12.05.2024 SUGAR RUSH 1000, WHEN IT’S HOT IT’S HOT !!

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Hello everyone Thanks for tuning in. today my name is Danielle also known as. slot Queen here on YouTube and Facebook. today I'm going to be playing from the. conference of my own home playing on. chan.com which is a Social. Casino online that you can play on as. well you could play right along with me. um today I'm just feeling a little sweet. and spicy little sweet and spicy of. course there's nothing really spicy on. this board but we're going to start out. with some of the new Sugar Rush. 1000 highly popular highly volatile game. so we are going to do some spins uh. unfortunately you can't get the super. free spins naturally you actually do. have to buy the bonus for that but we're. going to see what we can do naturally. we're going to put it on a 2.80 sweeps. bet. get used to the game a little bit here. in case it's new to.

You they have two different sugar. rushes uh one is Sugar Rush I guess the. the OG and then probably about a month. ago approximately a month ago they came. out with sugar rush 1000. and here it is in all of its. Glory just kicking everybody's. booty but when it's good it's. good we need three of those little gold. rockets for the. bonus in case you are unfamiliar with. this game uh when you get a win you'll. see multipliers start up to build up on. the board that that's when this game. gets really really spicy is the. multiplier see there's a 2X oh perfect. now they're going to turn to a four oh. my goodness this is really. good oh and if we would have continued. with our line hits there we would have. continue to get the multipliers so was a. $55 natural line hit that was actually. very nice. so if you are someone that likes.

Gambling particularly slot. machines uh whether it be at a landbased. casino Vegas Reno Atlantic City wherever. you might like to play YouTube has. definitely recommended the right channel. to you because I love showing you guys. all the new slots out there the old. slots big wins hand pays big losses and. I also like showing you chance.com which. you can play from home that's something. that I've newly added to my channel in. the last couple months um if you've been. around for a while I want you to know. that it's new. content I didn't take anything away from. my old content my my regular Casino. content is still there with new videos. coming out Monday Wednesday Fridays and. Saturdays and we still have Casino live. streams but if you're a person that. doesn't get out much maybe your local. casino is 3 or 4 hours away chance.com.

Could be the perfect answer for you um. you can sign up for your free account. using my link in the description of this. video um collect your gold coins which. you're playing for free with you could. collect an hourly bonus of 1,000 gold. coins try out these games see what you. think um you can also buy a package that. includes sweeps coins. um you're buying the gold coins the. sweeps coins are given to you but the. sweeps coins are the on that are. redeemable dollar for dooll. USD so I suggest using the link setting. up the account which makes you eligible. for the giveaways that I do once a week. live see what you think with your gold. coins and maybe give it a. chance all right so this is a little bit. of sugarette. 1,000 give it a CH give it a chance give. it a chance on. chance okay all right we're going to buy.

A bonus but the bonus on Sugar Rush is. very. expensive is. 500 times your bet so we're going to. drop our bet down to uh basically what. would be 60 cents sweeps coins then is. going to cost us 300 sweeps coins so. dollar for dollar USD here 300 to buy. the. bonus okay what is different about sugar. rush 1000 you're going to see right now. the entire board is going to start out. covered in. multipliers here we. go two dead spins in a row is not a good. start okay up those multipliers oh. jeez oh we can retrigger we can. retrigger and that's when it gets. really. spicy okay we only have oh that should. be. good oh we we need to keep building up. these multi multipliers guys we only. have three spins left to go the. multipliers can. get uh to over a thousand a th000 is the. highest multiplier I've had but someone. has left me comments saying that they've.

Gotten higher than a th000 I've got 12. you have yeah I think. you no I thought my high well slot's. claiming to have higher than a thousand. that one was not a toata we bought in. for 300 we won back 54 sweeps coins. let's reduce it some. more let's buy it again I want you guys. to be able to see those big. multipliers especially now since slot. Hub is claiming that he's had over a. th000 x. multiplier all right here we go. so you'll see my free Spin how many I. have left on the left. side my wallet with my money in it with. the 404 sweeps coins is down below and. the spin is right next to it and the win. is Right In The. Middle come on your. Rush okay come on let's go we have a 32x. in. there keep going keep. going oh come on two spins to go let's. oh no I don't think it's going to do it. for us guys oh those nice couple nice.

Little line hits but I think it's too. late to build up our. multipliers come. on okay we have a. 64 oh come on come on orange orange. orange. orange okay I think we have one spin to. go oh we got some purple. okay we have some 120 oh we had some 128. multipliers on the board we bought that. wasn't too bad though we bought in for. 200 sweeps coins and we won back. 177 so we're going to try it one more. time look at that we got the bonus babe. natural bonus I like playing the buy the. bonus because you get the don't. start yeah we're heading to the regular. sugar rush. next oh sugar rush has been in a mood. lately though. all right come on we need something big. to happen no two spins to. go just doesn't want to not in the mood. oh come on maybe some orange. Bears keep going keep going keep going. no. ah all right bought in for 200 sweeps on.

That one one back 56 let's hop over to. the OG Sugar. Rush um I used to think this one was. volatile when I first started playing. chance. then they put out Sugar Rush 1000 and I. was like oh my goodness so Sim very. similar game except for it's only 100x. 100 times your bet to buy the bonus you. don't start out with a bard of. multipliers and I believe the highest. multiplier you could go on this one is a. 512 but if you get that high you're. doing really good so we're going to buy. in for 180 sweeps coins. regular sugar rush here we. go is that Sugar Rush 1000 regular bonus. no this is regular sugar. rush. the regular you can. get. bonus oh yeah does it still cost 100x. though no uh you just I mean 500 x huh. come on retrigger re-trigger oh do it. do it do it drop drop it. in you. need I have it all out. oh my. word well well well Sugar Rush my friend.

I'm only I'm only trying you one more. time then we're then we're going to our. happy place oh okay four symol. trigger then we're going to go to. three wild monkey keys I think it's. called we just won big on that on my. live stream and I really like that game. it's a it's a fun one dancing monkeys. are a great thing okay here we go we're. getting a lot of multipliers on the. board. quickly which is the key here you got to. get those wins and get the multipliers. on the board oh. jeez Oh No I gave it too much praise. right away babe you did yeah you can't. do that before you go play three monkeys. play the other sh. okay come on four spins to turn into. something good no we can't have all. these dead spins. oh come. on find a way it's not going to find us. away. you look at these sugar rushes kicking. my booty okay slot.

Hubby wants to jump back over to Sugar. Rush. 1000 because you can buy he thinks he he. knows things he knows his slots he's. he's teaching me something he said you. can buy the regular. bonus you don't have to buy the super. bonus and it's still 100x but that the. th000 X multiplier is still in here so. we're going to try. it we're going to buy the regular bonus. on Sugar Rush 1000 for 180 sweeps. coins so we won't start out with a board. of multipliers you see that rocket just. mhm uhoh come. on we're trying to prove a slot hubby. Theory here. holy. smly come on sugarette okay drop in the. little are those going to make it they. did okay purple. bears oh I thought we had those oh my. gosh I thought we had all those. bears oh should we try it one more. time I am I am no I'm not on a heater. that's for sure a heater a heater okay.

Let's try it one more. time if you hear some snorting in the. background that's what happens when you. get to play at home and your. Frenchies are laying around uh just. breathing she just. breathing that's how it sounds when she. breathe come on suar rush let's find. those big show them what you really have. to offer. here. oh come on. oh we need we do need a. retrigger re-trigger. retrigger oh my gosh look how bad as. slobby would say we're down bad guys. we're she's just going to do it all huh. she's going to snort she's going to. cough she's going to choke back there uh. we're down. bad all right let's go. to three dancing. monkeys. Panda there was the. bonus that we just had to end our live. stream 360 bet we bought a bonus for 360. sweeps we won. 1,28 it was a a good one. so uh let's try that again we're going. to go ahead and buy a bonus what we're.

Hoping for is the red the green and the. Blue Monkey for the Mega feature let's. see what we. get okay we got red and. green the unfortunate thing about that. is our Wilds don't have multipliers. but cool thing about this game is you. can trigger little. Mr Blue Monkey right here in the. bonus and he can join in the. firecrackers can give you more. spins tells your amount of spins over. here come on Mr Blue get in there with. those multipliers. okay three more spins that's. great these are the little guys the they. give you uh sweeps coins or. spins that is. huge oh my gosh if we would had a. multiplier or two in. there woo. okay rockar baby 2011 for that one one. line. hit our monkeys are. happy come on Mr. Blue oh oh oh set him off set them off. no okay we still have four. spins look at all those kings. oh those Aces should definitely have.

Just. sealed our money back for the. bonus pop the champagne baby. yes more spins oh not bad. so much better than sugar rush we bought. in for 360 sweeps we just won. 493 that's a good. win. let's go to 450 and buy one more see if. we can trigger all. three NOP same too same. too all right here we go. you always want the red one cuz red. makes it grow. bigger come on. blue I love how excited and into it the. monkeys are they are having fun. okay we could use some more spins here. firecrackers oh. no oh. no oh see right here that would have had. multiplier multiplier multiplier would. have made all the difference in the. world ah it would have been huge. that was our last. spin well I upped the BET wrist it for. the biscuit and we won less but the. original uh three monkeys bonus was a. good one let me know what you think of.

it let me know if you've played this. game on chance.com uh also drop me in. the comments what some of your favorites. are because I like to pick them out I go. live on chance from home 3 days a week. usually Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays. at 400 p.m. Pacific and I will play some. of your games that you suggest I will. see you guys on the next one

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