
Health Benefits of Beer

Health Benefits of Beer

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Sometimes the only thing that will hit the spot is a cold beer, but at that moment you might start thinking that there are healthier beverage options available. However, you’d probably be surprised – and pleased – to learn that beer has health benefits. It’s full of nutrients and is a usually a fat-free and cholesterol-free drink. (That beer belly is the result of consuming too many beer calories).

Beer is made with water, barley, yeast and hops. Many craft beer brewers have begun adding fruits and spices – which have their own health benefits – to differentiate their products. These ingredients provide the nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, in a serving of beer. Keep in mind, the health benefits and potential health benefits apply to beer consumed in moderation. Overindulgence can negate those benefits. Still, a cold beer could help you in the following areas:

Workout Recovery

Heading to the bar for a beer or two straight after a workout could be a benefit for athletes. Beer can help you retain fluid after strenuous activity. The nutrients in beer can help replenish lost calories and the carbonation may quench your thirst. Although most alcoholic beverages act as a diuretic—a substance that increases the amount of liquid lost by the body—the alcohol concentration of beer is likely not enough to have that effect.

A beer can provide an energy boost and begin the recovery process in the body, which is why some runners drink a pint of beer to recover after a long race. It’s also a great reward for setting a new personal best. While beer won’t replace water in a workout, these perks can replace the guilt of visiting happy hour after the gym.

Good Cholesterol Retention

Beer may help promote a healthy level of good cholesterol (HDL) over time. It doesn’t add or take away from cholesterol levels, but its nutritional makeup promotes retention of HDL, according to a study presented to the American Heart Association. This means beer could be a smarter choice than a dairy-based smoothie.

More Potential Benefits of Beer

  • It may lower your risk of Type 2 diabetes – A study has shown moderate beer drinkers were less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than those who never drink. This is even more impressive for men, who had a 21 percent lower risk of diabetes, according to the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes.
  • It may boost brain power – Bioavailable silicon, a nutrient found in beer, may protect your brain against cognitive disease. A study from the University of Loyola has shown beer drinkers could be 23 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer’s and dementia.
  • It may improve dental health – A study by the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology shows that beer may prevent bacteria from forming on teeth. It may also prevent bacteria from growing since beer proteins interrupt communication between the bacteria.
  • It may help you live longer – A study from the University of Texas shows that people who drink moderately may live longer than those who don’t. All the combined potential benefits listed above might add a few years onto the lives of beer lovers who drink moderately over those who never drink beer.

These health benefits are just another reason to not deny yourself beer. While beer can’t replace all the necessary parts of a balanced diet, it’s OK to incorporate into a healthy lifestyle.

So, how can you be an enabler of healthy beer consumption habits? Beerhead Bar & Eatery is a business opportunity with staying power, providing beer connoisseurs and novices alike a chance to experience hundreds of different kinds of beer. It’s a friendly concept that features an experienced staff ready to recommend a new favorite and is proving to be a crowd favorite. Beerhead Bar & Eatery has grown to locations in five states and is ready to bring its wide variety of beers and a delicious, locally influenced menu to your hometown.

If you’re interested in franchising opportunities with an exciting and fun franchise concept, get started with Beerhead’s franchising information.


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