys it's crazy looks like you and your. pissed off or something or like see. completely serious I can she's a mole. right there and I have one like right. there yeah that's crazy. like my mom's daily routine now is. watching my vlogs in the morning the. material my shoes kind of messed my. sweatpants today it's pretty cool I love. these shoes so much guys I'm like. obsessed over him right now oh look at. this beautiful sight. all right next to the zo6 my dad's gonna. take this thing out more took it out. last night but he does not drive this. thing enough. Jason's looking out the window every. time she chose again my car the door is. always locked huh. what lock it okay I locked it haha oh. you look cute Thanks I okay so I told. you guys yesterday that I wanted to do. this prank video it's my car basically.

What I'm going to try and do is park in. front of like a store and then when. people walk behind my car I'm gonna read. my engine loudest so they get. scared and they jump I think it'll be a. pretty funny scare prank video I'm going. to try it out see if I can get any good. reactions so right now I'm on like a. hunt to try and find an area where I can. kind of stay near the door for when. people come out and scare the out. of them but I don't know exactly where. I'm gonna be able to do this I cannot do. this at the ball because there's fire. lanes I'm gonna stall there literally. every store I'm trying to do this by. either doesn't have enough parking in. the area or there's a fire lane so I. can't park there or even stall there. damn man this isn't working out as I. planned. this is not working out as I wanted it.

To man we can't get any reactions out of. people right now is because we can't get. close enough to them all the workers are. outside yeah I know so let's try a. different area is there somebody in. there so we just got the Cheesecake. smoothies yeah. do you ever had this before done is this. yours whoa no no shame on you gonna try. it. all right guys my first time trying this. cheesecake smoothie let me see how this. is it's different it's good though I. like it it tastes like what no it. doesn't it's good like it when you drink. it all now yeah okay no no give it a. moms always threatening to throw at. me look she was just about to throw the. remote don't don't do it. throw it back at you and hit you not you. cop throw it so I ended up doing the car. revving prank video on grandmom and it. turned out hilarious if you guys have.

Not yet seen it go check it out there's. gonna be a link in the description of. this video it is really funny but also. be an annotation on the screen at the. very end of this video so make sure to. go check it out so for today's vlog in. the intro I'm attempting this sick shot. with my dad he's gonna be driving a. Corvette and I want to try and follow it. with the drone I think it'll be pretty. cool I just got to try it out I don't. know exactly if I'm gonna be able to get. it but obviously if you guys saw the. intro the slug and it's there. then we got it that's gonna be my goal. for every day for the intros to create. something new and awesome for you guys. with the drone and then obviously I. might throw in some other clips here and. there of cool drone footage but I don't. know I just want to create like a cool.

Little intro everyday I've been kind of. doing that for the past three days and. you guys really seem to enjoy it. my dad just asked my mom if she's gonna. be okay for the few minutes that he's. gone. yeah I think I'm blocking my dad so I'm. gonna move my car too so we can get the. vet out all right so my dad's gonna pull. his vet out and we're gonna try and get. this shot basically what I want you to. do is we're gonna try on this little. road right here. but maybe I'll have you pull out and. I'll get like a super high up. of you driving it though I hit a tree on. accident when trying to record my dad. and it got all over all this green. all over the propellers and here I can. wipe this down. and it is absolutely way to wind out. here for me to get the shot I might have. got one good clip it's not perfect don't.

Roast me guys I tried my best and my. drone actually just died so I need to go. recharge it and I can't even ten more. shots I'm waiting on my dad to get back. right now he's went out there I had to. get an audio shot so that's what we just. did as well because the drone doesn't. record audio because it would just be. all wind and muffled so I got a separate. audio shot doing a layer over it of my. dad's car sound holy I like this. droid one of the tree branches over. there came off easier than I thought it. would I just have to get water and put. on this napkin and scrub it but looks. good now I'm so pissed off right now so. all that footage and I just recorded. didn't save I have no idea how the. memory card isn't even a full I just. tried recording something and shaving in. and saved all for the drone so none of.

That footage that I got actually saved. so now me my dad and Lizzy have to go. back out there and redo the shot but. we're about to eat dinner right now so. we're going to go after but we did this. like ten times in a row man trying to. get this shot and I finally think I got. one good one and I did none of it safe. so I don't understand why I'm going. through the files right now trying to. find it and I cannot drum and Lizzie are. watching my vlog and grandmom's. literally commentating what I do in the. video grandmom's like that kid in the. movie theatres that talks to. this show like like what that right like. one of those people that she's watching. a scary movie she's like no no don't go. in there don't go in there don't do it. who does that dad grandma does that. funny yeah I do do that. what happened grandma I.

Chainsaw threeday and escaping. nothing can please iced tea it's not. that's scary back me I'm a shot glass. always stay yeah I watch a scary movie. and then I couldn't deal with your life. stop Mona Lisa davon grandma do it hey. hey now do that do that dad you know . dad what do you think the dive is doing. what is that my dad went down you gotta. go up ha ha ha that's hilarious. oh we're having a little family dinner. mom weren't you eating you know you're. always the one complaining that we never. have family dinners and now you're not. even joining us. there's always when I couch. we got raviolis slap again that left she. sounds like she's like gasping for air. if that laughs man groans having trouble. getting this thing up look it's not. coming out you're gonna like pat the. bottom no like no like hammer it's.

Pretty much you don't want it uh huh I'm. gonna buy like 10 drones right I'm gonna. stick a string to every single one of. them attach it to you and you're gonna. go flying I think you need more detail. probably all right so I got a temp this. drone shot again because I up the. last time I feel so dumb right now for. that man I don't know. what happened it sucks it's so windy. right now the thing keeps piling every. other direction. so I ended up getting the shot but the. first shot that I originally got was so. much better than it because I like I was. right in front of my dad's car and you. see him pulled out at like ground level. and then I flew up it was just a way. better shot I mean I'm happy I still got. a good shot out of it but and then I. wish I had the original clips so man Liz. you're gonna go to my grandmom's because.

I haven't seen my grandmom and probably. about a month I feel like I don't know. exactly how long it's been but we're. gonna head up to there we're gonna go to. the city which is Philadelphia but I. think you guys will enjoy because not. only is my grand mom Liz funny which is. the badass gram on that you guys know. but grandma Rita is pretty funny too. which is my other grandma and she's. always laughing like nonstop about the. most stupid but it's hilarious the. background because I press the garage. thing and ran out underneath and I'm. gonna go back inside and get the ezpass. because you have to pay a toll to get. over the bridge got the EZ Pass ready to. go that sunset is so beautiful man it's. like blinding me right now okay so we. thought we were going to my grandmom's. but we actually have to go to my aunt's.

Because my grandma's here right now so I. trying to figure out how to get up there. she said a third floor yeah two steps. I didn't know I got think we could go up. here what's going on oh hi Gabi there's. my cousin Shane what's up right. look you won't like my dad look the face. doesn't the face look like my dad. doesn't it got Betty over here too. what's up how you been all right I'm. trying to get in here pretty good what. are you watching. look you're rocking what the hell is. this they're all dying. it's not even our own places you trying. to beat us they're all watching my blog. now why is there so many cops over there. holy crap that's a lot okay so they're. watching a vlog and they saw my grandmom. react the two girls one cup we're gonna. show all of them two girls one cup right. now and get the reaction okay so we're.

About to show them it's a minute long. you gotta watch the entire thing you. gotta watch the entire thing sure all. right you ready make sure I keep that up. watch it. Betty would you think that was disgust. me Mike would you think the scoffs would. you think literally god we already know. what you think oh they got paid to make. that video would you in your mouth. and. grandmum. if i gave you $100,000 would you in. a coffin and eat it like that no she. liked it at first yeah cuz it's like. pouring that person then they start. yeah I see yeah oh my god yeah. it's disgusting. we've got paid a million dollars right. here would you do that dude it's this. yesterday yeah well that was thoroughly. entertaining I hope you guys enjoyed. that okay grandmum so M yes is spelled y. es right what is e y es fell same thing. same thing Gemma.

What is e y es Bella ey e s yes why oh. yes yes but if you put an e in front of. it what does that spell. yes yes no grandmom's think about it. e y e s in year1 s do not know what it. is what do you see with oh okay spell. the word pots three times ah yeah. p OT e wait okay I can't even I can't. even get to the trick because he got it. wrong it's not P o TS o you said co t es. oh god I always put that a yes. let's restart this pot is P o TS right. right spell out pots three times. pancha pot hahaha the OTS pts OTS yes. now what do you know a green light go my. two cents. yes he said stop okay that one didn't. work on ground because we up. women I'll try another one okay gram so. there's a onestory house. the door is pink the floors are pink and. the cat is pink what color the stairs. pink the stairs are pink yes in a.

Onestory house right this is one right. yeah what about first I didn't listen. well that's enough of these tricks I got. you a some of them yes thank you got all. these ice cream bars and she got funds. ones in there I don't know which one you. get Lizzy fudge. is that better I like the firecrackers I. don't know I mean here I'll get a fudge. oh you have frozen bananas I want them. those are the best frozen bananas with. chocolate covered on them oh my god. they're amazing she's digging all the. way back there to find these things is. that it oh my god I am in heaven right. now you want a frozen banana to see what. I did he was like did he just do that. hey Lisa. look around what's a frozen banana we're. just going through and watching a bunch. of my videos right now entertaining so. we all just sat here and watch my videos.

You're like the past hour and a half to. our baby right it was they were all. laughing so hard I'm glad I could. entertain you guys we said ah Shane. would you say can I go yeah are you. doing good for any of you guys that. don't notice my cousin Shane what's up. guys. yeah well I'll say it. just left there I gotta go drop Lizzie. off and then I could ended this vlog. yeah me no I was kidding I actually. enjoy editing it it's just that the only. thing I hate about editing is when I. don't start editing until it's super. late and then I stay up to like 3 or 4. a.m. that's the only thing that kind of. makes me like pissed off about it but. other than that like I actually enjoyed. making these logs and editing them and. when I'm older like I don't know like 30. years from now I can actually go back. and watch whatever I did throughout my.

days on like any given day that I want. to check so I think that's really cool. my entire life is going to be on the. internet for you guys to see and for. myself to go back and look at and for me. to even show my kids one day which is. just insane like I can show my kids all. the stupid I did on video when I. was younger I don't know why but I. prefer driving at night so much more. it's just so much more peaceful and. relaxing bye alright guys that pretty. much wraps up today I hope you enjoyed. this vlog if you did make sure to smash. that thumbs up button I'd greatly. appreciate it and if you haven't already. make sure to turn on my post. notifications to never miss when I post. a blog and I will see you guys tomorrow. Wow hey keep watching. it's only a minute

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