12.05.2024 Telegram Login Problem iPhone ! [EASY FIX]

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How to fix telegram login problem on. iPhone hi everyone welcome back to our. Channel how to geek in today's video I. will guide you on how you can fix. telegram login problem on your iPhone so. make sure to watch the video till the. end so let's say you're trying to log. into your telegram account but you're. simply having some kind of General. issues the very first thing you want to. make sure is that your phone number is. correct and after you make sure your. phone number is correct it is going to. send a verification code to it so to fix. that you might just want to make sure. that you do not disturb mode is disabled. and then make sure that you actually. receive the code so once you receive the. code you should be able to log in. without any issues but if you're not. being able to log in it could be because.

You have tried to log into many times so. to fix this what we're going to do is. first of all we're just going to open up. the settings application go to General. go to iPhone storage and then look for. the option called Telegram in this case. so I'm going to go ahead and simply look. for the telegram app over here so once I. basically go ahead and find telegram. just tap on it then tap on the offload. app button and then after you upload. you'll find reinstall just tap on that. reinstall button then once you done that. open up the app store and in the search. box just type in telegram so once you. type in telegram over here check if the. telegram app has an update if it does. make sure to update it to the latest. version now when you try to log in if. you're using WiFi try to switch the. cellular data because that is going to.

change the IP address or if you have VPN. applications I also wanted to connect to. a VPN and then see if that solves a. problem because sometimes what happens. is that telegram is going to limit your. IP address from accessing the server. which in most cases can be solved if you. change the IP address so that you have. to Simply switch your network or connect. to a VPN hopefully this video helps you. solve your problem if it did help you. then make sure to leave a like And. subscribe to the channel and if you have. got any questions feel free to leave. them down thank you very much for. watching and see you in the next video

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