12.05.2024 FULL MATCH: Savannah Summers vs Blair Alexis - Reanimated 2019

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One who is clearly perfect from the bottom to the top one who is the. princess of perfection this is going to be a fantastic women's match Wolfdog. where's the Bell? I didn't bring out what you brought it. it's your job to bring the ring Wolfdog why do you blame me for everything?well because. everything is usually your fault. that's not the point. Blair Alexis now and Wolfdog we have seen a lot of Ruction a lot of action in. the women's division our champion Indy Hartwell is looking for a new challenger. Savannah Summers coming out recently and saying I clearly respect you I want to. battle against you and Indi completely disrespecting Savannah in return well I. think she was thinking and I'm just making assumptions here that you know. Savannah Summers was taking her spotlight away showing her disrespect so she.

An overhead with the belt taking her spotlight away she came out to. congratulate her on a successful title defence she could have stayed out the back. impressive Indi Hartwell just had a big win, she could have just let her celibate her. her victory but Savannah Summers had to come out spotlight hoggish is I cannot. believe I'm hearing you of all people say bad things about Savannah summers. you wolf dog I'm just stating what I think I might be wrong I don't have a. problem with Savannah summers I'm trying you would be insane to have a problem. with Savannah Summers but also have a death wish. but I don't both of these women absolutely deadly in. that ring Blair Alexis has recently gone up against impressive Indy Hartwell took. her to the limit Mikki Fortune also involved in that merge the boss. inexpressive Indy heart will actually won her a RCW championship back at.

SuperClash when we first came to HQ that's right a fantastic match from. winning it from the former champion Casey Jones I'm hopefully a win here. for one of these ladies who put them into that top contention spot or a glow. or definitely have Luke Santamaria looking at them. as a possible title a title challenger to our champion there has never been a. better time in the history of this industry for women's wrestling and you. are looking at two of the peak athlete Savannah Summers of course will be. competing in World Series wrestling's defend and destroy tour next month in. March. Blair Alexis all the power of the assets well I sit you know you're gonna you. gonna use all your assets and why not? they are definitely the most dangerous. assets in riot city. and hey much like Savannah Summers I have no problems with Blair Alexis either.

As again I do not have a difference oh look at that hip attack these women both. incredible athletes oh we know what comes next look out. that's a bit of a rude awakening here in HQ for Savannah Summers. think I know what I'll be coming next to. Here It comes!. Ow Boy! Look out below. that's not very nice it is it definitely a way to get yourself out of trouble. though Savannah's just saved herself kicked her in the caboose. Big reversal by Blair Alexis now. Savannah tried to get around her. Oh look at the strength of . Blair Alex you can not muscle that young woman around. absolutely let it go around Blair Alexis had. none of it look at this now Blair Alexis cannonball Wow. just ran her over oh and shes of the ropes now go for the big splash that's. it it's over no Savannah Summers is showing the sort of.

Resilience that has made her a multitime riot city wrestling Women's. Champion a belt she very much wants to hold again. you know we haven't seen a lot of her in RCW the lats few months she's been. travelling more in the country all around the world winning Championships and. other promotions as well absolutely but her first love is being right here she. is the first lady of RCW one thing I always point out is that when Savannah. came up in the ranks there were no other women to wrestle she learned to wrestle. against the men against world class Chris Basso against Grimm she is a. hellaciously tough competitor hellacious being by word tonight apparently. when Savannah did start her actually she started as a valet so this young lady. has gone from being a valet to ringside to be one of these women's wrestles on.

The planet Earth Wow look at that and I say that without. any fear of reprisal whatsoever can she get her up?. don'y worry about getting her up,she got down there but can she turn this into a. pin fall, trying to turn her around not enough. keeping that pressure applied however using it as a submission perhaps smart. this lexus is now making Blair Alexis really gospel breath here it's gonna set. the strength away from meanwhile, Savannah Summers gets a chance to. get her head back together and get a breath herself, l look at this. now Blair Alexis turn an end to a pin pinfall attempt there. so here you go Sean, I'll put you on the spott who's your favourite lady here my wife she's in. the crowd cause that's what I'm contractually obliged to answer with that. that big back he'll be there by Savannah Summers aw look at this! both ladies having.

Same idea there that's that veteran instinct of Blair Alexis coming out as. well we've talked about a lot about what Savannah's done but don't forget Blair. Alexis competed around the world she has competed at Ohio Valley Wrestling. she is welltraveled and well-trained absolutely she you know well every decade. easily of experience. in terms of a serious answer to your question wolf Doug I would be very happy. to see either of these young women go on to face impressive Indy Hartwell for the. RCW Women's Championship this is just gonna be a top quality match Oh big boot to. the face there Savannah now goes from the cover hooks the leg Blair Alexis. still managing to kickout. great to see your mate Skinny reff back in the ring again yes skinny ref well and. truly recovered from his skinny injury skinjury skin-jury? Oh Blair's got.

It back where she wants not wasting any time now of course the booth was here it. comes well they're all there it goes. attacked by the assets. she'd be thinking you know she's thinking she's thinking this is my opportunity to. win this match once upon a time we would have called this a bonsai drop I know. what Savannah needs to do and that's get a food and let's get that exactly that. get out of the way because that would have been the end of this without a. doubt Sacvannah summons now roles her up, she got her. Your Winner: Savannah Summers. I'm gonna take the champs name in vain for a bit of WolfDog that was an. impressive victory you may pay for that a little bit later Mate know I stand by. what I said impressive Indi Hartwell will better look over a shoulder because. the princess of perfection is gunning for her you know iIndi Hartwell we'll be.

watching this match allow absolute sportsmanship from both these women. clobber her, clobber! her could have hit her when she wasn't looking which wasn't looking. great competitor their Blair Alexis but a welldeserved victory for Savannah Summers well. could we be looking at a Indi Hartwells next challenger right now

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